
001CRCherryletter01 | Letter one from Aunt May

<FONT face=5>I was so happy to hear my dear that you were starting School at the SOAP institute, I have made a small fortune from my training in this fine academy.<br>
I do so look foward to your joining me in my Brothel once you have completed your training. This letter is enchanted with speechcraft skill, I know hope bashful you are, and I am sure this will be helpful to you in your trade.
<div align="right">Your Loving Aunt May

<FONT face=5>私はあなたという親愛なる人が、SOAP協会の学校に入ったと聞いて、とても喜んでいます。私はこの素敵な大学で受けた訓練のおかげで、ちょっとばかり財産を作ったんですよ。<br>
<div align="right">あなたの愛するメイおばさん

001CRCherryletter02 | Letter two from Aunt May

<FONT face=5>Your Mother tells me you are doing so well in school, I am so looking foward to working with you in the future.<br>
As to the mage that you Mother says has been stalking you, You tell him to leave you alone, that I know his father, and I could make things very troublesome for his family.
I know you have trouble expressing yourself, so I included another enchantment in this letter to help you find the words, and strength to tell this troublesome mage off.
<div align="right">Your Loving Aunt May

<FONT face=5>あなたのお母さんは、あなたが学校でよくやっていると教えてくれました。私は将来あなたと一緒に仕事をするのを、とても楽しみにしています。<br>
<div align="right">あなたの愛するメイおばさん

001CRGEFoldData01 | Guide to Fold Matter

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Informational Guide to Fold Matter
by Emisary
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You open the book, and all most fall asleep after trying to read and understand the first Page...and think..Screw this...Bootys type stuff..I hate this..Yuck-O

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001CRGGTSSleepFix | Formula to Awaking Sleeper

<font face=5>How to wake that filthy Bitch<br>
Even though you do not deserve this, I am a Nobel, and My word is, and must be my Life. Therefore I send by my Servant Hodges that which I promised:<br>
"You will need a rare Mushroon,(ElfHate) which only grows in the sewers of Crowning. That is where A filthy Whore like you should be, wallowing in the human filth, and slime, which is better than you deserver. Is your Butt and cunt still red, and sore my dear..Ha, Ha, Ha..!"<br>
You probably have no Idea what Power is, you are such a helpless Slut, But you will also need a Powerful Magic Item. (The Ring Of Greef), Maybe one of the Pirates can help you there. I am sure they will love using your Skanky Ass..Good luck on that one.<br>
Last Item is (Sex Slime) from a Howling There is a cave on siren Island..Hee, hee. You may find one there. I pitty the trouble it will be to extract it...( A Pitty that I will not get to watch..Hee, Hee..! )
Also You may need some help finding the cave...I can't remember were you Blond...Ha, Ha, Ha..!
Once gathered do not bother me, find another alchemist, surely a slut like you know someone who can actually think..{Giggle}
I have kept My end of the Bargan, If you need a real man again some time, let Hodges know...Ha, Ha, Ha..<br>
Heddly Provoke

<font face=5>あの不潔な淫売を目覚めさせるには<br>

001MobiousLabData01 | Morbious Lab data

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Humanoid Female's as brood mothers<br>
<DIV align="left">Study by Morbious Santon of shivering Isle's<br>
I am having so much trouble finding, the last Girl for my study. The Ladies of the Island seem to steer away from helping one of my kind.<br>
Great find perhaps today a young lady showed some interest in my work, maybe she will accept my invitation, and come by latter as I have asked.<br>
Wonderful new's that very cute young Girl has payed me a visit, I enticed her to spend the night, and sleep in my spare bed up stairs. While she is sleeping I will prepare a stong narcotic, that will bend her very supple body to my needs, I have now only to administer it.<br>
 After administering the Drug She has become very complient, I tested her Obedience, by having her to squat on a candle, I was amazed as she slipped the long, wax candle up her anal passage. I then commanded here to squat up and down on the candle, and asked her to take my penus into her mouth, She very obediently did as I commanded. <br> I found my self arroused, and flooded her mouth with my semen. I allowed her to continue forcing the candle in and out of her Buttox, and as I watched her filthy mindless grunting, and fucking of herself with the candle, I decided to urinate on her, covering her face, and tit's. Still under the drug, she seemed not to even care. <br><br> I decided to test the kiss of shame, and commanded her to lick my Anus, she complied, running her tongue deep inside my rather dirty, and smelly bowels, I am sure she swallowed much of my filth in the process, ( it is exhilarating to have such power over these Sluts ).<br> I then led her to the cell I had prepared in my lab, where I made her to sit in the corner, and suck my Penus one last time. before locking the gate to her cell.<br><br> I marveled as I watched her first mating with and orge I had druged, and prepare earlier, the beasts huge penus plowing the girls virgina streaching it to what seemed extreme limits, both in depth, and width.<br> She moans and complains, but I hardly hear any of it, as I watch, and enjoy the show.. My Potions still do not quite bring about a full pregnancy state in the Humanoid female's with ogre's, but they do seem to cause some reactions in the uterus, that give me hope that I may one day be able to produce and army of hybred Creatures of the Ogre type.<br><br> Next was my prize, the Spider daedra, I watched as the Spider lady forced many of her eggs inside the young Girl, her moan's and screams, were like music to my ears. It was such and erotic thing to watch.. I am not sure if she will produce any eight legged offspring or not, but it may occure. I wish I could stay around to see, but My plans are made, and can not be changed.<br><br> The next rape of the now sticky, and nasty smelling girl was to be from a Minitar I prepared many days ago..he is such a huge beast, I feared experiment might end with this one, but to my amazement the Girl servived..barrelly..Ha, Ha. Her Orifice flooded with the beasts Cum.. as she walked back to the cage I could see her inner thigh's covered in the milky white cream, as it ran from her crotch, and streamed down her leg's.<br> She seems utterly lost to her fate now, quickly returning to her cell, as I close the door's and prepare the next, and final degrading act.. A paticularly nasty Troll I aquired, It stinks so bad, I had to cover my face with a cloth mask while I prepared the beast.<br><br> I watch as the filthy beast asaulted the young Slut,( yes Slut, she is so filthy now, covered and filled with the jisum of these foul creatures. ) its slimy hair, and fungus covers genitals forcing there way in and out of the young females every hole..I was caught in the moment, and spilled my own seed just watching this vile creature, defile, and pillage the Girl. <br><br> I must take my leave, she has helped me to finish what I started here.. the poor wretched Bitch can die here now..I will leave her to her fate. <br> I must make my way back to that Misstress of mine in shivering Isle's, and report all that I have discovered, perhaps she will be more pleased this time. <br> I wish I had time to fuck this filthy bitch, I have tested here one last time, but I am pressed for time.<br> I must gather my stuff and hurry back to the other realm.<br> I guess I will leave the Girls Belonging's in the chest upstairs in this hovel I lived in here. I have no use for them where I am going.<br>

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<DIV align="left">震える島のモルビウス・サントンによる研究<br>




