
# Template: AgentUtilSearchResult '"}","15' => '',

# Template: AgentUtilSearchResultPrint

# Template: AgentUtilSearchResultPrintTable '"}","30' => '',

# Template: AgentUtilSearchResultShort

# Template: AgentUtilSearchResultShortTable

# Template: AgentUtilSearchResultShortTableNotAnswered

# Template: AgentUtilTicketStatus 'All closed tickets' => '対応済全項目', 'All open tickets' => '全ての項目', 'closed tickets' => '対応済項目', 'open tickets' => '対応中項目', 'or' => 'of', 'Provides an overview of all' => '', 'So you see what is going on in your system.' => '',

# Template: AgentZoomAgentIsCustomer 'Compose Follow up' => '', 'Your own Ticket' => '',

# Template: AgentZoomAnswer 'Compose Answer' => '返答先', 'Contact customer' => '顧客連絡先', # Template: AgentZoomArticle 'Split' => '',

# Template: AgentZoomBody 'Change queue' => '対応状況変更',

# Template: AgentZoomHead 'Lock it to work on it!' => '',

# Template: AgentZoomStatus '"}","18' => '', 'Locked' => '凍結状況',

# Template: Copyright 'Print' => '印刷', 'printed by' => '',

# Template: CustomerCreateAccount 'Create Account' => 'ユーザー作成',

# Template: CustomerError 'Traceback' => '',

# Template: CustomerFAQArticleHistory 'Edit' => '編集', 'FAQ History' => 'FAQ履歴',

# Template: CustomerFAQArticlePrint 'Category' => 'カテゴリー', 'Keywords' => 'キーワード', 'Last update' => '最終更新時刻', 'Solution' => '', # Template: CustomerFAQArticleSystemHistory 'FAQ System History' => 'FAQシステム履歴',

# Template: CustomerFAQArticleView 'FAQ Article' => 'FAQ一覧', 'Modified' => '変更',

# Template: CustomerFAQOverview 'FAQ Overview' => '',

# Template: CustomerFAQSearch 'FAQ Search' => 'FAQ検索', 'Fulltext' => '単語', 'Keyword' => 'キーワード',

# Template: CustomerFAQSearchResult 'FAQ Search Result' => 'FAQ検索結果',

# Template: CustomerFooter 'Powered by' => 'Powered by',

# Template: CustomerLostPassword 'Lost your password?' => 'パスワード再発行', 'Request new password' => 'パスワードを忘れた場合',

# Template: CustomerMessage

# Template: CustomerMessageNew

# Template: CustomerNavigationBar 'CompanyTickets' => '会社項目', 'Create new Ticket' => '項目作成', 'FAQ' => 'FAQ', 'MyTickets' => '担当項目', 'New Ticket' => '新着項目', 'Welcome %s' => 'ようこそ%sさん',

# Template: CustomerPreferencesForm

# Template: CustomerPreferencesGeneric

# Template: CustomerPreferencesPassword

# Template: CustomerStatusView 'My Tickets' => '担当項目',

# Template: CustomerStatusViewTable

# Template: CustomerTicketZoom

# Template: CustomerWarning # Template: DWPFAQArticleView

# Template: DWPFAQSearch # Template: Error 'Click here to report a bug!' => 'ここをクリックすると開発者にバグレポートを送れます',

# Template: FAQArticleDelete 'FAQ Delete' => 'FAQ削除', 'You really want to delete this article?' => '',

# Template: FAQArticleForm 'A article should have a title!' => '', 'Comment (internal)' => '', 'Filename' => 'ファイル名', 'Title' => '題名', # Template: FAQArticleHistory

# Template: FAQArticlePrint

# Template: FAQArticleSystemHistory

# Template: FAQArticleView

# Template: FAQCategoryForm 'FAQ Category' => 'FAQカテゴリー', 'Name is required!' => '名前 is verplicht!',

# Template: FAQLanguageForm 'FAQ Language' => 'FAQ言語',

# Template: FAQNavigationBar

# Template: FAQOverview

# Template: FAQSearch

# Template: FAQSearchResult

# Template: FAQStateForm 'FAQ State' => 'FAQステータス',

# Template: Footer 'Top of Page' => 'ページ先頭に移動',

# Template: InstallerBody 'Create Database' => '', 'Drop Database' => '', 'Finished' => '', 'System Settings' => '', 'Web-Installer' => '',

# Template: InstallerFinish 'Admin-User' => '', 'After doing so your OTRS is up and running.' => '', 'Have a lot of fun!' => '', 'Restart your webserver' => '', 'Start page' => '', 'To be able to use OTRS you have to enter the following line in your command line (Terminal/Shell) as root.' => '', 'Your OTRS Team' => '',

# Template: InstallerLicense 'accept license' => '', 'don\'t accept license' => '', 'License' => '',

# Template: InstallerStart 'Create new database' => '', 'DB Admin Password' => '', 'DB Admin User' => '', 'DB Host' => '', 'DB Type' => '', 'default \'hot\ => , 'Delete old database' => '', 'next step' => 'volgende stap', 'OTRS DB connect host' => '', 'OTRS DB Name' => '', 'OTRS DB Password' => '', 'OTRS DB User' => '', 'your MySQL DB should have a root password! Default is empty!' => '',

# Template: InstallerSystem '(Checks MX recordes of used email addresses by composing an answer. Don\'t use CheckMXRecord if your OTRS machine is behinde a dial-up line $!)' => '', '(Email of the system admin)' => '', '(Full qualified domain name of your system)' => '', '(Logfile just needed for File-LogModule!)' => '', '(The identify of the system. Each ticket number and each http session id starts with this number)' => '', '(Ticket identifier. Some people want toset this to e. g. \'Ticket#\', \'Call#\' or \'MyTicket#\')' => '', '(Used default language)' => '', '(Used log backend)' => '', '(Used ticket number format)' => '', 'CheckMXRecord' => '', 'Default Charset' => '', 'Default Language' => '', 'Logfile' => '', 'LogModule' => '', 'Organization' => '', 'System FQDN' => '', 'SystemID' => '', 'Ticket Hook' => '', 'Ticket Number Generator' => '', 'Use utf-8 it your database supports it!' => '', 'Webfrontend' => '',

# Template: LostPassword

# Template: NoPermission 'No Permission' => '権限が無い',

# Template: Notify 'Info' => 'Info',

# Template: PrintFooter 'URL' => 'URL',

# Template: PrintHeader 'printed by' => '',

# Template: QueueView 'All tickets' => '全ての項目', 'Page' => 'ページ', 'Queues' => '対応状況', 'Tickets available' => '表示中の項目', 'Tickets shown' => '項目表示',

# Template: SystemStats 'Graphs' => 'グラフ',

# Template: Test 'OTRS Test Page' => 'OTRSテストページ',

# Template: TicketEscalation 'Ticket escalation!' => '至急対応',

# Template: TicketView

# Template: TicketViewLite 'Add Note' => 'メモ追加',

# Template: Warning

# Template: css 'Home' => 'トップ',

# Template: customer-css 'Contact' => '連絡', 'Online-Support' => 'オンラインサポート', 'Products' => '製品', 'Support' => 'サポート',

# Misc 'A message should have a From: recipient!' => '', 'Add a note to this ticket!' => 'この項目にメモを追加', 'Add auto response' => '', 'Addressbook' => '', 'AgentFrontend' => '', 'Article free text' => '', 'BackendMessage' => '', 'Change Response <-> Attachment settings' => '', 'Change answer <-> queue settings' => '', 'Change auto response settings' => '', 'Change the ticket customer!' => 'この項目の顧客を変更', 'Change the ticket free fields!' => '', 'Change the ticket owner!' => '項目の担当者を変更!', 'Change the ticket priority!' => '項目の優先度を変更!', 'Charset' => '文字コード', 'Charsets' => '文字コード', 'Close this ticket!' => '項目処理完了!', 'Closed' => '完了済', 'Create' => '作成', 'Customer info' => '顧客情報', 'Free Fields' => '自由記入欄', 'Link this ticket to an other one!' => '', 'Lock Ticket' => '', 'My Tickets' => '担当項目', 'New ticket via call.' => '', 'New user' => '新しいユーザー', 'Please go away!' => '', 'Print this ticket!' => '', 'Problem' => '問題', 'Search in' => '検索語:', 'Select source:' => 'ソース選択:', 'Select your custom queues' => '', 'Set this ticket to pending!' => '', 'Short Description' => '', 'Show all' => 'すべて表示', 'Shown Tickets' => '項目表示', 'Shows the ticket history!' => '', 'Symptom' => '', 'System Charset Management' => '', 'Ticket-Overview' => '', 'Time till escalation' => '', 'Utilities' => '', 'With Priority' => '', 'With State' => '', 'by' => 'by', 'invalid-temporarily' => '休止', 'phone call' => '電話番号', 'search' => '検索', 'store' => '', 'tickets' => '項目', 'valid' => '', 'No such Ticket Number "%s"! Can\'t link it!' => '入力されたIDに該当する項目がありませんでした。', 'Passwords dosn\'t match! Please try it again!' => 'パスワードが間違っています。', );

# $$STOP$$ $Self->{Translation} = \%Hash;
# --
2005年07月07日(木) 21:09:12 Modified by s_takigawa
