How does one clear the Rhythmbox music library database?

ask ubuntu
1. Close Rhythmbox
2, Check files
$ ls -al ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/
total 11940
drwx------ 2 smnb smnb 4096 8月 16 11:14 .
drwx------ 11 smnb smnb 4096 8月 16 11:14 ..
  • rw-rw-r-- 1 smnb smnb 1386 8月 16 11:14 playlists.xml
  • rw-rw-r-- 1 smnb smnb 0 8月 16 10:30 podcast-timestamp
  • rw-rw-r-- 1 smnb smnb 12213320 8月 16 11:05 rhythmdb.xml
3. delete db
$ mv rhythmbodb.xml rhythmboxdb.xml.20230815
4. Rhythmbox to forget your library paths (the directories where it automatically looks for music)
gsettings set org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb locations "['file:///dev/null']"
5. set new paths in the Rhythmbox GUI, under
Edit -> Preferences -> Music.
check Watch my library for new files.



Library Location
music files are placed in file:///home/smnb/Music/Rhythmbox
v Watch my Library for new files.
Library Structure
Folder Hierarychy: Artist/Album
File Name : Artist - Title
Preffered Format : mp3
