Free Movie Beneath Us imdb id tt5092484 Dailymotion Without Signing Up

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  • Genre Thriller
  • 1 h 30M
  • Mark Mavrothalasitis
  • 2019
  • Rating 5,4 of 10
  • Max Pachman
Free movie beneath used. This looks like a movie i watch when i have nothing to watch ?. Free movie beneath us full movie. Free movie beneath using. Free Movie Beneath users. HASTA LA VISTA BABY. Comments from ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website Aloha, I thought it worth commenting on Richard Boylan’s latest article which appears to be a well reasoned appraisal of the antigravity craft possessed by the U. S. military. Dr Boylan cites a number of whistleblower sources to build an overview of the antigravity craft developed by various U. military contractors as a result of reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial vehicles. It’s worth keeping in mind that Boylan is certainly correct in his main thesis that military contractors have been working on advanced craft based on extraterrestrial technologies covertly supplied to them. This should come as no surprise based on what Col Philip Corso revealed in terms of his involvement in U. Army efforts to pass on extraterrestrial technologies to civilian industries from the Roswell wreckage available in his filing cabinet. Of course, the scraps of ET material in Corso’s filing cabinet pales in comparison with the actual craft retrieved by elite UFO retrieval units on many occasions as whistleblowers such as Sgt Clifford Stone claim. While the details of each covert program cited by Boylan may be called into question due to the inherent problem in whistleblower testimonies that may be seeded with disinformation, his basic premise and overview appears well thought through. Boylan’s research reveals that Space based weapon systems already exist and have been used for several decades. This suggests that the Strategic Defense Initiative is just a cover for a covert weapons program that has been underway for some time and has already been deployed. SDI therefore may be little more than an effort to take space based weapons systems out of the ‘black’ world of illicit black budget funding, into the ‘white world’ of Congressionally approved Special Access Programs that can be funded by federal appropriations. This allows the black budget funds raised through illicit sources that previously funded these covert programs to be earmarked for other ‘urgent’ purposes. This suggests that efforts to prevent the weaponization of space need to consider the covert programs already deployed and the need of military policy makers to get some of these into the ‘white world’ in order to gain Congressional funding for other ‘black projects’. The proper focus should therefore be on making transparent the space weapons systems currently deployed, and to have some accountability process for the deployment and use of such weapons systems by Congressional committees. Turning back the covert deployment of space based weapons is a much more difficult challenge than preventing their initial deployment which has already occurred. Furthermore, the targeting of extraterrestrial vehicles by exotic weapons systems is certainly a major cause for concern as Boylan points out. However, as influential insiders such as Col Philip Corso have indicated, there is genuine military concern over extraterrestrial violations of national sovereignty and human rights. This has led to Corso and others supporting the deployment of such space based weapons systems. Consequently, there is great work to be done in bridging genuine military concerns over intrusive extraterrestrial activities, and egregious military practices of targeting extraterrestrial vehicles with exotic weapons systems. Michael Salla, PhD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't claim to know anything, it's just a post for discussion, ideas, theories and opinions. The following paragraphs are copy-paste with the intent to discuss the subject and nothing else. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's start: -------------- As a behavioral scientist and clinician, I have been working for over 15 years with persons who report having had an encounter with an extraterrestrial intelligent life form, a Star Visitor. During the course of this work I have felt it necessary to learn as much as possible about the veridical reality of UFOs, and what the government already knows about these visitors from afar. As information on Star Visitors and their encounters with humans piled up, I began to publish my findings, presenting them at national and international conferences, in specialty journals, and in media interviews. This in turn brought me to the attention of certain figures, currently or formerly in highly-classified sectors of government and the military ad intelligence agencies. These individuals decided to leak certain additional information to me, knowing that I would thus serve as a conduit to bring such leaked information to the attention of the portion of the public interested and ready for such information. My doctoral training in psychology and anthropology taught the value of first-hand field research. And because the existence and operations of various undeclared or secret government installations related to Star Visitor matters are not going to be plumbed without field research, I made it my task, starting in 1992, to reconnoiter, observe, and in some instances penetrate many of the most important of these installations. I reasoned that the knowledge I gained could be very helpful to the experiencers who consult with me, to help them feel secure that they had not hallucinated, but that such advanced technology exists, and in fact, the American government is in possession of some of this technology. Additionally, the hundreds of experiencers of encounters shared with me information they possessed, including about advanced U. craft, either by reason of being told such things by the Star Visitors, or by being kidnaped by rogue military-intelligence units and taken aboard one of these craft to one or other of these installations, or viewed such craft once they arrived. This added to my store of information and data on advanced U. antigravity craft. While I have gathered, or been entrusted by others with, considerable information on special American aerospace craft, I do not purport to know everything that is in the U. arsenal, nor everything about the operations and capabilities of the craft that I am about to identify. What I know is presented here. I have held nothing back. At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form. These ten are: the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomberthe AuroraLockheed-Martin’s X-33ABoeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilusthe TR3-A Pumpkinseedthe TR3-B TriangleNorthrop’s Great Pumpkin discTeledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75DShark antigravity helicopterLockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic antigravity fighter-bomber Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating antigravity fields is in order. The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is also employed with these craft. The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing, which appears to utilize this technology. The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is available on Bob Lazar ’s website. (1) This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2) Let us now examine these 10 advanced craft in more detail. The amount of information available for each varies; in some cases more is known, in other cases very little. The B-2 Stealth bomber is manufactured Northrop-Grumman [ PICTURE] The Air Force describes it as a low-observable, strategic, long-range heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields. Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware passed on to me information from a three-star general he knows, who revealed to him in July that the B-2 [Stealth bombers] have electro-gravitic systems on board; and that this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each. (3) 2) The Aurora SR-33A is a moderate-sized spacefa
Free Movie Beneath us on twitter. Angry, brutal, and more than a little campy, Max Pachman’s directorial debut “Beneath Us” is a thriller with a lot on its mind. Subtlety is not one of those things, but when has subtlety ever been part of a recipe for exploitation cinema? “Beneath Us” may be brand new, but it plays like the kind of overlooked yet fascinating B-movie rediscovery that Vinegar Syndrome would dig up out of the 1970s and unleash upon a grateful grindhouse marketplace. “Beneath” stars Rigo Sanchez (“Animal Kingdom”) and Josue Aguirre (“Veronica Mars”) as Alejandro and Memo, two undocumented workers who stand outside a lumber mill every day in Eagle Rock, Calif., looking for contracting work. Alejandro wants to save money to bring his wife and son over the border to join him. His younger brother Memo has come to America for mysterious reasons and seems to harbor a lot of mixed feelings and resentments about his older brother abandoning his family. Watch Video: Netflix Orders Selena Gomez-Produced Docuseries 'Living Undocumented' - Watch Trailer Here Alejandro and Memo seem to have struck pay dirt when they talk a rich white woman, Liz (Lynn Collins, “Bosch”), into paying them $500 each for fixing up a small guest house. With a few other day laborers, they set about sawing wood, sanding walls, fixing floorboards, never really questioning why Liz’s isolated and spacious estate is surrounded by an electrified fence, or why the power drill she supplies them has flecks of blood and matted hair on it. As evening falls, our heroes would very much like to go home, but Liz and her husband Ben (James Tupper, “Big Little Lies”) won’t pay them unless the work is finished, and they don’t take kindly to laziness, like trying to get some sleep. Microaggressions and low-key racism gradually escalate into shocking violence, as Alejandro and Memo finally realize that they’re being treated like expendable slaves, not human beings. Ostensibly, “Beneath Us” is Alejandro and Memo’s story, but Lynn Collins’ villainous performance takes up the most space. Her portrayal of a woman blinded by racism and affluence, who thinks nothing of stomping someone to death with her high heel but teeters into nearly psychotic rage when someone forgets to use a coaster, is a farcical spectacular. Her performance is a living, breathing, stiff middle finger to racists everywhere, and a demand ? practically at gunpoint ? to deny dehumanizing monsters any shred of dignity. Watch Video: ShortList 2018: How 'Debris' Director Built Thriller About Undocumented Construction Workers The irony, though, is that Collins’s deliriously over-the-top performance doesn’t leave a lot of space for Sanchez, Aguirre and their co-stars, with whom our sympathies are supposed to lie. By spending more time focusing on the torturers than the tortured, “Beneath Us” sidesteps suspense (and the possibility that our heroes might escape) in favor of extended depictions of merely ugly violence. It’s an unbalanced approach to the horror genre, but it doesn’t seem to be accidental. If anything, the sidelining of Alejandro and Memo seems to be carefully calculated: Their stories are obviously rich and fascinating, touched upon in little details and unspoken reveals. But “Beneath Us” never tells their whole life stories. Why? Because nobody in the movie cares enough about them to ask. It’s a pointed and thoughtful storytelling conceit that is, simply, undermined by letting the evil racist killers soak up all the screen time instead. What “Beneath Us” successfully achieves, however, is the sensation of undeniable horror. The red flags are bright red, but as Alejandro and Memo’s co-worker Hector (Roberto Sanchez, “Flavor of Life”) argues, that’s the status quo for undocumented workers. White Americans are told to stay away from unmarked white vans while, Hector observes, he needs to jump inside to make a living. The dangers and dehumanization come part and parcel, and “Beneath Us” takes those threats to horrific but pointed extremes. Also Read: 'Swallow' Film Review: Haley Bennett Stars in a Horror Tale with Too Many Unanswered Questions Once the cards are all on the table and “Beneath Us” settles into its terrible sequence of events, the movie loses a little steam. Our heroes are being asked to dig their own graves, figuratively and maybe even literally, and their only reward is to lie in them. The grimness takes over after a while and never seems to let up, but the excellent score by Joshua Moshier (“Baskets”) adds anxiety into the mix with a piercing, tinnitus squeal of string instruments, and the pastoral cinematography by Jeff Powers (“NOS4A2: Ghost”) insidiously evokes cinematic tales of the rural South prior to the Civil War. It’s the finale of “Beneath Us” that was, perhaps, destined to make or break the film. Pachman’s film never entirely escalates to the grand conclusion we’re predicting, but the finale is well-earned and tense, and at least one of the climactic shocks is as terrible and terrifying a moment as can be found in any movie in recent memory. A brief but unpredictable change in the film’s storytelling vocabulary, smartly executed by editor Taylor Alexander Ward ? a music-video vet ? leaves our nerves completely obliterated and affords them no time to heal. “Beneath Us” lacks refinement, but that’s like saying blunt force trauma lacks elegance. The movie exists to throw contemporary racism into sharp relief by drawing a vivid parallel to the worst chapters in American history, and it’s undeniably effective. Collins brings a lot of camp value to an otherwise depressing narrative, and her Russ Meyer-inspired characterization eventually gets a little distracting, but the filmmakers don’t make the mistake of confusing her inhuman wickedness for fun. “Beneath Us” never lets the exploitation cinema elements get in the way of the serious conversation about actual, real-life exploitation. That makes it frightening, and that makes it bold. ? 11 Latin American Films That Defined the 2010s, From 'Roma' to 'Zama' and More (Photos) “No” and “A Fantastic Woman” rank among the region’s most influential films of the decade A region bustling with the winds of change throughout the 2010s -- both progressive and retrograde -- Latin America enjoyed a banner decade that witnessed the rise of films grappling with economic inequality, indigenous discrimination, and LGBTQ+ issues. Mexico’s production continued to skyrocket (from Amat Escalante to Eugenio Derbez), Chile emerged as a powerhouse in both the arthouse and mainstream markets (with the Larraín brothers’ Fabula production company and the unofficial movement known as Chilewood), and countries like Panama (“Invasion”), the Dominican Republic (“Woodpeckers”), and Paraguay (“The Heiresses”) made strides towards a more consistent output of noteworthy offers. Although far from a definitive list, these 11 features give the world the opportunity to take a peek at the varied perspectives of Latin American creators, veterans and up-and-comers.
Cant wait to see Jacob be part of the crew on F10. Free movie beneath username. Imagine he went all that trouble to get to that girl and her response was not interested, i have a boyfriend. Strangers that approach me are not usually that good looking. Sold. Free movie beneath usb. Free movie beneath usage. Free Movie Beneath using. Free Movie Beneath user. You had me captivated until there was a dead dog. Looks like it has three people in it, maybe “Alone”, wasnt the best title choice.
Free movie beneath usps. Deadass watch she becomes infected and tries to kill him when he finally meets her lmao. Good movie. I recommend watching it. Long Story Short: GF cheated, got her lover arrested, got her a DWI, then karma bitch slapped her. I will have to reveal and admit a few things about myself I’d rather not, and am not proud of. If you hate or struggle with reading, then don’t even continue. My story is unfortunately true, and I would not wish my life upon anyone, not even those I chose to seek out revenge upon. When I was 18 my father suffered a debilitating stroke and could never work or drive again. I volunteered to look after him as my mother had a full-time job and my family needed her to keep working. Sadly, exactly one year to the day of his stroke he passed away after enduring a triple bypass. I lost my shit as we used to say back in the day, and it changed something inside of me. I had lived a somewhat sheltered life due to regularly attending church and church activities. When my father passed if I wanted to go to college, I would have to pay for it out of pocket. I did not qualify for any loans (thankfully in retrospect). I got a menial job and began partying at age 19 having never tasted alcohol, done drugs, had sex etc. I had been bullied quite a bit growing up. I developed very late and always looked several years younger than my friends. At a party one night I met a guy several years older than me, we’ll call Benji. He asked me to come by after my shift at my shitty minimum wage job the next day and I agreed. When I arrived, he brought me into his house where two of his friends were busy sorting through a table of white powder. I’d seen drugs in movies, so I rightfully assumed it was cocaine. They offered a line and laughed at my refusal to try it. The reason Benji had singled me out was the fact that even at age 19 I looked like I should have been a freshman or sophomore in high school. The dealer and his guys had kids selling cocaine at all of the local high schools. (The area I am from had a lot of old wealth and trust fund kids. ) They wanted me to go to each high school campus each day and pick up cash while dropping off pre-weighed bags of coke. They would buy packs of cigarettes and put coke in each with a small initial on the bottom indicating which school. They’d gotten their hands on a cellophane wrapping machine that would seal and shrink the plastic. Everything worked well as planned for years. It was amazing to learn how many cops, lawyers and even judges were on the take. I did things in those younger days that could have gotten me very long prison sentences or worse had I been caught. I quit my stupid job and worked daily for Benji. If I wasn’t delivering or weighing cocaine, Benji and his buddies were teaching me how to shoot guns, work out or fight. They’d built a full-size boxing ring out back because they truly loved to spar. They sensed I’d been picked on a lot growing up. Even though I’d grown another three inches in height after high school to stand 6’ 2” I was still wiry and not very strong. Benji was several years older than me and had been stationed in South Korea for many years. There he took it upon himself to learn a form of martial arts known as “Subak”. But he’d also been a boxer as well. The three guys loved teaching me how to handle myself. They’d teach me to master one move then delighted in springing a new never before seen move on me. None of this was ever meant to attack anyone, strictly self-defense. They wanted to be sure I could protect myself should anything bad go down and wanted me to be able to have their backs. Benji made me carry a loaded 9mm everywhere we drove; he carried a huge. 357 magnum revolver. Eventually I was several years into college and had begun to sell to classmates. My mom was proud I was paying for my own tuition and books never asking how. (Yes, there are some people, albeit very few that use money earned from unsavory deeds to better themselves. Just as there are a few strippers who use that money to get a degree. It is rare, but it does happen. ) What my mom never knew was the fact I was making more in a week selling drugs than she did as a teacher in a month. I drove an old Camry. I never bought flashy clothes or threw money around to impress anyone. I kept as low a profile as I could. I finished my BA degree in three years due to having plenty of free time. I initially wanted to be a lawyer. But I had known far too many corrupt cops and judges. I did study law with no goal of ever passing the bar, because I wanted to become and eventually became a Jury Consultant. For those that don’t know what that is, when a law firm has a client they are defending, a list of potential jurors is sent out. Television makes it look like lawyers decide for or against a potential juror on the spot in court. A good lawyer already has a very good idea of each potential juror’s background before they enter the room. My job was to take each name and research any background I could find. The firm I worked for decided what was pertinent information for each particular case. The firm I work for has the highest regard in my area. I can research a lot of information about people legally through something as simple as an online background data site. In the much more recent past I reacquainted with a high school classmate we’ll call Shayna. I discovered she and I had both had crushes on each other back in the day but we’d both been too shy to say a word to each other. Without a lot of pointless details, suffice it to say Shayna and I became best friends, fell head over heels in love and were planning a future together. Both of our previous relationships had been disasters. Mine in particular had left me feeling totally dead inside, believing I was incapable of love. It had been years since I had dated by choice. My previous ex we’ll call Allison, had done things cold and utterly heartless to cause our breakup. I was NOTHING but good to her, rescuing her from an abusive relationship, never abused her and let her know no human deserves to be abused. When she stabbed me in the back and left me my life was in total ruin. Finding Shayna didn’t just give me hope. It made me realize that every relationship before her had been pointless. Shayna was the love of my lifetime…we were meant to be together and finally were. Sadly, five years ago I awoke to discover Shayna was not beside me. I thought nothing of it until I went into the laundry room to find her face down in the floor. When I picked her up, even before I turned her over, I knew something was wrong, her body was completely stiff. When I did turn her over, I realized she was dead. Rigor mortis had already set in and her face was frozen in the most painful expression of agony you could imagine. I called 911 even knowing she was already dead and long past saving. I really don’t want to go into detail about that night. Suffice it to say the cops suspected I’d done something or shed OD’d. For five hours detectives went through everything we owned. I was questioned repeatedly the same questions by multiple cops. All the while I was trying to console her mother with the realization her one and only daughter was dead. The next day I accompanied Shayna’s mother to Shayna’s neurologist. Shayna had epilepsy and her doctor suspected she might have died from SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death due to Epilepsy) which neither of us had ever heard of. (Months later when the autopsy came back that was the cause of death. ) The next few days were a blur of misery, tears and disbelief. Devastated does not begin to express how I felt from that point for many, many months. I will not lie, there were many moments I thought of and even planned to take my own life. I knew Shayna would want me to live and after seeing how the loss of a child had affected her mother, I could not do that to my own mom. I managed to face the future only by focusing on my mother who was getting up in years at the time. I closed myself off to all friends and extended family. It was hard enough just having the fortitude to hold down my job and look after my mom. I worked out every day and did cycling for cardio. I took some Krav Maga classes to relieve stress. But I didn’t even think of dating and frankly the idea seemed pointless. Shayna was a truly, truly special person with a beautiful soul. I knew I could never have that kind of relationship with anyone ever again. Eventually two years passed, and I met a female we will call Angie. We initially started hanging out as friends again as that is what I needed most at the time. But as I opened up about what had happened with Allison and the Shayna, we got closer and Angie seemed to sympathize. We started sleeping together and eventually became a couple. I was still having to keep some focus on my mother, though I enjoyed my time with Angie. She seemed to appreciate that I actually listened, spoke honestly and was protective of her. She said she loved me, and I admitted I loved her. I never told her a word about how I’d paid for college or the things I’d seen or done. (Shayna knew and loved me in spite of it all. ) While I knew it would never be what Shayna and I had, I never told or even hinted at that to Angie. Things went along well for the most part. My mother’s need for assistance was fairly limited. Angie knew I what I’d endured losing Shayna and she seemed to understand the responsibility I had looking after my mom. Angie and I had been in a committed monogamous relationship for well over a year when my mother had to have some medical tests done. My mom had a leaking heart valve and the tests were to determine if they could repair the valve. A week later we received good news, the valve could indeed be replaced. However, we also received devastating news, while running the tests they discovered four small masses in and around her right kidney. The odds were hi

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Part 1 We found no more paintings after that, but Jay, Pinnie, and I continued to work under an increasingly anxious mood. Together we had no problem avoiding the paintings and I desperately hoped that would be the end of the weirdness. But I quickly realised how wrong I was for nearly every room had a litany of bizarre and unsettling finds. There were scrapbooks filled with bloodied clothes, strange words carved into the walls, mirrors with delayed reflections, but they were the least of it. The worst was the sex doll. In all my years clearing out hoarder’s homes unpleasant sex stuff was incredibly common. When Jay first radioed in, telling everyone he’d found homemade sex doll, I almost felt a kind of relief. It almost felt like something we’d expect in a normal place. But even a simple cursory look at the thing made of padded foam and old women’s clothes, all covered with uncomfortable rust-brown stains, had me questioning Jay’s conclusion. Before I could say anything, Pinnie spoke up. “Where’s its mouth? ” “Are you sure it’s wise to be touching it? ” I added. “Gotta have a strong stomach for this job, you told me that on the first day, ” Jay said. “I mean, it’s a sex doll, right? It has to be? He’s an old man with urges and… and…” It was an absurd facsimile of a woman, a misshapen lump of green, blue, and purple padded foam cut haphazardly into a misshapen hour-glass figure like an amateur mannequin. For a face it had a porcelain mask shaped like the image of a geisha, except instead of a demure thin-lipped smile there was a clownish red-lipped snarl beneath lurid spherical eyes. They were carved with great anatomical detail, glaring at me with the wide-eyed excitement of a nightmarish gargoyle. Set above them was a molten brow that sagged into an exaggerated frown. “There’s no actual holes, ” Pinnie remarked, picking the thing up and turning it head over heels. “Fuck! ” he cried out, startling Jay and I and dropping the doll where the mask thudded against the floor. “There’s something sharp in it, ” he groaned before sucking on his wounded thumb. Gently, jay and I picked it up. I briefly noted a small chip above the brow where it had fallen, and carefully turned it over and examined it until I identified a long sliver of metal embedded in the doll’s thigh, resisting all efforts to remove it. The needle was pitted with rust, and at the tip was the slightest hint of a pearlescent shimmer that winked violet and crimson as I turned it over in the light. “I can’t get the damn thing out; we need to be careful handling this thing. And Pinslow, ” I added, “you need to look into getting a tetanus shot. ” “Infected by a sex doll! ” Jay cried out, his whinnying laugh like nails on chalk. “That’ll raise some eyebrows! ” “It’s not a fucking sex doll you daft bastard! ” Pinnie swore, still smarting from the wound. “It hasn’t gone any holes for… for, well, you know! ” “Well…” Jay muttered, holding the doll up once more so she stood amongst us, her inhuman face making uncomfortable eye contact with me. “What else is she? ” he asked, and I realised his voice was not petulant, but pleading. He genuinely wanted an answer. I think we all did. - I was coming into work a little later than usual when I noticed something unusual. The sex doll had been pulled out of the skip and placed next to it, her eyes drinking in the barren garden that surrounded the home. For a moment I paused and momentarily wondered if somehow the expression on the doll’s face had changed to a grin. But then again, she looked different in full daylight, and I shook the thought from my head. Barely a second later and Pinnie strode out, his arms full with an old television that he threw into the skip with glee. Without speaking I gestured to the doll. “Reminds me of Maria Lewis, ” he said with a gruff laugh. “Same size, same shape, and just like Maria she’s got a nasty bite. ” He held up his thumb and I grimaced at the open wound throbbing just beneath his nail. “Christ, ” I scoffed at the joke. “Well just like Maria she’s destined for the bin. ” “She deserved better than that, ” Pinnie replied, going silent for a moment too long before appearing to remember that I was still there. “Maria that is, the real one, not that uh… not that thing. ” “Shall we put it in the skip now? ” I asked. “No, we should put the heavy stuff in first. I’ll chuck her in later. ” For a moment I was about to argue that the doll would hardly make a difference to the skip’s weight distribution but I decided to let the older Pinnie’s judgement stay in effect. And yet a day later, when the skip was loaded out for a new one and driven past me, I couldn’t help but notice the doll was not in it. She was standing beside the door once, her mouth cast in a downward expression of theatrical sorrow. “Did you do this? ” I asked Pinnie as he passed me by the doorway. “Do what? ” “Changed her face? ” “No, ” he answered innocently. “How would I do that? ” “Just… just make sure she’s in the next one. ” “Sorry! ” he cried with an affected wince. “I forgot about her. Still, she’s hardly hurting anyone is she? ” Pinnie carried on walking casually as if it was an honest mistake, but briefly stopped to readjust the doll’s unkempt wig without a second thought. “Just make sure she’s gone tomorrow, ” I shouted after him, to which he merely waved his hand in acknowledgement as though there was nothing to worry about. I hoped that was true but when lunchtime came and we all gathered outside I noticed the doll was missing. “Some kids were eyeing her up, ” Pinnie said when asked before gesturing to an upper story window. Now the doll leered down at us with a barely visible expression of joy. “Figured we can’t let them get a hold of her, ‘specially if we never got that dirty needle out. ” “She’s upstairs? ” Jay asked. “In her room. Her mum won’t let me speak to her though I don’t know why. We’d left the disco holding hands and now…” Pinnie trailed off into a heavy silence and Jay and I gave each other a funny look. Unwilling to press the awkward silence any further, we ate the rest of our lunch without speaking. I later asked Jay to check Pinnie’s van for the usual flask, but he came back empty handed, and I was left wondering if something else was going on with the older man. Sure enough when the day was finally over I went to check on Pinnie and found him sitting next to the doll, elbows on his knees and his head buried in his hands. I stood in the doorway for a moment, hesitating to speak. “Are you okay? ” “Just tired is all, ” he answered, looking up at me with bloodshot eyes. “And this fucking hand of mine is killing. ” The infection from his thumb had spread along his wrist and was making progress towards his forearm. The skin looked shiny and tight, close to bursting, and I told him he ought to take the following day off. “Can’t do that, ” he growled. “Got too much to do. Besides, ” he added with an almost drunken slur, slouching upwards to put his arm around the doll, “I’ve got to walk Maria home. You’d think I might have forgotten her until now but no, she’s been in my thoughts every single night since it happened. Didn’t even go to her funeral but I never forgot. She’s in my thoughts more than anyone else’s. ” Quietly Pinnie burped and closed his eyes, a thick rope of drool making stalactites down his chest. Without waking him I reached out and took the doll and carried it downstairs, leaving the poor man asleep on the box he was sitting on. Once outside I threw the offending thing in with the rest of the rubbish, and just to add insult to injury I grabbed some nearby bin bags and hurled them on top of the doll, feeling satisfied that the job was finally done. I found Pinnie where I’d left him and went to shake him awake when he lashed out with terrible speed. “It were different back then, ” he cried, his swollen hand snapping out to clutch my wrist with iron strength. I cried out and pulled back but he held on firm, that unbearably hot palm sending shivers up my spine. It looked like the hand of a bloated corpse, and I saw that his forehead was drenched in sweat and his eyes were burning with delirium. “We didn’t know much back then as boys and we were always taught that girls would lead you on strange games before getting to the point. She never said no, ” he hissed, his expression pleading with me in desperation. “It took years for me to realise, to understand why she’d done it and the part I played. But what had happened weren’t at all like I imagined, like what movies show you. I didn’t know, didn’t think. It weren’t until I saw the way her ma looked at me that the first seeds of doubt settled in. ” Suddenly the fire within him died and he sat back on the box, falling asleep almost as if he was under a spell. Shaking, I pulled my hand free and turned to see Jay standing in the doorway with an ashen white face. “Did you see that? ” I asked incredulously, but he ignored me, saying instead: “I think I found the others. ” “Other what? ” I asked. “Come see. ” I left Pinnie slouched over himself and followed Jay to a small room one story up from where I’d been. Slowly he opened a door to reveal a cluttered display room with a horse-shoe shaped arrangement of cabinets and boxes all draped in colourful bed sheets. One of the sheets had been pulled back to reveal a horrible sculpture; it was a porcelain mask with ten needle-tipped limbs sprouting from the centre, its face twisted into a drunken grin. It had the same features as the doll’s, except with a very different expression. “Looks like something a school shooter would make in metal shop, ” Jay grumbled. “Look the legs are just welded bike chains and knitting needles filed down to a point. ” I didn’t reply. It was hard for me to repress my arachnophobia in the presence of those two-feet wide
Almost sounds like a vocaloid, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. Free movie beneath user. Free Movie Beneath us open. You had me until you had Janeane Garofalo. Free movie beneath us book. Free Movie Beneath us about us. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 25% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 8 64% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 11 Beneath Us Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Beneath Us Videos Photos Movie Info The American Dream becomes a nightmare for a group of undocumented day laborers hired by a wealthy couple (played by Lynn Collins and James Tupper). What they hope to be their biggest payday turns into a terrifying fight for survival at the couple's secluded mansion, and those thought to be helpless must prove they can't be discarded so easily. Rating: R (for violence, language and some nudity) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Mar 6, 2020 limited Runtime: 90 minutes Studio: Vital Pictures Cast Critic Reviews for Beneath Us Audience Reviews for Beneath Us Beneath Us Quotes Movie & TV guides.
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