First Lady キkickassサ



Stars - Stacey Dash. duration - 101Minute. Release year - 2020. Country - USA. Romance. She so cute. She is so classy, I love our First Lady. Such a beautiful WHITE CHRISTMAS. &ref(,h_350,q_70,strp/2017_lady_of_the_month__september_by_lordtrigonstar_dblxdqa-350t.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE4MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2E2M2E0MmQ3LTE4ZTctNDJmZC1iNzdmLWIxNjRiN2Q1MmIzMlwvZGJseGRxYS04MzllMDljMy1lNzZmLTQ0ZDQtOTVlZS02NTg3NGUxOTRjOGQuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTgzNSJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.KMcaRB5Lk1yduqpDy7ppnsSIybKwMJbtQlv2I_TPI1c)
I wonder who willbe the next president and what will happen to the wall. Ans that trump is impeached mike pence will be taking over until the new president will be elected which will be November 2020 and December 2020. えちえちだぁ... Everything you do is for the good wishes of the people and the country thank you so much for your loving kindness for the world to see.
Trump wife a trophy that is what she is period. I heard the little Commie AOC wouldn't be attending the SOTU. Her and the rest of that box of tampons will surely be missed. ?. What's name of that first track pkayin I know that's iceberg rapping but name of track. 2019 NV mk sdab tt ? Love song all bos b tena ??. Who in 2019 like ? ? ? ?. This was over 20 years ago, so some of the details and dialogue, may be a little fuzzy, as the years have not been kind. This is a 2 part Malicious Compliance, so it is long. Enjoy! On mobile, yada, yada, yada… Cast: Assistant Principal, Principal, Teacher- an old walrus, Mamma, Me- Teen Dad. Backstory: I was a teen dad when I started highschool. As such, Mamma told me that I had to be home to take care of my son on the weekends. She did say that during the week, that if I could not find a babysitter for him, then she would watch him while I was at school for the cost of extra chores. But I had to try to find a babysitter first. Because she was not going to raise any grandchildren. If I can make the baby, then I can raise the baby. So, I did the best I could, by asking at church on Sunday if one of the ladies would be willing to watch my son during the week while I was at school. But there was some days, the sitter I had lined up, cancelled last minute. Leaving me no choice, but ask Mamma to help me out, causing me to be late to school and costing me more chores. For the first 3 months, I had dealt with ISS (In School Suspension), lunch detention, and the paddle on a number of occasions. And each time I tried to explain, the explanation fell on deaf ears. This time was going to be different. Story: I woke up every morning at 4:30, and did my chores, got ready for school and got my son ready to go to the sitters. I went to the sitter's with my son about 7:30, only to be told that my son could not stay for that day for some reason or another. That went on everyday since day one. So I drove all the way back home to ask Mamma if she could watch my son for the day. It took 15 minutes one way, so 30 minutes round trip. Me: "Mamma can you watch son for me? " Mamma: "OP, why are you not at school? Did you take him to the sitter's? " Me: "Yes Ma'am. But she said that she has an appointment in "State Capital", and she could not watch him today. Please Mamma, I'm already late. " Mamma: "Okay, OP. I'll do it, but you are doing dishes tonight. " I gave baby to Mamma, and drove the 20 minutes to school. (Every day the sitter had a different excuse, and it wound up costing me some extra chores to pay Mamma for watching the baby. First night, dishes. Second night, laundry. Third night, cooking supper. Forth night, more dishes. 5th night, cooking supper. ) by the time I got to school, it was almost 9, and first period was almost over. I go into the office to get my pass to go to class, Monday - Thursday nothing happened. I got my pass and went to class. I gave the pass to the teacher and accepted the scolding from the teacher. Friday morning, however, when I went in the office to get the pass, Principal called me into his office. I walked in his office, Principal, Assistant Principal and Teacher are in there waiting for me. Principal: "OP, please have a seat. " I do and he continues, "OP, Teacher tells me that you have been late to class all week. You know that all students must be here at or before 8:00. We have had this discussion before, have we not? Now do you care to explain why you are late, everyday? " Me: "Yes sir, we have had this discussion before. And every time we have, I have told you every time, that I have a hard time getting a sitter…" Assistant Principal: (interrupting me) "That is no excuse. What does you needing a sitter for your siblings, have to do with you being late everyday? " Teacher: "Yeah, I am tired of hearing that excuse. Now, you be in my class Monday morning on time, or you will be sorry. Do I make myself clear? " Then he walks out before I could answer him. Assistant Principal: "Well, I'm waiting! (Tapping her foot) You better answer me now, young man! " Me: "Well ma'am. I don't need a sitter for my siblings, I need a sitter for my son. Had you not interrupted me, I would have told you that. " Assistant Principal was mad, that I had the nerve to talk to her like that. However, Principal spoke up, before Assistant Principal could get her words out. Principal: "OP! Watch how you speak to Assistant Principal! Or do you need to have another talk with the paddle? I think since you want to be late all week, then lie about it and speak so rudely to Assistant Principal, you can have Saturday detention for the next 4 weeks. You will not be late. You will not make excuses. And you will apologise to Assistant Principal for your rude behavior. Do I make myself clear? " Me: "Yes, sir. I understand. " To Assistant Principal: "Assistant Principal, I'm sorry for being rude and disrespectful. " Principal: "Good! Be here at 7:45 in the morning. 1 minute late and you will have to deal with the Truancy Officer. Am I clear? Good, now get out of my office and get to class! " I got up and left. I started to hatch a plan, to show them how unreasonable they were being and that I was not lying about having a child. So when I got home, I told Mamma what happened and my whole plan. After taking the punishment for getting in trouble at school, she laughed, and told me to be careful; and not raise the hornets nest too badly. The Malicious Compliance Part 1: Since I had to spend all day Saturday and Sunday with my son, well you can see where this is going. I packed my son's diaper bag with everything he would need for 5 hours, grabbed my bag that I put together the night before, loaded up in the car, then had my brother drop us off at the school at 7:30. (Detention started at 8:00) I told my brother the plan on the way and we had a good laugh all the way there. Since my son and I were 15 minutes early, we sat on the bench outside of the front door of the school. We really didn't have to wait long, (10 minutes) Assistant and Principal came walking up carrying their Dunkin' Doughnut coffee. They saw my son and I, then Principal said. Principal: "OP, I said 7:45, what are you doing here early? And why do you have your baby brother here? No children allowed. Take him home and get back here by 8:00. Now! " Me: "Sir, you did say that I have to be here by 7:45. I didn't want to be late for detention for being late, so I got here at 7:30. He is not my brother, he is my son. (I pulled out the unofficial copy of his birth certificate, with "Father's Name" section highlighted and showed him. ) See, sir, it says right here: "Father's Name: OP". It takes 20 minutes to get home, 5 minutes to drop him off, 60 minutes to explain to Mamma why he is not with me, 20 minutes to get back and on top of that, I would have to wait 30 minutes for my brother to come get me, so I can take him home. So all in all, 2 hours 15 minutes round trip to comply with your orders; it is 7:40 now sir. By the time I do all of that, it will be 9:55, so no sir, I can not follow that order. As I would be 1 hour 55 minutes late getting back. Sorry, sir. " Principal was p*ed that I had the nerve to talk back to authority, he stomped off and unlocked the doors of the school. Assistant Principal: "We will be calling Mamma to come get the child! Don't think you can get away with this sort of behavior! " We go in, they call Mamma and told her how rude and disrespectful I was being and that she needed to come get my son. To which Mamma told them: (relayed to me by Mamma after I got home) Mamma: "Really. That sounds like a you problem. It also sounds to me like you are the ones that are being rude and disrespectful. That is OP's child, it is his time to spend with his son. If you don't like it that OP, brought his son with him, then maybe believe him when he tells you something. Don't bother me again over some BS, because you get your feelings hurt. Grow a spine and grow up. " That was that. They didn't bother me or my son for the rest of the detention time. I brought my son with me for the whole 4 Saturday detentions. After that, I never received another Saturday detention. The Malicious Compliance Part 2: T had told me the Friday before the first Saturday detention, that I had better be on time for his class, that next Monday. So step 2 of my plan, ACTIVATED! I called all of my other teachers Sunday, and told them what I was going to do for the rest of the term. (It was about 8 weeks before Christmas break. ) They were on board with it, but told me that if my son started to disrupt class then they would have to ask me to abandon the Malicious Compliance. I agreed and the next morning, hahahaha. (I also told the lady at church, who keep leaving me stranded without a sitter, I would no longer be asking or paying for her as a babysitter. She was mad. But I don't care. ) I did the normal stuff. Woke at 4:30, did my chores, ate breakfast, got ready for school, got my son ready (with enough things for 10 hours, as I figured I would have ASD (After School Detention)), got in the car, and instead of going to the sitter's, went to school. I was on time! (7:40) I go in the office with my son (who was asleep) and got him a visitor's pass. The receptionist laughed, when I told her why I needed a visitor's pass instead of a tardy slip. I took the pass and go to first period, Physical Science. (The class that I was always late for. ) I walk in, take my seat and wait for first bell. (Of course, all the girls and some of the guys in the class are going ga-ga over my son. Even some of the snobby girls are talking to me. ) First bell rings (8:00). Teacher walks in and starts taking attendance, gets to my name: Teacher: "OP! Well I guess he doesn't care about my class again! That's it, I'm done with his tardiness! Class, I'll be back! " Before he can get out the door: Me: "Present, Sir! " Teacher: "Well, you decided to be on time after all! So, what's your
This post is based on a comment I found on r/Formula1 by /u/FUCKiTracing. ROKiT sponsors the Williams Racing team. The Rockets have seemingly not done their due diligence in selecting the sponsor for their jersey: ROKiT (ROK group) The main part of the Group ROK Stars (and the only bit that actually makes sales as far as I can tell in the ABK beer and other beverages) being massively loss making, having fairly small sales of c. £12m and being listed on the Stuttgart stock exchange at a whole ?0. 01 per share and a total market cap of ?1m, probably less than 5% of their annual sponsorship payment to Williams... Many many parts of the Group being basically websites only but having very few products available: Inexplicably inferior basis android phones that basically no one has and are largely purchased on Amazon or on the website with such promotions as "you choose what you pay", "bundled" phone packages where phones are apparently sold with access to a doctor AND a lawyer 24/7, plus life insurance, plus a breakdown service despite no evidence of these services being available, this very legit "homeland security app" (definitely worth watching video) unbuyable water purification product that failed () unbuyable even more ridiculous "all in one water filtration and cooking system" & "Marula oil" that is completely out of stock "game changing" water product that is unavailable and fairly ridiculous Key director Jonathan Kendrick being director on a large list of companies that went into formal liquidation/administration including Key director and founder Jonathan Kendrick claiming the following at Rokit launch in India: "Rok was the first to invent Steve Jobs", "We invented streaming services, which we patented", "One of our partners is NASA... Our technology is NASA engineered technology". And also claiming in regard to Marula Oil that: ""We’ve employed 7, 000 ladies to make this oil. We help 100, 000 family members. We could go to 20, 000 women by the end of this year. Key director and founder JohnPaul Dejoria who appears to have similar truthtelling abilities to Donald Trump and stated each of the following, none of which I can find any evidence for: "We gave away the phones for free to homeless veterans", "we have telemedicine 24/7" "we're working with NASA, that's one of our partners, "[rokit phones can] scan the body, do unbelievable health things" "we're wifi-ing the entire country of india, to help lower classes become higher classes" Previous mega loss making company ROK entertainment listed in US which per prospectus: "On a combined basis, ROK together with RCL have generated £3, 721, 669 (approximately $7, 852, 722) in revenue from inception through June 2007, and have incurred a combined operating loss of £24, 072, 257 (approximately $50, 792, 462) during that period. To anyone who disagrees with any of this, happy to stand corrected. I'll issue a few challenges: Can you find any evidence whatsoever of a ROK group company (one of the 300 or so) having made any major sales, let alone made a profit? Can you think of any reason why this company has hundreds of entities, hundreds of separate websites and hundreds of products, none of which appear to have any sales or profit? Does anyone actually know anyone who works at a ROK company other than ABK brewery? TLDR: ROKiT is pretty much a big scam. EDIT: This company is not to be confused with KRK Systems, which manufactures a line of speakers called 'ROKIT'.
Ery... C arom nh hz b tena?. The word celebrity is used very loosely these days. Cold and lonely... First, is she talking to the kids or her husband. Second, how u concern about children well beings when ur husband asking Congress to cut 7 billion dollars from C.H.I.P. Third, ur program should start listening to the kids in Parkland and Flint. Fourth, how much of Michelle Obama speeches and programs are u trying to still, Pat Boone. ????????? sad ???????.
“Oh stop” ????????????????????????. First Lady free streaming Download Full. watch&First&Lady&movie&telugu. Cheeeee Lesotho ho malabulabu keya hlapanya ?. I think Cecily Strong is underrated.
Beautiful song wow. This dude songwriting on another level. Look in my eyes ?. PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED - THE SITE I WAS USING WAS REDIRECTING TO INAPPROPRIATE SITES. WILL POST TO BLOG. I’ll post up to date, first hand information in real time regarding the Diamond Princess. Verification #2! My blog: Official Princess Cruise statements: Edit: Thanks for all of the awards! Disclaimer: this verification/picture has nothing to do with the corona beer company. Please ask before using any pictures on this post. All rights reserved (c) 2020 Tyler Torres. To those who have asked, here is our dog that we miss very much! Meet Remy: Also, to the requests of wedding pictures: Article I found of a crew member interview: Update: this post has gotten huge! I’ll reply to everyone as I can, and will post more updates as they come. Local time: 2/7/2020 08:08 What seems to be a military truck showed up on port? Will update here as I can. There are men in camo that are port side. 09:00 We got fresh towels! To those on the ship, just call your attendant periodically. They are washing towels every now and again and can offer fresh ones. 09:41 Interviewed with a Japanese newspaper. There are now two military trucks and 5 ambulances, all in hazmat suits - imagining more people will be taken ashore for treatment. The food situation has gotten MUCH better - we went to bed hungry and thirsty, but are actually full now. 09:57 41 new cases for a total of 61 cases on board. Lots of news crews, helicopters, and ambulances arriving. No news has been shared from Princess Cruises - we learned from the news. The help desk told us that those who have tested negative will be notified as well. 10:28 Thermometers and gloves will be delivered to every stateroom. Gloves and masks must be worn for open deck time. Temperature must be recorded at regular intervals - any temperature higher than 37. 5c must be reported. The cruise line is doing the very best that they can, and seem to have a system in place now that works. 15:29 Just woke up from a much needed nap - lunch came! Still 1-2 dozen ambulances out. Someone in our hallway was taken away. It feels a bit like the hunger games with uncertainty of who will be plucked next. Lunch is really nice today - much like the dining hall meals. Now our only issues are uncertainty and boredom, plus of course confinement and lack of exercise. 16:29 Worthy update.. I think booze is for sale? 16:58 We found out some of our aussie friends were told that they were negative. Huge relief, as they sat next to us for the two weeks of the cruise at dinner! 18:05 Japanese authorities continue to take people off the boat, with about a dozen people to go, looks like. People are getting roughly an hours notice before being removed from the boat. Situation on the boat is good - we’re still stuck to the cabins but making the most of the situation. We’ve actually been busy today with everything online! We’ve interviewed with a japanese newspaper and Chinese news site today, with an American news channel tonight/tomorrow. People have reached out to us to see if we can get supplies delivered. Y’all have been so kind and responsive, we really appreciate it! 18:30 We learned that some people were separated from their husbands today due to being tested positive. Their spouses are not allowed to join them. Wonder if those spouses are being re-tested? Our status has yet to be confirmed. 18:51 Dinner is here! Food situation remains to be great. When I catch up with replies, I’ll work on getting a photo album up. 19:35 Read on our Facebook thread that people are not being reimbursed by travel insurance due to the fact that it’s an epidemic. In one case, a news journalist reached out to an insurer asking about why they weren’t covering us - turns out, they changed their mind and covered them! Hopefully either we can get coverage, OR the cruise line does the right thing for lost wages, lost time, uncertainty, and just in general the situation that none of us can control. 19:40 41 new cases with a total of 61. This concludes the 273 originally tested. Happy to say that my wife and I are NEGATIVE! Nationality breakdown: Argentina: 1 Australia: 5 Canada: 5 Japan: 21 American: 8 Britain: 1 Quarantine official end date is Wednesday, 2/19/2020, unless further developments are made by the Japanese health ministry. The US embassy is working to get us off the boat on this date. Until then, cabin confinement will be a thing, along with visits to the open deck every day on a rotating schedule. Not everyone will get to go each day. Tomorrow, ocean view staterooms can go outside. All interior cabins have been able to see light today. Mandatory masks/gloves will be worn. The Japanese health ministry has provided us with additional doctors and medical staff to assist with the ongoing situation. We’ve been provided with even more water, and have two gallons stockpiled of bottled water. The cruise ship is well stocked, and passengers are being well taken care of. Cabin fever and keeping occupied is the major challenge for many of us, though puzzles are being handed out, origami paper, and many movies are being added. The cruise line has really come together to make the best of the situation. Broadband speeds have greatly increased, and are free. They’re also working on in-room activities to keep us occupied. A new food/beverage menu is being developed. They’ve addressed that being confined is a tough situation, and truly are making quality of life better. Balconies have been addressed - we can go out as we please, but are required to wear masks. The crew has done an amazing job through extraordinary circumstances, and Princess Cruises has really stepped to the plate today. The captain has been much more vocal today - I can’t imagine the stress that’s being put on him between the company, embassies, the Japanese government, and passengers frustrations. Tomorrow morning at about 08:00, the Diamond Princess will set sail to sea for normal marine operations (I. e, making water), and will return in the evening back to Yokohama’s daikoku cruise terminal. I’ll have more updates tomorrow - off to watch a movie with the wife! Things are good, and today, we had BACON. Our clogged arteries are happy! Next adventure starts tomorrow. 2/8/2020 07:13 Replied to many comments/Facebook, about to interview with channel 5 in DFW. There are a couple ambulances out but from our understanding everyone was taken off who was positive last night. 08:21 First person has been taken off the ship. Just finished interviewing with Chanel 5 in DFW - will be on at 22:00 central standard time. 08:44 Noticed a few suitcases and people that look like they’re boarding - I’m thinking that these were the Japanese medical professionals that they were talking about. 08:55 The president of Princess Cruises is here in japan working to make sure the cruise remains comfortable for its passengers. A few passengers reported fevers and are being checked by medical staff - that’s what the ambulances are for. A consoling hotline has been opened for guests aboard the cruise. We will shortly set sail to perform essential marine activities off the coast of japan. We will arrive back to Yokohama on 2/9/2020, 0900. They are warning for rough seas such as the other night. Breakfast has just arrived! Looking good food wise again. In other news, we talked to some crew and asked how they were doing. They stated that they are hanging in there, but not sleeping too well due to the increased workload. It’s going to be a long two weeks for them - they’re working incredibly hard! 09:26 The princess diamond just tooted it’s horn and is now off to sea! 11:31 Deck 8 even room numbers with an ocean view window can go to the open deck now for a bit. 13:48 Confirmed: 2 additional coronavirus cases, total is now 63. One Chinese citizen, and one US citizen. 28 medical staff were let on board (16 doctors, 12, nurses), and clerks. Negotiations are being made to get laundry done as well as staterooms cleaned by attendants for the first time in nearly a week. There is a designated smoking area being negotiated for specific times for people to smoke. Nicotine gum is also available. The Captain is thankful for our cooperation, and quarantine officials are happy with how we are handling procedures. Entertainment services: movies are continuously being uploaded. Education on coronavirus is also posted on our stateroom TV. Medications will be handed out to passengers throughout the day. 14:30 More people allowed onto the decks from the 10th floor balconies, separated on the 7th floor open deck & the 15th floor. 15:40 Just interviewed with NHK and will be on at 19:00 local time in tokyo - it will be broadcasted through japan and internationally. We get to go outside for the first time in 20 minutes! 16:43 We’ll be meeting with the Japanese coast guard at around 18:30 for samples to be taken off the ship, and more medication to be delivered. We are approx. 15 nautical miles away from land. Logistics of sorting so much medication is difficult, but the most critical of medications are being delivered first. Emergency medication is available if needed. People who now have fevers/coughs are being watched are not allowed to be on the open decks. It looks like it’s approved for some guests services to be resumed on a rotation basis - a plan is being made for laundry, and stateroom cleaning (thank god.. that toilet needs some help). Detergents will be delivered for hand washing clothes as well. We just were able to be outside from 1600-1700. It was amazing to be outside for the first time in six days! Things are really looking up! Around 20:00 A reminder was made by the captain that there is counseling support available via phone in English, Japanese, and other languages. Japanese coast guard operation underway - medication is being delivered v
Thank you nay and meech for introducing this song to #NMFAM much appreciated. I love yall. First LAdy See here movie. Download First Lady IMDB movie watch 'onlin"e' f`movie.s. Love it! Nice. Its soon summer 2019 and this still slaps????. Mga ulol pa english english pa kayo? halatang jejemon naman kayo. Who listening September 2019???.
I like this song ?. Isnt she lovely, isnt she she wonderful! ?. “Shes been a FAILED model, shes been a prostitute” should have been the preface to this video. I hear the regular folks of the UK love POTUS as much as we do here at home.









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