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star=Sam Rockwell / User rating=8 of 10 stars / year=2019 / Writed by=Marie Brenner / country=USA / 2 hours 11 Minutes. You can tell by the trailer alone that is is going to be a solid film. Richard jewell mom. Gotta love Clint Eastwood and Rest In Peace to the Hero Richard Jewell.

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Richard jewell ending. Richard jewell movie near me. Richard jewell trailer reaction. I hate trailers like this you just watch the whole movie lol. Combining the legendary talent of Eastwood with Sam Rockwell in the cast is pure gold. Looking forward to this... Hi! So, when I started dancing, I didn't educate myself much on the history of this dance and the culture it came from. I didn't listen to the people who told me to check out the old videos and listen to old music. To me, these people just didn't realize what was obvious to me - there are plenty of good quality, well-lit modern videos all over YouTube, with more coming out on a weekly basis. These were way easier to watch and understand than black and white videos with poor or no music synced, and bad lighting. I figured I could observe everything I needed to know about Lindy Hop just by attending dances and following the modern international scene through YouTube and attending events. I justified this decision to myself, saying people who cared about preserving and recreating the old stuff were probably just being needlessly rigid and behind the times. The same with music. I was still strict about wanting to only hear swing at dances, but plenty of good music albums were being released by modern swing bands. Why would I listen to old-timey, scratchy records when there was so much stuff coming out from bands I could actually pay to see live? It was years before I realized the enormity of what I was missing out on. And when I think about it, there wasn't really a good reason for this, except that I didn't know where to find these videos and music. I recognized, in a general way, that it was important to study the history, but I never really did it. That all changed after a trip to Herrang and reading Frankie's autobiography, and it came as a shock to me to learn that people used to fight and scour to the ends of the earth to find "clips" of vintage dancing as recently as the 90s and early 2000s, because now almost everything is just sitting there on YouTube. So it came to me as an equal shock that, as far as I can tell, relatively few people actually study them these days. For evidence of that, you can note that many of the best vintage Lindy Hop clips on YouTube (some linked in this guide, some not) only have a few hundred hits, while the latest videos from the biggest dance weekends hit tens of thousands of views within a week of being released. For the record, I'm not saying this is good or bad. Regardless, there’s been a lot of talk in this sub lately about the importance of people educating themselves on the history, culture, and music of swing dancing. But on the internet these days, there's way too much information out there to tell what information is bad or good, or even whether you've got it all. In this lindy hopper's starter guide, I'm going to attempt to make the process just a little bit less daunting by making something that I wish someone had given to me when I started. Since this is a large and complicated guide that covers a variety of topics, I want to be extra clear that this is not meant to be complete or perfect. This is undoubtedly going to be a process that will include mistakes and revision. Some of you might disagree with my descriptions or how I've framed things. That's all fine - I'm just one guy, and this is just a list of resources that have worked for me and for people I know, and I wanted to share them in the interest of helping people new to the community orient themselves. I'm no swing historian or expert or anything, I just want to get the ball rolling on a project like this for the larger community that I think is long overdue. Please also note, this is not a beginner’s guide to learning how to swing dance as much as it is a beginner’s guide to introducing yourself to swing music, dancing, and culture, in a broader sense. For that reason, I divided the sections into culture-related resources, music to check out, and dancing videos. I think all three are important. The rankings of beginner, intermediate, and advanced are subjective of course, and relate to some combination of how accessible the resources are (how easy it is for someone with no background to appreciate what they’re seeing) and how important it would be for active members of a swing community to have seen/heard/read them in order to understand what they’re seeing when they experience the swing world. Please try not to get too hung up on the beginner/intermediate/advanced ratings themselves - they are more to give some semblance of order to how I think people would be best served interacting with the guide than to be some arbitrary assignment of importance. Everyone is obviously free to go through it however they see fit. Please also forgive me if you don't agree with or like my descriptions. I tried to just speak to what I know where I thought it would be helpful. In the areas where I make less of a comment, it's because I don't know as much about it, or I didn't feel like I had much to add. If my comments are incorrect, please feel free to correct them. I'll try to incorporate suggestions and additions when I can. Please just be nice and remember that I'm trying to help! Hope you enjoy! Beginner: Beginner Cultural Resources: Frankie Manning - Ambassador of Lindy Hop Read Frankie’s book. Just read it. If you take nothing else from this entire list, let it be that you read this book. It changed my entire focus in life as a dancer. It just places so many things in context; what the dance is, how to approach it, how people did things and how that might have relevance for how we do things today, the relationship of musicians and dancers… so many iconic stories and important perspectives. Learn all about the creation of air steps, the Savoy Ballroom in all its glory, Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, the saturday night contests, Shorty Snowden, the Harlem Congaroos, the revival, and more. It’s genuinely an entertaining read and well written, too. If you're already really into dancing, you won't be able to put it down. History of Swing Youtube Video: A video that captures the excitement of the revival and a heartwarming introduction to modern swing dancing, and Frankie and Norma. Really, I am so happy I have goosebumps by the time it gets to that ending jam to Jumpin at the Woodside. Beginner Music: It’s not clear to me how to give people resources to get started with music - I share my own stuff for free and I’m glad to - I found it years ago by downloading several giant “ALL JAZZ MUSIC” torrents (thousands, maybe tens of thousands of songs) and I’m still discovering new (to me) stuff in there. But that won’t work for everybody. I guess some people will start with Spotify or iTunes, and YouTube even has a lot of stuff. For now anyway, I’m just going to give the names of artists to look into however you see fit. Big Band: Count Basie* The gold standard of big band swing. At Herrang, they say you can never play too much Basie, for good reason. I have a DJ playlist of my absolute best, swinginest songs, and the only artist who can take up a whole page of it is Count Basie. He’s just that good. Note how his solos characteristically use empty space to fill time and build suspense for the next note. His band also featured the All American Rhythm Section - Basie, Jo Jones, Walter Page, and Freddie Green - which as I understand it was considered one of the best rhythm Lester Young, legendary swing sax player, was also featured on a lot of Basie's recordings. Naturally just about everyone who passed through this band was incredible, and I definitely am not the one with all their names. It was one of the few bands that lasted well beyond the swing era. It seems people mostly agree that Basie’s band was the best dance band around. Notable tunes include Shiny Stockings, Frankie Manning’s favorite tune in his old age, and Jumpin’ at the Woodside, which has been dubbed (in modern times) “the national anthem of Lindy Hop" and was the original tune to which they choreographed Hellzapoppin'. I tried to think of others, but this band honestly has so many iconic and incredible songs it would justify a whole post and guide in itself. Feel free to make one if you're a basie expert! ;). They also frequently accompanied Billie Holiday, both with her as their vocalist and comprising some or all of the rhythm section on her recordings. Cab Calloway Cab’s band was just top-tier. Professional, reliably good quality sound. Could get a bit campy at times, but so important and foundational to swing music it’s impossible to leave him off a list like this. It’s hard to find any songs by this band that don’t get your feet tapping. His influence on the zeitgeist of the swing era hard to overstate. Duke Ellington America’s greatest composer. Period. Duke is a whole world unto himself. My favorite and highest quality swinging recordings of him actually come from his concert at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1956, but he (and Billy Strayhorn) wrote a number of the most iconic swing tunes, such as “Take The A Train. ” These guys famously played the Cotton Club, which was down the street from the Savoy Ballroom. Benny Goodman Is credited for bringing swing to white America with his band’s iconic performances in 1935 at Palomar Ballroom and in 1938 at Carnegie Hall (featuring members of Duke Ellington and Count Basie’s bands). He was dubbed the King of Swing, but we all know Chick Webb and Count Basie contested that title quite well. This band is not to be underestimated though. Gene Krupa’s drumming, Lionel Hampton on the vibraphone, Teddy Wilson on piano (the Benny Goodman quartet) the first integrated swing band recordings (I think? ), Charlie Christian pioneering the swing electric guitar, and Harry James (the sextet)..., the list of major developments in swing music that came from musicians who got their start or associated with Benny Goodman is long. Artie Shaw Innovated a

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I think i hate Bob Costas more than Joe Buck. Um. Close. Both non-athletic douche bags that cover sports. Mr Costas you are the real hero. Puke. No only the acting, the story, and the flow, the revealing of the government power and the media monopoly is particularly scaring and real. They (some government folks and the fake media) destroyed Mr. Jewel, they are trying to destroy Mr. Trump now. Personally i became jaded after Tom Brokaw and NBC news as well as CNN were sued And lost but they still maintained their coverage had been Accurate & Fair and they never did take any responsibility for their actions. I have never watched the news again with any trust since the late 1990's. Everything about this film is outstanding... I remember the event vividly, watching it on television when it happened. The actor playing Richard Jewell has his look and mannerisms down perfectly. He did an outstanding job. What the media did to him was horrible. He was paraded in front of the news cameras relentlessly, accused as the perpetrator of the bombing. The news media was atrocious back then, even worse today. Forget the hoopla regarding the reporter. GO SEE THE MOVIE.
Richard jewell sam rockwell. Richard jewell 2019 trailer. News media. scared noises. Richard jewell 2019. What the media did to this guys was insane the guy was a hero and it cost him everything. Richard jewell real life. Ugh John roachuhs on. Richard jewell atlanta bombing. Clint is a goddamn machine! Great actor and still now continuing to be a constantly amazing Director. Eastwood proving he still knows how to tell films even as he approaches 90yrs old.
Never talk to law enforcement. If they start asking you questions about the crime they think you committed the crime. This lesson has served me well and has kept me out of prison. This is a great movie. The acting, the writing, everything about it is excellent.
Richard Jewell is a true story, not a political ad. If you can get politics from it, you're a genius because I just watched it and I couldn't find any. Another thing. The movie surprised me. There's humor, for one thing. Not dumb jokes but humor that comes from situations and personalities. Also, the treatment of characters surprised me because they weren't one-note. You keep learning things about them. Look, just go see this movie while it's still at the cinema. I promise you, there's no orange-man stuff in it. It's a movie about real human beings (as opposed to over-powered purple men with scrotums on their chins) and not one word on immigration, North Korea or the pension crisis. Or you can just skip it. Maybe Hollywood will take the hint and stop trying to make movies like this. Then we can all look forward to an infinity of super hero movies and Star Wars sequels. Won't that be nice.
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