Idi i smotri directors Elem Klimov putlockers Streaming Online

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Publisher Viktoria Fuentes
Bio: An act of my own imagination, en busca de la fascinación ????

Genres - War, Drama Rating - 47571 Vote year - 1985 directed by - Elem Klimov countries - Soviet Union actor - Aleksey Kravchenko, Vladas Bagdonas. Idi i smotri filmi. Come and see. Idi i smotri movies rej elem klimov. Idi i smotri - 1985 rus drama war masterpiece. Idi i smotri online. Still waiting for it to be on Blu Ray. Hopefully a Criterion release. Also weird thing I noticed: Fascists in the comment section trying to make everything that happens in this film seem justified. What a world I live in. You want 4 dollars for it ¡Ä... I will pass.
Idi i smotri english subtitles. Idi i smotri online sa prevodom. SIR YES SIR.

Come and See (Russian: §ª§Õ§Ú §Ú §ã§Þ§à§ä§â§Ú, Idi i smotri; Belarusian: І§Õ§Ùі і §Ô§Ý§ñ§Õ§Ùі, Idzi i hlyadzi) is a 1985 Soviet war drama film directed by Elem Klimov, with a screenplay by Klimov and Ales Adamovich, starring Aleksei Kravchenko and Olga Mironova. Set during the German occupation of the Byelorussian SSR, the film follows a young boy as he witnesses the atrocities committed on the populace. Come and See had to wait eight years for approval from Soviet authorities before the film was finally produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II, and was a large box-office hit, with 28, 900, 000 admissions in the Soviet Union alone. The film was selected as the Soviet entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 58th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
Always thought this scene would be more meaningful if a picture of Stalin was also included and duly shot. Considering this butcher Stalin, as Russias leader, brought this war down on his people through connivance AKA Molotov/Ribbentrop Pact. Too bad both sides couldn't have lost; Korean Vietnam wars wouldn' have happened and China would have had a chance to democritize. Oh well, what if, then again, why? and who gives a shit? never mind.
Idi i smotri criterion. Idi i smotri film. Great review i'll susbscribe for the fact that you didn't spoiled anything so people can see throug their own eyes the films, thanks a lot. Idi i smotri (come and see) 1985. One of the most saddest and horrific movies I've ever seen. Idi i smotri english. 'Come And See. The title is taken from the Book of Revelation where people are invited forward to bear witness to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, is a relentlessly mounted assault on our personal sense of justice in a war without rules. It is harrowing in places, disturbing in others, but never less than watchable - indeed, you may feel as I did that it was impossible not to look - you owe it to yourself to watch. The film follows an adolescent man from naive partisan recruit to the traumatised wreck he becomes through the experiences he undergoes as the German War Machine advances through Belarus in WWII.
The Film itself has been criticised for it's own Partisan approach, yet it still (truthfully) lays to rest certain myths, particularly the one about the supposed non-participation of the Wehrmacht in Nazi/SS War Crimes. DICE MAN.

Idi i smotri 1985. I'm pissed they took this off Netflix, now I gotta pay 4 bucks.
Idi i smotri csfd. Idi i smotri ruski film sa prevodom na srpski. Sir jelly doughnut sir. Idi i smotri partisan attack. Idi i smotri. Come and See Russian theatrical release poster Directed by Elem Klimov Screenplay by Elem Klimov Ales Adamovich Story by Ales Adamovich Based on I Am from the Fiery Village by Ales Adamovich Janka Bryl Vladimir Kolesnik Starring Aleksei Kravchenko Olga Mironova Music by O. Yanchenko Cinematography A. Rodionov Edited by V. Belova Production company Mosfilm Belarusfilm Distributed by Sovexportfilm Release date July?1985 ( Moscow) Running time 142 minutes [1] Country Soviet Union [2] Language Belarusian Russian German Come and See ( Russian: §ª§Õ§Ú §Ú §ã§Þ§à§ä§â§Ú, Idi i smotri; Belarusian: І§Õ§Ùі і §Ô§Ý§ñ§Õ§Ùі, Idzi i hlyadzi) is a 1985 Belarusian film directed by Elem Klimov filmed in the Soviet Union, with a screenplay written by Klimov and Ales Adamovich based on the 1978 book I Am from the Fiery Village [3] (original title: §Á §Ú§Ù §à§Ô§ß§Ö§ß§ß§à§Û §Õ§Ö§â§Ö§Ó§ß§Ú, [4] Ya iz ognennoj Derevni, 1977) by Adamovich et al.. [5] The film stars Aleksei Kravchenko and Olga Mironova. [6] Come and See is generally viewed as one of the most important anti-war movies ever made, and one of the great World War II movies, with the most historically accurate depictions of the crimes on the Eastern Front. The film focuses upon the Nazi German occupation of Belarus, and primarily upon the events witnessed by a young Belarusian partisan teenager named Flyora, who?against his parents' wishes?joins the Belarusian resistance movement, and thereafter depicts the Nazi atrocities and human suffering inflicted upon the Eastern European villages' populace. The film mixes hyper-realism with an underlying surrealism, and philosophical existentialism with poetical, psychological, political and apocalyptic themes. Come and See had to fight eight years of censorship from the Soviet authorities before the film was finally allowed to be produced in its entirety to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II, and was a major box-office hit, with 28, 900, 000 admissions in the Soviet Union alone. The film was selected as the Soviet entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 58th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. [7] Title [ edit] The original Belarusian title of the film derives from Chapter 6 of The Apocalypse of John, where in the first, third, fifth, and seventh verse is written "і§Õ§Ùі і §Ô§Ý§ñ§Õ§Ùі" [8] (English: "Come and see", Greek: ?¦Ñ¦Ö¦Ï¦Ô ¦Ê¦Á? ?¦Ä¦Å, Erchou kai ide) [9] as an invitation to look upon the destruction caused by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. [10] [11] Chapter 6, verses 7?8 have been cited as being particularly relevant to the film: And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see! And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Plot [ edit] In 1943, two Byelorussian boys dig in a sand-filled trench looking for abandoned rifles in order to join the Soviet partisan forces. Their village elder warns them not to dig up the weapons as it will arouse the suspicions of the Germans. One of the boys, Flyora, finds an SVT-40 rifle, though the both of them are seen by an Fw 189 flying overhead. The next day, partisans arrive at Flyora's house to conscript him. Flyora becomes a low-rank militiaman and is ordered to perform menial tasks. When the partisans are ready to move on, an old partisan says that he wants to stay behind because his boots are falling apart. The partisan commander, Kosach, orders the old man to swap boots with Flyora and for Flyora to remain behind at the camp. Bitterly disappointed, Flyora walks into the forest weeping and meets Glasha, a young girl working as a nurse in the camp, and the two bond before the camp is suddenly attacked by German paratroopers and dive bombers. Flyora is partially deafened from explosions before the two hide in the forest to avoid the German soldiers. Flyora and Glasha travel to his village, only to find his home deserted and covered in flies. Denying that his family is dead, Flyora believes that they are hiding on a nearby island across a bog. As they run from the village in the direction of the bogland, Glasha glances across her shoulder, seeing a pile of executed villagers' bodies stacked behind a house, but does not alert Flyora. The two become hysterical after wading through the bog, where Glasha then screams at Flyora that his family are actually dead in the village. They are soon met by Roubej, a partisan fighter, who takes them to a large group of villagers who have fled the Germans. Flyora sees the village elder, badly burnt by the Germans, who tells him that he witnessed his family's execution and that he should not have dug up the rifles. Flyora accepts that his family is dead and blames himself for the tragedy. Roubej takes Flyora and two other men to find food at a nearby warehouse, only to find it being guarded by German troops. During their retreat, the group unknowingly wanders through a minefield resulting in the deaths of the two companions. That evening Roubej and Flyora sneak up to an occupied village and manage to steal a cow from a collaborating farmer. However, as they escape across an open field, Roubej and the cow are shot and killed by a German machine gun. The next morning, Flyora attempts to steal a horse and cart but the owner catches him and instead of doing him harm, he helps hide Flyora's identity when SS troops approach. Flyora is taken to the village of Perekhody, where they hurriedly discuss a fake identity for him, while the SS unit (based on the Dirlewanger Brigade) accompanied by Ukrainian collaborators surround and occupy the village. Flyora tries to warn the townsfolk they are being herded to their deaths, but is forced to join them inside a church. Flyora and a young woman bearing a strong resemblance to Glasha manage to escape; the young woman is dragged by her hair across the ground and into a truck to be gang raped, while Flyora is forced to watch as grenades are thrown into the church before it is set ablaze and shot. A German officer points a gun to Flyora's head to pose for a picture before leaving him to slump to the ground as the soldiers leave. Flyora later wanders out of the scorched village in the direction of the Germans, where he discovers they had been ambushed by the partisans. After recovering his jacket and rifle, Flyora comes across the young woman who had also escaped the church in a fugue state and covered in blood after having been gang-raped and brutalized. Flyora returns to the village and finds that his fellow partisans have captured eleven of the Germans and their collaborators, including the commander, an SS-Sturmbannführer. While some of the captured men including the commander plead for their lives and deflect blame, a young fanatical officer bluntly tells the captors that their people have no right to exist and they will carry out their mission. Kosach then forces most of the collaborators to douse the Germans with a can of petrol but the disgusted crowd shoots them all before they can be set on fire. As the partisans leave, Flyora notices a framed portrait of Adolf Hitler in a puddle and proceeds to shoot it numerous times. As he does so, a montage of clips from Hitler's life play in reverse, but when Hitler is shown as a baby on his mother 's lap, Flyora stops shooting and cries. ¡È We are obliged to exterminate the population?this is part of our mission to protect the German population. I have the right to destroy millions of people of a lower race who breed like worms. ¡É ?? Adolf Hitler, 1941 [12] In the final scene, a partisan officer calls out to a low-ranking recruit. Flyora turns, but an obedient youth nearby rushes past him, and Flyora realizes he is now a full partisan. He then catches up and blends in with his comrades, marching through the woods as snow blankets the ground. As they disappear into the birch forest, a title informs: "628 Belorussian villages were destroyed, along with all their inhabitants. " [13] Cast [ edit] Aleksey Kravchenko as Flyora Olga Mironova as Glasha/Glafira Liubomiras Laucevičius as Kosach (voiced by Valeriy Kravchenko) Vladas Bagdonas as Roubej Jüri Lumiste as young German officer Evgeniy Tilicheev as Ukrainian collaborator and translator Viktor Lorents as the German commander Production and release [ edit] Klimov co-wrote the screenplay with Ales Adamovich, who fought with the Belarusian partisans as a teenager. According to the director's recollections, work on the film began in 1977: The 40th anniversary of the Great Victory was approaching. [3] [14] [15] The management had to be given something topical. I had been reading and rereading the book I Am from the Fiery Village, which consisted of the first-hand accounts of people who miraculously survived the horrors of the fascist genocide in Belorussia. Many of them were still alive then, and Belorussians managed to record some of their memories onto film. I will never forget the face and eyes of one peasant, and his quiet recollection about how his whole village had been herded into a church, and how just before they were about to be burned, an officer gave them the offer: "Whoever has no children can leave". And he couldn't take it, he left, and left behind his wife and little kids... or about how another village was burned: the adults were all herded into a barn, but the children were left behind. And later, the drunk men surrounded them with sheepdogs and let the dogs tear the children to pieces. And then I thought: the world doesn't know about Khatyn! They know about Katyn, about the massacre of the Polish offic
I think you absolutely nailed it, well said. The most nightmarish, most realistic, brutal, terrifying and disturbing historic film ever ever ever made. I need to rewatch this movie sometime, seriously one of the most brilliant and impactful films ive ever seen. "Come and See" Enters with young boys playing in a sand field and one of them Floyra finding a rifle. Floyra finds to his mother's dismay recruited into Partisans military. After arriving to a fort in the forest. Flyora becomes disenchanted with being left behind. He loses his hearing temporarily after explosives drops and he hides out in the forest, with a young girl called Glasha. Floyar embarks on a journey of cat and mouse in staying alive through some inhumane occurrences as the Nazis march through the country side of Soviet Union. When we first met Floyar as a young boy he is full of childhood vigor. But, at the end of the journey, there is a close up shot of Floyar aggressively shooting a picture of Hilter. Whereas he never fired the rifle (same one he found) through out the film. He had aged tremendously, all youth demised.
This is one of best war movies ever made.
Idi i smotri sport.

This is one of the best film concerning WWII. Idi i smotri trailer. Idi i smotri streaming. Idi i smotri ruski film. Idi i smotri. Idi i smotri (1985. And then in contrast we have this other young kid who kind of mirrors Florya as he was in the beginning of the film as that young and unaware kid, totally unprepared of the horrors of what's to come. I can highly recommend you watch the following Russian movies related to this topic, but way more realisic and heart-wrenching: on the Road - this one in particular. stiny of a Man 3. Two Comrades were Serving You can all watch them online for free with English subtitles on sovietmoviesonline(dot)com You are welcome.
Idi i smotri imdb. I'm showing this to my rack mate rn Every Marine will watch it. Rah. Idi i smotri full movie. Does anyone know if the crew of this U-Boat uses the Enigma code machine throughout the movie.
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