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K ate Bennett’s Free, Melania is a book at war with itself. It is flattering, salacious and gap-filled all at once. Beyond that, the comma in the book’s title lurks needlessly like the exclamation attached to “ Jeb! ” What either punctation mark was meant to convey, if anything, remains a mystery. Bennett, a CNN reporter who covers Melania and a former gossip columnist at the Las Vegas Sun, is generally admiring of the first lady’s fashion sense and persona, and draws a strong contrast between her and Donald Trump’s first two wives. In children’s book terms, Melania Trump is the Goldilocks of the trio, neither needy nor spotlight-seeking but just right. For now, anyway. When Trump conditioned his third trip to the altar on a prenuptial agreement, Melania Trump didn’t blink. As the president’s dalliances with Stormy Daniels and Karen M cDougal made front-page news, the first lady conveyed decorous disgust. Without a word, she intuited the parameters of the deal. Still, Melania was deeply hurt to learn that Trump hooked up with a porn star just months after the birth of Barron, their son. As retribution, Melania Trump arrived separately from her husband at the 2018 State of the Union address and refused to accompany him on an overseas trip. She also declined to hold Trump’s hand after a domestic flight. The message was not missed, by the president or the press. On the other hand, as Bennett writes, the couple keep separate bedrooms, Melania Trump knew what she was getting into, and her parents were also living at the White House. Multiple safety valves were built in to the Trumpian arrangement. Free, Melania plumbs but not too deeply. Bennett describes how she obtained her green card in 2001 after sponsoring herself as a model of “extraordinary ability”, then in turn sponsored her Slovenian parents for US citizenship. According to Bennett, the first lady and her parents thus used a visa process the Trump administration is “trying to repeal”, namely “chain migration”. What Trump branded “harmful” to US was “OK for his in-laws”. Just a year ago, he tweeted: “CHAIN MIGRATION must end now! Some people come in, and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil. NOT ACCEPTABLE! ” But Free, Melania fails to examine how Melania Trump received what became known as an “Einstein visa”. In August 2016, Politico raised the issue of immigration fraud. Michael Wildes, her immigration lawyer, issued a statement denying irregularity or wrongdoing. Free, Melania also airbrushes the first lady’s politics, portraying her as more of a compassionate conservative than the president but omitting her public embrace of birtherism. As Bennett frames things: “It was Melania who told Trump that the zero-tolerance policy of removing children from the border was cruel and untenable. It was she who emphasized the opioid crisis was an emergency, one that required more federal funding. ” Left unsaid was a 2011 television appearance in which she went full birther. “It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Barack Obama’s birth certificate], ” Melania Trump told the camera. “It’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that. ” Not surprisingly, she lacks similar ardor for disclosing the Trump tax returns. By the numbers, a majority of voters want the returns released, a move Trump continues to fight in the courts. Bennett’s book will most likely be remembered for tying Roger Stone to the nude photos of Melania Trump that graced Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post in the heat of the 2016 campaign, and the White House’s rebuke of Bennett as the president was en route to the Nato summit. Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson and Princess Anne wouldn’t be the only ones to yuck it up at the president’s expense. Hours later, Anne snubbed the Trumps again. Even Joe Biden has since managed to get into the act. So how did photos taken in the mid-90s see the light of day? “The theory goes, ” according to Bennett, “that Trump was trying to head off a bad week on the campaign. “Melania has not commented on how she thinks they got into the hands of the tabloid and on to the cover, but friends say she still refuses to believe Trump would do that to her. As for Stone, she’s not so sure. ” Stone, whose wife denied that he played any role in the leak, awaits sentencing for lying to Congress and may be praying for a presidential pardon. Synchronicity strikes again. Melania Trump speaks to Joy Behar in 2011. For her part, Stephanie Grisham, press secretary to the White House and Melania Trump, offered indignation and a non-denial denial: “Our office worked with Kate in good faith on her book, and thought she would do an honest job. Sadly, it includes many false details and opinions, showing Ms Bennett spoke to many anonymous people who don’t know the first lady. ” Forget the first family. There’s nothing like a flack burned. Free, Melania also studies the first lady’s rapport with Ivanka Trump, the first daughter and a purported object of Trump’s desire. Bennett reports that the White House has taken a toll on the relationship, sliding from a “comfortable, if not warm, alliance” to “cordial, not close”. Melania Trump went so far as to make clear that “Ivanka was not to have an office in the East Wing”, the residence, when the first lady had not yet moved to DC. The pair have reportedly clashed over trips to Africa. Competition? “It’s a real thing. ” Free, Melania reads as if it were written for an audience of two: Melania Trump and her husband, in that order. Bennett concludes: “Say what you will about her, what is clear is that Melania is unlike any other first lady. ” There, Bennett has a point.
Eine neue nicht autorisierte Biografie über Melania Trump,?die in den USA am Dienstag in den Handel gekommen ist, sorgt?für Aufsehen.?Geschrieben wurde das Buch mit dem Titel "Free,?Melania" von der Journalistin Kate Bennett vom Nachrichtensender CNN, mit dem Donald Trump?bekanntermaßen auf Kriegsfuß steht. Ihrer Darstellung zufolge hat die First Lady viel mehr Einfluss auf ihren Mann als allgemein angenommen wird. Das aus Slowenien stammende Ex-Model sei mit Blick auf ihren Mann "viel mächtiger und einflussreicher" als in der Öffentlichkeit bekannt, schreibt die Journalistin. So bestätigt Bennett, dass Trumps dritte Ehefrau im vergangenen Jahr dafür sorgte, dass die stellvertretende Nationale Sicherheitsberaterin Mira Ricardel ihren Posten verlor, nachdem beide bei einer Afrika-Reise aneinandergeraten waren. Die Biografie bekräftigt auch, dass das Ehepaar Trump im Weißen Haus getrennte Schlafzimmer hat. Die Präsidentengattin lebt demnach in einer Suite mit zwei Zimmern einen Stockwerk über dem Schlafzimmer des Präsidenten. Sie verfügt außerdem über einen Sportraum mit einem Pilates-Gerät. "Sie ist die einzige, die ihm sagen kann, was sie denkt" Bennett berichtet auch über die Zeit, als Vorwürfe laut wurden, Trump habe dem Pornostar Stormy Daniels und dem ehemaligen Playmate Karen McDougal Schweigegeld gezahlt. Beide Frauen geben an, Affären mit Trump gehabt zu haben, was Trump dementiert. Bennett zufolge strafte Melania ihren Ehemann zwar einige Zeit mit Missachtung ab, indem sie ihn etwa nicht auf öffentliche Termine begleitete. Bennett zeichnet in ihrem?Buch aber nicht das Bild einer Ehe, die nur für die Fassade aufrecht erhalten wird. Trump?wünsche sich sehnlichst Melanias Zustimmung, und er vertraue auf sie, schreibt die Autorin. "Ihre strafende Kälte infolge der Affären-Schlagzeilen und Gerüchte belastete ihn. " Und Melania habe außerordentlich großen Einfluss auf Trump. "Sie ist die einzige, die ihm offen sagen kann, was sie denkt. Sie ist die einzige, die ihm Ratschläge und Meinungen sagen kann, die seinen entgegenlaufen, und das auch tut. " All das könne sie machen, ohne Beschimpfungen auf Twitter befürchten zu müssen. "Sie ist im Wesentlichen unantastbar. " Hosenanzüge als Strafe für Trump Während Melania in der Öffentlichkeit nur selten spricht, drückt sie sich mit ihrer Kleidung aus, schreibt Bennett in der Biografie. Allerdings gibt das auch Anlass für Verwirrung und Missverständnisse. So trug die First Lady im vergangenen Jahr beim Besuch eines Heims für Migrantenkinder an der Grenze zu Mexiko eine Jacke mit dem Aufdruck "Es ist mir wirklich egal. Und Dir? " Einige sahen darin ein Zeichen der Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber den Kindern, andere eine Kritik an der Einwanderungspolitik ihres Mannes, wieder andere eine trotzige Botschaft an die Presse. Glaubt man Bennett, ging es aber um etwas ganz anderes: Demnach handelte es sich um eine Botschaft an ihre Stieftochter Ivanka, der Melania manchmal vorwirft, sich wie eine First Lady aufzuführen. "Free,?Melania" zufolge trägt die Präsidentengattin zudem Hosenanzüge, wenn sie sauer auf ihren Mann ist - weil der Präsident gerne Frauen in "engen, kurzen, supersexy und weiblichen Kleidern" sehe. In ihrem Buch zeigt die CNN -Journalistin Bennett Sympathie für die First Lady - und wendet sich auch dagegen, Melania als Opfer ihres Mannes anzusehen. Die 49-Jährige wird häufig als Gefangene im Weißen Haus geschildert, daher auch das Meme "Free?Melania" (Befreit Melania). Die Biografie "Free,?Melania" deutet diese Formulierung mit einem zusätzlichen Komma um - und würdigt Melania als freie Frau. "Sie braucht keinerlei Befreiung", betont Bennett.
The first lady freedom. First lady 2 full movie free online. Ok das mit platz 1 ist sehr überraschend. melania und donald müssen das essen im weißen haus bezahlen? aus eigener tasche? wtf ok das ist echt krass. Ever notice when Melania is interacting with children the are all smiling happy and learning and seem so dignified and proud of what they are doing? Then when you see the left interacting with children they are afraid they are going to die. They are emotionally destrout and out of control? It is so sad what the left does to children. No wonder our suicide rates are catastrophically climbing.
Here because Nay and Meech ???? didnt even know this guy existed till them ?. First Lady freedom. Syria first lady cancer free. She has such a beautiful soul ??.
Melania Trump is an enigma, but a new book by Kate Bennett, a CNN reporter who spent years following the first lady, promises to give the unofficial, unauthorized account of who she really is. Is she really Donald Trump’s prisoner? Or is she, as the book asks, “a woman who spent her childhood and formative years in a poor communist country, who speaks five languages, who privately spends her time visiting sick children … a fierce protector of her child? ” You might not have the time to read Free, Melania ’s 288 pages to find out ? so we did it for you. Here’s what we learned. 1. Melania spent five months on a décor project Be Best baubles and blood red trees: Melania Trump’s Christmas decorations ? video The author spends a lot of time lamenting Melania’s lack of “skills”. According to Bennett, this has been a sticking point for Flotus: unlike her predecessors ? Michelle Obama who was a Princeton grad and Hillary Clinton who was a lawyer ? Melania often finds herself stuck without the tools to control the media narrative around her; to command the resources she needed in the White House for her initiatives. It might even explain why she had to steal one of Michelle Obama’s speeches. But Melania has thrown herself into other projects instead. One was designing Christmas decorations for the White House last year. According to the book, she spent much of her time poring over mood boards. Some may remember the fruits of her hard work: after five months she arrived squarely at the conclusion that it would be a good idea to decorate the White House with blood-red trees. Of course, the internet mocked the dystopian trees, and asked whether Melania was OK. Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) AIDE: There’s this perception you don’t care about children, so we need to? MELANIA: Get me the blood-red nightmare Christmas trees with NO ORNAMENTS OR PRESENTS November 26, 2018 She perhaps had less time to pore over her response: “We are in the 21st century, ” Melania told reporters at the time. Which is, of course, the century in which we should become more tolerant of all trees, no matter what color they are. 2. Trump was his own real-life sock puppet People were bemused earlier this year upon learning that former presidential candidate Mitt Romney had a sock puppet account ? an account used to big oneself up, under the pretence of being someone else. The book revisits the story of Trump’s own sock puppet: himself. He used to call reporters at outlets such as People and Forbes pretending to be Trump’s PR guy “John Barron”, and would overinflate his wealth and importance. Forbes reporter Jonathan Greenberg realized he’d been duped by Trump in 1984 when he played back a call he’d had with “Barron” on tape, and realized it was just Trump speaking in a different tone. 3. Maybe Melania is just private Looking at the evidence, an unforgiving audience might describe Melania as vapid. She created a grammatically incorrect public awareness program “Be Best” as her initiative, which took aim at online trolls, seemingly unaware of who she is married to. An explanation is yet to be given for why Melania once thought it was a good idea to create a caviar-based skincare line ? probably because there are no words. But the book invites us to consider an alternative truth: perhaps Melania is simply a private person. She doesn’t talk to the press, she barely talks to her security guards, and she even keeps her own quarters in the White House. “Imagine what those [polling] numbers could be if Melania actually said anything of major importance on a regular basis? ” Bennett opines, in reference to a poll that once put her as more popular than Michelle Obama. I wonder. 3. The jacket was about Ivanka, not children separated from their parents Melania Trump wearing a Zara jacket that reads, “I don’t really care. Do U? ” Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP Remember that jacket? The one Melania wore during a visit to a migrant child detention centre, the one emblazoned with the words: “I really don’t care, Do U? ” The book speculates the jacket’s slogan wasn’t directed at the children ? it was directed at Ivanka instead. Melania was reportedly fuming at the time that Ivanka had taken all the credit for Trump’s softening stance on immigration when actually it was Melania who had got him to climb down. Bennett argues that Melania took aim at Ivanka in the best way she knew how: by wearing a jacket from the same store Ivanka favors (Melania wears more expensive designer clothes). 4. Melania is really down to earth If this book is anything to go by, then Melania is really just a normal person: she is nice to staff and she uses emojis. According to Bennett, Melania often sends Grisham emojis to “convey her happiness, disappointment or surprise”. 5. Who will speak out for Tiffany? At Melania and Trump’s wedding, everyone had a role. Trump’s sons, Don Jr and Eric, were his best men. Ivanka did a Bible reading. There was even a role for reality TV show producer Mark Burnett’s eldest son ? who was a page boy. Tiffany, on the other hand, was tasked with handing out wedding programs. Bennet concludes: “It’s unclear why Tiffany’s role was so minimal, but as with most things Tiffany Trump, there’s a sad footnote or afterthought. ” 6. Separate rooms And now for the grand finale: the book reveals that Trump and Melania sleep in separate rooms. Melania, according to the author, sleeps in a room on the third floor of the executive residence, where Michelle Obama’s mother lived during the Obama presidency. Trump reportedly sleeps in the master bedroom on the first floor. Bennett gives a surprising explanation for their separate quarters: perhaps if Melania and Trump were forced to spend more time with each other, their marriage wouldn’t last. “Trump didn’t have separate bedrooms with his two previous wives; it’s worth noting that those relationships lasted nowhere near as long as his current one, ” says Bennett. Trump’s first marriage actually lasted 14 years ? the same as his marriage with Melania ? so she still has some time left to disprove the theory. There is also a much more obvious explanation ? that Melania’s physical detachment from Trump has something to do with his multiple alleged infidelities.
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NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Kate Bennett about her new book, Free, Melania, that looks at a multitude of questions swirling around the first lady. MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: The hand swat seen around the world - that is how journalist Kate Bennett describes the moment in 2017 when Donald Trump reached for his wife's hand and she was having none of it, slapped his hand away with the TV cameras rolling on the tarmac in Tel Aviv. Now, that hand swat prompted all kinds of questions about Melania Trump, about the state of their marriage, about a moment of very public defiance from a very private woman. Kate Bennett takes on those questions in her new biography of the first lady. It is titled "Free, Melania. " Kate Bennett, great to see you. KATE BENNETT: It's good to see you. KELLY: So that hand swat - let's just start there. You argue that it matters because Melania Trump is not only the only person on the planet who could swat his hand away and get away with it; she's the only one who can say what she thinks to his face. Does she? BENNETT: Absolutely. You know, I think it's a misperception about Melania Trump that she's sort of quiet, and in repose we see her with those sunglasses. And she's often, you know, relatively silent. But behind the scenes, she is one of the president's most vocal advisers. KELLY: Really? I mean, I guess I am surprised to hear that because we do not hear her voice that often on the record. How does that conversation play out? BENNETT: They speak on the phone several times a day. I think that she is his eyes and ears outside of Fox News. She's been involved in the immigration discussion. She's been involved, obviously, in the opioid crisis happening in the country. I think she's way more forthright with him than anyone else because she can be. KELLY: Stay with immigration for a second, because this is an issue I have been curious about - how she reconciles her husband's views on immigration with her own life story. We've heard the president, for example, slam what he refers to as chain migration. Melania Trump brought her parents over and her sister over from Slovenia. This is what the president says has to end. BENNETT: For the most part, gathering the few times she has talked about immigration, she's very, you know, I follow the rules. I did what I was supposed to do. Everyone else should do the same. I think where she actively got involved was during the family separation issue in Texas and at the border and put together a very quick trip to see for herself. And that happened whether or not the president really wanted her to. Of course, she ended up wearing a particular jacket on the plane down. KELLY: The I-Really-Don't-Care-Do-You jacket... BENNETT: Exactly. KELLY:.. ended up stealing all the headlines from that trip. You were on that trip, right? BENNETT: I was on that trip, exactly. KELLY: Yeah. How do you know what Melania Trump's views are? And she's given one on-the-record gaggle. BENNETT: Right. So covering Melania Trump is a difficult beat because her... KELLY: We should say you're the only member of the White House press corps who covers her full time as your focus. Go on. BENNETT: Right. So it's become my job to figure out her nonverbal clues, understand from a few sentences a deeper meaning, sort of looking into her past to understand her present. KELLY: How much access do you get? BENNETT: Well, I'm on every trip. Wherever she goes, I go. But in terms of access, this is a first lady who has only really done a couple of sit-down interviews. She is not a fan of the press. She's wary of the press. She doesn't feel it's her responsibility or that she owes the public interviews. I think that she's not interested at all in doing that. KELLY: Another thing that I am deeply curious about is how she handles the reported infidelities, the multiple women who have come forward and made allegations - credible allegations - of sexual misconduct, that "Access Hollywood" tape. How does she deal with all that? BENNETT: Not like most political spouses before her. I mean, we have not seen her sit on a couch and do a deep interview about her marriage to try to sort of put a Band-Aid on things the way we've seen other political spouses do it. You know, she canceled a trip to Switzerland. Her office told me it was because of scheduling, but it was certainly during that time. She took a separate motorcade, which was unheard of, from the White House to the Capitol for his State of the Union address. I remember going to the news desk when I got that tip that she was going separately and saying, the first lady's taking a separate motorcade to the Hill, and being told, no, no, no, Kate. They go together. I said, no, no, no. You're not hearing me. She is taking a separate motorcade to the Hill. KELLY: You argue in the book that she is in many ways an unlikely feminist. Is this part of what you were talking about? Make the case. BENNETT: Yeah, I do think that. I think that in so many ways, first ladies are given this very antiquated role, this job that there's no real description. There's no salary. You're expected to be this and also this, but not too much this, and maybe a little more of this. And I think Melania Trump has held true to who she really is. Right from the bat, didn't move to the White House. I mean, that was a jaw-dropper, and people right away took that as she doesn't like him. She hates Washington. She doesn't want to be first lady. But she just did it on her own terms. I think she could block out the noise. In many ways, she's a very traditional wife - extremely so. But in other ways, she's really shown us that she has feelings, and, you know, right from that hand swat on the tarmac. KELLY: Yeah. Let me take you back to the last presidential campaign, her big moment at the Republican National Convention 2016. She steps up to the podium. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) MELANIA TRUMP: My parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. KELLY: It was a terrific speech, very well-received, big applause - Kate Bennett - except portions were almost verbatim from a speech that Michelle Obama had given eight years before. How does Melania Trump explain that? BENNETT: Melania Trump, in that moment, really thought that she was giving an original speech and was devastated afterwards to learn, as the rest of us did, that the speech was plagiarized. KELLY: And to be clear, you reported it out and you are confident that she thought this was original and this was a speechwriter who had inserted that. BENNETT: A hundred percent. The speechwriter eventually sort of wrote a letter, mea culpa, saying that she had unintentionally put in Michelle Obama's words and ended up being another series of headlines. And I think each time she sort of stepped forward on the campaign, something would step her back, whether it was the "Access Hollywood" tape or the nude photos of her that were released or the speech moment. KELLY: Given all that, do we know if she wants to live through this again? Does she want her husband to get a second term? BENNETT: Yes. I think the other surprising part about Melania Trump in covering her for three years and writing this book is that she really is quite happy where she is. She has learned to make the most of it. She... KELLY: On what do you base that, if I might ask? BENNETT: Well, you know, she's engaged very fully in the staff, in the workings of the White House. She's taken a real interest in restoration. And she redid parts of the Blue and Green rooms. She has redone the bowling alley. She's very involved in the history and the historic nature and the responsibility that a first lady has to the people's house. You know, to think that she's trapped somehow and in need of a rescue makes for a good meme. But if you speak to anyone who knows her and those around her, you just quickly realize that's just not the case. KELLY: Kate Bennett, CNN journalist and author of the new book "Free, Melania. " Kate Bennett, thank you. BENNETT: Thank you. (SOUNDBITE OF ANDREW BIRD SONG, "BLOODLESS") Copyright © 2019 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of NPR’s programming is the audio record.
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