tt1706620 tube filelist Snowpiercer

release date - 2013
Info - The nations release the substance CW-7 with the intention of controlling global warning, but accidentally it results in another Ice Age destroying Earth. The only survivors live in the train Snowpiercer which is driven by a perpetual motion engine created by the millionaire Wilford (Ed Harris) that lives in the engine part. In 2031, after seventeen years, there is a fight of classes inside the train since the oppressed lower class lives in dreadful conditions in the last wagons of the train while the elite lives in the front wagons. The lower class is fed with protein bars only; they are oppressed and punished by Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) and her brutal guards; and their children are taken every now and then when they reach a certain height. The leaders Gilliam (Sir John Hurt), Curtis Everett (Chris Evans), and Edgar (Jamie Bell) are plotting a scheme to reach the engine and talk to Wilford about their conditions using the addicted security engineer Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang-ho) and his clairvoyant daughter Yona (Ko Asung) that are imprisoned to open the locked doors. When the son of Tanya (Octavia Spencer), Tim (Marcanthonee Reis), is captured by Mason, they decide to execute their plan. There are many casualties and soon Curtis discovers that they have been manipulated by Wilford to balance the resources in the train, and why the magnate keeps the lower class alive
countries - South Korea
Action, Sci-Fi
audience score - 281710 vote
directed by - Bong Joon Ho
★★ ??↓?????????
★★ ニコニコ チャンネル
★★ ???????▲?ψ?↑

This was an enjoyable film! A few plot wholes, but very fun to watch! The killers were hilarious, I especially loved the hipster. Race, sex, religion, nationality, political opinions didnt matter to them. They united for a common goal, for the greater good. They were all ready to fight and die together. Could you imagine if humanity could unite like the last train car united? For the greater good...
CHICKEN. Chanel would not be happy with her talking to guys. Background Music at 1.57 resembles Game of thrones title music. That escalated quickly. 2:43 they like damn where he come from. That was aired on tv and we catched the end, now I'll have to watch it. Kar k c3 bcr eyici construction & remodeling. HE SHOULD HAVE CALLED IRON MAN FOR THIS. 1:01 why is there a half life zombie sound effect in this movie. I think the Polar Bear is a great sign. The fact an apex predator is living show there's must be a stable ecosystem.

You quoted Zizek! He's like my favourite philosopher of all time. 5:35 I though the polar bear meant that stuff was alive and they would have food to hunt. Damn Thresher Maws from Mass Effect. That cast <3. When I first watch this films, the reviews for it were rather terrible. I am glad to see that others are beginning to see the film like I did. I might just be into this type of movie, but it made me think of how people misuse power. I think the plot resolved rather unpredictably which really added to what happened throughout the movie. Intense scenes (like fighting) I fell, were incredibly composed. I also enjoyed the use of well known American actors and South Korean actors.
Great analysis man! ill definitely view the film differently on my 2nd viewing. Kar k c3 bcr eyici construction & remodeling. I sawa video explaining how this is the 2nd Charlie and the chocolate factory look it up it was very interesting. I kinda wanna see little miss sunshine kick some ass. Looks interesting. Here after the “willy wonka “conspiracy theory. He need to do one for the movie Enemy. WOW... I can't believe its almost 2019 and I'm JUST now finding out about this movie... gotta watch it. The train isnt exactly an allegory for the earth. Because its artificial, the train is an allegory for the man made illusory world within class systems and oppressed nations. The film is a commentary on oppression and freedom.
Anyone saying this is the best film they've ever seen, need to also give their top 5 movies,and hopefully I can then decide. cos if i hate your top. i ain't watchin it. You got it wrong even welford is prisoned inside the train. Most creepy sound I have heard?. I seen two videos now, absolutely amazing, great work. Probably going to binge all your videos now.
The real question is will we ever figure out what happened to the Oompa Loompahs. This was an awesome movie! I hope to see a sequel. I'll watch Red. That “creepy dude peeling an apple” was clearly a woman. ?. Castlevenia feeling to. 10:33 - It was explained that the free-loaders jumped onto the train by force in one exclusive video. Oh god, I'm speechless! Simply amazing... Thanks for sharing.









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