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I'm newer to FDS and it has opened my eyes to so many double standards in society, and how crappy a lot of pornsick men are. It's sad that it's everywhere -- in movies, in art, in 'normal' relationships, and then these beliefs are instilled into children from a young age. When I think of 'birth control, ' I instantly think of the pill, and condoms second. That's already social conditioning: the first thing that comes to mind is the burden being on a woman. As a lover of relationship subreddits, I've seen so much crap concerning this. So many low value men think 'the pill' is this magical thing that just removes any chance of pregnancy and that's that! Because they don't have to deal with any of the consequences of it, they barely have to think about how it affects women, and in general, it isn't their burden. It's convenient for them, and no matter how much it detrimentally affects women, it's convenient for them so therefore it's okay. Heaven FORBID a woman doesn't take birth control or goes off of it, though. All of a sudden, low value men magically care, because *gasp* it then affects them! It's such a selfish viewpoint and shows how they only care about themselves and their pleasure. Fear of being 'trapped' by a pregnancy? Such a lie. It's socially acceptable for men to leave and just pay child support, and some don't even pay the full amount, or any money at all, because they know a single mother can't often afford to take them to court. That happens more often than men will EVER admit online. Low value men just don't want to wear a condom or have a vasectomy -- oh no! An easy, straightforward procedure with barely any recovery time. But it isn't *convenient* for them and the 0. 1% chance they lose the slightest bit of pleasure in sex is just too much to bear -- ignoring the fact that many women suffer low libido, lack of pleasure, horrible hormonal imbalances, possible acne and weight gain and ovarian cysts and more from birth control. Low value men will find every excuse in the book to not wear a condom, too. They'll lie, they'll whine, they'll say they're clean, and they'll ignore the risks women constantly endure when it comes to birth control. And what's funny is that a condom is the most convenient form of birth control, and somehow that's still not convenient enough for low value men. Birth control is NEVER a woman's burden to carry alone. I'm sick of reading even on other women-based subreddits about women going ahead to get an IUD or a serious procedure like tubal ligation. On one hand, yes it's nice to have reproductive freedom. At what point should the burden be shared with men, though? I foolishly bought into the lie that an IUD is a painless procedure, the best option because it's a short procedure and lasts five years, and that it's freedom for myself and feminist and blah blah. No. It is not. I could barely stand after the procedure, I was so light-headed. I could not drive home or focus. The cramps, the worst pain of my life just under the pain of appendicitis, lasted for days. A month later, I can still barely stand or walk longer than an hour before the pain gets too bad. I can't work my college job which is in 4-hour shifts, the job which I desperately need to pay for textbooks. Painkillers don't help. I don't even want to talk about trying to walk around to classes. The worst part is, in a follow-up appointment doctors told me the pain is 'normal' and will go away in maybe around FOUR or FIVE MONTHS. When was this suddenly considered okay????? I'm going to spend almost half a YEAR recovering, possibly almost half a year without income from a college job I desperately rely on, and can't run when I want to start training for a half marathon again. A condom is not that hard to put on. A vasectomy is not a huge sacrifice to make. But if a Pickmeisha is the only one handling birth control, making sacrifices for some relationship to work by making a guy happy and ignorant -- that's not a relationship. Fuck that and fuck social expectations. FDS forever. ------------------------------------------ Edit: After calling a nurse advice line, I am going to urgent care after my lab class tomorrow. I am most definitely getting this IUD removed at the soonest time I can. It's just stupid that this situation even exists at all, that my health is being so affected by birth control, all so men can relax and not have any responsibility. Never again. None of my doctors warned me an IUD could be this painful. None of my doctors warned me about any of the horror stories in the comments. It's incredibly frustrating to be told by doctors that significant pain is 'normal'. ' Women in pain and suffering while men get all the benefits is NOT okay. If I ever have a partner who ignores how horrible this experience is right now and suggests I get back on birth control, I will politely tell him to go fuck himself, as that's the best birth control. Guaranteed, if a man had significant pain in his genital region, he'd be having scans done ASAP or at least some prescription painkillers. I bet very few doctors would tell him that pain is normal and then send him on his way. It sucks that I have to advocate so much for myself to be heard. I love this subreddit and I'm so glad I'm not alone in this.
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Devil& 39;s advocate movie online youtube. Advocate Movie. When's this gonna be on iTunes? Love the song by the way ??. Doctor prank bhi kry allama shb. Games with sexual themes have always been difficult to distribute and sell -- is the games industry ever going to catch up to the rest of entertainment? Despite its universal relevance to human nature, our sensibilities often interpret sex and sexuality as an uncomfortable subject. The games industry is certainly no stranger to this phenomenon, and it has yet to fully embrace sex as a source of narrative or mechanical significance. There have, of course, been many attempts, but whenever sex is mentioned in relation to a video game, the general assumption is that it must be either pornography or parody. This article is strange. For an article about the distribution of porn games, it doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that a bunch of porn games are being distributed through steam right now, either through official off-steam patches or directly in steam's porn section. But the only time it mentions steam is linking a 2016 article where Robert Yang complains about steam not allowing his porn games. But steam's porn policies have changed since 2016. Steam's 'new and trending' thing on the front page for me has 4 out of 10 games with adult patches available right now. Senren*Banka (selling really well especially in China. 1, 429 all time concurrent peak players. That's really good. ) Liz ~The Tower and the Grimoire~ TroubleDays VenusBlood FRONTIER International ( 746 all-time concurrent player peak) Edit: Liz and venusblood has now been replaced on this list by Moe Era for me. This one doesn't have a porn patch but seems like a romance thing. And there is also this thing on the list Kill or Love. Seems like it isn't porn, but it is a short visual novel that involves psychological horror and romance. And that's just the past week or so of releases that where popular enough to get on that list and aren't marked as adults only. If I log in so I can see adult only stuff, there are two more added to the new and trending list Perky Little Things Sexy and hilarious hidden object game for adults. Unique art, sleazy humour. Don't miss the fun! Being a DIK - Season 1 Being a DIK is a choice driven adult Visual Novel focusing on the fun parts of college life. The game is packed with humor, sex, romance, drama and a rich story. Play as a young male attending college at B&R and guide him through the experience. Season 1 is packed with 361 animated scenes and over 8000 images. You can expect an 8-12 hour game that can be replayed numerous times to experience different paths and girls. You'd think all this porn being distributed on a big, mainstream video game store would be notable in an article about distributing porn video games. But apparently nobody in the writer's circle of people to talk to and get quotes from ever looks at steam's front page, and are completely clueless that this is happening. (Another group of people who are somehow missing all this porn are anti-SJWs who think valve is banning everything that would disgust an SJW. ) You can also find porn games on patreon and kickstarter. Risk, and restrictions to creative freedom for people trying to make porn games right now, come from an employee of patreon/kickstarter/steam deciding you are making a type of porn that the company has banned and then banning your game. But the article can't be bothered to mention any of that. And a lot of the restrictions on the types of porn those companies have probably come from rules from credit card companies or payment processors Take, for instance, CCBill, one of the most popular payment processors for online adult sites. Section 3 of the company's acceptable use policy offers a twenty-seven point explanation of actions considered to be violations of CCBill policy. Six points in?sandwiched between the ban on anything even remotely referencing underage porn and the ban on bestiality?is the rule that even some of the most vanilla porn producers find themselves running up against: The posting or display of any image or wording depicting or related to extreme violence, incest, snuff, scat or the elimination of any bodily waste on another person, mutilation, or rape anywhere on the site in a sexual or erotic manner, including the URL and meta tags. On its surface, that rule might seem straightforward. Who among us really wants to advocate for murder and shit porn, right? But as with many things, the devil is in the details. And in this case, the details result in many sites being banned from publishing a whole host of kinky (and not so kinky) content, including menstruation porn, golden showers, and even wax play involving red candles (more on that in a second). Before getting too deep into all the perverted fantasies payment processors are preventing you from enjoying, I should note one thing: It's not exactly the payment processors themselves who are at fault here. All CCBill (and Epoch, and any other adult payment processors) are doing is enforcing the vaguely expressed wishes of Visa and MasterCard?and that vagueness is a large part of why pornographers are so frustrated and confused. But the gameindustry article can't be bothered to mention any of that, just that paypal and stripe won't allow any porn. The article also doesn't mention the entire japanese eroge industry is a thing that exists and counts as part of the video game industry. Some of those are just cheap short porn games of almost nothing but sex scenes, but some of them are like 50 hours of reading with fully voice acted dialogue plus some sex scenes, which I think makes then more like a romance novel for men, then they are like porn. One eroge with an action story was called fate stay night and fate became a really really huge IP. Some eroge also have gameplay in addition to reading. Some of them are made for women and called otome. They even make some lesbian/gay games! But none of it is worth mentioning in an article about porn games apparently. Even though a lot of these games don't cleanly fit into the 'porn or parody' groups the article starts by complaining about. Also from the article: Even in the '80s, however, Lowe was contending with the kind of censorship that Shuster finds so frustrating on the modern web.... It's surely no coincidence that they both experienced similar issues with censorship and financing. An SJW would yell at this article for using the word 'censorship' incorrectly because it doesn't describe the government doing anything. But I think it is correct and common to use the word 'censorship' do describe these type of strong corporate restrictions against making and distributing a type of content in games. "The attitudes of regulatory bodies, such as the ESRB and its predecessors, plus the fact that games went very corporate very quickly, means you can't do anything with the game equivalent of an x-rated movie" The ESRB doesn't have a bad attitude because they have an 18+ adult only rating for porn games. The reason you couldn't make AO rated games isn't because the ESRB accurately rates porn with the 'this is porn' age rating. The reason you couldn't make them is a lot of stores, and all the consoles, refuse to sell any AO rated games. If you want that to change and grow the industry beyond steam, you have to criticize the stores and consoles for not selling porn, not criticize the ESRB ratings. But nobody ever critisizies the consoles for not selling a single porn game, people were only interested in criticizing steam for not selling Robert Yang's porn games or ladykiller in a bind, but people weren't interested in steam enough to notice when steam started selling a bunch of porn games. "This lovely young guy was pitching his game idea to Zev Shlashinger, from Z-Man Games. He wanted to do what he considered to be a really cool, edgy game, in which you're a drug tycoon, selling drugs to people. You need to sell lots of drugs, go up the chain of supply, rough people up if they step out of line, and get your cartel to be the biggest and the best. Zed's response to him was: 'If this is such a good game, why can't you change the theme? Why can't you make it about mining? If you set it in the 1920s, you've got a completely different atmosphere. It's now about drug dealers and beating up addicts and poverty-stricken desperation. All of this stuff then suddenly becomes problematic. '" Everything is problematic to some people. If GTA can become one of the biggest games of all time it shouldn't be forbidden to make another game where you play as a criminal doing immoral criminal things. You could change the theme to a mining company and try to keep similar gameplay, but a completely different atmosphere would appeal to a completely different group of people. And that group of people might be much smaller if a mining game sounds much less attention grabbing and less interesting than the edgy crime game. The game industry should make all types of games with all types of atmospheres for all types of people, which could include some mining game, but could also include some edgy crime games. Indeed, BoneTown is very much a game centered around being intimate with as many women as possible, often while drunk. There's no question that BoneTown pushes the limits well beyond what many would consider appropriate, even outright problematic. It is unashamedly misogynistic, but for Hod, that's very much the point. "One man's trash is another man's treasure" he says, speaking with the kind of confidence you'd expect from a man who sees seething reviews and angry emails as evidence that he and his team are hitting the right nerves. Everything is problematic and misogynistic to some people. Men having their hormones affected by the fantasy of being intimate with lots of women, has nothing to do with them having a hatred of all women. Men who don't hate women can also be titillated by imagining being i
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