hack generator free resources AudioSurf

Author Dylan Fitterer AudioSurf hack

abstract Ride your music. Audiosurf is a music-adapting puzzle racer where you use your own music to create your own experience. The shape, the speed, and the mood of each ride is determined by the song you choose
Notices Playing a game and listening to your favorite songs is about as fun as anything
Tagline Music

Audiosurf 2 on Steam. Audiosurf is a puzzle/rhythm hybrid game created by Invisible Handlebar, a personal company created by Dylan Fitterer. Its track-like stages visually mimic t. How to generate road like in Audiosurf like game. Unity, AudioSurf on Steam. Audiosurf - Topic. Audiosurf is a music-adapting puzzle racer where you use your own music to create your own experience. The shape, the speed, and the mood of each ride is determined by the song you choose. You earn points for clustering together blocks of the same color on the highway, and compete with others on the internet for the high score on your favorite. Hello, I am trying to learn how it´s possible to generate road from some input data. I ma using unity for a while but I have no idea how it´s possible to generate for example a road that floats in the air (i mean, that it´s not a general terrain) so i will get a bumpy twisted road.
  1. https://seesaawiki.jp/dzukebana/d/Road%20Riot%20Co...
  2. https://ameblo.jp/tagatanto/entry-12536046527.html









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