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75 votes. average rating - 6,9 of 10. William Levy, Jeff Goldberg. year - 2019. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTliNDNlZTYtZWI4NC00YzU1LThlOWYtZmEwMDU4YTM3ZGIyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTIxNTAyMzU@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). Cast - William Levy. En brazos de un asesino free online hd.

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En brazos de un asesino free online bingo. Ella no habla explícitamente de William, habla de su vida en general y bueno William hizo parte de ella. ahora que la gente quiere hablar de eso es otra cosa porque lo toman en tono de chisme... Y para nadie es un secreto que Elizabeth ha sido engañada por William así que ahora no nos vamos a hacer las dignas por favor. jacky pasó por algo doloroso como para que vengan a cuestionar precisamente ese punto... En brazos de un asesino free online surveys. En brazos de un asesino free online film. Didn't watch it yet but looks amazing. I love this series so much.
You simply must see this great Mexican gangster story with an attractive, compelling cast that kept me in my seat throughout this action movie on Friday Dec 6. Leading Lady Alicia "The Body" Sanz is so wonderfully at home in the altogether (both in the shower and while being strip-searched for a tracking device) that her scenes could exist separately and still be a box office hit. 8 out of 10 for the movie. 10 out of 10 for Miss Sanz. Highly Recommended. En brazos de un asesino free online poker. Watch en brazos de un asesino online free 123movies. La Línea (New Juárez Cartel) Acosta Hernández (a. k. a. El Diego), a former leader of La Línea in front of cameras. Founding?location Ciudad Juárez, Mexico Territory Chihuahua, Texas Leader(s) Juan Pablo Ledezma Activities Drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, murder Allies Juárez Cartel Beltrán-Leyva Cartel Los Zetas Barrio Azteca Rivals Sinaloa Cartel Los Ántrax Gente Nueva, Los Mexicles Artistas Asesinos La Línea ("The Line") is an enforcer unit of the Juárez Cartel originally set up by a number of former and active-duty policemen, heavily armed and extensively trained in urban warfare. [1] Their corrupt "line" of policemen were set up to protect drug traffickers, but after forming an alliance with Barrio Azteca to fight off the forces of the Sinaloa Cartel in 2008, they established a foothold in Ciudad Juárez as the enforcement wing of the Juárez cartel. [2] [3] La Línea has also been involved in extortions and kidnappings. [4] At the service of the Juárez cartel, La Línea has been instrumental in helping Vicente Carrillo Fuentes ' organization hold influence in Ciudad Juárez, one of the most important crossings and drug corridors in the U. S-Mexico border and home to a growing retail drug market. [5] The DEA estimates that about 70% of the cocaine that enters the United States flows through the El Paso?Juárez border. [6] [7] La Línea is linked to some of Ciudad Juárez's and the state's most notorious massacres, including the massacre of 16 teenagers at a high school party, the shooting that killed 19 patients at a rehab center, and of the cell phone-detonated car bomb attack ? all of them perpetrated in 2010. [5] [8] Their former gang leader, nicknamed El Diego, was guilty of carrying out more than 1, 500 killings from 2008 to 2011. [9] History [ edit] Villas de Salvárcar massacre [ edit] Gunmen burst into a party in a small working-class neighborhood known as Villas de Salvárcar in Ciudad Juárez, killing 16 teenagers on 31 January 2010. [10] Witnesses said that the cartel members arrived at the crime scene in seven cars with tinted windows, closed down the street and blocked the exits. [11] Then they stormed the party and opened fire at the victims as they were watching a soccer game. [11] Some of the teenagers were shot as they tried to flee and their corpses were found in the neighboring houses. [12] As neighbors hid in their houses, some dialed the emergency services but the Mexican military and the Federal police did not arrive until after the killers had left. [13] When the Mexican authorities arrived, a large crowd gathered at the crime scene as the neighbors and family members of the victims, whose ages ranged from 15 to 20, cried and set down candles. [12] [14] They pleaded for their names not to be released for the fear of the hit men returning and taking revenge. [14] The relatives and witnesses interviewed after the massacre insisted that the teenagers had nothing to do with the drug trade and were "good kids. " [12] [14] What was troubling for the authorities was that the victims were not gathered inside a bar or at a rehab center, but rather at a private home. [14] They gave no official statement for the motives behind the killing, but the massacre bore all the signs of the drug violence that Ciudad Juárez was living for the past three years. [13] Videos from the crime scene depict a sparsely furnished home with large puddles of blood and taints smeared on the walls; in addition, more than 100 AK-47 bullet casings were found at the crime scene. [11] The Mexican authorities issued a reward of $1 million pesos for anyone who could provide information that led to the arrest of the killers. [15] One by one, the coffins of the victims were carried out from their homes on 4 February 2010, as their families demanded for justice. [16] The governor of the state of Chihuahua, José Reyes Baeza Terrazas, showed up at the funeral unexpectedly to pay his respects to the families. Felipe Calderón, Mexico's president, also visited the family members and handed a memorial plaque to the parents of the victims. [17] The mayor of Ciudad Juárez said that the massacre was a random act of violence by Mexico's drug gangs because the victims had no apparent ties with organized crime. [18] But Calderón was widely criticized for his initial comments after the massacre, where he claimed that the investigations had showed that those killed were almost certainly targeted for being involved in organized crime. [17] [19] The parents of the victims hung huge placards outside their houses accusing Calderón of failing to solve the massacre and explicitly saying that "until those responsible are found, [he was] the murderer. " [19] The federal government of Mexico responded to the massacre by implementing the " Todos Somos Juárez " program, which aimed to improve education and social development, create jobs, and improve the health benefits in Ciudad Juárez. [20] It has fed up $400 million to repair the city's social fabric. [17] Calderón has met with young people and representatives of the federal program to discuss and analyze the city's achievements. He also unveiled a billboard facing traffic in El Paso, Texas heading into Mexico that reads "No More Weapons, " and criticized the United States for not renewing a ban on the sales of assault weapons that expired in 2004. [17] Four days after the massacre, a suspect identified as José Dolores Arroyo Chavarría was arrested by the Mexican military. [21] He confessed to the authorities that the Juárez Cartel had received reports from within the organization that members of a rival drug trafficking organization were at the party the night the teenagers were killed. [21] The suspect said he acted as a lookout for the 24 gunmen that perpetrated the killing and had orders to "kill everyone inside. " [21] By mid-2011, four men linked to the massacre were found guilty of the killings and were sentenced to 240 years each by the state of Chihuahua. [22] In 2012 it was later confirmed by the Mexican authorities that the massacre was ordered by José Antonio Acosta Hernández ( El Diego), a former drug baron of La Línea that is now imprisoned. [23] A gang leader of the Barrio Azteca also admitted to having ordered the massacre because he thought rival gang members were there. [24] Despite the arrests, many of the family members were unhappy with the efforts of the Mexican government and said that they were planning to abandon Mexico and seek safe haven in Texas to protect their children. "I never even gave the United States much thought, " said one of the family members, "But Mexico has abandoned us, betrayed us. " [16] Chihuahua rehab center shooting [ edit] Dozens of armed men with AR-15 and AK-47 rifles arrived in six vehicles at the Life and Faith facility, a church-run rehabilitation clinic in Chihuahua city at around 11:00?p. m. on 10 June 2010. [25] [26] [27] The gunmen, outfitted with protective gear and ski masks, first claimed to be policemen, and herded the patients outside the clinic. [25] Once they had lined up twenty-three of them outside execution-style, the gunmen opened fire at them, killing 19 and wounding four. [28] The Mexican authorities found more than 200 bullet casings from different kinds of firearms at the scene. [28] According to the pastor, some of the men in the facility were former gang members of Los Mexicles, who fight along with Artistas Asesinos and the Sinaloa Cartel for the control of the smuggling routes in the state. [25] [29] Most of the victims' ages ranged from 23 to 65, and included a blind man and a sixteen-year-old. [26] [30] According to the investigations, the perpetrators left behind four written cardboards, but the authorities did not release the content of the messages. [26] The three-story facility housed addicts for 90 days, although some of the victims had more than a year or two in rehabilitation. [31] By June 2011, a leader of La Línea admitted planning and coordinating the attack against the drug facility. [8] The Mexican authorities stated that the drug trafficking organizations use rehabilitation clinics to recruit foot soldiers and smugglers, and often kill those who do not cooperate. Others are killed for failing to pay for their drugs or for ripping off a dealer. [26] In addition, the cartels frequently target unlicensed rehabilitation centers, since they are likely to accept active gang members seeking to free themselves from an addiction. [32] Unlike the government-licensed clinics, the private centers are not associated with the penal system and have limited security measures, leaving the victims vulnerable to attacks by gangs seeking revenge or the elimination of a potential police informant. [32] In Ciudad Juárez alone, there are around 100, 000 drug addicts and many of the rehab clinics are unlicensed and ran by former addicts, making them easy points for the cartels to infiltrate. [33] Some cartel members even check themselves in the facility and pose as addicts. Once they gain information of how the facility works, they co-opt the workers or threaten to kill them. [33] Some of the addicts sell candy and gum at the city's stop lights to raise money for those struggling in their rehab ce
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  1. Reporter: Texas Boy
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