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Scores - 324 votes; When a museum celebrating the Ku Klux Klan opens in a South Carolina town, the idealistic Reverend Kennedy strives to keep the peace even as he urges the group's Grand Dragon to disavow his racist past; tomatometer - 6,3 of 10; &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg); Creators - Andrew Heckler; duration - 117 Minute.
Released February 28, 2020 R, 1 hr 57 min Drama Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Burden (2020) near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Also sign me up for FanMail to get updates on all things movies: tickets, special offers, screenings + more. Burden (2020) Synopsis When a museum celebrating the Ku Klux Klan opens in a small South Carolina town, the idealistic Reverend Kennedy resolves to do everything in his power to prevent long-simmering racial tensions from boiling over. Read Full Synopsis Movie Reviews Presented by Rotten Tomatoes.
&ref( This movie left off an important is Junior. Be careful that you don't find yourself leagaly in trouble. Andrew Heckler has waited nearly two decades for this moment. The first-time writer-director has been fighting to get his directorial debut, “Burden, ” a redemption story about a Ku Klux Klan member who has a change of heart, onto the big screen since 1996, when he came across the unlikely true story in a newspaper. “I read a blurb and it basically said, ‘Klansman opens up a Redneck Shop and KKK museum in Laurens’ ? a small town in South Carolina, ” he said. “I put it in my folder of ideas I wanted to pursue, but before I could get back to it, I read another article about eight months later that said, ‘Klansman sells Redneck Shop and KKK museum to black Baptist church. ’ At that point I just couldn’t believe it, so I went down there. ” Heckler spent two weeks in Laurens, meeting with the Rev. Kennedy, the leader of the church, and Mike Burden, the former Klansman whose girlfriend, Judy, managed to convince him to leave the Klan for good. He also visited the shop, posing as a member of a white supremacist group, where he was eagerly welcomed. “I had to swallow a lot of my own ideologies, perspectives and philosophies because they’re diametrically opposed to the Klan, ” Heckler said. “I tried to really listen and learn and try my best to empathize and understand where they were coming from. No one comes out of the womb in a white hood and a robe; we’re taught racism. So how do you unlearn it? ” Upon returning home, it took about two and a half weeks for Heckler to write an initial draft. More than 20 years later the film is finally in theaters, kicking off its specialty run on five screens in New York and Los Angeles this weekend. “I felt like I knew the story so well that it just evolved out of me onto the page, ” Heckler said. “And then I went into 15 years of rewrites. The development process was 15 years, but the initial inception of the idea was very quick. I felt like I had an instinctual feel for the story. “It’s the second screenplay I’ve ever written, and for me, it’s just the one. This has always been the most powerful story that I’ve ever come across. It was the story that I always wanted to tell. ” Initially “Burden” was greenlit in 2015 as one of the launch titles for Relativity Media’s specialty division Relativity Squared, which was run by Robbie Brenner. That plan hit a snag when the studio went bankrupt in 2016, but Brenner ? who remained a producer on the film ? was committed to seeing the project through. “She’s relentless, ” Heckler said. “She wouldn’t give up on this movie. Every meeting, everything she did, she would bring up ‘Burden. ’” The film ? which stars Garrett Hedlund and Andrea Riseborough as Mike and Judy Burden, Forest Whitaker as the Rev. Kennedy and Usher Raymond as Clarence Brooks, Mike’s childhood friend ? found financing and premiered as a sales title at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Actors Forest Whitaker, Garrett Hedlund, Dexter Darden, director Andrew Heckler, and actors Austin Herbert and Usher Raymond, from the film “Burden, ” at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. (Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times) Although it scored a coveted slot in the U. S. dramatic competition and won the festival’s audience award (beating out contenders including “Eighth Grade” and “Sorry to Bother You”), the film virtually disappeared for the next two years. “It was just a perfect storm of things at Sundance that year that really prevented a sale, ” Heckler said. “The streamers came out for the first time and said, ‘We’re not in the acquisition business, we’re going to make our own movies, ’ and you had the Harvey Weinstein implosion and Time’s Up. Also swirling around was the lack of diversity in the film business. And we all know in the movie business, the second you start losing heat on something it’s very difficult to regain it. So it was brutal for us. It was brutal for me. ” While there were significant sales out of Sundance that year (including “Assassination Nation, ” “Searching” and “Sorry to Bother You”), the festival’s dramatic competition did produce fewer splashy sales titles than usual. “The Miseducation of Cameron Post, ” which won the competition’s jury prize, also struggled to find a buyer. It ultimately landed at FilmRise, was released in the summer of 2018 and made under $1 million in U. theaters. In addition to the uncertain market for independent films, “Burden” also faced the challenge of telling the story of a Klansman’s redemption just a few months after President Trump declared there were “very fine people on both sides” of the tragic events of the 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va. “While it won the audience award and people loved it, I think [distributors] wondered, ‘Is this something that people want to see? Is it too much? Is it too timely? ’ ” Brenner said. “I think it was a lot of time and circumstance. ” Still, the Sundance reception was proof to the filmmakers that “Burden” could connect with audiences. Eventually the film found a home with the fledgling 101 Studios, which was launched by former Weinstein Co. executive David Glasser in 2019. “We came into it about seven months after Sundance, ” Glasser said. “I think the movie is an incredible tour de force, but I also think movies like this take a lot of work to release and find their audience.... This is the kind of movie we understand how to release. ” Though the movie touches on themes of racial solidarity and intolerance, ultimately the story is about the healing potential of love, Brenner says. “This is not a movie about black and white or racism, ” she said. “It deals with those themes, but that’s not what Andrew wrote it for when he wrote it. It’s really a movie about love. ” Hatred is “a learned behavior, ” she said. “And if you can be taught to hate, then you can be taught to love. ” Besides the distribution challenges, the film struggled to cast Klan leader Tom Griffin, Mike Burden’s father figure. “We tried to find someone [while] leading up to the 2016 elections, and it was very difficult to get an American actor to play that role, ” Heckler said. “Many of them said, ‘Look, I just don’t feel like inhabiting that character right now. ’” Eventually, Tom Wilkinson was cast. “He just read the script and literally called us the next day and said, ‘I’m in. ’ He didn’t have any of those misgivings. ” Actor and musician Usher Raymond and director Andrew Heckler, from the film “Burden” photographed in the L. A. Times Studio at Chase Sapphire on Main during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah on Jan. 21, 2018. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times) After watching one of his interviews, Heckler approached Usher about playing Mike’s childhood best friend Clarence. “I was looking for someone in Clarence that was honest, truthful and very plain-speaking, ” Heckler said. “You don’t get to be Usher by being lazy. He did so much work and preparation that when he showed up on set, he felt like Clarence. ” The music star is relieved the film is finally getting its chance in theaters and believes the timing is right. “This film feels like a relevant conversation, ” Usher said. “I think we need more empathy. The only way we can get it is by having those stories of redemption. It’s the only way that you can see that equality is truly obtainable is to be able to have points of reference where you know it’s worked out. ” “I think the movie is really what people need right now, ” Brenner agreed. “Some sort of hope, message and understanding that in the face of adversity we can change. ” “I’ve been fascinated for 20 years to tell the story of ‘Burden’ because it is the potential for a pathway out of this mess of bigotry and hatred, ” Heckler said. “The pathway is not an easy one, though it seems incredibly simple in theory. But you can’t turn an enemy into a friend through hate; you can only turn an enemy into a friend through love. ”.
This is a remarkable story of a man's redemption and those who made it possible through courage and love. There are elements, including the name of the central character and an ironic twist that would seem like artifacts of a writer's mind, but they were not- real people, the events that happened to them, and how they chose to respond to those events, provided a story that called out to be told. Writer/director Andrew Heckler does an amazing job telling the story and the cast is terrific. I saw Burden at Sundance, and was captured with how poignant this film is. The tale is an incredible story- and has really effected me on many levels. Even though the story is 20 years old- the lesson is very timeless.
| Brian Tallerico February 28, 2020 Andrew Heckler ’s “Burden” won the Audience Award at Sundance in January of 2018, and then languished in distribution purgatory for over two years. It’s easy to see why. "Burden"?is?a tough sell, a film with a logline that makes most people roll their eyes: a KKK member discovers the error of his ways. Who needs another story about a reprehensible racist discovering that racism is something he was taught, and not something that we’re born believing? And it’s a film that falls victim to a few other tropes as well, including black characters who seem designed merely to help the white protagonist on his journey to discovery and the edge of what’s often called “poverty porn, ” in which less well-off people are used in a way that feels exploitative more than genuine. And yet there are elements here, most of them embedded in another great physical performance from Garrett Hedlund, that keep “Burden” from completely sinking into the Carolina mud. Advertisement Hedlund plays Mike Burden, a young man in a small South Carolina town who has been raised in a culture of hate by a leader of the KKK named Tom Griffin ( Tom Wilkinson, giving a nuanced portrayal of how much evil can look like the average guy next door). Griffin and his gang of easily manipulated yes-boys are opening a Redneck KKK Museum in an old theater when “Burden” starts, which sends the community into an uproar and turns up the fire under always-simmering racial tensions. Reverend Kennedy ( Forest Whitaker) unites his congregation against the move, but preaches compassion and understanding, even for your enemies. While this is happening across town, a love story brews between Mike and a single mother named Judy ( Andrea Riseborough), who also happens to be friends with one of Burden’s childhood pals, Clarence ( Usher Raymond). Judy is startled when she learns that Mike is involved with the KKK, and Riseborough is very good in these early scenes of confusion. She conveys a lot of conflict without much melodrama, capturing the difficult decision of a woman who finally finds what she thinks is a decent, supportive man, only to learn he’s a virulent racist. And she starts to chip away at his beliefs, challenging Tom’s teachings, until the dam breaks. In a series of events that apparently really happened, Mike ends up in the Reverend’s home, where he’s finally taught compassion and empathy for everyone. In these scenes, “Burden” goes farthest astray because Kennedy and his family become almost entirely plot devices for Burden’s arc. Imagine the story told in reverse?from, say, the perspective of Kennedy’s son, who has to balance his trust in his father and God’s teachings against a man in his house who he knows is a monster. How far would his compassion go? This is barely explored in this cut of “Burden” (which is a little shorter than what played Sundance), and the section in which Mike and Judy go from homeless to living under the roof of a man that Burden almost killed earlier in the film feels rushed and thin. To be honest, a lot of “Burden” feels thin. Heckler tackles a lot in his debut, and his inexperience shows in how many of the supporting characters simply don’t register, particularly the non-white ones. Even Whitaker can’t find a way to make his Reverend as memorable as the brief snippet that ends the film?of the man himself actually preaching. The sense that a lot of these characters have been reduced to their narrative purpose destroys the world that “Burden” needed to create to work. And yet there’s something there in Hedlund’s performance that almost makes me want to recommend the film. He’s one of those guys who’s always moving, a bit uncomfortable standing still or making direct eye contact (which adds to the power of the final shot). Hedlund completely understands the kind of person so uncertain in his own skin that he will go along with people as evil as Tom Griffin just to find some sort of peace. And Riseborough matches him beat for beat. She can do pretty much anything. There’s a great film in the minor beats between Mike and Judy and the choices made by the great actors playing them?I just wish I believed more in everything around them. Reveal Comments comments powered by.
I just finished watching this film at the Traverse City Film Festival, I absolutely cannot rave enough about this film! the cinematography, the acting, the dialogue, everything is absolutely spot on! It is so intense that you, as the viewer, can feel the struggle that Mike Burden is going through and it just captures you and sucks you right in. especially if you know anything about the backstory on it and what really happened. To be honest this film emotionally drained me, I am literally exhausted from watching it. I would even have to go as far as to giving it 6 out of 5 stars, this is one of those do not miss movies.









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