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≡For Free≡ Movie Stream Ordinary Love


Writer: Kianna Chapman
Bio: CEO of Everything ???

&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODIwNDVlODEtMGIxNC00OGQ4LTgzMmUtNmI4MjJhYjU3MDJjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY2MjcyOTQ@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). genre: Romance. User Rating: 7,9 / 10. writed by: Owen McCafferty. rating: 343 Vote. year: 2019.
Ordinary Love is a really surprising film. It's by no means a perfect film but it is a really enjoyable film with emotion done well without feeling too over the top especially for a cancer film.
Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville are really great here. They really do carry this film. Since it is primarily focused on these two characters and pretty much no one else. Liam Neeson is really great here and it makes me wonder why he hasn't done more action films. Overall it's a very simple told very effectively. It does have a lot emotion and it really does work especially the ending. But it's definitely worth watching.
Gaga 2015-2016. Movie stream ordinary love cast. I want to get that book. November 2018 Kem do.a tour in Tennessee. Average rating 3. 87 ? 185, 548 ratings 17, 431 reviews | Start your review of Normal People No one can be independent of other people completely, so why not give up the attempt, she thought, go running in the other direction, depend on people for everything, allow them to depend on you, why not. This is going to be a polarizing book. I mean, I think I liked it. And I say "liked it" in the sense that it made me very miserable. It is a quiet character study, almost a YA novel but not quite, and it is a profoundly lonely and depressing love story. I didn't begin by liking it. Normal.. On the second page of Sally Rooney’s universally acclaimed, Booker- longlisted novel is the following paragraph: ‘He puts his hands in his pockets and suppresses an irritable sigh, but suppresses it with an audible intake of breath, so that it still sounds like a sigh. ’ What? I get the hand in the pockets bit, but how the hell does the rest of it work? A sigh is an exhalation and I have no idea how any attempt to suppress a sigh by inhaling could possibly sound like one. I’ve tried hard to imagine.. Sally Rooney is the real deal Normal People has been lavished with praise from critics, longlisted for the Man Booker prize and is being adapted for television by the BBC. And that's just in the first week! All that attention will, no doubt, attract quite a few readers who would not ordinarily touch this subject with a barge pole. Because this book: A) Is about young people B) Is a love story (but not a 'romance') C) Contains a fair bit of sex (which is crucial to the story, btw, and is not graphic).. I am not sure how to write this review because I seem to be so far beyond the pale on my antipathy to this book. In simplest terms I didn't connect with this work at all and I would be best to chalk this up to a "reader/writer" mismatch and move on but I will try and articulate some of my reading experience. Some of my perplexity with Normal People is that I just couldn't relate to the twenty something, highly educated, politically aware and cynical young adults that populate this novel. I am not.. Man booker prize long list nominee and Costa book awards nominee This is a book that has many admirers and sadly it didn't work for me and while I would love to agree with all the judges on this one I only struggled to the end because it was a bookclub read. It is difficult to go against the grain on a book that is nominated for so many awards. So as always you need to judge for yourself because books fit people differently Quite simply this book didn't Fit Me. I really have no interest in.. I picked up my cup of coffee and took a large gulp, swishing the liquid around in my mouth a little before swallowing. Two stars, I think. I touched my hand to my face and rubbed my nose. I clicked the two star rating. I closed my eyes and nodded, breathing out slowly. Yes, two stars. Whoa... guys... I just finished Normal... man, I just... I don’t know... what am I, what am I, uh, missing? This, uh, this... this wasn’t good. Not good at all. I’m so confused. This is, um, this is... this book is everywhere right now, being highly praised and all that. Websites I trust are telling me this is, this is one of the best, one of the best books of the year so far. But, guys... wow. I’ve never felt more disconnected from a story. I couldn’t care less about either one of these.. Goddamit Sally Rooney and now I'm crying. wow. one of the most frustrating, but humanising, books i have read in a long time. for sure. i feel so exhausted after reading this, but i think that may have been the authors intent. its shows that normal people living normal lives can be quite tiresome. for example: - the writing lacks quotation marks, which makes the dialogue difficult to decipher. which could be seen as support for the idea that life is just as messy as the books formatting and communication sometimes takes effort to.. Uncomfortable and Provocative In Normal People, Sally Rooney tells the story of two deeply damaged people who develop an intense relationship that transcends the norms. Connell and Marianne start a secret romantic relationship while in high school. Connell is the popular jock who secretly cares what everyone thinks about him. Marianne is the school pariah--the girl who people create myths about. While they both feel alone and misunderstood, together they understand not only one another, but.. I had been influenced by a friend - whom I adore & respect - by her 1 star review.... way before this book started gaining momentum and hit the stores a month ago. This book wasn’t for my friend - but it sure was for me. I’ve own an ‘Advance Reader’s Edition’, of Sally Rooney’s paper copy for a year and a half. It sat on my shelf, unread. Rooney’s first novel “Conversations With Friends”, was wonderful. I admit having a thing for the type of writer Sally Rooney is: *Addicting*.. 2 grungy stars If you believe that characters who dislike themselves, shrug a lot, and say "I don't know" 24/7, are very deep and realistic, well this may be the perfect read for you. Or if you enjoy reading about "in" no further. After all, Rooney is "defining a generation". If you are thinking about reading this novel, I suggest you listen to the following song instead, since it will take you less time and you will get the same story:... While.. I genuinely have no idea how to rate this. I LOVED the first half, felt lukewarm towards the middle, and then hated the ending????? The characters had so much chemistry but they refused to communicate I just TW: sexual assault, domestic violence, depression, suicide.. I wanted to like this book more than I did. How thrilling that the author hailed as "Salinger for the Snapchat generation" is Irish, and from my own province of Connacht at that. There are moments in this novel that would certainly back up such a bold claim. But I believe that she is a writer still honing her craft. Not quite the finished article just yet, but with all the potential to become a literary heavyweight. In the beginning we meet Connell and Marianne, two young people growing up the.. Irish author, Sally Rooney’s second novel came to my attention when nominated for the Booker in 2018. Since then Normal People has won the Costa Book Award, An Post Irish Award, and nominated for many others. Quite a distinction for a wonderfully talented young author. Normal People is about Marianne and Connell, their secret friendship, and their on and off again relationship. They are two young people drawn to each other who drift apart at times, but always end up coming back to each other.. Wow! Check out the trailer of Hulu’s adaptation of Normal People for Spring 2020! It looks like real soul crusher, heartbreaker! Get ready to set your ugly cries free!!!! This really reminded me of those tear jerkers, Oh God I cannot breathe, all my happiness swept away by emotional vampires vacuum cleaners inc., come on, that’s kind of nerve bending story that one of the protagonist has to die from a deadly disease ( or both of them needed to die sometimes! Oh no another crying torrent coming.. Oooof. Alright - a disclaimer before I start. Normal People by Sally Rooney is superb. I’m gonna gush about this one (warning to those in the splash zone! ) and I honestly feel that the less you know about it, the better the experience will be for you. So, to those of you who’re thinking of reading it, don’t bother with any reviews about the book - just read it. It’s a contemporary story about a boy and a girl who fall in love. That’s all you need to know. And when you’re done, come back and we.. 3. 5 stars. Sally Rooney's upcoming novel Normal People almost felt like a puzzle, in that you didn't really know what you were truly getting until all of the pieces came together. Beautifully written although a little slow in its pacing, it's a novel full of deep emotions, which made it difficult to read at times. Connell and Marianne know each other from high school, although they pretend not to, plus his mother works as a cleaner for her family. Marianne is a bit of a laughing stock in school,.. I have to admit I wasn't taken with Rooney's debut Conversations with Friends but I tried to read her second book with an open mind. The writing was good and some of the themes were interesting but I was rather bored by the selfabsorbed, cliché-characters: women who just want to 'get the man' and who always question their self-worth after a break-up, and men who are behaving as if they come straight out of a 'boys-will-be-boys'-movie. So 1950ies. And the ending is just plain cheesy. 2. 5* (mainly.. This book is amazing, kinetic, insightful, and fun - I'm writing a long-form review for Guernica about it (examining, partially, the spectrum of reactions on this site), so I can't say too much yet, but wow, I could not put this down. It feels ferociously of the moment, yes, but it also has a timelessness all its own. Cut through the hype. Time management is stellar (every new chapter is a time jump ahead), both perspectives are great (every chapter alternates between our two leads, with the.. How do two damaged people, who long for nothing more than to be “normal”, navigate the intricacies of a relationship? This book tore my heart out and stomped on it, and I mean that in the best possible way. Marianne and Connell become acquainted when his mother is the housekeeper for her family. Marianne’s family is wealthy, but she is the smart, nerdy, unattractive girl who is an outcast at school while Connell, also smart, is the popular jock. They enter into a relationship that he wants to.. I finished Normal People last night but had to think about it for a little while before writing this review, which is unusual for me. In summary: I really liked it! Marianne and Connell meet in high school, wh

Movie stream ordinary love chords. Movie Stream Ordinary lovely. Books of The Times Credit... Sonny Figueroa/The New York Times When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. Sally Rooney’s sentences are droll, nimble and matter-of-fact. There’s nothing particularly special about them, except for the way she throws them. She’s like one of those elite magicians who can make a playing card pierce the rind of a watermelon. Rooney employs this artery-nicking style while writing about love and lust among damaged and isolated and yearning young people. They’re as lonely as Frank Sinatra on some of his album covers, as lonely as Hank Williams’s whip-poor-will. The effect can be entrancing. You’ve likely heard of Rooney. She’s the young author, born in 1991 in the west of Ireland, who was excellently profiled by Lauren Collins last year in The New Yorker. She has written two fresh and accessible novels, “Conversations With Friends” (2017) and now “Normal People, ” which have been met with euphoric reviews in the Anglo-Irish press. “Normal People” was longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Rooney’s new one is a lot like her old one; her books glide along similar tracks and can bleed together in your mind. Both are about intense but furtive love affairs that are thwarted by misunderstanding after misunderstanding. “Intense love always leads to mourning, ” the poet Louise Glück has written. Still, you stare at Rooney’s hapless characters almost in disbelief: How were you two able to screw things up this time? Her novels share themes and obsessions. One is social class ? how, as a character puts it in “Normal People, ” some people “just move through the world in a different way. ” Because her characters come to Dublin from the rural west of Ireland, they have accents they sometimes try to lose. They’re outsiders, scorned as “culchies, ” among other derogatory terms. [ “Normal People” was one of our most anticipated titles of April. See the full list. ] Rooney writes about financial imbalances among friends and lovers. Her characters, innocents in search of experience, in the thrall of first love, are sometimes budding writers. Her writing about sex is ardent and lurching. She writes about smart young women who are attracted to sexual masochism. Here is another thing that links her two novels: there’s no sawdust, no filler. Her intimate and pared-down style can be reminiscent of Rachel Cusk’s. Rooney’s novels are satisfying, too, because there aren’t dueling narrators or cat’s cradles of plotlines. You buy Rooney’s ticket, you take her ride ? not three muffled half-tours through bosky, dimly related hinterlands. There is so much to say about Rooney’s fiction ? in my experience, when people who’ve read her meet they tend to peel off into corners to talk ? that I’ve omitted the wit in her books. One moved through her first novel stepping around throwaway lines like, “If there’s one thing you can say for fascism, it had some good poets, ” and “No one who likes Yeats is capable of human intimacy. ” In the new novel, there is less of this kind of thing but perhaps something better. There is, in the pointed dialogue, a reminder of why we call it a punch line. Image Credit... Jonny L. Davies “Normal People” is about Marianne and Connell, teenagers when we first meet them, not yet flowers but small tight buds. At school, he’s popular and an athlete. She is offbeat and withdrawn and friendless. She’s wealthy, however, and he isn’t. His mother cleans Marianne’s family’s white mansion. Like the central character in “Conversations With Friends, ” like perhaps nearly all teenage girls, Marianne is an ugly duckling and a swan at the same time. There is also a coldness in her, a sense of detachment. Marianne is formidable. She says things to her teachers like, “Don’t delude yourself, I have nothing to learn from you. ” She comes from an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive family. She feels unfit to be loved, and “trapped inside her own body. ” About her relationship with Connell, we read things like, “She would have lain on the ground and let him walk over her body if he wanted, he knew that. ” And, “He has a terrible sense all of a sudden that he could hit her face, very hard even, and she would just sit there and let him. ” He betrays her at a crucial moment, a moment that marks the original sin of their long friendship. “His attraction to her felt terrifying, like an oncoming train, ” Rooney writes, “and he threw her under it. ” This novel tracks Marianne and Connell across four years. They are both gifted students and wind up at Trinity College in Dublin. They are never quite boyfriend and girlfriend in the conventional sense. They merely break each other’s hearts over and over again. At college, their situations reverse. Marianne finds her crowd and Connell becomes the depressed and isolated one. She can now date, he thinks, the guys who “turn up to her parties with bottles of Moët and anecdotes about their summers in India. ” There will be further reversals. Rooney is almost comically talented at keeping the lovers in her novels frustrated and apart. When you are deep into “Normal People, ” you may start to feel that she has gone to this particular well one too many times. This novel proves her to be mortal in other ways. Some of the plotting feels heavy-handed and expedient. Her characters cry perhaps more often than you will cry over them. This story can tip over into melodrama. But, then, what is young love without that? Loneliness, Cusk wrote in one of her Outline trilogy novels, “is when nothing will stick to you, when nothing will thrive around you, when you start to think that you kill things just by being there. ” Rooney’s characters are similarly estranged from their environments and from one another. Rooney herself, on the other hand, seems completely plugged in. She’s an original writer who, you sense, is just getting started.
O f all the praise lavished on Sally Rooney’s first novel, Conversations with Friends ? that it was glittering, witty, addictive, elegant, heartbreaking ? only the insistence that it was especially contemporary, and “could sit with Lena Dunham’s Girls ”, as the Sunday Times put it, didn’t seem entirely applicable. True, the author was only 26; yes, the story took place in an Ireland where Catholicism no longer mattered, and everyone was a digital native; and the narrator, Frances, was a new graduate who started the book in a modishly fluid friendship/relationship with the avowedly lesbian and definitely woke Bobbi. But the instant messages were used to produce something like Platonic dialogues; email functioned, like Victorian letters, to consider the workings of the heart; time was marked by the publishing of novels and the passage of the seasons rather than the irruptions of news; and Frances was not only diagnosed with endometriosis without ever googling Lena Dunham but very soon abandoned her never specified relationship with Bobbi for an all-absorbing affair with an older married man, Nick. The resulting doomed romance appeared closer to Rosamond Lehmann ’s novel The Weather in the Streets (1936) or Barbara Trapido ’s Brother of the More Famous Jack (1982) than to chilly contemporary autofiction or?modish surrealism. There was the scant plot of these earlier classics, the romanticised, aphorising characters, the shamelessly beautiful sentences and exquisite, precisely considered suffering. There was even the calamitous female physicality, with Frances’s bloody struggles with endometriosis reminiscent of Lehmann’s portrayal of abortion or Trapido’s of birth; and, underneath the relentless irony of the dialogue, Frances’s haunting innocence and yearning, her distinctly pre-feminist sense of a lack of entitlement to love, which is perhaps much more like Lehmann’s Invitation to the Waltz than Girls. Above, all there was an engaged, questing subjectivity and an underlying faith in fiction itself, which seemed modernist rather than contemporary. Frances’s pain and striving are leading us somewhere: Frances is discovering her singular self and becoming a writer ? and this, Rooney’s passionate creation tells us, is worthwhile. Normal People, written in barely a year since that debut, is set mainly in the same shadowy, smoky, studenty Dublin, has the same witty dialogue and delicately observed play of often anxious feeling, and the same interludes of startlingly graphic, passionately intimate sex. It, too, is astonishingly fresh: in fact, when these books are shelved together in the future, it may seem that Normal People is the earlier work. It’s a slightly smaller book, for a start. Conversations with Friends at least aspired to be a quadrille, including Bobbi and Nick’s formidable wife Melissa in the dance, along with memorable turns from Frances’s troubled parents. Normal People, by contrast, is a?waltz, or?possibly a tango, with two protagonists only:?Marianne, a skinny, anxious, clever girl, like Frances but with even less self-esteem and more masochistic tendencies, who begins the book as a?social outcast reading Swann’s Way in the school lunch hall in Galway, and Connell, the apparently secure and popular working-class star of the football?team. Sally Rooney’s first novel, Conversations with Friends, was a doomed romance. Photograph: Patrick Bolger/The Guardian The spotlight is the brighter on these two because everyone else is just a little darker and more blurred than in Conversations with Friends. The couple’s friends are not only more distant than Bobbi, but more cliched, absorbed in teenage intrigues about dances, committees and a slightly disconnected subplot with a death and funeral that recall Heathers or The Big Chill rather than life or books. The villains of the story are well drawn and thoroughly contemporary ? the boyfriend with the sly taste for porn; the?sexist bully in a nightclub; an artist who exploits young women on?the internet ? but they also each disappear within a?chapter or two, either without action from the protagonists, or even, in the case of the sinister artist, on request. Their families, too, have taken a step towards the vague and gothic. Connell’s mother Lorraine comes, we are told, from a criminal family and had him at 17:?but this does not seem to have left her with any unsatisfied adult desires or even awkward acquaintances. Rather, she is consistently kind, selfless and wise, the “good mother” counterpart to Marianne’s widowed parent, who is?cold, neglectful and encourages her brother’s violent bullying. But Denise is so vaguely drawn,?it seems even Marianne cannot be bothered to explain why. After an outrageous cruelty?on her?part, the?two?mothers and Marianne?directly encounter each other: They saw Marianne’s mother in the supermarket. She was wearing a dark suit with a yellow silk blouse. She always looked so ‘put together’. Lorraine said hello politely and Denise just walked past, not speaking, eyes ahead. No one knew what she believed her grievance was. Even the differences of class and social ease between Connell and Marianne seem to dissolve as the book progresses. Connell goes to Trinity College Dublin alongside Marianne, who is now a social swan, and he?never thinks of football again. The energy and excitement of the story, then, must come from the couple themselves, their inner lives, what they see and imagine and read; from what Jane Austen called their “sensibilities”. Fortunately, they have a lot of these, and Rooney evokes them superbly. Connell turns out to be quite a lot like Frances, too, and it is he, not Marianne, who is to be the writer. He may be defensive about this: It feels intellectually unserious to concern himself?with fictional people marrying each other. But there it is: literature moves him. One of his professors calls it the pleasure of being touched by?great art. And, whatever the reality or otherwise of the dangers?around them, however many times they?have absurd quarrels or, conversely, seem to meld and share an identity, that pleasure, of being touched?by great art, is to be had in reading the story?of Connell and Marianne, just because Rooney is such a?gifted, brave, adventurous writer, so exceptionally good at observing the lies people tell themselves on the deepest level, in noting how?much we forgive, and above all in portraying love. She shows the way it works on the skin ? “The intensity of the privacy between them is?very severe, pressing in on him with an almost physical pressure on his face and body” ? and?the mind: He and Marianne are like figure-skaters, improvising their discussions so adeptly and in such perfect synchronisation that it surprises them both. Connell leaves the library “in a state of strange emotional agitation” when he has to break off from reading Jane Austen’s Emma, and we feel the same way when he fails to explain properly to Marianne why he needs to spend the summer elsewhere, or when Marianne involves herself with a man she does?not even like. Connell does not look up the ending of Emma on his phone, as surely most young people would, or even make a quip about the film Clueless, and we don’t want him to, because his mind is more exciting than that. Normal People may not be?about being young right?now, but better than that, it shows?what it is to?be young and in love at any time.?It?may not be absolutely contemporary, but it is?a future classic. ? Kate Clanchy’s The Not-Dead and the Saved is published by Picador. Normal People is published by Faber. To order a copy for £9. 99 (RRP £14. 99) go to or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of £1. 99.
Movie Stream Ordinary love like. Movie stream ordinary love song. I think with at least half of the songs from Songs of Experience and the rest of the catalog U2 could release a monster Acoustic Album in their later years and bring back MTV Unplugged for an album. They could definitely make an iconic acoustic album at this point to match any other one. Movie stream ordinary love music. Movie Stream Ordinary love story. I truly am in love with the fact that mmf will preach about the Christian faith, because not many people do in music anymore, and especially not in hardcore. This just makes me so happy.
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Let me tell you something! I am 42 years and decided to play Sade classic songs at the start of the summer cause I was feeling nostalgia. and listen hear, I didnt know my my 7 year old and 5 old daughters where listening to me listen to this music after a week of playing songs every morning before work. When I tell you I was shocked to hear them singing along by the end of the week! They kept saying momma play that lady's song again. Her voice is so pretty! Then I showed them the vintage videos of the songs and they have fallen in love with SADE! Ordinary Love is their favorite! The belt out that song like they wrote it and love her being a mermaid in the video! Is it a crime and smooth operator the love too. The surely get a kick out of watching Sade's video and live performance for hours with me. When I tell you Saturday and Sunday Mornings are the best binge times I spend with my girls! Sade's music is magical.
Nalala ko si xeii kahit Alam ko Na ex Na dapt miss ko Yung mga good memories Namin??siguro Hanggang dun Na lang kmi pero masya ko dahil masaya Na Siya ! Relate. ME ENCANTA. I love this song. Movie Stream Ordinary love song. Movie stream ordinary love lyrics. What just happened. Movie Stream Ordinary lovee. Movie Stream Ordinary lover. Movie stream ordinary love youtube. Normal People First edition cover Author Sally Rooney Audio?read?by Aoife McMahon Country Republic of Ireland Language English Set?in Dublin and Carricklea, County Sligo [1] Publisher Faber & Faber Publication date 2018 Media?type Print Pages 266 Awards 2019 British Book Award for Book of the Year [2] ISBN 978-0-571-33464-3 OCLC 1061023590 Dewey Decimal 823/. 92 LC?Class PR6118. O59 N67 2018 Normal People is a 2018 novel by Irish author Sally Rooney. It is her second novel to be published after Conversations with Friends (2017). It sold just under 64, 000 copies in hardcover in the US in its first four months of release. [3] Synopsis [ edit] The novel is about the complex friendship and relationship between two teenagers, Connell and Marianne, who both attend the same secondary school in County Sligo, and later Trinity College Dublin. It is set during the 2000s downturn period. In the book's story, Connell is a popular, handsome, and highly intelligent high schooler who begins a relationship with unpopular, intimidating, and intelligent Marianne, whose parents employ his mother as a cleaner. Connell keeps the affair a secret from school friends out of shame, but ends up attending Trinity alongside her after the summer and reconciling. Well-off Marianne blossoms at university, becoming pretty and popular, while Connell struggles to fit in properly for the first time in his life. The pair weave in and out of each other's lives across their university years, developing an intense bond that brings to light the traumas and insecurities that make them both who they are. Reception [ edit] The novel was longlisted for the 2018 Man Booker Prize. [4] It was voted as the 2018 Waterstones' Book of the Year, [5] and won "Best Novel" at the 2018 Costa Book Awards. [6] In 2019, it was longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction. [7] In the same year, the novel was ranked 25th on The Guardian ' s list of the 100 best books of the 21st century. [8] Adaptation [ edit] In May 2019, BBC Three and Hulu announced that a TV series based on the novel, starring Daisy Edgar-Jones and Paul Mescal as Marianne and Connell respectively, will premiere in 2020. [9] References [ edit] External Links [ edit] Faber & Faber Sally Rooney's profile.

Movie stream ordinary love film

This is almost a fly-on-the-wall style telling of how an ordinary couple discover and come to terms with one of them having cancer. It is told in an intimate but not sentimental way, and is really quite touching. Owen McCafferty's script uses humour, sex, pathos, occasional anger, and a relationship with another couple in a similar (though more terminal) situation to help convey the deep senses of frustration, helplessness and hope as they go through the testing and treatment procedures. Liam Neeson plays his part well; though the script doesn't give him too much to work with. Lesley Manville is superb, though - really very convincing; she elicits sympathy by the bucketful. It doesn't pull it's punches so be prepared for a tough watch at times.

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Movie Stream Ordinary love music. And I thought that For Those About to Rock had the coolest instrument. 2019 y'all. The onle artiste i would have fallen in love with, married and died for! Love the 90s.

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