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Directors=Eliza Hittman; year=2020; Score=55 Vote; Runtime=101min; average Ratings=7,8 of 10; stars=Talia Ryder. As soon as a guy says “Im a nice guy” you know they are lying... Game Information Game Title: Death Stranding Platforms: PlayStation 4 (Nov 8, 2019) PC (Jun 27, 2020) Trailers: Death Stranding - The Drop Promotional Trailer | PS4 Death Stranding ? Briefing Trailer | PS4 Death Stranding ? Release Date Reveal Trailer | PS4 Death Stranding - E3 2018 4K Trailer | PS4 Developer: Kojima Productions Review Aggregator: OpenCritic - 86 average - 83% recommended - 73 reviews Critic Reviews 3DNews - Алексей Лихачев - Russian - 7 / 10 An intriguing plot, an interesting universe, an outstanding performance by amazing actors and an incredible soundtrack can't hide the fact that Death Stranding has repetitive missions, unexciting open world with a lot of samey elements and disappointing boss fights. It could've been so much more if some parts of the game didn't feel so rushed, but if you are here for the story ? you are in for a ride. Areajugones - Juan Linares - Spanish - 9. 7 / 10 Death Stranding is one the best games to be found in PS4. Kojima-san delivers an open world in which we have to represent a bridge between the narrative of the game and other players in order to keep moving forward as part of a world that needs us. The game introduces characters that keep on evolving until we reach an ending for the ages through a story told like very few would be able to. Death Stranding knows how to toy with our emotions, and it manages to arise anguish, tension, solitude, sorrow, joy and provides a conclusion that completely stuns us. The end is only the beginning. Atomix - Alberto?Desfassiaux - Spanish - 100 / 100 Death Stranding is the birth of a new genre. Death Stranding is a master piece that can only be generated by a mind like the one that Hideo Kojima has. Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 4 / 5 stars Death Stranding is equal parts amazing and exasperating. AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 6 / 10 In the end, all I can really say is this: handle Death Stranding with care. CGMagazine - Joel Couture - 7. 5 / 10 Death Stranding's attention to the real may make it difficult to enjoy, but it is undeniably an experience that will both scourge and soothe the heart. COGconnected - Paul Sullivan - 93 / 100 Death Stranding is an outstanding title that ended up blowing away the expectations I wasn’t even aware of. For an auteur like Hideo Kojima, that sounds like an unequivocal success. Daily Star - Jordan Oloman - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is the most unique big-budget game I’ve ever played, a socially-minded injection of inventive ideas into a genre that has long survived by being lazy and brutish. This ambitious formula-flipper is brimming with empathy and carefully courts cinematic influences, an ensemble cast and a world of eye-watering scale, delivering a sticky gameplay loop to tie it all together and create a console generation-defining experience. Destructoid - Chris Carter - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is not the overly-strange inaccessible walled garden the marketing has made it out to be. It's weird, don't get me wrong! But anyone with a surface-level understanding of surrealism in art should be able to acclimate to what is essentially a playable Hollywood production. Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars As a “game” Death Stranding doesn’t do much. But as a work of art, Death Stranding is something mesmerising, intelligent, and powerful, and we never see genuine art within the big budget, blockbuster space. That alone makes it a rare treat to play, and I rather like this new-look, independent Kojima. EGM - Mollie L Patterson - 10 / 10 In the end, Death Stranding's biggest mystery isn't any of the elements we've had teased in three-plus years of trailers?it's what people are going to think of it. Even from a man known for making love-them-or-hate-them projects, this may end up being one of the most divisive games ever created. For me, it was an experience that I can truly say was unlike any other I remember. And, if nothing else, Death Stranding makes me respect Hideo Kojima for convincing Sony to invest millions into a game that's about a man delivering packages to holograms. Easy Allies - Ben Moore - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is a fearless game that often stumbles, but is still fascinating overall. *Review Copy Provided by PlayStation Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - Mind-blown Death Stranding is the culmination of years worth of hype, misteries and expectation, in a genre-transcending game. An emotional and provocative interactive experience presented in a way that is only possible in a videogame. Eurogamer - Oli Welsh - Recommended Hideo Kojma's first post-Metal Gear game is a messy, indulgent vanity project - but also a true original. - Alessandro Bruni - Italian - 9 / 10 A precious experience that deserves a place of right among the most significant titles of our generation. Game Informer - Matthew Kato - 7 / 10 The pillars of gameplay, combat, and story all bear the mark of creator Hideo Kojima, but none of them stand out or carry the experience Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 5 / 5 stars Death Stranding is one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s smart, it’s well-produced, and it just feels good to play. GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10 In Death Stranding complex themes of life and death, love and loneliness are mixed with a slow meditative and at the same time intense gameplay, where climbing the mountain slopes surrounded by enemies causes incredible experiences. The story of Sam Porter's journey is the most emotional, incredible and powerful we've seen in the last few years. And of course, the amazing acting of Norman Reedus, Lea Seydoux, Mads Mikkelsen and other cult actors will not leave anyone indifferent. GamePro - Hannes Rossow - German - 89 / 100 An idiosyncratic but outstanding game that provides entertainment with fresh ideas, a crazy story, and star power. GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is dense, complex, and powerful, steadfast in its belief in the power of love and hope when faced with overwhelming adversity. Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 8 / 10 Death Stranding is first of all a game which, tries, experiments, and full of ideas. Playing the role of the lonely Sam Porter Bridges, the player is connected with everyone else thanks to a clever system of collaboration, which works really well thanks to a thoughtful game design. But to enjoy the long run through what seems to be the most beautiful Iceland landscape, you will have to go through a thick, complex and most of all tedious story, which seems to never know when to stop, or being simply limpid. Gameplanet - Billy Atman - 10 / 10 While Death Stranding will surely be the most divisive game of this generation, there is no arguing that it offers new ideas on pushing the medium forward and shows that games don't always typically have to be "fun". The story is beautifully presented and is surprisingly restrained and focused for a Kojima title. All of the actors put on amazing performances and while its gameplay will be too slow for many, those willing to peel back the layers will discover a thoughtfully designed experience that will leave you ruminating for weeks after finishing. Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - Chinese - 10 / 10 Death Stranding is a game about connection, and it connects not only every character of the game but also every gamer together. It's a masterpiece with great philosophy thoughts and combines great storytelling with innovative gameplay. GamesRadar+ - 3. 5 / 5 stars Kojima's mysterious would be epic has its moments but can't carry the weight of expectation. Gaming Nexus - Randy Kalista - 9. 5 / 10 Hideo Kojima has fully weaponized the?walking?simulator,?writing a love letter to the delivery service workers of our shipping and handling world. Death Stranding is about ending isolation, and does it so gracefully that I can't imagine it being done better than it's done here. GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is definitely an acquired taste, and its slow pacing and deliberate gameplay might not be for everyone, but its mechanical depth, its desolately beautiful and haunting world, and its confident and stylistic storytelling nonetheless make for a continental trek worth experiencing. GamingTrend - Codi Spence - 100 / 100 Death Stranding is a story of rebuilding America by connecting people far and wide. Stealth, exploration, combat, and inventory management are all necessary in order to succeed. With a fantastic cast, incredible set pieces, an engaging story, and Kojima's brand of incredibly enjoyable crazy, you won't want to put your controller down. Geek Culture - Jake Su - 9. 4 / 10 A true masterpiece by Hideo Kojima, Death Stranding is an experience unlike any other, and you must try it to believe it. Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 10 / 10 Not everyone will love Death Stranding and I won’t blame you. The game is not for everyone. Some episodes take over two dozen hours to complete and the rinse and repeat delivering mechanics could be an issue for some. However, it always rewards you in some way or another. Be it with its gorgeous and detailed world that is a joy to explore or the fantastic story that unfolds as you discover everything this ambitious game has to offer. There is simply nothing else like it and to be able to dive into it all is a magnificent experience one which will define this generation of gaming. God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10 Death Stranding is an ambitious game, filled with so many different mechanics and ideas that almost always work well together. The story and acting is fantastic, and its visuals are a thing of beauty, not to mention the powerful soundtrack. Guardian - Dan Dawkins - 4 / 5 stars With gameplay that denies instant gratification, Hideo Kojima's unashamedly political game is this year's mos

Old lady in her early sixties searching for her missing son. That's what the subject of the email said that arrived in my inbox a couple weeks ago. It was a job offer sent by the nurse of the said old lady. Her contact data was included. I'd been working as a private detective for a year and a half by now. Yet I'm still surprised when someone actually contacts me. To tell you the truth, the job's not as fancy as it sounds. In movies private detectives are always portrayed as desperate outcasts, going after the cases the police won't or can't touch for some reason. Reality though is different and much more mundane. At least half the cases I handle are about missing pets. The rest usually involves people suspecting being cheated on by their significant other. I rarely get any serious work. As you can imagine, I'm always strapped for money. Of the few real cases I get, missing person cases are by far my least favorite. You never know if you'll actually find out anything. Sometimes a missing person is long dead, sometimes they've got a reason for hiding from their family, and in other cases, you come up with a big, fat zero. If any of these is the case, it's always a hassle to get the client to pay up. When I looked at my empty time table, and of course, my similarly empty bank account, I knew I couldn't be picky. I gave the nurse, Stephanie, a call, told her I'd accept the case and arranged for a visit. It was a few days later that I made the long, three hour trip to the old lady's distant home. I arrived in front of a huge, old mansion in the middle of nowhere. Looking at the place and thinking about my shitty two-room apartment, I couldn't help but be jealous. After I'd rang the bell, Stephane, a friendly, middle-aged nurse greeted me. "Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you, mister... " Her gaze turned upwards, and she furrowed her brow, obviously trying hard to remember my name. "Siebert, " I helped her out smiling. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry, I don't know how-" "It's fine, it's fine. So where's the old lady? " "Mrs. Annelies isn't doing well, unfortunately, " she said as she led me down a long, luxurious hallway. She opened the door to our right and to my surprise, led me into a small study. Stephanie was quiet for a moment before she sighed audibly. "To be honest with you, Mister Siebert, I took the liberty of offering you this job before consulting Mrs. Annelies. " I gave her a questioning look. "Her son's disappearance has never been easy on Mrs. As the years, no the decades passed, her condition has worsened. By now, she's almost catatonic, " the nurse said shaking her head. "We can pay her a visit, but I doubt she'd be in any condition to even talk to you. " I really didn't know what to say. I already had a bad feeling about the case as I followed Stephanie to another room. This one was huge and richly furnished as well. Paintings lined the walls, but my attention soon wandered to the old lady at the end of the room. She sat in an expensive arm chair. She didn't look up when we entered. Instead, her eyes were almost entirely empty as she stared out of one of the mansion's huge windows. "Mrs. Annelies? " Stephanie called out, but the old lady gave no sign of hearing her. While I waited near the door, the nurse approached the old lady. Stephanie whispered something into her ear, but there was no reaction at all. For a moment, the old woman's head moved, and her tiny, dark eyes focused on me. When our gazes met a strange feeling washed over me. For a few seconds, she stared at me before her head turned back towards the window. She said nothing at all. Stephanie returned to my side after a few more moments and led me back to the study. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Annelies has given up hope long ago and, " she broke off shaking her head in pity. " "Excuse me, Stephanie, but then why this whole investigation? " "Oh, it's simple, really. I've worked for Mrs. Annelies for the better part of a decade now. She might not talk much anymore, but she's never mistreated me. You wouldn't know, but she's such a good person. When the doctors told me she doesn't have much longer, I thought I'd be able to give back to her. I know the chances are slim, but maybe her son's out there. If she could at least see him once, I think it would help her make peace. " I gave her a weak smile and nodded. "Now then, " Stephanie started as she picked up a small stack of old photographs. "That's her little boy, Marcus, " she started and handed them to me. I frowned when I saw them. The boy in the picture was young, almost a toddler, no older than three. When I looked back to Stephanie, she looked at me expectantly, but then spoke again. "He went missing on the seventh of April in 1988. " "I tried talking to Mrs. Annelies, but it wasn't much use, " she went on. "This folder here though is where she gathered all her private research over the years. It contains anything she thought could be related to little Marcus' disappearance. I'm not sure how helpful it will be, but here you go. " With that, she pushed the folder towards me. I had a quick look at the contents. There were a birth certificate, some old police reports and an almost infinite number of newspaper clippings. "Thank you, I'll see what I can do, " I told her as I picked up the folder. "So, about the payment, I usually get paid by-" "Oh, don't worry about that, Mr. Siebert. I already arranged for you to be paid in full. " I gave her a surprised look but bit my tongue to not speak up. Clients usually paid once a contract was fulfilled, but damn I could really use the money. "Thank you, I'll try my best to find out what happened to the boy, " I finally said, even though I was less than enthusiastic about the whole case. "You can call me any time, " Stephanie said as she led me to the front door. "Or send me one of those emails you young people use these days, " she added laughing. Back in the car, I thought about the few bits of information I'd gotten so far. That little boy went missing more than thirty years ago. My eyes wandered to the massive folder on my passenger seat. Staring at it, I couldn't help but frown. I had quite the night ahead of me. Once I was home it was already early in the evening. I considered having myself something delivered, but then I settled for a quick microwave dinner. Afterward, I made myself a terribly strong cup of coffee and started to go through the folder of documents. The birth certificate told me the boy was born in 1985, the same year as me. He'd be in his mid-thirties by now, of Caucasian ethnicity, would have blue eyes and most likely brown or blond hair. Great, I told myself, that description fits pretty much half the guys my age. Hell, even I had blue eyes and dark blond hair. The first thing I did was to check Social Media. I knew it was most likely futile. There'd been a case that would've proven much easier if I'd started with a Facebook search. So by now, it had become pretty much a routine to see if I could find anything on there. Of course, there was nothing, exactly like I'd anticipated. After Facebook, I checked a few other, public databases. I searched for both the birth date of the child as well as his name. There was nothing again. It was long past midnight when I finally finished going through all the documents. My hint had proven to be correct, most of it wasn't helpful at all. It only painted a terribly desperate and sad picture of old Mrs. As I lay in bed, I started to wonder what the boy's life would be like today. If I ever found him, would he even remember his real mother? I was adopted myself, and I remembered nothing of my biological parents. Mom and dad had told me about being adopted when I was still a child. I always respected them deeply for it. Yet I often wondered who my real parents were, at least as a child. I wasn't unhappy, but my parents and I were so different. They were both driven people, sometimes a bit too driven. Mom had been a toughened businesswoman in her time. Dad had worked his way up to become the chief of the local police station before retiring. Compared to them, I always felt like a bit of a loser. Would little Marcus even want to get in contact with a woman he'd not even remember? Or was he the type who'd ignore the whole thing? As memories returned to me, I was reminded that I was the latter type. Years ago, when I was attending university for a few semesters, I'd found a letter in my mailbox. It was supposedly written by my biological mother. It said she wanted to get in contact with me. For days I was an emotional mess, trying to figure out what I should do. Eventually, the letter ended up in the trash. I told myself it was better that way, but even now, I know that I simply wasn't man enough. For a while, the letters kept coming, but I didn't even open them anymore. I wondered how little Marcus would react if he'd get those same letters. How'd he handle it? Would he meet his mother, or would he discard them like I did? The next day I went on with my work. It was time to get serious about this. I had a look at the documents again and read through the few that I thought might be helpful. There was that first police report Mrs. Annelies had filed after the child's disappearance. As much as I searched the folder, I couldn't find any details about it, or if anything had ever come of it. Eventually, I decided to pay the station a visit. Quite a few people there knew me. I was the son of the former chief of police, of course, but there was also my failed attempt at joining the force a few years ago. Well, let's just say I'd become a regular at the station. It didn't take long before I found an old acquaintance, Michael, who was happy to help me out. "New case, Daniel? " he asked when I handed him the copy of the police report. I nodded. "Going to be a tough one. " He gave me a questioning look, but when I pointed at the data of the report, I could see his face change to a deep frown. "1988, " he said, "damn. You
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Fuckkkk I have to see this just not sure I can handle bawling my eyes out. He thinks too much, my 7 y/o cousin defeated the 4th gym way quicker than that? Edit: I still gave the video a Thumbs up though. OK, this is just awesome, and yes, it is very anime style in its imagery and being as over the top as it is. Liking it. From Christopher Nolan Sold. Never rarely sometimes always downloaded. OMGOSHHH ALL MY FAVORITE LADIES. Okay so like the title said, I'm so confused. I was invalidated my whole life but at the same time mum and dad did so much for me... I'm sorry this is going to be a really long read. TL;DR: Injuries that will never heal due to them not listening to them, years of pain from periods, only checked out because mum thought iron levels may be low, being laughed at whenever I got emotional, guilt tripped, accused of things i didn't do and pressured until i cried meaning it was proof I was guilty, parents not only paying for all my medical expenses but also giving me an allowance and more even when I refused it and tried giving money back, then they use it against me in the future when money is tight, using my lack of money and bad health to keep me from moving away (doesn't work now as I finally have a well paying job in my career path), still sometimes trying to guilt trip me so i threaten to move before my grandmothers 80th, my 21st and mother's day if they keep going on. I literally will move right after download festival (which is wen i graduate) if they try one more time. The biggest things were my mood swings and my lady issues. Let's start with the mood swings. So I've always been an emotional and needy child. I was terrified of most things and while I appeared outgoing, that was usually because my anxiety was so bad I didn't know how to act around people and I'd just be overstimulated and react over the top to everything. I'm having the slightest bit of fun? Great! I look like the most hyper and extroverted child ever. This also affected any negative emotions. I often had huge reactions to things. Most of the time though, I could keep the negative stuff inside but at some stage I was bullied so much I couldn't keep it in any longer. I would talk to my parents about it, I just wanted some comfort but all they'd say is it's my imagination or tell the I did that when I first started getting bullied when I was 7 and 8 years did fuck all and made people dislike me even more. It got to the point by the time I was 11, most days at home I'd be crying and it would be easy to set me off. If I was moody or started crying my parents would ask what's wrong. I could either say nothing or say the truth and get invalidated again. Regardless it just ended with me being laughed at by my parents and older brother or yelled at. The other big thing that still affects me to this day (I'll be 21 in 3 months for reference) is ever since I was a kid, I have difficulty staying composed when under pressure. My parents (dad especially) would accuse me of something I didn't do and I'd start by saying I didn't do it. Then he'd keep pressuring me until I start crying and I shit you not he'd then say "Why are you crying? You'd only be crying if you're guilty. That settles it, you did it. " and depending on how serious the thing he'd accuse me of was, I'd just be yelled at or spanked (up until I was 10ish, hair pulling was a thing too as well as a spoon full of this day I can't handle anything spicy). My dad recently pulled this guilty thing again as well as threatening to cancel my 21st, not realising I was already prepared to do so if we kept fighting. Anyways all this bullying in school, invalidation at home and also just already being very emotionally vulnerable since I was a baby, when I was 18 (after 8 years of depression, 4 years of actually knowing something was wrong but being too scared to do anything as well as a suicide attempt and on and off self harm in those 4 years (most of it just in those few months before I turned 18) I got diagnosed with BPD (borderline not bipolar). My parents paid for all my medication, ubers to take me to therapy as I didn't have my Ps (provisional licence) until a year ago and initially frequent psychologist and psychiatrist appointments. They sometimes use my BPD against me as a means to invalidate me so without my therapy, supportive partner and my psychologist; I wouldn't know when my emotions were valid or not. Even still mum chalks up my mood swings to lifestyle stuff or just my BPD acting 's never real emotions. Now for the physical and lady stuff. I have shoulder and back issues, a floating knee cap that will never stop partially dislocating and the worst of all: severe period cramps that just got worse and worse starting from when I first got my period at the age of 11. When I was 13, I injured my shoulder in PE. It was bad enough to make me cry and by that time I never cried around people as it only ever led to more bullying. I have a strong pain tolerance so it was bad if I cried. It was the end of the year so we only had like 2 more weeks of class and they were hell. I was constantly going to sick bay to get ice for my shoulder and literally couldn't move my arm I had to skip concert band those weeks and a performance I couldn't play my clarinet. A few days after the injury dad took me to the doctor. I was given voltaren and he said if it doesn't get better in a week or two, come see him again. Well it didn't get I could move it again and voltaren did help soothe it slightly but overall I had no strength in my arm and the pain actually went to all the joints in my arm (my arm was stuck between a person and a basketball, the person spun around and it felt like all the sockets in my arm had been pulled out). I couldn't lift anything and it just so happened that it would be at its worst when I did the dishes, as I was lifting a lot. My parents refused to take me to the doctor again and said I was just trying to get out of doing the dishes, even though I was visibly wincing in pain whenever I picked up a single plate with my left arm and almost dropped plates a few times too. Fast forward to when I was 16 and mum injured her shoulder and had to get an ultrasound and MRI done. I asked if I could get one done too as my shoulder still hadn't recovered. Well sure enough there was a small tear still there. Nothing can be done about it aside from physio exercises and chiropractor as it causes back issues as well which then triggers my shoulder to play up again. I also have ulnar nerve issues as a result and again, nothing can really be done but physio. When I was 14, I noticed sometimes when I would run, my knee would "slip". So I'd go down to the sick bay and get ice to keep the swelling down and be on my merry way. It happened during PE once and my PE teacher who used to bully me constantly even told me to go get some ice, it looked painful (which it was). I spoke to mum and dad and they didn't listen. I'm a very skinny person so you'd think if something was swollen, it would be noticeable. Nope. That didn't help my case. Fast forward a year and my knee slips any time I put weight on it. My dad caught me strapping it with a crepe bandage and helped me put it on properly, telling me he'd speak to mum for me. Well this time mum actually took me to the doctor and he said I need to see a physio asap, my knee partially dislocates whenever I put any pressure on it (this was after doing a few movement tests and him literally grabbing my kneecap and it not moving with the rest of my knee). It was apparently a ticking time bomb which could fully dislocate at any moment which would require surgery. So he gives me a note to exempt me from PE, my parents are forced to drive me to school as it's dangerous for me to walk, especially as half the trip is all uphill on muddy uneven ground (it's only a 5 walk downhill then another 5 mins to walk up the massive hill to back entrance all the way to the front where my roll call room was). So next week I see the physio and she's just as alarmed as my doctor was. Slowly slowly I recovered but it will never truly be right. I can't keep my knee in the same position (like sitting, I have to keep moving), I can't stand without moving for too long and I can't run/jog like I used to either. Now finally the lady stuff. Always had painful periods and were irregular and heavy too. They slowly got worse and worse and a few friends recommended I go on the pill. Mum didn't listen. Said I didn't need it, she had painful periods too and I'm just overreacting. Yeah well by the time I was in year 10 (16 years) every few weeks I'd be in so much pain I'd need help getting to class and I wasn't even able to play my clarinet, sing or do much in drama. Panadol and nurofen also did fuck all for the cramps. Then in year 11, my periods went from every 20 days (still really heavy lasting 7-10 days) to every 10 days lasting 8-10 days and even heavier than before. Along with this I could barely stand, had my friends half carry me to class, my teachers ask if I'm alright and I wouldn't even be able to focus in class, usually hunched over in a ball against the wall during any science pracs or constantly writhing in pain at my desk. Along with this I had severe PMDD and was always emotional, crying and to top it all off exhausted and passing out as soon as I got home, during most of my classes and during lunch and recess. Mum wasn't worried about my pain even though I was complaining about it almost every week for the past 2 years, but she was worried my iron levels were low so we saw the doctor, got blood tests done for literally every diagnostic thing for lady issues and lo behold, they were dangerously low if we left things as they were it could've been life threatening. Given the pill, had ultrasounds both then and a year later (both reports were completely falsified btw) and iron supplements. All that pain for years and it was the fact I was almost always bleeding mum was wo
This is just blowing my mind. It's the 2nd story like this in a row that I've watched where someone knew FOR DECADES what the truth was. 16:00 come on ypu stole that one from overwatch, even has the dragon sword lol. Waiting for d next episode oo. Never rarely sometimes always download. Ohhhh shit that looks really good! Hahahaha.
If you don't want to deal with an unwanted pregnancy, keep your legs closed. I feel no sympathy for women who place no lasting value on the precious gift that should be shared between them and their husbands only. Abortion is never the answer, but waiting and planning and treasuring what you can never get back is and will always be the best choice. I swear these gym leaders be calling out they pokemon as if they releasing their zanpaktou. “The dancing man” lol. Never Rarely Sometimes Always.

Dammmn. that sound engineering though. Impressive work Dark. “I am a nice guy” Are you sure about that. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download free. This looks SO good. Genuinely cant wait to see this. Also, Carey Mulligan looks a bit like Britney in this trailer, which makes it even more ironic that theyre playing Toxic throughout. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download. This is what Daisy Buchanan really is. Never Rarely Sometimes Always downloaded. Never rarely sometimes always download mp3. &ref(,h_303,q_80,strp/mega_pandoraverse_guide_by_lopoddity_danrxyr-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MzAzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTM3M2ViNTktODg1OC00MjAxLWE2ZjEtMzdjMTIzMTk0MThhXC9kYW5yeHlyLTE2NjIzMWM0LWI2MmQtNGI1OS1hNDc0LTI1MDA0ZTgzZTYyZS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Not8rsBbYYBCQzOAzu1MDZTbv7zZiEZ0iUW6yC56OEA)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always download ebook. Never rarely sometimes always downloading. Wasn't expecting this to come on before my daily memes but ok. I promised a few of you from r/privacy and r/Galaxy_S20 I'll do this, so here it is. This write-up was initially intended for Galaxy S10/S20, but will more than likely apply for other devices as well. I say "use your judgement" several times here, and I'm serious for everywhere. Read the FULL write-up all the way through, pick what fits you/your threat model, and modify from there. If anybody has any suggestions or corrections (which I imagine there will be a few, as I'm writing this over the course of several days), do feel free to PM me or post them here. I hope this will be a pretty big thread, so if it's important, I'd prefer PM so i can edit this post. With Android 10 out, we've got quite a few more options as far as customization, and maybe a few reduced options (tough root) to maintain some sort of level of privacy on a framework that relies on more than just a few levels of third party apps, and privacy statements we're basically forced into. Nevertheless, even without the new additions to the API that DO respect privacy, there're a lot of tweaks we can do. I'll focus on few main methods to gain more customization, beyond the most of the well known ones. We really don't need another one diving into tasker, MIUI-ify, KWGT, motorola like gestures, gallery/email/keyboard/browser alternatives etc...... This is more so on using and modifying system components, sandboxing, background app limiting, and a touch of networking. I'm not saying any of these are sercets or aren't already implemented from factory, but I am saying they aren't as well known as they should be considering the level of customization Android is capable of. In order to keep things somewhat clean and saving my lazy fingers, I'm going to aim at supplying you with some tools to advance privacy and customization, with hopes it's enough to advance you and your research. First note: As I mentioned, this was initially intended to be focused on a few select devices. For device focused parts, I'm focusing on the snapdragon variant of samsngs galaxy s10 or s20. Exynos will be able to do most of this, and likely a root in the future as well - then your capabilities will be enhanced. Some people prefer the exynos variant specifically for this reason. We will make do with what we've got for now, as a root is probably not in the near future for these devices. Second note: I'll do my best to address beginners as much as I can, but I'm not going to make this an introductory tutorial on how to secure an android device from the CIA. If you're not sure about something, google it. If you're already aware how to do something, skip it. This is in no way aimed at everybody Third note: I will not dive into software exploitation. Maybe debugging, but not exploitation. Fourth: I'm more serious here than anywhere else: Use your judgement before modifying your phone in any way. If your USB is farked up, fix it, or just don't bother proceeding. If you really are unsure what you're doing, either look into what I said (I'll intentionally use hot words) or just, again, don't. I want you to use your own judgement. I want you to understand what's happening, and why you're doing it. Most importantly, I don't want you to do something that messed up your device. That being said, I'm not going to be responsible for your broken phone. Period. You will use your judgement in more than just exploring options I provide here for your device. Moving on, nobody likes facebook, or golf clash on their device..... or any of the crap we get from the factory. So what do we do? With enough talk, we plug in and get started. First thing's first, READ EVERYTHING BEFORE CONTINUING! This is customization. Do what applies to YOU! Bloatware and flashing. Most hardware per your variaton (S20, S20+, S20Ultra) is going to be about the same. As mentioned before, your processor may differ depending on your location, but beyond that, they're the same. This is important because it means that each are capable of handling the firmware provided by the other carriers. When you're on the samsung website choosing Verizon, ATT, Unlocked, the only thing you're doing is choosing firmware. You at any time can flash (copy) the firmware of ATT or Sprint, should you change carriers. I mention this because each variant comes with its own array of bloatware; with the samsung firmware having the least, but still running any SIM, the first start to confirming you have a decently clean phone is to start with the Samsung firmware. Without going through too much of what has been already typed, you can find information and the procedure for flashing S20s via Odin here. (XDA Forums) Developer Options, Enabling ADB (and some other stuff) This part is simple enough. Go into Settings > About Phone > Software Information, and then tap Build Number until it says "You are now a developer". From there, go back twice into settings, and at the very bottom, you'll have a new section "Developer Options". Go into there, scroll down into the Debugging section, and choose to enable USB Debugging. As a quick mini tip, if you want to make your device feel a bit faster, scroll into the Drawing section, and choose to turn off Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale, and Animator Duration Scale. If you care for the animations, turn it to 0. 5 maybe. Or, you can set it to something like 0. 25 using adb shell settings put NAMESPACE VALUE. We'll talk more about this later, briefly. ADB Much of what we'll be doing here on out will require ADB. For those that don't know, ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a developers tool used to directly interface with their device. A full run down of tool can be found here (Android Developers) with an install tutorial here (XDA) Once you install ADB, you'll be able to access your android directly via navigating to the folder adb is installed in, and typing adb shell in command prompt/terminal window (assuming you're in windows). Linux people, you can quickly and easily install with: sudo apt-get install adb or sudo yum install android-tools Once you're in shell, you'll get a blinking cursor followed after something like z3q:/ $ You can type uname -a to print out device information, and further confirm you're on your phone. You'll return something like: Linux localhost 4. 19. 81-18024814 #1 SMP PREEMPT [DATE] KST 2020 aarch64 Play around with this a bit. You're in a basic linux environment right now, and there's a lot you can do. for example, try cmd statusbar expand-settings or service call statusbar 1. Generally the way it works is, you're first going to type the name of some program, and then options to follow. For those with experience: yes, it goes much deeper than that, but like i said before - I'm trying to address beginners the best i can without killing my fingers here. exit will safely exit the shell. top will run a program which will basically be the linux version of Task Manager - information here () which you can exit with CTRL+C. While you're there, you may as well explore other interactions you can have with ADB as well, such as logcat, ps, getprop, settings, and pm, which we'll use with bloat removal. As a final note within this section: most of my commands are with the assumption you're already in the android shell with adb shell and are presented with something like beyond2q:/ $ or z3q:/ $ at any point, if you're not in adb shell, a one liner can be added to the beginning of any command, such that you get something like adb shell list packages samsung Bloat "removal" Now that you have an idea of what you're in, you can start pulling some of the garbage off your device. This to me, is a biggy. Unfortunately, you can't TRULY remove everything, but we can for the user which, is, you. I'm not going into this deeply, as for most peoples threat model, it doesn't matter all that much. If you've got a deeper threat model, chances are, you aren't reading this, and know everything here I have to offer. Anyway, let's get rid of those pesky crap apps that none of us touch. RIP Bixby. You're going to be entering your android shell via adb shell. Within there you're going to list packages using package manager: pm list packages pm is a powerful package manager with a large set of options for you. check out everything you could do with pm using pm -h, and by exploring here from there, you're going to get a long list that looks similar, but longer than the following. Obviously, they're your packages. Many of them are vital, so don't go willy nilly uninstalling what looks like it might just kinda almost maybe be crapish. z3q:/ $ pm list packages You have a couple options here. You can scroll through the packages and find the full name of the package you need to remove, or you can totally skip it this part, and use an app like Package List to find it. When you find an app you want to uninstall, depending on the package, you MIGHT be able to use pm uninstall PACKAGE_NAME. But, for a good amount of bloatware, you're going to have to use pm uninstall -k --user 0 *PACKAGE_NAME*. Always give it a shot without -k and --user 0 pm - "Package manager". Self explanatory. -k - preserve cache/data - this is usually optional. --user 0 - specify user 0 as the uninstaller. This is not always optional, and is required to get an actual uninstall as the device user ( user 0). This is different than how many people claim them being "hidden" or "disabled". Now, which apps? Well to get started, here is a list (XDA Link) for the Galaxy S10, just as an example. Of course, there's going to be a difference in apps between our S20 devices and last years S10. Alternatively, when I first got my phone, the first thing i did was pm list packages | grep face The pipe ( |) basically says "Pass the output of the previous command, into the following program: grep" What we're doing here
Kinda unrelated but i wonder where in PA this takes place. I think Ive watched this like 3 times now and its still so much fun to watch. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download download. No one: Toast: fUCK yoU SEAn, fUCK yoU.
All of the worlds' problems summed up in one second @ 1:14. Chichi and her father ??? Lovely episode.

  • Creator: Jean Lortie
  • Resume: Love movies (go to Sundance, MTL Fantasia,SDCC),Twin Peaks, Watchmen, Legion,Breaking Bad, Fringe,Fargo,GOT, BSG. HABS & Springsteen. Love foreign cinema/TV.









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