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Genre: Mystery &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Bill Nighy Score: 1193 Votes writed by: Frank Cottrell Boyce UK. Sometimes always never free download free. Just going to keep repeating the part where Gwil says my name ?.
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Sometimes Always Never free download android. Hello, all. As the title says, my ex BF (let's call him 'John') cheated on me on Valentine's Day, well, more like later on in the night. We had a nice celebration for the day by eating sushi for lunch and sharing a few kisses. John was my first real relationship and my first boyfriend, so I'm still processing the betrayal and the shatter of my trust in him. After a somewhat tiring day at work I had went to bed a bit early (10 PM) and quickly fell asleep. A few hours later at around 1 AM on Saturday, I wake up and realize that John is not sleeping next to me as he should have; the lights are still on in the room and I look for my keys and they are not there. See, John does not own a car, I do. So, I panic for a bit (and this is the second time something like this has happened) and text him asking where John is currently at. John replies back saying, "I'm at the gym. I didn't want to wake you so I went by myself. " John then asks if I wanted to come along with him to the gym but, I decline and tell him that I was worried where he was at. Well, I lay in bed worried and sick to my stomach, still, and this nagging feeling in my gut tells me that something is off about this (Yep... ) and I do not go to bed until I hear my car alarm go off to lock it at around 3:30 AM. John comes home, I hear him go to the refrigerator and I hear him pop open a bottle of beer. Within a few minutes, John joins me in bed and this is where I start to ask him why it took him so long to be at the gym. John: I actually went to the casino after and chilled there for a bit and then, drove around town. Me: Oh, are you okay? Did you want to talk about something? John: I'm okay. aling with some issues. Me: (Long silence) I thought you were out with someone or something like that. John: (A few seconds pause) No, no, baby. I wasn't out with anyone, I promise. Well, we share some kisses and tell each other good night. At 5 AM, John's alarm clock goes off. See, John used to work a Monday through Saturday shift but since late January 2020, he has had his Saturdays off. I wake up due to the alarm and see that John hasn't been disturbed by it. So, I reach over and turn off his alarm. I decided to unlock his phone to change the alarm settings and lo and behold what do I find as I pull up his menu screen? (John has an android device. ) Two apps: Hot or Not and Joyride. I laid there, frozen, as I wondered why he had these two apps on his phone. I do some digging on to his recent windows--he has a Chrome tab open to a red head's TextMe profile (I'm assuming, not familiar with it) and he has Google Maps open to an address that I will never forget. The image of the red head and the address are burned into the back of my mind and my body just tells me: RUN. So, I quickly dress, leave the apartment and take my keys and drive off to the nearest park and just sat in my car figuring out what to do. I return home an hour later, wake John up and we have our talk. John tells me that he went to someone's house in my car, drove 7. 8 miles out, and went there to just talk to them. He said that they did some kissing and touching but no sex, as John said that even though they looked like a woman, they were a man. I couldn't believe it--I was truly blindsided. Let me let you all know this though: John and I never yelled at each other in our relationship but on that morning, I raised my voice and asked him to explain everything in detail. Long story short, John tells me that the reason why he cheated on me was because: a) Las Vegas is a city that is over-sexualized and being around in that environment triggered him and b) he said 'fuck it' after sitting there and conversing with the person whose house he drove to, in my car. So, essentially, John said to himself and to our six month relationship: "fuck it" as he got up from the chair after playing video games. John changed out of his shorts into pants, took my keys from the key holder, and took my car to go cheat on me with another person. I've asked him if he ever thought of me during the whole process and apparently, an image of me flashed across his mind as soon as he got to the house. Liar. He never thought of me. I had went to Seattle with him for his family's Christmas party, met his immediate family, and met his darling niece and nephew who are just both a wonder to behold. I had chosen a Jeep rental for us so that we could drive around Seattle without worrying about transportation. Sometimes, a couple of days before payday he would ask me for money to help him get some weed or groceries. I gladly forked it over because I knew he would pay me back. I've been there for him when he relapsed from his heroin addiction two months into our relationship. Let me tell you, I was very ill prepared and did not know he was a heroin addict until then. I took care of John when he immediately fell ill at work--I will never forget the look on his face as I brought him some tomato soup with toast and some juice to drink. I will never forget the times when John would sometimes tell me while we were showering together that "there are some things in my past that I've done". Or when I would always give him a back massage, he'd ask me: "Why are you so good to me? " And I would always reply, "Well, because I love you. " And I'd kiss his back or neck after saying that. The following Tuesday, I moved back in with my mother and took all of my belongings with me before he got home from work. I broke up with John over text and looking back on it, that's what he deserved. I remember waking up on Sunday morning and I felt as if somethings about John's story still didn't add up correctly. I go through everything on his phone; from old messages and contacts (he blocked two individuals) and surprisingly, found that he searched for "Casual Sex" apps on the Google Play store. I had seen a couple more apps and downloaded them all again, logged in (luckily, John joined those apps by connecting his Facebook account to them), and was able to read every effort he put into all those dating/casual sex apps and all the messages he sent or was sent. Everything I found painted a different picture of the man I thought I knew. The really shitty thing? He chose two particular photos that I knew we had taken together and cropped me out of them; one from Zion and one from New Years Eve. And the person whose house he had drove to that Valentine's Day night to? I remember the conversation as if I read it yesterday. How Jon was looking to have sex with someone to celebrate the day, and knew that even though the person was a transgender female, said: "Is it okay if I've only been with women before? " and after some more conversation and sharing of pictures, the person sent their address and along John went. I've gone No Contact with John since this Monday, March 23rd. I've also been seeing a psychologist to get through the trauma. Unfortunately, I messed up by still meeting up with him before he went back to Seattle to be with his family. How days after I broke up with him, he went to a party and had sex with one his friend's friend. John quickly moved on and like a fool, I still thought I could salvage something of our short-lived relationship because I still had some shade of the rose-tinted glasses still on. The one thing that he asked of me is if we could still be friends and it shattered me. How could he ask that of me, thinking that we could gloss over the fact that he emotionally and physically cheated on me? And on one of those days I fucked up by hanging out with him, he said the following: "I don't want to go through all that work again of meeting someone new and getting to know them. I already did all that work with you. Please, let me take you out on Wednesday or Thursday, if you're free. " I have it written down and labeled as "headass" in my Google Notes app to remind myself that if I continue to play into John's hands after NC, I'm the fool. The day I told John that I wanted to go No Contact with him, I had told him that I did not want to be someone's second choice. I still remember the silence after I said that. How I asked him where did I go wrong? And how John replied, "You did nothing wrong, (my name). " John even said later on that he wanted to settle down with me and have children with me, ha! I told John however, that he was the one that broke my trust in him and how could he ever work to fix my trust in him again? So, I ended the call, sobbing, saying "I'm sorry, I love you, take care, " and that was that. Thank you for taking the time to read through all of that. It's been a tough few days since NC and to be honest, I wake up every morning saying in my head or out loudly, "Fuck you, John. " I'm graduating in two months, I'm on my own path to healing and recovery from all the baggage you have that I carried by trying to fix you and, the trauma you've caused. I am lucky to have my family and friends to be there for me when I need them. It sucks considering recent events going on but, I can't wait to go back to the gym, go apply for better jobs, and maybe, join the Peace Corps or Ameri Corps. Good luck, John. But also, good riddance. And to this day, I agree with my uncle that the alarm clock going off at 5 AM was truly a 'divine intervention'. I hope you take some time to reflect on yourself but to be fair, I need to truly look inward and work on myself, as well. Not going to work, i guess. When I watched this trailer I felt hope. I can't wait to watch this movie. This may be one of the most Heart-touching movies in this century.
This is amazing Renee Zellweger is an incredible actress she became Judy Garland. She also sings as well in the movie! ??. One of the great dramatic roles of melissa's. Sometimes always never free download version. *sharon van etten. Ok, guys, I swear upon the Eternal Waters themselves that I absolutely did not plan on this one happening! I promise! I JUST WANTED TO SELL COFFEE!!!! I swear! The rest of the series can be found here *** “What do you mean you are cutting me off?! ” I spluttered in shock. “Ma’am, ” the female kalesh said frostily, “You seem to have a misunderstanding concerning exactly what ‘free internet’ actually means. ” “Free internet means free internet, right?! ” “Free internet assumes something that called ‘typical use’. It is intended to be a convenience for our guests, a way for them to stream media, surf the web, and communicate with friends and family. It is not intended to be used for business purposes. ” The kalesha paused and pulled up some records on her computer. “And you, Ms. Sheloran, were consuming bandwidth well above anything that can be remotely considered ‘typical’. Our connection is for all of our guests to use and it is unfair to the others if all of the bandwidth is consumed by one guest who is clearly using our connection for ‘atypical’ purposes. ” The kalesha bent her eyestalks to look directly into my eyes, just shooting disapproval beams at me. “You can understand that, can’t you? ” “Yes, ” I replied trying to be as polite as I could. “Yes, I understand and I promise that after this I will behave but I absolutely need to finish what I am doing! Please! ” “I’m sorry, ” the kalesha said firmly. “Your internet connection has been suspended for the remainder of your stay. ” The kalesha straightened her uniform and wiggled her eyestalks slightly. “Will you be checking out now? ” “What if I paid you? ” I asked in desperation. I absolutely had to finish that download. I just had to! “Are you offering me a bribe? ” the kalesha asked frostily. “W-would it work? ” I asked giving her my nicest smile. “No. Good day… ma’am, ” the kalesha replied packing truly Kalesh levels of sarcasm and derision in that final “ma’am”. I tell you those kalesh can be really really nasty without actually being nasty. That "ma'am" was a real cussing out! I, not exactly knowing what to do, wandered back to my room. Oh poop this wasn’t good! *** “So did ya get the internet fixed? ” Craxina asked brightly as Sheloran stomped into the room. “No! Those… assholes … cut us off! ” I yelled as I threw myself onto the bed. “Oooo! You said a dirty word! ” Craxina giggled. Oh poop I did! “Um… those poopers, ” I said a bit more carefully, “cut us off, said that we were violating ‘typical use’ or some poop like that. ” “That’s not good, ” Craxina said thoughtfully. “You think!?!? You flushing think!?!? ” I squeaked. “We finally, after weeks and weeks, we finally get an order and now we can’t fill it?! ” I buried my face in my pillow and moaned, “The guy is already on his way! If it isn’t ready... ” “We’re fuuuuuucked... ” Craxina moaned finally catching on. “Right! They will murder us on the message boards. We'll never get another order! We will be out of flushing business! ” “Shit! What are we gonna do? ” Craxina yelped. “I… I gotta call Baxlon, ” I replied. He could figure this out! He just had to! *** “Not surprised, ” Baxlon said as he handed Sheloran a cup of relaxing herbal tea. “Some less than reputable people will check into a hotel and use their internet to do less than reputable things. ‘Typical use’ my ass. Their security AI flagged you. They just weren’t going to accuse you of anything to your face. ” “I wasn’t doing anything wrong! ” I squeaked. “I have permits and stuff! ” I did! Everything was one hundred percent legal! “And there is no way in Hell you will be able to convince them of that, ” Baxlon replied. “They probably have a policy in place and to get it reversed you will probably have to talk to someone that won’t waste their time talking to you. ” Baxlon said calmly as he typed into his computer. “Yep, thought so. You’re screwed. ” “What do you mean I’m screwed?!?! ” “Most hotels use the same internet provider. This flag is gonna follow you. You will be lucky to get internet anywhere now. ” “ What am I going to do? ” I squeaked. I knew I was squeaking and I didn’t pooping care! I was completely losing it! “Well, you are going to finish this download using my connection here, ” Baxlon replied. “I have a spare office. Just set up in there and finish the gig. After that, well, you are going to need your own connection. ” “Whew… Thanks, Baxlon. You’re a lifesaver! ” “I gotta protect my interests. I can’t have you going out of business before you even start, can I? ” he laughed. “Now while you are taking care of this job we need to go ahead and set you up with your own connection. I don’t want what you’re doing being traced back here, just in case. ” “Just in case of what? ” I asked dubiously. I really didn’t like the sound of that! “We, and by we I mean you, are playing pretty fast and loose with the law. Everything you are doing is legal… technically, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t possibly run into trouble. If that happens you definitely don’t need my office shut down along with you, understand? ” “I… I thought that all the licenses would keep me from getting in trouble... ” I said quietly. I mean, seriously. Why did I go through all of that flushing hassle? What was I paying this fish for anyway? “They should but the key word there is ‘ should ’, ” Baxlon chuckled blowing bubble rings, “If everything that should happen did happen then I wouldn’t have a very successful business would I? Don’t worry, ” Baxlon said as he put a mechanical hand on her shoulder. “Stick to the plan and you will be in the clear. You are paying me a cut for a reason, remember? ” “O-ok... ” I said glumly. This blew scum bubbles. “Now you go and get your gear and finish the download. While it’s cooking we will start going over your options. ” *** Once Craxina was set up in the spare office and happily scooping mini-crystals into the burner’s hopper I was once again in Baxlon’s office. “Ok, internet, ” Baxlon said in a crisp businesslike voice. “You need your own connection which means your own address, preferably a business one. ” “How much is that going to cost? ” I asked. That fortune I robbed was looking less and less fortune like by the second. “We’re getting there, ” Baxlon smiled. “Now you can rent an office space somewhere. That would be a bit cheaper and would already have a business connection but it your internet would still be provided by the landlord and would probably be monitored by a crime-prevention AI just like the hotel. You really don’t need someone getting in your business both from the downloads and the nature of your business communications. All of it is ‘legal’ but all of it is likely to raise questions that will be nothing but a hassle. Rented offices run into the same issues with criminals that hotels do, just bigger ones. ” “So, renting is out, ” I said thinking to myself and then I gasped. “Does this mean that I have to buy something?! How… how much... ” Oh man this did not sound good. I could see all my credits disappearing in front of my very eyes! “Yes. Starting a business and buying your own commercial space is what you need, ” Baxlon said and then looked up at me. I must have looked like I felt. “Don’t worry! ” he laughed. “It’s not as bad as you think! ” “I have money but a building can’t be cheap! ” I squeaked. I couldn’t help but squeak. Back home buildings were expensive and it must be a lot more here! Oh poop! I could barely breathe. “No, no it isn’t. Even a cheap space in this city goes for quite a bit but don’t worry. You don’t have to pay for it all at once. In fact, walking in with a crystal full of credits and paying cash will have them calling the cops on you right after they happily take your money. ” “What? ” “Nobody pays cash for a business, ” Baxlon laughed. “They take out a business loan. ” “I can’t do that! ” I squeaked completely not in control of my squeakiness. “I’m not a citizen. I don’t even have an apartment! ” … squeaked. “Believe it or not, getting this set up is a lot easier than getting that apartment. ” “Taking out a huge loan is easier than getting a lease? ” I asked completely in disbelief. That couldn’t be pooping right. “Yep. ” Baxlon laughed. “Especially the way we are going to do it. ” “The way we are going to do it? ” I asked looking at him suspiciously. “Is this going to be something shady? ” (Of course it would be. Who the poop was I talking to? ) “No! Of course not... mostly. ” Baxlon chuckled. “Tell me everything about this ‘mostly’. ” I said quite firmly. Here it comes, I thought bracing myself as best as I could. “I know a banker or three, ” Baxlon replied. “I also know a thing or two about money. We take your cash, turn it into assets and wrap that up into a shell company. That shell company, which is completely Terran even if you’re not, then ‘invests’ in Drop of Oil LLC by securing a loan using its assets and then in turn extends one to you. Then, abracadabra! You write yourself a check for whatever you need. We can probably get close to a million if we need it, half a million easy! ” “But I will be broke! ” I squeaked as I started squeaking again. “Broke! Completely br-… Oh waters gasp … gasp... ” I couldn’t pooping breathe! “Easy there, ” Baxlon said reassuringly. “You won’t be broke. You will just be ‘extended’. ” “ What’s the flushing difference?!? ” I squeaked even higher than my normal squeak. “Broke means you have no credits. Extended means you have a million, ” Baxlon chuckled. “ gas
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BIEN PROFE. I always go to college. I love you too. Sometimes always never free download games. With the upcoming Definitive Edition of Xenoblade and it being the only major Nintendo game coming out within the next couple of months, now's a good time more than ever to catch yourself up to speed on what Xenoblade is and its impact on the JRPG genre. Keep in mind that this is designed to inform newcomers to the series and what makes the Definitive Edition such a big deal. To ensure the validity and accuracy of this FAQ, some sections I will be largely speaking from the perspective of a North American audience and the struggles of it coming around here as well as its stock problem. I understand this is a lot to read for some people. Feel free to skip to questions you may have and I hope to convince you of how special of a series Xenoblade is. A Brief History Part 1 - Tetsuya Takahashi Xenoblade is the brainchild of Tetsuya Takahashi, a former Square graphic designer who was a graphics director for Chrono Trigger, map graphics designer for Secret of Mana, and even concept artist for Final Fantasy VII. However, Takahashi made his first impact when he directed and wrote Xenogears for the Playstation 1, a turn-based RPG featuring mechas and a unique combo system. Interestingly, the game started off as a pitch as Final Fantasy 7, then as a sequel to Chrono Trigger, followed by then a brand new original title. Despite the difficult development of Xenogears (including limiting its second disc to only cutscenes), it was widely praised by fans and critics alike for its psychological views and darker themes. After completing Xenogears, Takahashi left Square to focus on creating his own projects, which lead to the creation of his company Monolith Soft and a partnership with Namco. From here, Takahashi's games continue to reuse the moniker "Xeno" in most of his titles. During his partnership with Namco, Takahashi wrote and directed the Xenosaga series, another RPG series featuring mechs and a heavy emphasis on psychology. Despite the new open freedom that Takahashi gained, Xenosaga was considered overly ambitious and ultimately had to compromise on the game's plot, even cutting it to half its original size. Towards the end of Monolith Soft's time with Namco, it became clear that Namco was giving the company less and less freedom. This put Monolith in a state of low morale as they wanted to create a new type of game that was unlike any they had previously attempted. This was when Shinji Hatano, general manager of Nintendo, approached Monolith Soft and cheered them stating "just go out there and make something that can’t be found elsewhere in the industry, something original with an independent spirit. " And thus, Monolith Soft officially decided to become a subsidiary of Nintendo and went on to develop Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii. What makes Xenoblade stand out from Takahashi's previous titles is its focus on large scale environments and a more simple plot without over-relying on psychology or religion as his previous games had. It's a wonderful game that can be enjoyed by anyone who gives the game a chance. A Brief History Part 2 - Localization Despite the game selling decently well in Japan and receiving a pretty good score of 36/40 on Famitsu, North American fans were in a state of uncertainty when it came to Xenoblade coming to their territory. When a European localization of Xenoblade Chronicles was released in August 2011 and with no signs of a North American release, fans took the situation into their own hands. A very popular online campaign under the title 'Operation Rainfall' was created as a way to show support of JRPGs like Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower to release in North America. The effectiveness of this campaign seemed to have had a great impact in the games it pushed for as all three eventually did release on the Wii a bit after the campaign was created. It's difficult to say for certain if the states would have even seen Xenoblade if not for Europe. A former Nintendo Treehouse employee named Chris Pranger, in an interview that cost him his entire job, mentioned "You look at something like even Xenoblade Chronicles. People love that game, you know, within a certain group. That game is not the type of game that just pulls in enough to justify the costs on that. So that’s like, we got it in the States by luck, that NoE decided “Oh, we’ll take the fall. We’ll localize that. ” Okay, cause someone is going to have to eat the costs somewhere because that game is guaranteed to not sell enough to justify how big that game is. You know, hundreds of hours, all voiced. That’s a lot of money that goes into that. " Xenoblade Chronicles finally released in North America on April 6th, 2012. Are the Xeno games all connected/Do I need to play other Xeno games before Xenoblade? Generally, they aren't. Outside of a handful of cameos like KOS-MOS and T-ELOS from Xenosaga appearing in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or particular Xeno characters appearing in Project X Zone 2, each game series are not connected and can be played at one's own decision. If you want to play Xenoblade first, then that's perfectly fine and you won't miss out on much by not playing Xenogears or Xenosaga. Can I play Xenoblade 2 first and still enjoy Xenoblade 1? /What order should I play these games? Yes! However, in my own personal advice, I'd strongly suggest playing through 1 first, whether that be waiting for the Definitive Edition to release, playing the New 3DS version, or playing the Wii U Virtual Console version. My reasoning behind this is a little complicated as Xenoblade 2 tends to overwhelm newcomers to the series with its abundance of tutorials, but it also has some nods to the first game that can be fully appreciated only if you played the first game beforehand. If you want to go in a specific order, then I'd suggest something like this: Xenoblade Chronicles/Xenoblade Chronicles 3D/Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Xenoblade Chronicles X As a side note, Xenoblade Chronicles X is completely separated from the universes of Xenoblade 1 and 2. It has a bit of a mixed reception and is more gritty than 1 and 2, so it isn't considered essential to anyone playing through the main games. If you enjoy 1 and 2, then I'd recommend at least looking into X. I was spoiled on a major element in Xenoblade 1/2, can I still enjoy the Definitive Edition? Of course! While the plot is a major reason to play any JRPG, Xenoblade contains a rich narrative and an even richer world to explore. Don't let any type of spoiler get the better of you, these are good games that don't deserve to be skipped over a couple of plot points. I hated Xenoblade Chronicles 2, is it possible I'll feel the same for this one? Xenoblade 1 and 2 are pretty different from one another. 2 contained a plot that is reminiscent of popular shounen anime (e. g. popular anime like Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, or Attack on Titan) in that it contains a 15 year old kid overcoming all of his obstacles and maturing along the way. As such, it also brought in a number of frowned upon anime tropes among other problems like accentuated breasts on female characters, sub-par voice acting and lip sync, and a sometimes corny plot. Despite the game becoming more serious towards the end, these traits are made especially apparent around the beginning of 2, which is why many players tend to drop the game or may finish it with a bad impression on all of the characters. Unlike 2, Xenoblade 1 contains a much more serious plot and generally doesn't suffer from the overtly anime elements that 2 had. While one could still categorize Xenoblade 1 as a shounen plot, it doesn't go as far as including all the unnecessary baggage alongside it. On the note of voice acting, many would consider the original Xenoblade 1's cast as one of the greatest dubs in video games. With what we can tell from the trailers, it seems that most, if not all, of the original cast is re-dubbing the Definitive Edition alongside proper lip syncing. The combat and tutorials of 2 often built off itself as you continued on through the game, causing a lot of confusion and annoyance to many players. In order to do basic auto-attacking, you had to sit in place and press buttons at the appropriate time. For many newcomers, this discourages them and makes the combat seem worse than it actually is. 1, while containing plenty of tutorials in its own right, is much more action focused. You are free to move around as you automatically attack as you move. You don't have to worry about elemental orbs circling around enemies and instead it focuses on the break-topple-daze chain and other various elements that you may recognize from 2. While special moves are no longer done through a single button press, you're given more options as to what you can do. Like Xenoblade 2, you can swap the leader of the party to any of your available party members. Different party members have different styles and moves they can perform, and while this system may not be as robust as the blade system in 2, it still offers plenty of variety to the combat in the game. Why is the music such a big deal? You might have noticed that the Direct Mini made it a note that it's re-recording many of the songs from the original game. Xenoblade Chronicles 1, simply put, contains a couple of the genre's best composers. To list them off, Yasunori Mitsuda ( Chrono Trigger, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Kid Icarus: Uprising) wrote the ending theme. Yoko Shimomura ( Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy XV) wrote many songs including the game's main theme and several area songs from around the beginning of the game. Manami Kiyota ( Smash Bros. Arrangements) wrote many songs for the game for various character themes and area themes. ACE+ (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, Smash Bros. Arrangements) wrote the bulk of the game's soundtrack and ar

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Sometimes always never free download game. Sometimes always never free download song. Sometimes Always Never free downloads. I promised a few of you from r/privacy and r/Galaxy_S20 I'll do this, so here it is. This write-up was initially intended for Galaxy S10/S20, but will more than likely apply for other devices as well. I say "use your judgement" several times here, and I'm serious for everywhere. Read the FULL write-up all the way through, pick what fits you/your threat model, and modify from there. If anybody has any suggestions or corrections (which I imagine there will be a few, as I'm writing this over the course of several days), do feel free to PM me or post them here. I hope this will be a pretty big thread, so if it's important, I'd prefer PM so i can edit this post. With Android 10 out, we've got quite a few more options as far as customization, and maybe a few reduced options (tough root) to maintain some sort of level of privacy on a framework that relies on more than just a few levels of third party apps, and privacy statements we're basically forced into. Nevertheless, even without the new additions to the API that DO respect privacy, there're a lot of tweaks we can do. I'll focus on few main methods to gain more customization, beyond the most of the well known ones. We really don't need another one diving into tasker, MIUI-ify, KWGT, motorola like gestures, gallery/email/keyboard/browser alternatives etc...... This is more so on using and modifying system components, sandboxing, background app limiting, and a touch of networking. I'm not saying any of these are sercets or aren't already implemented from factory, but I am saying they aren't as well known as they should be considering the level of customization Android is capable of. In order to keep things somewhat clean and saving my lazy fingers, I'm going to aim at supplying you with some tools to advance privacy and customization, with hopes it's enough to advance you and your research. First note: As I mentioned, this was initially intended to be focused on a few select devices. For device focused parts, I'm focusing on the snapdragon variant of samsngs galaxy s10 or s20. Exynos will be able to do most of this, and likely a root in the future as well - then your capabilities will be enhanced. Some people prefer the exynos variant specifically for this reason. We will make do with what we've got for now, as a root is probably not in the near future for these devices. Second note: I'll do my best to address beginners as much as I can, but I'm not going to make this an introductory tutorial on how to secure an android device from the CIA. If you're not sure about something, google it. If you're already aware how to do something, skip it. This is in no way aimed at everybody Third note: I will not dive into software exploitation. Maybe debugging, but not exploitation. Fourth: I'm more serious here than anywhere else: Use your judgement before modifying your phone in any way. If your USB is farked up, fix it, or just don't bother proceeding. If you really are unsure what you're doing, either look into what I said (I'll intentionally use hot words) or just, again, don't. I want you to use your own judgement. I want you to understand what's happening, and why you're doing it. Most importantly, I don't want you to do something that messed up your device. That being said, I'm not going to be responsible for your broken phone. Period. You will use your judgement in more than just exploring options I provide here for your device. Moving on, nobody likes facebook, or golf clash on their device..... or any of the crap we get from the factory. So what do we do? With enough talk, we plug in and get started. First thing's first, READ EVERYTHING BEFORE CONTINUING! This is customization. Do what applies to YOU! Bloatware and flashing. Most hardware per your variaton (S20, S20+, S20Ultra) is going to be about the same. As mentioned before, your processor may differ depending on your location, but beyond that, they're the same. This is important because it means that each are capable of handling the firmware provided by the other carriers. When you're on the samsung website choosing Verizon, ATT, Unlocked, the only thing you're doing is choosing firmware. You at any time can flash (copy) the firmware of ATT or Sprint, should you change carriers. I mention this because each variant comes with its own array of bloatware; with the samsung firmware having the least, but still running any SIM, the first start to confirming you have a decently clean phone is to start with the Samsung firmware. Without going through too much of what has been already typed, you can find information and the procedure for flashing S20s via Odin here. (XDA Forums) Developer Options, Enabling ADB (and some other stuff) This part is simple enough. Go into Settings > About Phone > Software Information, and then tap Build Number until it says "You are now a developer". From there, go back twice into settings, and at the very bottom, you'll have a new section "Developer Options". Go into there, scroll down into the Debugging section, and choose to enable USB Debugging. As a quick mini tip, if you want to make your device feel a bit faster, scroll into the Drawing section, and choose to turn off Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale, and Animator Duration Scale. If you care for the animations, turn it to 0. 5 maybe. Or, you can set it to something like 0. 25 using adb shell settings put NAMESPACE VALUE. We'll talk more about this later, briefly. ADB Much of what we'll be doing here on out will require ADB. For those that don't know, ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a developers tool used to directly interface with their device. A full run down of tool can be found here (Android Developers) with an install tutorial here (XDA) Once you install ADB, you'll be able to access your android directly via navigating to the folder adb is installed in, and typing adb shell in command prompt/terminal window (assuming you're in windows). Linux people, you can quickly and easily install with: sudo apt-get install adb or sudo yum install android-tools Once you're in shell, you'll get a blinking cursor followed after something like z3q:/ $ You can type uname -a to print out device information, and further confirm you're on your phone. You'll return something like: Linux localhost 4. 19. 81-18024814 #1 SMP PREEMPT [DATE] KST 2020 aarch64 Play around with this a bit. You're in a basic linux environment right now, and there's a lot you can do. for example, try cmd statusbar expand-settings or service call statusbar 1. Generally the way it works is, you're first going to type the name of some program, and then options to follow. For those with experience: yes, it goes much deeper than that, but like i said before - I'm trying to address beginners the best i can without killing my fingers here. exit will safely exit the shell. top will run a program which will basically be the linux version of Task Manager - information here () which you can exit with CTRL+C. While you're there, you may as well explore other interactions you can have with ADB as well, such as logcat, ps, getprop, settings, and pm, which we'll use with bloat removal. As a final note within this section: most of my commands are with the assumption you're already in the android shell with adb shell and are presented with something like beyond2q:/ $ or z3q:/ $ at any point, if you're not in adb shell, a one liner can be added to the beginning of any command, such that you get something like adb shell list packages samsung Bloat "removal" Now that you have an idea of what you're in, you can start pulling some of the garbage off your device. This to me, is a biggy. Unfortunately, you can't TRULY remove everything, but we can for the user which, is, you. I'm not going into this deeply, as for most peoples threat model, it doesn't matter all that much. If you've got a deeper threat model, chances are, you aren't reading this, and know everything here I have to offer. Anyway, let's get rid of those pesky crap apps that none of us touch. RIP Bixby. You're going to be entering your android shell via adb shell. Within there you're going to list packages using package manager: pm list packages pm is a powerful package manager with a large set of options for you. check out everything you could do with pm using pm -h, and by exploring here from there, you're going to get a long list that looks similar, but longer than the following. Obviously, they're your packages. Many of them are vital, so don't go willy nilly uninstalling what looks like it might just kinda almost maybe be crapish. z3q:/ $ pm list packages You have a couple options here. You can scroll through the packages and find the full name of the package you need to remove, or you can totally skip it this part, and use an app like Package List to find it. When you find an app you want to uninstall, depending on the package, you MIGHT be able to use pm uninstall PACKAGE_NAME. But, for a good amount of bloatware, you're going to have to use pm uninstall -k --user 0 *PACKAGE_NAME*. Always give it a shot without -k and --user 0 pm - "Package manager". Self explanatory. -k - preserve cache/data - this is usually optional. --user 0 - specify user 0 as the uninstaller. This is not always optional, and is required to get an actual uninstall as the device user ( user 0). This is different than how many people claim them being "hidden" or "disabled". Now, which apps? Well to get started, here is a list (XDA Link) for the Galaxy S10, just as an example. Of course, there's going to be a difference in apps between our S20 devices and last years S10. Alternatively, when I first got my phone, the first thing i did was pm list packages | grep face The pipe ( |) basically says "Pass the output of the previous command, into the following program: grep" What we're doing here is finding all packages t
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Published by: Bilge Ebiri
Bio: "A while longer still in this business."

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