2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words pay discount



8,2 of 10
score: 59 Votes
Writed by: Michael Pack
116 Minute
Cast: Clarence Thomas
2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words. On one side Ted Kennedy and on the other Strom Thurmond with “women” scandals of their own. I'm amazed that Clarence Thomas is against Affirmative Action but he has reaped the benefits of it his whole career! And if we should interpret laws by what they meant at the time they were written I guess black people today have no rights. The Founders said All men are created equal but they weren't talking about black people. Thomas makes me sick and it's a disgrace that he replaced Thurgood Marshall.
Wow. Feels like deja vu now with this Kavenah confirmation. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words without. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to say. OMG, here because of Kavanaugh, this is incredible.

10 /10 An important piece for all to see Desperately needed in a time in the history of this country where the Rule of Law is being tested by the liberal media and the liberal left. An important piece. We are ALL created equal. Period. 7 out of 9 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Permalink Travesty this is so hard to find or see Wow, what an inspiring and incredible story. I requested at for this to come to a theater near me and it arrived for a week. It was still 90 minutes away and just one showing a day at noon, no signage on the theater or even on the theater it was in. But still 25 people or so showed and and boy was it just a wonderful movie to learn about a man that has been unfairly persecuted because of his political beliefs. Everyone should see this to understand his background, how he came to be the person he is, what he really thinks about the constitution and interpretation. This was a movie where every person in the theater just sat until the end of the credits really taking in the emotional ride. I really wish this receive more attention - it sure deserves it. 1 out of 2 found this helpful. Permalink.
When Andrew Breitbart saw how they were trying to destroy Clarence Thomas, it changed him from a liberal to a conservative. I wonder how many Andrew Breitbarts were created during the Kavanaugh hearings. He shoulda been the 1st black President. ?????. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordsmith. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of love.
President George Bush nominated Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court to replace Thurgood Marshall, who had retired but those racist whites on Capitol Hill did not want another black judge replacing a black judge. so they concocted a despicable lie about Clarence Thomas. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordstream. January 31 opening. local AMC theater in Charlotte listed but has not showed the move.
You dont Join something Knowing the Turn On Them. He was at Hillsdale a terrific College. The 1991 Thomas nomination and fight in the senate is what influenced me more than any other political event in American history. After that, I KNEW who the ENEMY was, and that enemy every day confirms since that fight their hatred, poutiness, racism, injustice, violence, selfishness, bitterness, idiocy, totalitarianism, and over the last five years, horniness. The Global/Left/Dem Axis is by far the greatest danger to the USA, its citizens, and its Constitution. Thomas stood tall against the whole machine like the island of Malta besieged for ages. Great man.
You are a national disgrace! I hope God will eventually chastise you for all this. I dislike you Clarence Thomas. Dems used these tactics against Thomas because he was black - FAILED Dems used these tactics against Kavanaugh because he was appointed by Trump - FAILED When will the left ever learn.
Some of the most Corrupt Men in History Question the Decency of Justice Thomas. Hypocrites. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words on the page. I love that last piece about not being afraid to do something if it is right. Meanwhile you have Ted Kennedy who literally killed a woman sitting there in judgment of Thomas. Absolutely sickening.
2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words and pictures. Wondering if ABC rushed this In a Minute segment out to dull the impact of the sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton they mostly never reported but are now getting airtime thanks to Donald Trump and the honest media that is competing with these professional liars. 2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom. Highly respect Justice Thomas. So looking forward to this documentary.
God bless you Justice Clarence Thomas.

2020 release country USA Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to eat. Just watched it o OnDemand. Was remarkably neutral, very surprised by that given how left Kerry Washington and Wendell Pierce are. If one did not know better then one would wonder who was telling the truth. The movie left that open. The movie sorta portrayed a Senator Kennedy staffer as out to throw ANYTHING at Tjomas to stop him. If I did not know better I would wonder if this movie was green lighted when many thought Biden would run against Hillary Clinton in 2016. If he had ran this film would have been a problem for him.
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