Apollo 13 ?Free?

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Average Rating=8,2 of 10 stars / runtime=2H 20 minute / NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in jeopardy / liked it=254197 votes / genres=Drama / actor=Gary Sinise. Imagine the humans of the 20th century had spend as much on conquering the Universe, as they did on conquering each other.

The bravery and calmness of astronauts under pressure is awesome. Great doco, very inspiring

Apollo 15. Apollo 13 crew. Apollo 13 simulator scene. Apollo 13 dokument cz. Apollo 13 movie cast. This is an incredible movie of intense emotion, suspense and warmth that brings unity and appreciation for life. Absolutely brilliant acting from Tom Hanks who plays his role with an admirable coolness, and as always, completely natural. Ed Harris was magnificent in his role, and his tears at the end were modest and moving. The rest of the cast were great in support. The moments when the ship was returning to Earth (having not known the real story myself) were incredibly suspenseful due to the quietness and faces of the actors. I have rarely been on the edge of my seat in a movie like this one. Great scenes in space, gives you a view most won't experience. Good special effects, spectacular sound in the launch scene. This is a classic tale that has been very well directed. It would not be easy recreating this story but this movie has achieved that. I would have liked to have seen a reunion with family at the end for that extra "oomph" but thats just a personal opinion that doesn't need to be taken as a criticism. I recommend this to everyone at all ages, even if you know the story. This movie is hard to falter and can be watched many times without losing the emotional impact. Its a ride and you'll want to go on again.
Apollo 13 strain. Ohhh john cena revealed. 0:56. Apollo 13 ost. Apollo 13 shower. Havent you seen lord of the rings. Apollo 13 dates. Apollo 13 movie netflix. Apollo 13 original crew. The Beatles breaking up? Stop everything. Apollo 12. Hey LM5 what's happened to you? I haven't seen anything new from you in ages. Is everything ok. Apollo 137. Apollo 13 behind the scenes. Apollo 13 csfd. This film is a master piece of Irony. SO good, so amazing, watching the space ship for entire 2mins. The best YouTube channel. What was one example of a larger misconception portrayed by Gravity that stood out to you the most? The scene where Bullock lets go of Clooney's hand, and he flies away. They were both stopped! He would not have flown off! Thank you for doing this, has there ever been a "near disaster" moment during your time in space? Yes, the Soyuz autopilot failed and tried to crash us into ISS! We took manual control and got the vehicle stopped 50 meters from the station... What's the difference between American and Russian suits? Like differences in safety, comfort, utility etc? American suit is more flexible, better visibility, but more complex logistically, and in getting prepared to go outside. Russian suit is one size fits all, easy to prepare and go EVA, but more stiff and difficult to work in. Wow... thank you for doing this! What's the most memorable experience or event from your missions? Let's see, most memorable moment was during a spacewalk. I was on my third shuttle mission and I was being moved by the robotic arm from one part of the space station to another, and for several moments I could only see the earth, I was facing straight down at the earth, and I felt like a satellite flying over. I was watching the continents and clouds roll by and it was just very surreal. When in space, how often does a hallucinatory George Clooney visit you to help out? I'm still waiting! Did you have any certain protocol to follow if you were contacted by any alien lifeforms whilst you were in space? If so, what was it? No, and if we had, I'm sure we would have forgotten them! Hi Dr. Chiao, I was your student back when you taught public policy at LSU. Truly an honor to have you in that class. Anyways, just want to know if you have experienced seeing cosmic rays while in space and how did it feel like? (e. g., did you see it with closed eyes? ). Also, can it explain UFO sightings that are common with astronauts? When a particle hits your retina, you see a bright flash. It doesn't happen that often, but it is bright enough to see when in the light, with your eyes open too! Many astronauts have seen odd things in space, but in all the cases I know if, they have all been explained. Great to hear from you, glad you liked the LSU class!! Astronauts train in giant swimming pools, right? How would you compare the weightlessness feel of a pool to actually being in space? Feel is totally different, but it lets you practice all the things you need to do, in 3D. Great procedures training, but doesn't at all mimic the feel! Is being in space bitchin' or what? Absolutely, yes! You sound like you're from my era! Today, can the USOS and ROS of the ISS orbit independently of each other in current configurations? No, they are attached and they always have been so they cannot separate and orbit independently. Why is there a long delay in the NAUKA module, which was suppose to have been up even before the end of the last decade, and why is there a need for the OKA T free flying platform? I believe that you're discussing the Russian Science module? I don't know the reason for the delay, but I suspect it has to do with events in Russia, because it is a Russian module. I'm not familiar with the OKA T platform. How would the ISS be deorbited upon reaching its full utilization age in 2024 or 2028? Is there a posible cooperation utilizing the SLS/ORION/ARRM together with the Russian OPSEK for a BEO missions to Mars? The answer is: we don't yet have a deorbit plan. But I believe it makes sense that it would be using the onboard SM engines, possibly in conjunction with a Progress module. The answer is that a version of the BA 330 will be launched to the ISS as a test but will not replace any of the current modules. Thanks for doing this! What was the hardest thing to get used to after arriving back on earth? You are very dizzy, because your brain has forgotten how to interpret the signals coming from your balance systems. It takes several days to a few weeks before it clears up! So it's like you become a baby again? Kind of, even the callouses come off of your feet! You have baby feet again after a long mission. even the callouses come off of your feet. You're not using your feet in space, so the skin sloughs off and doesn't get tough again! Wow. What's the explanation for this? Of course, walking on Earth toughens them back up. Hello Leroy! Thank you for doing this Ama. I'm currently studying Physics and nanotechology. Many of the courses are nanotechnology, solidstate physics, magnetism and quantum mechanics etc. My issue is that I would very much like to work at ESA / NASA and I don't know if any of the fields i'm currently studying are relevant for a job there? I am thinking about changing program and joining the Spacetechnology program where the courses range from planetary physics to spacecraft instrumentation systems. Which one of those do you think would yield the greatest chance of getting a job at ESA / NASA? Also What do I have to do to enhance my chances of becoming an astronaut / which way in life would ”be better” so to speak? Have a nice ama:) Wow, the short answer is that you should stay in whatever interests you the most, because NASA selects people from a lot of different backgrounds, and that doesn't mean you have to study aerospace engineering or anything like that, and so you should not change your major because you think it will improve your NASA chances. I think the best thing you can do is to do well in whatever field you choose, because the most important things are your references and letters of recommendation. Hi Leroy! What's the most amazing thing you saw while on your missions, was there any specific moment where you were just completely taken aback? My first look at the Earth's limb (horizon). The sunlight makes the atmosphere glow bright bands of blue! I was totally taken aback. What about being in space surprised you the most? What surprised me the most the first time I got up there, the first time I got up into orbit, and the sunlight going through the atmosphere caused the horizon to glow all these beautiful bright bands of fluorescent blue. That usually does not show up on photographs because it gets washed out by sunlight reflecting through the clouds. It's hard to capture in pictures, you can see it, but it's not as bright as when you see it with your own eyes. Great AMA you are doing here! Are there any odd effects from watching the sunrise 15 times per day for 6 months? Surprisingly, you get used to it! Thanks for doing this AMA! Do you astronauts have your own version of the "mile high club? " If we did, don't you think it would have leaked out? How would a guy keep that secret?? NASA = Never A Straight Answer. I thought it was! The answer is, I don't think it's happened, because we would all have heard about it! Do you think aliens are observing us? I firmly believe there is life elsewhere in the universe, but I am skeptical that we have been visited! Can you describe what it's like to look down on earth from space? Magical. The Earth looks "painted" sometimes, like it's not real! Did time feel like it took longer while in space? Time seems to pass the same as on Earth. That is, if you are doing something really cool, it goes by quickly. More mundane tasks seem to make time drag on. How do bathrooms work on space shuttles? Bathrooms, or more specifically toilets, are designed to use airflow to get things where they are supposed to go. Gravity works better. By international agreement, you clean up your own mess! Between you (the Americans) and the Russians, were there any communication problems that resulted in unintended results? Also, what were they like to work with? Once I got to know them, I loved the Russians. I loved learning the language, the culture, the history, the positives and the negatives. We never had a serious communication problem. I realized early on that learning Russian was going to be the most important part of my training. Thanks so much for doing this AMA, Mr. Chiao! What is your favorite freeze-dried food? Least favorite? Also, what was the hardest normal, everyday task to complete whilst in zero gravity? Favorite freeze dried food was Russian mashed potatoes with onions! Hardest normal day task was using the bathroom, as you might guess! When you watch television shows or movies about space travel, does anything ever stand out as an inconsistency, or factual error? Yes, I mean, there are technical inaccuracies in most space movies and space shows. Some they really tried to get correct, like Apollo 13, but some of the classic inaccuracies - the physics are almost always wrong, in Star Wars or Gravity there are depictions that are incorrect. I have to take a step back and realize that it's a movie, it's trying to be entertainment and not be a documentary. Congrats on making it to being an Astronaut! It's a very gnarly process! Did you ever have any anxiety up there? Like... "Holy shit... I'm not on earth, oh God, WHAT IF WE JUST FLOAT AWAY?! " I feel like that would be really heavy. Thanks for all your work and rock on. I wouldn't call it anxiety, but during spacewalks, you are hyper aware of what you are doing. Because, the very worst thing to have happen, would be to "fall off" of the station! What is your favorite science fiction novel? 2001: A Space Odyssey How heavy is the suit you wear? The suit is about 350 pounds. Fortunately we're weightless up there. That includes the bac
BEST movie on planet EARTH ever. Such an amazing and wonderful sight. Apollo 13: The IMAX Experience - Free Download Ron Howard's fantastic retelling of the events of Apollo 13... Download Direct download. No login. No virus. Category Motion Picture Trailers Size 13. 5 MB Program by Universal Pictures FilePlanet Review Comments Apollo 13: The IMAX Experience Ron Howard's fantastic retelling of the events of Apollo 13 will soon be available at select IMAX theaters. You might also be interested in… Shrek Once upon a time, in a far away swamp, there lived an ornery... Seven Trailer Gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride, and lust--these... Pearl Harbor Trailer [large] Set during the time of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor,... Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles Trailer Mick "Crocodile" Dundee, his partner, Sue, and their young... This is Spinal Tap Trailer A spoof about a filmmaker making a documentary about a... Cruel Intentions Trailer Kumble transfers the "Dangerous Liaisons" tale to Manhattan,...
Ay we got a problem. Apollo 13 death. There were a lot of cool movie over the mega-box office summer of 1995. I think this is the best. I refer to it as something most people wouldn't call it. Thriller. It's like a pure thriller with very dramatic performances in it. So what if you know what happens in the end. It's the suspense that keeps this moving at the speed of a spaceship. The script is something else. So lines were kind of corny and didn't really need to be told. Like when Barbra Lovell wants to be a hippy for Halloween. Other than the script, this a thriller that keeps you interested because you can relate to the characters. It should have won more Academy Awards that it got. It also should have had more nominations.
Apollo 13 deaths. Esta en español. Apollo 13 avril. Apollo 13 power up. In 95 those cgi effects looked a lot better. Apollo 13 explosion.

1:20 houston, we have a problem

Apollo 13 movie summary. Excellent documentary! some very true and articulate statements made, Apollo 8 was transcendental and spiritual. without doubt the most exciting and inspiring space flight ever and the best Christmas ever. You want to build a race car too? Sweet because that is my mission. Apollo 13 seedfinder.
Apollo 13 in real time. It changed back to the original. Mandela glitch. Apollo 13 houston we have a problem. I can't handle this right now. It is just so sad. 12:00 the command module (triangle shape) was powered on, NOT THE ROCKET ENGINE, that was considered to essentially be a bomb if they tried to ignite it. Correct words but incorrect graphics. Apollo 13 movie clips. Apollo 13 reentry. Gene Kranz was an absolute pit bull when it came to not giving up and leading his people. Huge respect for that man. Amazing to listen to. Brings tears to my eyes. Yes Andrew Apollo 13 was Americas finest hour. With more to come. Apollo 12 art robert watts.
2:38 always my faverite scene every time I hear a launch status check it always gets my heart pumping. Apollo 13 film. Apollo 13 launch. My mission is to fit a million dollars in my four pockets. Apollo 13 mission. Chris Kraft. Apollo 13 theme. Apollo 13 mai. Apollo 11 coins. Apollo 16. This movie rocked. Tom Hanks was great, Gary Sinise was great, the other acters were great, The movie rocked. Go see it. Tell your friends to go see it. Tell your eneimes to go see it. Read the book this movie was based on, Lost Moon: The Perilous Journey of Apollo 13 by Jim lovell and some other guy. It rocks. They BOTH rock.
Apollo 13 online. Apollo 13 online cz. Apollo 13 1995. This film is more of an art piece than a story. You experience it. Apollo 13 views of the moon. ? ? ? ? ?. It's like that in the movie. First Kevin Bacon says: Hey, we have a problem here. and then Ton Hanks says: Houston we have a problem. Apollo 13 landing. Apollo 13 facts.

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Apollo 13
4.9 out of 5 stars - 579 votes









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