The Wave Pirate Bay

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  • 6,2 / 10
  • Genre: Sci-Fi
  • 2019
  • &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg)
  • creator: Carl W. Lucas
  • duration: 1h, 30minutes
“Knowing” should have been number one. Amplitude of the wave. The wave accounting. How do you increase the frequency of the wave.
2:30 Deja Vu! Never Been In This Place Before lmfao lol. I posted this video one year ago on Holocaust Day. Its relevancy will never die and I think we should be remembered of its message regularly. The key to solving is not in sitting and crying over and over past failures but in finding the root of the problematic situation and applying the remedy. This is what this video does. See it again, show it to your kids and discuss it with them. Thank you.
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How do you find the wave frequency. What is the Wave Rock used for.

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The waters of north little rock. Little Timmy: oh what a nice wave Everyone else: Run for the hills. Polska zmaga się po raz kolejny z upałami. Jedna fala upałów jeszcze nic nam nie mówi o tym, że klimat się ociepla - podobnie jak kilka chłodniejszych dni w maju nie mówi nam zbyt wiele o tym, że globalne ocieplenie się skończyło. Ale jeżeli przyjrzymy się wieloletnim danym - nie ulega już wątpliwości, że upały w Polsce stają się coraz częstsze. Zresztą to nie nasze radosne rojenia - znacznie bardziej szczegółową analizę fal upałów w latach 1951-2015 opublikowała w zeszłym roku Joanna Wibig z UŁ [1]. Po przebadaniu 24 stacji meteorologicznych na terenie całej Polski - w 23 z nich częstotliwość fal upałów wzrosła, w 15 z nich w statystycznie istotny sposób. A to nie bierze pod uwagę rekordowego zeszłego roku, kiedy we Wrocławiu (czasami trzeba odpocząć od Warszawocentryczności) przez ponad 100 dni w roku temperatury sięgały 25°C i więcej. Ten wzrost nie jest oczywiście przypadkowy. Za większą częstotliwość fal upałów odpowiada wywołane przez nas globalne ocieplenie i związane z tym zmiany klimatyczne. Część z was może powie - ok - lubię kiedy jest ciepło. Nikt nie broni ale z falami upałów wiążą się poważne problemy dla gospodarki. Długotrwałe upały nie powodują, że nasza energetyka oparta na węglu (a więc również na wodzie) nie jest w stanie dostarczyć wystarczającej ilości energii. W 2015 doszło do tego, że mieliśmy 20 stopień zasilania - część zakładów przemysłowych musiała wstrzymać produkcję przez to, że nie starczyło dla nich energii. Ale przemysł to nie jest jedyny poszkodowany. Fale upałów dotykają również rolnictwa. Niska suma opadów w 2015 spowodowała, że plony z ha na terenie kraju były średnio 11% niższe niż w 2014 - a dla niektórych roślin (żyto czy buraki cukrowe) nawet 30% [2]. Wiem - to brzmi dla naszych miejskich odbiorców jak streszczenie Twittera Janusza Piechocińskiego, ale za gwałtownymi spadkami plonów kryją się niespłacone kredyty rolników, braki w inwestycji i konkretne efekty ekonomiczne. Susze dotykają nie tylko naszej ekonomii. Fale upałów są niebezpieczne dla zdrowia, szczególnie dla osób starszych. W 2003 fala upałów w Europie doprowadziła do zgonu 70 000 osób [3]. Dla fali upałów w Polsce w 2015 nie ma szacunków zgonów ale wg Krzyżewskiej i kolegów [4], upały zwiększa?ą śmiertelność o ok. 10%, co oznaczałoby, że każdy dzień fali upałów powoduje w skali kraju ok. 100 zgonów. Polska podobno szykuje się na objęcie stanowiska europejskiego komisarza ds. energetyki i klimatu. To, czy stanie się on rzecznikiem lobby węglowego czy może zdecyduje się działać w interesie obywateli, zależy po części od nas. Sprawy klimatu nie mogą nam być równie obojętne co naszym politykom, którzy od lat nie robią w tej kwestii nic. Upały to dobry moment na uświadamianie, mimo, że oczywiście same z siebie nie dowodzą tego, że globalny klimat się zmienia. Przy uciążliwym gorącu, w domu bez prądu bo 20. stopień zasilania, można sobie łatwiej wyobrazić że jeżeli ten trend będzie kontynuował - mamy przerąbane. Dlatego pomyślcie o przyszłości. Bo już czas. Czas przestać ignorować los kolejnych pokoleń w imię własnej wygody. Upały nie zelżeją, wręcz się pogorszą i każdy moment naszej bezczynności tylko zwiększa rachunek jaki wystawiamy teraz osobom, którym powinniśmy przygotować przyszłość - naszym (przyszłym? ) dzieciom i wnukom. Jeżeli zostawimy im bałagan w klimatach postapokaliptycznych - nie będzie się co dziwić, jeżeli nazwą nas po imieniu. #neuropapolska [1] /bwmeta1. …/c/ [2] /defa…/5507/3/12/1/ [3] /arti…/pii/S1631069107003770… [4] /fu…/10. 1002/wea. 3497 Źródło:.
Melvin goes on his first combat mission and finds the life of a Talon much less exciting than expected. --- A ship wide alert was set to go off an hour before we exited hyperspace. Most of the squadron was already prepped in their EVS's and was sitting around the communal lounge when it went off. Xishas and I were being given the cold shoulder by the rest of the squadron, who had not had to babysit fresh out of the academy rookies, since they were in normal front line units. I could tell Xishas’ enthusiasm was getting on the nerves of his wingleader, Hoben, who eventually pulled rank and ordered him to be silent until after the briefing. My physical avatar was present even though I could absorb the mission briefing just as easily through security cameras and the terminal’s video feed. A presentation of the system we will be visiting was uploaded from Patila’s terminal. Five minutes after the alert sounded Patila and Abwell walked into the lounge and any residual conversation between the pilots died out. Patila began the briefing, “Good morning Talons, we will be exiting hyperspace in 50 minutes in system E-5712. ” She brought up the first page of her presentation showing the 6 planets of the star system. “There are no known Borja threats in this system, but we are to sweep it as a precaution. From our intelligence network we know a Borja cruiser transitioned through this system two weeks ago. ” She displayed the Borja cruiser’s probable flight path which passed near both the asteroid field and the 2nd and 4th planets. “They probably deposited several automated listening drones in the asteroid belt or in the debris rings of the 4th planet. ” The screen now showed a mockup of the latest generation of Borja listening drone. These were tiny automated devices that could detect the ripples of a hyperspace arrival. They were programmed to gather image and radio data for a short period before launching a hyperspace capable package towards the nearest Lagrange point by means of a rail gun. “This system is on a potential escape vector for the home fleet so we need to make sure that there is no way the Borja can track us should the home fleet need to make a run through it. ” A collective groan came up from the attending pilots. Asteroid belt scans were important but nerve wracking work. Once Borja system lords would place listening drones directly at the Lagrange points to track the movements of unknown ships through their territory. The Yaneth and rival system lords quickly learned to look for these drones and destroy them in advance of a major fleet’s transit through the system. As Lagrange point drones became less effective system lords began hiding these drones in asteroid fields or planetary rings. This would force any fleet wishing to move unobserved to send in piloted craft through dangerous debris fields searching for the faint energy signature of the drones. Abwell stepped up, “Thank you Patila. ” He activated his own presentation. The system view was back on the screen with a representation of the Shield of Kalador. “To scan this system as fast as possible we will be breaking into four wing pairs. Talon 1 will proceed around the asteroid belt in a clockwise while Talon 2 will proceed in the other direction. ” A pair of of arrows exited the Shield of Kalador and made a straight line to the closest point in the asteroid belt. When they reached the asteroid belt’s digital representation the arrows split apart and follow the debris field around to the other side of the system. “Talon 3 will make a close pass of the system’s 2nd planet to check for any listening drones on it or its moons. ” A new arrow emerged from the Shield of Kalador and made its way to the 2nd planet. When it arrived the view zoomed in to show a barren rocky world with three moons which were little more than captured asteroids. The low gravity and lack of atmosphere meant it wouldn’t require that much extra power for a listening drone’s rail gun to get a message canister out of the system’s gravity well. “Talon 4 will sweep the rings on the 4th planet. ” Abwell said as he clicked the button showing the flight path of the last wing making a circuit of the ring system. “Any Questions? ” Abwell paused. “Are you sure you want to take the pup into an asteroid field? ” Safa asked. “Talon 4 would be happy to take the belt run so that the new guy can get some more flight time before you put him anywhere dangerous. ” She looked over to her wingmate, Jasha, who nodded indicating she consented to the more dangerous assignment. “I appreciate your willingness to protect our newest members, but I intend to find out if the rumors coming from the Sularis are true. ” Abwell responded. “Surely you don’t take that crap seriously, ” Kedric growled looking in my direction. “Melvin care to say anything? ” Abwell cocked an inquisitive eye in my direction. I didn’t plan on being put on the spot so soon, but Talon Squadron should know what I am capable of if they were going to count on me to back them up. I processed hard on how to broach my abilities diplomatically. “As you can tell, I represent a new species, who I hope high command will accept into the fleet to aid you in the struggle against the Borja. We are capable of withstanding a G-Load far beyond organic life forms, such as the Yaneth or the Borja. The training craft aboard the Sularis were capable of withstanding 18 G’s. I look forward to testing how far I can push these military grade Sonhines. ” “So you are here to replace us? ” asked Hoben with contempt. The entire squadron let out a light chuckle at the idea. “Of course not, I am here to end the war and put us all out of a job” I replied completely deadpan. Every Yaneth in this room had grown up with the struggle between the Free Yaneth and the Borja as a background noise of their life. The fleet they knew hid, ran, and occasionally liberated. The concept that it would ever be at peace was too much and the squadron broke into peals of laughter. Even Xishas joined in somewhat nervously. When the room calmed down a bit. Abwell took control of the briefing again. “You all have your assignments. The Shield will perform two micro jumps to pick us up here. ” The digital representation of the Shield of Kalador blinked out and blinked in on the other side of the system near where Talon 1 and Talon 2 should meet at the far side of the asteroid field. “If we get bounced by a Borja patrol, alternate exit points are here, and here. I am downloading these positions to your flight computers now. ” Abwell said pressing a button. My computer core started getting data packets with coordinate data and system information. The squadron flight plans were not the most efficient. I could probably rearrange them to shave a good 2 hours off the patrol time, but I kept silent. “If there are no further questions, let’s get loaded up. We are... ” he checked the screen’s chronometer “23 minutes from hyperspace exit. ” --- Patila led us down to the loading tubes. She went to work the docking ring terminal as the pilots gathered around the airlock that their assigned fighter would eventually line up with. “First up Talon 5 and Talon 7, ” Patila called out. A light next to the trap door leading to my fighter went green. Abwell worked the locking mechanism until the door swung open. There was a slight chuckle from Fala and Kedric when they saw the spartan interior of my fighter. Not wanting to waste any more time I leaped over the rim of the trap door and dropped down into my fighter. In the low gravity outside the hull I bounced slightly before three sets of hands pushed me firmly down into my crash harness. I looked up and my fellow pilots had all reached down to help me strap in. For all the ribbing they gave me in the briefing this felt like a family making physical contact with one of their own perhaps for the last time. I swiftly ran through old surveillance footage and this was a Talon squadron tradition, perhaps even a fighter corps tradition. Once my harness was in place I put my hand on my wing leader’s hand and nodded as I had observed was part of the tradition. The hands left me and pulled back out of the trap door. I quickly pressed the canopy close button and watched the heavy transparent barrier slide into place. The airlock went from green to red indicating the air was being pumped out. I reflected on the Yaneth of Talon squadron. They definitely had their own culture like the Light of Esha had, but there was a reserved caution to them. I recalled surveillance footage of my fellow Talons in the lounge prior to my arrival. They rarely talked about family or their plans for the future, which the cadets on the Sularis and my family on the Light of Esha did regularly. The only exception had been Hoben and Tolana. Now that Tolana was gone, Hoben had withdrawn from his squadron mates, becoming surly and morose. Having experienced the simulated loss of Ann and my parents I began to see why they were so reserved. I had initial read through Fighter Command’s Book of Remembrance like any large sheef of data, but each name probably had a heart broken lover like Hoben and a set of worried parents like Xishas’. The docking tube pulled back and the ring rotated to line the next set of fighters up with the docking tube. I could see Xishas grinning like a maniac across the void between our ships. In a few minutes a lifelong ambition of his was about to be fulfilled. I just hoped he wouldn’t get himself killed before I could achieve the lifelong ambition of my parents, AI brothers, and dearest Ann. It took 10 minutes for the Talon flight to be void ready. Fleet doctrine insisted that an 8 plane element be void ready in at most 15 minutes, but the hyper competitive Talons strive to be the best in all things, even if it meant an extra 12 minutes staring at the swirling light patterns of hyperspace. --- The time to hyperspace ex
Is the wave concept hypothetical. Omg i love this song god. Hardin tessa jfjdhhd the dance xxlfxuk OMG. The wave in the mind ursula le guin. Medium for the wave.

Correspondent: Westham Weather
Bio: Automatic Personal Weather Station in Westham.
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