Burden ¢ê1280p


  • Columnist: nathaniel muzzy
  • Resume: Farmer, Seed Sales, Chemical Sales, Insurance Sales, former Quality Engineer. if your interests are farming and magic the gathering, I¡Çm a hell of a follow.
  • USA
  • Director: Andrew Heckler
  • user Rating: 6,6 / 10 star
  • Star: Tom Wilkinson, Forest Whitaker
  • When a museum celebrating the Ku Klux Klan opens in a South Carolina town, the idealistic Reverend Kennedy strives to keep the peace even as he urges the group's Grand Dragon to disavow his racist past
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This is a remarkable story of a man's redemption and those who made it possible through courage and love. There are elements, including the name of the central character and an ironic twist that would seem like artifacts of a writer's mind, but they were not- real people, the events that happened to them, and how they chose to respond to those events, provided a story that called out to be told. Writer/director Andrew Heckler does an amazing job telling the story and the cast is terrific.
That outro puts most Doom Metal bands to shame.

The first note Cornell hits when he starts signing is incredible

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