Hope Gap ?Part 1?

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ratings - 7,3 of 10 Star Bill Nighy directed by - William Nicholson UK William Nicholson &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYmY0YmUzM2MtOTRhNS00MjA0LWJmMDctNWMzOTllNzk5ZDdiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQ5MzY0NjM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) E9 87%8d e7 a3 85%e8 85%a5 e8 81%9e 17. Thank you William Nicholson for saving my Dinard Film Festival 2019. After viewing several so un-innovative "real stories" Red Joan, Fisherman's Friends) and "social realism" films (The Last Tree, VS - even though VS's world of rap battles was fascinating) I was getting really disappointed in British cinema.
Hope Gap made up for all that. It is beautifully acted (Annette Bening is extraordinary) deep and subtle, and does carry you away.
E8 ae 8a e8 ba ab e7 89%b9 e5 8b 99 3. Æ?ç?è?ao vivo. E3 83 a0 e3 83 bc e3 83 a9 e3 83 b3 status. ²»Â®¾®»ÒÞâ?²»?. E5 96%8b e8 a1 80%e6 88%b0 e5 a3 ab test. Å·µ¤¤Î»Ò cd. ¥Õ¥ì¥ó¥º ¥Ý¡¼¥ë¤È¥ß¥·¥§¥ë. ÇúßÚ¿·? ºß?. E9 80%86 e8 bd 89%e4 b8 89%e5 9c 8b 2017. E9 96 83 e8 80 80 e6 9a 96 e6 9a 96 h. First of all, heads up warning, this is going to be a bit of a long post. If you disagree with my opinion, and don't have time to read the points that I have made, you are free to downvote. Now straight to the point... I understand that Formula 1 has turned into a very expensive sport. For the last couple of years, two separate heterogeneous groups have formed in what we call the "big boys", the teams that have a lot of cash to burn, and the midfield runners, who are often operating at half of that budget (in case of some smaller teams even less than that). The fact that we have had only three teams compete for victories in the last 7 years (I am including 2013 here), isn't exactly amazing for the sport. And it's not just about competing for victories, the gap between the two groups in F1 is so big that the midfield has to hope for a miracle just to step at the lowest podium position. That gap is more worrying than the number of teams getting victories in my opinion, because that gap kind of excludes the midfield entirely from Formula 1 since they are basically almost never competing with the top 3. Obviously, some teams, in order to cope with the huge difference in budget have tried to make "alliances" with the bigger teams and cooperate with them as closely as possible. This business model was first introduced by Haas and it worked out pretty great for them. (in the current Formula, I don't have enough data to speak for the former eras). Haas pretty much takes from Ferrari whatever they are allowed to take. They follow the philosophy of Ferrari when building their car, and that's fine, because although they do share some similarities in the shape of things and in some concepts, Haas and Ferrari are very distinctive cars. Haas has developed their own aero philosophy and fitted into a Ferrari concept so they maintain some integrity. (In my opinion) And this is where Racing Point differs from what Haas as done. They have not just followed a philosophy or concept, they straight out copied Mercedes to the best of their abilities. It is ridiculous really. If you look into some comparison pictures posted in the F1 Technical forum they have copied even the tiniest of details. The smallest little flaps that are normally hidden and only exposed on certain camera angles. They are there, the exact same place, the exact same shape. Didn't make an effort to make it look different at all. The only thing that is different is the sidepod shape, and heck that's probably because it has to do with internal packaging and there are no images of that online. I am all out for the smaller teams to get some help from the bigger teams. If it makes the sport more competitive then fine, go for it. But to copy a car completely to this extent, is crossing a line in my opinion. Even if the rules don't forbid it, it is a huge lack of sportsmanship. It's very disrespectful to the teams that have worked hard to build their own cars. Teams that have spend hard earned money to develop their own concepts and ideas. A big part of the sport than I truly adore, is the technological battle between the teams. Formula 1 has contributed a lot in the automotive industry and not only, and that has been made possible through the fierce competition between teams. The battle for technological supremacy. I mean if it is allowed to completely copy a car then might as well not waste any money in development. Let them all have the same car and turn the series into a glorified GP2. Thank you to everyone who made it to the end.
E3 82%ad e3 83%a3 e3 83%83 e3 83%84 schedule. ¸æðÍåéÒË ÌÙ?. Very enjoyable drama about an couple whose marriage is strained and break up and the effects on each and their grown son. Some humour but a serious film. Performances are first class and as usual Annette Bening is outstanding. John O'Connor (Gods Own Country) also is a stand out. E5 a4 a9 e6 b0 a3 e4 b9 8b e5 ad 90 day.
E8 8a b1 e9 83%bd e8 88%9e e5 bd b1 date. 10 star rating for this cinema. I loved it the way of direction. Å·ÝæÇ·»Ò ?¸ì. Å·µ¤¤Î»Ò ¥Õ¥ë. E3 83%95 e3 83%ac e3 83%b3 e3 82%ba schedule. E4 be 9d e7 84%b6 e7 9b b8 e4 bf a1 1. ¥­¥ã¥Ã¥Ä?¥¢¥¤. E8 ac 8e e3 83%bb e9 9b a2 e5 b3 b6 price. A great three hander dealing with relationships in a real way without being banal. Great use of dialogue and poetry. A mature movie that s satisfying without being trite.
E8 8a b1 e9 83%bd e8 88%9e e5 bd b1 review. Æüüå??e.e.o.

Å·µ¤¤Î»Ò Ʊ¿Í»ï. Eb 9e 91%ea b7 b8 eb a6 bf ec 82%ac class. È?èº?c.a.r. E6 9d b1 e4 ba ac e6 95%99 e7 88%b6 2016. E3 83%95 e3 83%ac e3 83%b3 e3 82%ba full. É??ç?e.e.p. E6 8e 8c e4 b8 8a e4 b8 89%e5 9b bd 1. E8 8b a5 e8 8d 89%e3 81%ae e9 a0 83 5. ¥­¥ã¥Ã¥Ä ¿á¤­Âؤ¨. Åæ?a à z. E7 84 a1 e9 96 93 e8 a1 8c e5 8b 95 status.

Hope Gap
7.3 (83%) 913 votes
Hope Gap









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