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Lore mkv

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  1. About The Author - Nora Loreto
  2. Info: Canada's least obnoxious writer ☆ one half of I am a riot.

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Too late. a gelatinous cube is my best friend in one of my DnD games. I always worked under the impression that master mirror was either a god or something very close to it. Essentially it doesn't matter if he is or isn't an actual god, he IS godlike in his capabilities. I also highly doubt that he's actually evil - in my opinion he seems more like an incredibly powerful being looking down on a couple of ants and playing with them for shits and giggles. He's essentially teaching lessons to selfish people and the price for that lesson is your soul. Since we don't actually know what he uses them for or if there's other beings like him we can't really call it evil. He's likely closer to a representation of chaos.
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