Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words Streaming

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A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. A story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions 2020
Actors - Clarence Thomas

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words rotten tomatoes. It has been said that the very moment a man finds himself, he finds God. This captures the story of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, a man of deep faith whose youthful struggles with racism caused that faith to be shaken but who later returned to it, more deeply and more resolutely because of his great character and refusal to settle for anything but truth. The new film "Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words" will be released in theaters nationwide Jan. 31, exquisitely timed with Black History Month. But this is also a time of great tensions and divisions in our nation, with race continuing to be one of the main issues dividing us. Thomas published his memoir, "My Grandfather's Son, " in 2007, which tells the story of his journey from beginning life dirt-poor in Pinpoint, Georgia, to his confirmation as U. S. Supreme Court associate justice in 1991. Now filmmaker Michael Pack delivers Thomas' remarkable story to us in his own words, bringing to the screen exclusive interviews with Thomas and his wife, Virginia Thomas, in which they speak their minds. TRENDING: 2 Fox stars gave Donna Brazile lesson in manners after outrageous 'Go to hell' comment Judge Thomas strikes a strong personal note with me because I know well what he means when he talks about being attacked for being black by not acting and saying what is expected from a black person. I was in the early days of my own work in policy activism when Democrats brought Anita Hill into Thomas' confirmation hearing. I helped organize a large group of black pastors to come to Washington from around the country and demonstrate support for him. When Branch Rickey, president and general manager of the then-Brooklyn Dodgers, recruited Jackie Robinson to be the first black in Major League Baseball, Rickey warned Robinson that he would be challenged to focus on the game and not react to the racist jeers that would come not just from the stands but from his own white teammates. "They'll taunt you and goad you, " Rickey warned. "They'll do anything to make you react. They'll try to provoke a race riot in the ballpark. " Justice Thomas had to stand the same test. Except this time, it was not whites trying to drive a black man off the field. It was liberals, black liberals and white liberals, trying to drive a black conservative off the field. Thomas describes what he had to endure: "(Y)ou're not really black because you're not doing what we expect black people to do. " And with regard to what the left was trying to achieve with Anita Hill, he said: "People should just tell the truth: 'This is the wrong black guy. He has to be destroyed. '" This circles back to Thomas' similarities with Jackie Robinson. Both men drew their strength from their deep faith to stand with integrity in the face of merciless attacks. Thomas talks about the restoration of his Catholicism after his youthful rebellion and black radicalism: "I asked God, 'If you take anger out of my heart, I'll never hate again. '" Anger and hate are just other forms of slavery. Other people are controlling you. Thomas became a free man once his faith was restored. Thomas is now the most senior associate justice on the Supreme Court and has become one of America's great conservative elder statesmen. His opinions over these years have already created a legacy of finely and rigorously reasoned jurisprudence, faithful to the core principles on which America was founded. When Thomas was sworn in, after enduring what no man or woman should have to endure in his confirmation hearings, in his speech he alluded to Psalm 30, which reads: "I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.... Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning. " What better way to pay tribute to America and black history than going to see this important new film?
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Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words on the page.

Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words showtimes

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordstream. Thomass testimony made me realize how much hes right! Dont forget that democrats were the party of slavery! They want blacks to be faithful blue voting slaves and dont much appreciate it when they go rouge and start talking all conservative! Hey dems, WE DONT BUY YOUR BS ANYMORE. Walkaway. It is truly a frightening time. Who wouldve thought that a national political party would undermine the very basis of the judicial system in pursuit of their own interests? Who in their right mind can even support something like that.
Created equal clarence thomas in his own words official trailer. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words netflix. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words website. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordsmith. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to say. I believe Clarence Thomas. Anita Hill is a liar.
Created equal clarence thomas in his own words release date. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words documentary. Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words youtube. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words movie times. So much respect for Justice Thomas. &ref(,f_auto,h_630,q_auto,w_1200/l_v1523470860:website:share-movie-overlay.png/g_north_west,h_470,l_v1580932126:ingestion-images-archive-prod:archive:1580932125946_305258_cops_0.jpg,x_80,y_80/v1580932182/ingestion-images-archive-prod/archive/1580932181473_305258_cops_7.jpg)
Created equal clarence thomas in his own words watch online. One of the greatest SCOTUS justices of all time. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words (2020) full movie.

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words review

Justice Thomas is a wonderful example of perseverance amidst slander and attempted character assassination. Zero evidence existed supporting his accusers defamatory claims. Persist and the truth does prevail. Absolutely interesting. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words streaming.
Created equal clarence thomas in his own words amazon. Thank you Honorable Justice Thomas,? Your wisdom is rare should rub off on all of us. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words and pictures. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words directed by michael pack. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words excel. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words movie.
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Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words showtimes. | Posted: Nov 16, 2019 12:01 AM The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of There’s a moment in the new Clarence Thomas documentary, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, ” following the harrowing confirmation hearing that saw the gentle man, loving husband, and legal genius from Pin Point, Ga., accused of sexual harassment and smeared as a lecherous monster, that sticks with you long after the 2-hour film ends. It’s the look Thomas has on his face at his swearing-in ceremony. He’s not elated by the prospect of joining the Supreme Court. He looks tired and maybe more than a little concerned for his safety. And it’s an indictment of the people ? one of the most prominent in the person of then-Senator Joe Biden who came across as something of a grand inquisitor ? who put Thomas through what he called at the time a “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks. ” "This is a circus. It is a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I am concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity-blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that, unless you kow-tow to an old order, this is what will happen to you, you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U. S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree. " Filmmaker Michael Pack conducted hundreds of hours of interviews with Thomas and his wife Virginia to create this stunning documentary, which will see a wide release in May 2020 on PBS. And while it covers Thomas’ impoverished upbringing in Pin Point and later Savannah, Ga., as well as his college days as a left-wing angry social justice revolutionary, it is most moving when it covers those days of the Anita Hill allegations when Thomas’ opportunity to sit on the highest court in the land was very nearly stripped from him by allegations he still unequivocally denies. In his 2008 memoir, “My Grandfather’s Son” ? a grandfather that is a looming presence over the film and, indeed, everything Thomas does ? the Justice known for his quiet analysis (which he says is part of judicial philosophy that rejects the idea of judicial activism) recounts that by the end of the confirmation hearing he no longer cared about being a Supreme Court Justice. He cared only about fighting back. "I didn’t care whether I ever sat on the Supreme Court, but I wasn’t going to let what little my family and I had cobbled together to be so wantonly smashed. My enemies wanted nothing more than for me to go quietly. I, on the other hand, owed it to my family and the memory of my grandparents and forebears not to self-destruct but to confront them with the truth. " It’s a sentiment now Supreme Court Justice Bret Kavanaugh repeated at his own hearing where, he, too, was confronted with what were surely drummed up charges of sexual impropriety intended to smear him and ruin his life. “You may defeat me in the final vote, but you’ll never get me to quit, ever, ” Kavanaugh said. Which is to say the Democrats’ dirty tricks haven’t changed in 30 years. And the real shame of it all is that, as “Created Equal” showcases, Thomas had been through more than most in order to overcome his challenges to find himself on the threshold of a SCOTUS seat. He should have been rejoicing in his achievement. Instead, as he told Pack in the film, he feels now about being on the Court exactly the same as he did when he was confirmed. “Whoop-dee-doo, ” Thomas says in the film, without a hint of a smile behind his eyes. Perhaps the ability to remain unaffected by the glamor of the position makes Thomas a better Justice. It likely does. It almost certainly keeps his attention on the cases at hand and on his own interpretation of them as a constitutional “originalist. ” But it’s a little heartbreaking that this is what the politics of personal destruction, led by liberals and progressives, do to the good men of this country. Fortunately, there’s much more to Thomas’ story, happier anecdotes about meeting his wife and making his grandfather proud, that shine through in Pack’s film. But that look on his face at his swearing-in ceremony stays with you long after the film ends. Sarah Lee is a freelance writer and policy wonk living and working in Washington, DC.
There seems to be a pattern of Democrats exploiting the tragedy of sexual assault for their own political motives. In fact, exploitation is their #1 playbook. Find a group that identifies as victims and exploit their emotions to garner their support. Their supporters are fools for not recognizing that they're being used. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words near me. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words cut off. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words (2020. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words netflix. On average, from 1994 to 2004, Scalia and Thomas had an 86.7% voting alignment, the highest on the Court, followed by Ginsburg and Souter (85.6. By 2004, however, other pairs of justices were observed to be more closely aligned than Scalia and Thomas. Your point is pointless.
Created equal clarence thomas in his own words videos. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words without. Believe in something, even if you cant remember. “People have to say what they have to say” I love that statement.

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