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91Minutes. Genre Comedy. Movie info Alan is a stylish tailor with moves as sharp as his suits. He has spent years searching tirelessly for his missing son Michael who stormed out over a game of scrabble. With a body to identify and his family torn apart, Alan must repair the relationship with his youngest son Peter and solve the mystery of an online player who he thinks could be Michael, so he can finally move on and reunite his family. writed by Frank Cottrell Boyce. 1065 Votes. 2018.
Good work. Hard to believe Renee says she feels like an ‘imposter because she isnt a ‘trained actress. I cant wait to see this, looks amazing. Imagine having this gift and not knowing any Beatles songs. Edit: Thanks for the gold and silver awards. D Haven't written a long post in a while, and I do have some spare lunch time so decided to write up a little piece. Caution: Long, feel free to revisit later on. Foreword: So recently I've been trying out GFP (Game for Peace) which is basically Chinese's version of PUBGM (You could also probably tell from me spamming the sub with posts, sorry bout that but there's so much I want to share, concerning gameplay, cosmetics, general updates etc. Since then, I've received numerous dms and comments about whether they should make the change, or how pubgm is superior/ inferior compared to GFP. Honestly I am not in a position to judge, nor do I wish to. I am merely trying to shed light on what OTHER versions of the game are doing/ have done, and inform the subreddit of what they are, as well as urging the Global devs to take note and improve on what currently is. As such, I've decided to write up a comparison between the two games, granted that the Korean/Japan version of Pubgm is already very similar to the global version except for some region-locked cosmetics and difference in crate systems, which is NOT and SHOULD not come before gameplay elements. Also, do note that although I try to provide a fair and honest comparison and will critique both the global and GFP version of the game, I must disclose that I am from Hong Kong and is of Chinese ethnicity. If you think that would affect the value and weight of my opinions then I am afraid there's nothing I could do to change your mind. 1. Game modes: Shared Gamemodes: Both share the usual Classics, Arcade and TDMs/ Domination. Global: Global takes pride in having Rage gear (TDM/ Points) Survive until Dawn 2, and certain time limited modes such as Infection mode, which GFP had never have such modes introduced. If you are a fan of vehicles, explosions and more for zombie killing fun, Global is the way to go. GFP: GFP on the other hand offers a selection of other game modes: Special forces mode, which is a spin on classic, allowing players to pick one class out of the 5 (Medic/ Assault/ Engineering/ Mobility/ Supply) each offering advantages such as healing syringe, building barricades, crafting armor and rappelling up to roofs etc. There's also the hardcore mode which was once in Global, as well as the extreme winter mode on Vikendi. GFP game modes: All the modes Global has to offer in addition to Hardcore mode, Special Forces mode, Classic + Recall teammtes mode, all three arcades available. Although all these modes fall under "Creative workshop" category, they all count towards your rank, offering some sort of cheese/ alternative route as compared to straight Classic. Not sure if I like it. One thing to note is that while Global only takes Classic into consideration when calculating rank points, All Special forces mode/ Extreme cold mode (Fun Creative modes) in GFP WILL be used to calculate your ranking points, which means that if you want a high rank, these modes will have to be mastered along with classics. 2. Anti-Cheats Global: Right when the game was released, the cheating problem was rather under control. There were alot less players and the servers have a smaller load, which in turn generate a smoother experience and less likely to run into cheaters. However, in recent seasons, the ranking boards have been swarmed with cheaters. Although the devs in global have promised and initiated campaigns to ban these cheaters as shown on social media, it has been rather ineffective, partly due to the high amount of cheaters as well as lack of a severe punishment. People who are banned simply open another account and carry on cheating. Looking at the leader board, half of the cheaters in Conqueror after refresh played less than 100 games, and they often just start a new account and just spam out 20/30 games a day. There has been no IP ban/ hardware ban introduced yet. If you take a look at my profile, I've reported up to nearly 20 cheaters, and since then I've never received a single report/ email back. Note the impossible headshot rates, meaning that each of these players score about 15-20 headshots per mag, with extremely high ADR Ironically, most of the cheaters I've personally run into in Global bear Chinese characters as names, with their profile selling cheats blatantly. Tencents basically purge cheaters daily, but a new wave comes up every day during refresh, and you could tell that the anti cheat is either not working or the bans are ineffective in stopping the players from cheating. This in turn creates a vicious cycle and discourage players from playing altogether, or worse, turn into cheaters themselves. Here are some pictures of the cheater reports I sent. Most of them just straight up disappear after some time, and most are just "Processing" or "Monitoring" with no results. I never even received a ban pan portrait for reporting them, even though community managers on this reddit even acknowledged me. Past reports from over 10 days ago, no updates confirming or denying my accusations. GFP: While GFP is ALSO published by Tencents under a different studio "Lightspeed" there is nearly ZERO cheaters in GFP. Here's a comparison of all the Conquerors between Global and GFP. I tried to compare the more "Ridiculous" players with 10/20+ K/Ds. Notice the difference in headshot rates and how most of the players in GFP are more "Legit" and at least plausible as compared to the blatant cheaters in Global. Notice the difference in Headshot rates compared to global, as well as ADR or accuracy, which is much more plausible and reasonable. Less likely to be cheaters If you aren't aware, developing and publishing as well as disseminating cheating softwares in China is ILLEGAL. Not only could you get fined, you could go to JAIL. There is a general trend and movement to correct cheating, most probably due to the culture of cheating in China running rampant in the past years. Remember Pubg PC? Bluehole specifically said that most cheaters are from CHINA. No doubt that Lightspeed and Tencents picked up on that and worked really hard on stopping them. I did another experiment and reported my buddy (who also came from Global) in GFP. Immediately I received two emails and a promise of a 3-day monitor of the suspect. Three days later I received the follow up on the cheater report: My accusation is not founded, he was not cheating, but encouraged that if I find any incriminating evidence, feel free to send it to them and they would reopen the case. That, is top notch customer experience. Email confirming my report, as well as a follow up email for a 3 day monitor. Here's also a picture comparing my stats in GFP and Global. I've played about 90 games in Gobal * Diamond 2) and about 50 games of Classic in GFP/ 50 games of Fun Creative mode in GFP (lobal (Diamond 2) and about 50 games of Classic/ 50 games of Fun Creative mode in GFP (Platinum 2) total and I've not ran into a cheater once in GFP. Notice how I perform significantly better in GFP even on similar ranks, just because I don't get my games ruined every few matches. 3. Gameplay Shared Gameplay: Global and GFP share a highly if not identical gameplay mechanics. You are still able to peek, guns handle similarly (personally I find GFP guns to be a bit more heavy on the recoil but that could just be me being bad. Vehicles are mostly the same with the exception of changed vehicle models (which is a purely cosmetic change) Global: There has been NOTORIOUS bugs that have not been fixed throughout the seasons. The most prominent being: Bugged mics between teammates, especially when rejoining after crashing/ switching between apps Vehicles sliding out of control Random Freezes Parachutes bugged out upon landing Images from Google. GFP: I have not been able to find any similar bugs in GFP (No vehicles sliding or any crashes) but there are some new ones, such as in Special forces mode the Rappelling system sometimes get buggy and I rappel onto the wrong roof or force me into a wall. Most significant gameplay change would perhaps be the blue zone: A opposed to the normal bluezone from PC, where the players continuously take damage while outside the play zone, GFP does not have such a system. Instead, players will have a timer which counts down as soon as they step out of the playzone. The timer would continue to run down, representing the "Signal" of the player. Once the timer hits zero, meaning that the player has lost the "signal" completely, he will be immediately knocked out no matter what health he is at. During this time, Players do NOT take any damage from the zone. "Signal" can be replenished by drinking boosts (Energy drinks/ painkillers/ syringes/ or a full medkit. They still carry their normal functions of healing past 75hp, but now it would have to be used more carefully. Once you enter the playzone, any signal you lost while outside the playzone WILL NOT REPLENISH ON THEIR OWN. Boosts must be consumed to refill your signal. E. g. If you entered the playzone with 3 seconds left on your timer, the next time you go outside the playzone without replenishing your "signal" with boosts in between, you will die after 3 seconds. This is a rather drastic change, and is rather different from Global and PC in that you have to carry ALOT more boosts/ manage them alot more carefully since they have dual functions now. Even after many games I'm still not fully used to this idea/ mechanic and I have mixed feelings towards it. "Bluezone" in GFP runs on a timer. You take no damage staying out of the blue, and gets knocked out immediately upon reaching "0. Mixed feelings towards such a mechanic. 4. Events and Updates Global: Not much is going on in global at the moment, and most of them are related to spe
Damn I will cry with this movie. Damn, I'm already crying with the damn trailer ?. Ahhhhh I can not wait. I was laughing in tears just from the trailer. A transformation ???! Crap. I know this movie will make me cry. Hes come a long way since Eastenders.

Ms. McCarthy is truly amazing actress again I can't wait to see it ?

32 customer reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. 22 October 2019 Format: DVD Verified Purchase We are big Bill Nighy fans and were really looking forward to this DVD. What a disappointment. Far from hilarious we lost interest after 20 minutes but stuck it out to the end. Even superb acting from Bill N could not redeem this poor plot and confusing screenplay. Save your money if you are fans of Bill N. It will disappoint and take the shine off the other films you've enjoyed with him in the lead. 11 July 2019 Format: DVD I had no preconceptions whatsoever about SOMETIMES ALWAYS NEVER, except that BILL NIGHY was involved. That's always a good starting point in any film, but this one is altogether something else and you really have to see it to believe it. Visually time-locked in two different eras, the now and then, it can be summed up as follows: one man's journey to find his missing son. But it's far more layered than that. Two generations of his family are also very much a part of the story (whether they like it or not) and the whole thing has a somewhere-in-the-northwest-of-England feel to it - as does the full-on scouse ALEXEI SAYLE cameo, the one slightly jarring moment when I became aware of the acting. Scrabble wordplay, social media, professional tailor-made suits and, of all things, a labelling 'gun' all feature in a plot that keeps you guessing until the end, an unexpected resolution of sorts. Despite a streak of melancholy that's never far from the surface, there's still plenty of humour in the way Alan (BILL NIGHY) and Peter, his younger son (SAM RILEY) banter with each other, particularly during their stay at a gloomy hotel and a planned visit to a mortuary (the son-father relationship has been this way for years following the disappearance of his elder brother, Michael, after a fraught game of, yes, Scrabble. The presence of another couple (JENNY AGUTTER & TIM McINNERNY) on a similar mission to theirs only adds to the black-humoured intensity of the evening and, even more so, the next morning. By this point you'll be getting used to the deliberate back-projection (the scenes when Michael is driving Alan in his car, again, a model belonging to another era) animated word captions and black & white clips illustrating Alan's dubious anecdotes or shared memories with his family. The well-observed interplay with his teenage grandson Jack also adds to the film's eccentric charm, thankfully choosing not to push the usual teenage clichés too hard - a lazier script in lazier hands, however, would not have been so thoughtful. But once tuned-in to all this, SOMETIMES ALWAYS NEVER is well worth your time and effort. Film of the year (in a number of most unusual ways. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 11 December 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Nearly turned it off after the first 15 mins - I couldn't see where this was going but something about it stopped me and I'm glad I did. It was a very unusual film that just held your full attention all the way through. I like most thing Bill Nighy is in and this was no exception. Brilliant. 24 October 2019 Format: DVD Verified Purchase A Comedy? I didnt find it the least bit funny - on the contrary, it was rather depressing. And Scrabble is not a good subject for a full-length film - its just boring. Bill Nighy should put his considerable acting ability to something more interesting. 24 October 2019 Format: DVD Verified Purchase 29 October 2019 Format: DVD Verified Purchase What a waste of time and money. I watched 10 mins and threw it in the bin... 1 December 2019 Format: DVD Verified Purchase This is the biggest load of C... P I have ever watched in my 70 years. the DVD was also faulty. It is weird, boring, depressing, totally incomprehensible and an absolute waste of money. I bought it because Bill Nighy was in it. why on earth would he put his name to such an awful film. Beats me. 5 November 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase We gave up on this film about 45 minutes in. My wife fell asleep and I'd just about had enough. I'm sure that this is wonderfully acted but it was terminally dull. There are 32 customer reviews and 47 customer ratings.
Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Conditions of Use Privacy Policy 1996-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. Music company: This man is a genius, he writes his own songs Eminem: Am I a joke to you. Extreme Frugal Tips. Warning this is a REALLY long post Dog Tax: Excel finance tracking: Here we go…Im posting on my frugal living with REAL examples from my life. Single female aged 48 living in the mid-west. I started my adult life with a high school education and low paying jobs until I hit 30. Today my net worth is more than a million and I love my life…I want for nothing and Im very content. Read on if you dare…some of this stuff may scare you… Career I didnt start college till I was 26, prior to that I was in low paying dead-end jobs and as a result I started my adult life being a penny-pincher. I got a BS and 2 MS degrees in the STEM field at state schools while working full time jobs (close to minimum wage till I graduated with my BS. I applied for academic scholarships (and got some) and I took out the minimal I could in student loans. I paid them all back within 5 years. I had to relocate for my first job out of college. It was 2002 and I started out at 44, 000 salaried a year (50 hours weeks, no overtime and working on 2 Masters degrees in my free time) So…I started my professional career at age 30, climbed the corporate ladder, relocated several times and went into management. I worked long hours, on-call 24/7, lots of stress and kept increasing my salary for 16 years. I started to contribute to my retirement when I turned 30. As soon as I could (I think around 36 after I paid of my student loan debts) I maxed out my 401K and ROTH every year. At my highest salary, at age 46, I was making 140, 000 year (remember ? I started at age 30 at 44, 000 and increased to 140, 000 by the time I was 46. I ALWAYS continued to live frugally and saved. I own my house outright and have no debt and plenty in savings. I dont have a pension. My retirement is all in a 401K and IRAs, traditional and ROTH Once I was financially established I took a 60% lower paying job at a University. Im 48 and because I live frugally I could probably retire (FIRE) but I like to have something to do. I also enjoy the social aspect of work and a feeling of purpose. I have no stress, great benefits, loads of time off and have never worked more than 40 hours a week in this job and no weekends, holiday…etc. I set my own hours and have no direct reports. Im currently working 6:30am ? 2:30 pm in the winter so I can hike with my dog after work before it gets dark. It was a very good move for me. Ill probably work here into my mid 60s just because its so cushy Health I exercise. I walk about 7 miles a day I eat pretty healthy, dont smoke, dont drink pop and I dont drink alcohol (anymore…. Sometimes I miss a good craft beer but its better for my stomach and sleep without it I have medical, dental, vision through work. My plans cost me 56 a month I have the high deductible plan and max out my HSA but I only end up using a few hundred a year. Whatever is in my HSA when I retire will help cover retirement medical expenses. My deductible is 2, 000. I use the in-network specialists when I need too I work at a university so I use the health center for non-specialist stuff which is 25 co-pay. I get a preventive visit free every year ? general physical and well woman/mammogram I pay for prescriptions with my health plan or GoodRX. GoodRX is sometimes cheaper. Also some meds are cheaper if you get a 3 month supply by mail (but not all. Some OTC meds such as generic Claritin for allergies and Generic Prilosec for acid reflux are 0 or cheap if you get a prescription I get 2 dental cleanings and 1 vision exam free every year. I get 1-pair of bifocals free If I need reading glasses they are 1 at Dollar Tree I buy generic ibuprofen / first aid stuff in bulk. I keep it to the basics I never pass on free stuff. My dental plan pays for 2 free cleanings/exam a year, so I ALWAYS get my 2 free cleanings a year. My health plan pays for one free physical a year, so I ALWAYS get my one free physical a. Food I spend less than 100 a month on food and beverages. I dont buy any processed food. I cook from scratch in bulk and I freeze. I enjoy cooking. I use lots of veggies in my evening meal. A typical day of food might include: a. 2 large cups of coffee will milk and stevia b. Oatmeal with chia, flax, almond flour, blueberries and a banana OR eggs on homemade toast OR homemade pancakes OR homemade breakfast burritos OR. I make my own bread. Yeast, flour, water, salt, stevia and a bread machine I got at Goodwill for 5 c. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) d. Beans and rice with seasonings (work lunch) e. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) f. Dinner ? might be spaghetti, chilli, chicken noodle soup, lasagna, grilled chicken with veggies, curry. Each meal works out to under 1. 50. I dont use much meat in my recipes but I do use a ton of veg g. Homemade yogurt h. I drink lots of black tea or herbal tea throughout the day. I drink tap water i. I get my fix of sweet stuff at work. Someones always bringing in home baked goods 2) I shop at Aldi and Walmart, mostly Aldi 3) I buy all my condiments in bulk: spices, chicken stock, oil, stevia (also concentrated) almond flour, chia, flax, rice, pasta…etc. I get some of this on Amazon because it works out cheaper. I make my own yougurt. 1 gallon yogurt = the price of a gallon of milk. It's easy to do. 4) I love this one…I save my teabags. After Ive used 2 teabags I make another cup of tea from them. I like herbal tea. The cheapest I can find is Celestial Seasonings on Amazon. By stretching the box of 20 teabags to 30 large cups of tea I save 35 year (assuming I drink 3 cups of tea a day. Over 40 years at 7% interest thats 1500 saved. Its not an issue for me and the flavor is the same 5) I only eat out a couple of times a year for social reasons and I dont buy an appetizer or dessert and I only drink water. I tip 20% if service is good. I refuse to go to expensive restaurants. I want an entrée under 15. Honestly, I like my cooking better 6) I dont drink pop or alcohol 7) I own a chest freezer and loads of plastic food containers. Most of the meals I cook are freezable and microwavable 8) I buy the large tub of coffee from Aldi. Its like 4. 50 and lasts 3 weeks. Tastes fine to me but then I would never drop 5 + tip on a cup of coffee 9) I only buy meat, fruit and veg when its under 1 pound. I make an exception for ground beef and blueberries, raspberries…etc. (they have to be under 1 for 6oz. I don't use much meat. Example: I use 1lb ground beef to make 12 frozen spaghetti dinners BUT I use lots of peppers, onions, mushrooms in-place of the beef. Example. When 8oz packages of baby bella mushrooms go on sale, I buy 12 of them. I wash, chop and cook them and then freeze them in 4 separate containers. Each container will be used in a big batch of spaghetti or Lasagna or mushroom soup., when blueberries go on sale for 0. 89 cents for 6oz I buy twelve packages and freeze. 1 package is used to make 10 oatmeal breakfasts 10) I never buy name brand and I always search for reduced fruit/veg, meat…etc. 11) I do check the local flyers for sales. only shop once a week and I combine trips to save gas. House I brought the cheapest house in a really good neighborhood in a mid-west University town. Im in the third highest rated school district in the USA for STEM (per 2019 Newsweek article. I have a 1950s 1500sqft, 3 bed, 2 bath ranch with 2-car attached garage, separate laundry room, living and family room, large screened in-porch. I paid 135, 000 for it and my taxes are 1500 a year. Its bigger than I wanted but its what I had to do to get into my neighborhood. Houses like mine sell in a day with multiple offers over asking. I had to put some work into the house and spend some. I fixed it up so its now one of the nicest houses in the neighborhood and worth 35% more than I paid for it. I did some work myself such as painting and laying the laminate floor. I will stay here until I retire and then decide where I want to spend my retirement years. Central Florida is dirt cheap with no state taxes + low housing costs but I am not sure I can handle the heat and humidity. I have a high deductible on my home insurance but I max out my liability coverage. I have a high net worth so if someone tries to sue me I want to make sure Im covered and I dont have to pay out of my pocket. I have extras like sewer/water line coverage, sewer/water back-up because the lines in my neighborhood are old and you see peoples yards dug up all the time. I pay my policy in full and it works out to 75 a month In the winter, I keep my heat at 55 when Im not home or in bed and 60 when Im home. I wear wool thermal leggings and tops under my clothes all winter long at home. They are soft and comfy. I wear slippers. When Im lazing on the couch I snuggle under an electric blanket and with the dog. I have a down comforter on the bed. The dog loves the cold. In the summer I wear shorts and a tank top (hence why I shave in the summer) and I keep the AC around 76 as the dog gets too hot I change my furnace filters every 2 months with the cheap ones I keep my water heating on a warm setting. When I run the shower I turn the hot all the way and its plenty hot enough for me Household maintenance/repairs I cut my own grass, do my own yard work and clean my own house I do what repairs I can myself. I U-tube it. I buy stuff from Menards and get the 11% rebate. Im not very handy or physically strong so I only tackle simple things I dont do a furnace/AC service every year. I lived in my last house 9 years and my furnace/AC were 20 years old when I sold it. I never did a service (other than change filters) and I never had
Lol I saw this dude playing Brian May and now Im lowkey stalking him :D. Hello. I just googled “am I bisexual” for about an hour. By far most detailed and interesting links kept leading me to reddit. I just downloaded it. I have no idea how it works or any of the lingo (god I sound old. From what I saw I include my age and gender so Im 19F for reference. Honestly dont know if this thing Im writing will just post or if it has to be like read by someone who owns this thing and then verified. Anyways. I come from an EXTREMELY conservative and Christian family. Went to a private catholic high school. Experiencing/accepting other cultures? Always was out of the question. Im in college now. New people, perspectives, and experiences. For a long time I whole heartedly supported whatever my family told me to. Being gay? SIN. HELL. People of color? Lock the doors. Different meant wrong. Now, I think of different as exciting and beautiful. I want to understand and explore so many things that people are passionate about that I had always turned my head on. The hard part is I feel I cant talk to anyone that I know about any topic Im interesting in learning about. I always feel like Im pretending. Im a nerd for anything medical and always have been. Recently researched about how psilocybin has immense medical benefits and was used by ancient civilizations. Any mention of drugs to my family and they would probably hold an intervention for me. Im rambling (habit) you get the point, closed minded. I desperately want to grow and learn. About myself too. Develop my own identity. Exploring myself really just started about 2 years ago. I had some sexual encounters at a young age 10-12 ish. Not like PIV but things that confuse a kid who was not taught about sex from my parents until much later. Also wasnt taught the names of anatomical parts (nipples were called ladybugs. I found out things from a girl down my street a few years older than me. And YouTube. Not even sure if Im allowed to talk specifics on this? Anyways Ive always had like deep down thoughts about women since then but brushed it off as sinful and a result of some psychological unresolved trauma. Kind of like making excuses? Now I see myself, my faith and the world differently. I think God is Love. Dont think he would condemn me for being a confused being among many on a confusing planet. I am dating my boyfriend 21M. In love with him. Been dating for 2. 5 years been living together for almost 2 years. Literally want to marry this man. He is like me in how he was raised and his family is like mine. Though he is open minded about a lot of things and we explore interesting and new perspectives together. Its freeing. Literally the only person I have conversations like that with. BUT. My sexuality is something that I feel weird contemplating myself, let alone with him. He knows as of recent that I watch lesbian porn. How often? Probably a lot more often than he thinks. Seeing giant dicks and random objects violently shoved into a vagina? No thanks. Cant relate. Womens bodies are fricking beautiful. Boobs? Butts? Hair? Eyes and smile everything. The energy is just so powerful to me. Guys make me more cautious. Ive had some past non consensual encounters so maybe thats related? Also genitalia- I dont find it attractive. For me its so emotional. Let me explain. I only orgasm during sex if I completely let my body and soul just be in the moment and relax. Like literally making love. Anything else isnt as intense or gratifying. I crave intimacy. Finding that in guy on girl porn is kind of difficult for me. I do enjoy sex, but more so when I feel like my bf is feeling that connection in the moment too. I have made out with girls before, some of them are my best friends. That did not feel sexual to me. But I am open to and fantasize about sex with women. Also threesomes including me my BF and another woman. Never been in a relationship with a woman, not sure how I would feel about it unless it happened. Not sure about a lot of things because I know so little. Hoping for input or experiences from others. Ps I feel like I couldnt ever tell my friends Im curious about women sexually because I would be seen differently. They would still love me and hang out with me probably but like dressing in the same room and stuff I dont want them to feel uncomfortable? I dont want things to change. Pps also I feel like telling my boyfriend in depth about this would cause insecurities like Rosss baby mama in friends. (She leaves him for a woman. I want to just be okay with thinking Im bisexual but I know so little about everything and Im scared. Girls are PRETTY. Sometimes I feel attracted to girls that I see. Im in love with my boyfriend. Would be open to experimenting someday with my bf. I think about this so much please help me.
217, 500 songs 68, 300 artists 94, 600 episodes, movies and games The Internets best source for music from TV and movies since 2005 Copyright 2020 Tunefind LLC. All rights reserved. Song previews courtesy of Apple Music, iTunes and Spotify. This movie looks sooo good! Can it come out already. For a comprehensive list of places you can DONATE/FUNDRAISE, please see HERE. This is a living document and is regularly updated (last update: 08/01/2020. Please msg u/OculoDoc with feedback/suggestions. For a printable spreadsheet with all this information and more, please see HERE. OFFICIAL Bushfire Information Resources Australia's fire authorities have officially endorsed the following resources: NATIONAL: How to provide FIRST-AID for BURNS (St John of God) Report fires to the fire authorities (phone 000) Fires near me: Australia-wide (Android app) ABC Radio: Frequency Finder ABC News' guidelines for what to do before, during and after a bushfire Report Arsonists to CrimeStoppers (phone 1800 333 000) List of emergency + disaster recovery resources (national and state) Let people know you are safe The Emergency+ app allows you to give your exact location to 000 operators STATE: State Fire map Evaculation centres (Last resort) Fire authority page Other resources Donations & Fundraising Victoria Fire map (Vic) Community fire refuges (Vic) CFA homepage (Vic) TrafficVic; VicEmergency app ( Android, Apple. Emergency housing ( AirBnB) Donate (Vic. Fundraising. guidelines, email, ph 1800 232 233) Western Australia Fire map (WA) Search for " dfeswa" on facebook. Info is occasionally posted there. DFES homepage (WA) Contact your local brigade South Australia Fire map (SA) Map of evaculation centres (SA) CFS homepage (SA) Donate #1 (SA) Donate #2 (SA) Leave a bequest (SA) NSW Fire map (NSW) List evacuation centres (NSW) RFS homepage (NSW) Report a cigarette tosser. Live traffic NSW: Android, Apple. Emergency Housing ( AirBnB) Donate #1 (NSW) Donate #2 (NSW. Fundraising ( email) Queensland Fire map (Qld) General info (Qld) QFES homepage (Qld) Donate #1 (Qld) Donate #2 (Qld) Northern Territory Fire map (NT) List of all shelters (NT) PFES homepage (NT) Tasmania Fire map (Tas) Nearby safer places (Tas) TFS homepage (Tas) Donate #1 (Tas) Donate #2 (Tas) Info #1, Info #2 Australia Capital Territory Fire map (ACT) ESA homepage (ACT) Basic FIRST-AID for BURNS (source: 1, 2, 3) a) Stop the burning process. Firstly, consider your own safety: If on fire: Stop-drop-roll b) Cool the burn With running cold tap water for 20 minutes Useful for up to 3 hours after injury Do not cause hypothermia Do not use ice. c) For all burns and scalds: Remove clothing not stuck to the burn site. Remove all jewellery and watches d) Cover the burn Using a clean dressing or clingwrap (do not wrap circumferentially) e) When to see a doctor If the burn involves the face, hands or fingers, genitals, or feet If the burn involves the face, hands or fingers, genitals, or feet If the burn is on or near a joint (knee, shoulder, hip) If the burn encircles a body part (arm, leg, foot, chest, finger) If the burn is large (greater than 3 inches or 7. 5 cm) or deep (any partial-thickness or full thickness. If you have any doubt about whether the burn is large or deep, it is best to see a health care provider. (See 'Burn type' below. If the victim is young (less than five years) or older than 70 years If there are signs of skin infection, such as increasing redness, pain, pus-like discharge, or temperature greater than 38ºC. Disclaimer The information in the next section entitled "UNOFFICIAL survival guide" is content written by members of general public This section aims to share sensible, thought-provoking tips from people who have been through a bushfire recently and genuinely want to help the community by sharing their knowledge. You'll need to consider, evaluate and adapt these suggestions to your own circumstances, if appropriate. The goal of this page is only to elaborate upon the formal advice provided by fire authorities. The official guidance and advice from fire authorities will always take precedence over anything written on this page. UNOFFICIAL Bushfire Survival Guide Unless you live in a concrete jungle, you should expect your home to be under threat from fire sometime within the next couple of months Prepare early. Leave before the fire forces you to leave. Do not wait for "permission" to leave, or for someone to knock on your door. If in doubt, get out. The earlier you leave, the better your chances of survival. If you're not being threatened by a bushfire, please get off the road. Prepare your FAMILY: Relocate you children, elderly and pets NOW. Make them safe, before there is an emergency. You will want your dependent loved-ones to be already safe and well out of harm's way, well before there is an imminent fire threat. You will want to be able to completely focus on defending your property. Leave animals behind if you have to. People have died going back for pets and livestock. It sucks, but sometimes it has to be done. Only put other people in the car if you are ready to go NOW. Never put people in a car, and then return to the house. In more than one instance in 2009, parents put children in the car, went back to the house, and then returned to find the car on fire. Never leave people in a car near a fire. Keep the authorities informed about your plans, and especially if there are any vulnerable people at risk Turn on "Location Sharing" within Google Maps, on your phone, to share with your friends/family This is a very useful tool Prepare your ESCAPE: Don't let yourself get trapped and surrounded. Always have at least 2 different escape plans. If under immediate threat from a fire, never travel up hill to escape. Fire travels much faster up hill than down hill. Travelling across the face of the fire (just as a surfer travels across the face of a wave) helps you get out of it's path. Travelling through burnt out areas is safer than travelling through green areas. Prepare your CAR: Ensure you have petrol Put several containers of water in the car. Carry as much water as you can. Put a first-aid kit in the car Put 1 woolen blanket per person in the car Bring a car-charger for your phone Bring your wallet/credit card/drivers licence & passport (however, if your passport is burnt, you can get a free replacement) Never leave a car running on or near long grass, this will possibly cause a fire Only put people in the car if you are ready to go NOW. (refer to FAMILY section) Prepare for NO MOBILE SIGNAL: Fires often disable power and phone networks Discuss rendezvous plan with family/neighbours, so you are all on the same page, even if you can't communicate with them Nearly all smart phones will simply stop working when they get too hot Download 'offline maps' in Google maps (simple. Alternatively, apps such as ( Android, Apple) may offer more detail than Google Maps (ensure you zoom all the way in to download the map for your state, before you start driving) Prepare for INJURY: Don't travel alone Don't be reckless YOUR EMERGENCY REFUGE: GOOD REFUGES: The ideal refuge is a sealed, insulated, non flammable building with a series of firebreak 'rings' surrounding it. Plan early, leave early, and you get the chance to shelter in one of these. AVERAGE REFUGES: A large farm dam, deep creek with flowing water, a river with flowing water, a lake, or the ocean are relatively safe. The movement of the water helps to cool the air, and cycle hot and cold air across the top of the water. Still water is never a better option than sheltering inside a solid structure. BAD REFUGES: Residential pools, water tanks, and bathrooms are not safe refuges. In a pool, the air above the water superheats, and you die of internal burns. In a water tank you will be basically steamed. In a bathroom all the tiles, glass, and pipe works superheat. Prepare your HOME: Clog your gutters (eg, wrap tennis balls in rags, to clog the outlets) and fill the gutters with water Put on the sprinklers (don't do this too early: conserve your limited water resources) Firefighters often have a lot of trouble finding enough water to put out fires. If you have a dam, pool or water tank which is full of water, put a large and obvious sign, indicating the presence of a Static Water Supply, where your driveway meets the road. Make sure it can be seen by vehicles travelling in either direction. If you have a Static Water Supply and you're expecting to defend your property: At Bunnings you can buy Ozito fire hoses, firefighting pumps, and supply hoses. Specifically, these supply hoses won't collapse under vacuum pressure when connected to a pump. These could easily be combined with a 500-900L tank on the back of a single cab ute for a private light duty vehicle. Even if you don't buy a pump, you can buy a firefighting rakehoe such as a McLeod tool from Bunnings. This is a great help in creating fire breaks around your home. STAYING TO DEFEND YOUR HOME? A REALITY CHECK For even a moderate fire, the radiant heat is so extreme that you won't physically be able to get close enough to the fire to put water onto it. Radiant heat can kill people from 20 meters away. If you haven't already taken significant steps to allow you to defend your house during a bushfire, then unfortunately it's probably too late to safely defend your property. If you have a weatherboard property, your property is 'bushland' or you live on the side of a hill, you're a sitting duck. If you fall into this category, you need to simply flee the area immediately and leave your house in the highly capable hands of the fire fighters. Don't become a liability for the firefighters. Defending a property is only a viable option if the property is well prepared and if you are physically and psychologically up to the arduous task. If you are in doubt then you should leave early. You should expect your water pressure to fall as your neighbours also
January 18th, 2020 Post Updates. I have the new guide written and the instructions are still the same. The noticeable difference with the newest version (1. 0. 52) is there are no ads in VMOS except for GPS Joystick. If you do not want to wait for me to post the new guide, you can go ahead and follow this guide. When you get to {PART 6} you just need to wait 45 seconds or longer for the popup to enable root to appear. Then you continue on with the rest of the guide. I am going to hold off posting the guide because you might not be able to participate in the Community Day Event. Updating VMOS is up to you to decide. January 11th, 2020 Post Updates. No more watching an ad to turn on root according to VMOS's Facebook page, see click/press here. You should be able to turn on root now without any problems. You must be on the latest VMOS version 1. 47 (2019123007514345472) to do this, which is the same one from {PART 1} Make sure you close VMOS then clear your recent apps from your phone/tablet to restart VMOS. Do not forget to turn off root too when you are finish with systemizing GPS Joystick (or other spoofing app. If you still cannot log in after you use VFIN because of "unable to authenticate" you need to contact VMOS by going to. You must fill out the form to let VMOS developers know about this problem because I cannot help you fix it. You have a device compatible issue. VMOS has a high chance for a Red Warning with a Strike. You must use a new account or an alternative account to spoof with VMOS then trade the Pokemon to your main account. This is the only way to keep your main account safe and ban-free. You can also play Russian Roulette with your main account but do not come crying to me about it in your Direct or Chat Messages. Niantic is unpredictable with their punishment. 1st banwave happened on Nov 15, 2019. 2nd banwave did not happen yet. Read this link: Cooldown + Strikes + Ban + Safety Introduction to VMOS spoofing: This guide is for the VMOS app version 2019123007514345472 / Dec 30 update downloaded from the links below. You need a Phone or Tablet with 3 GB ram and 32 GB internal storage or more is recommended. You need at least 4 GB of free storage space to use VMOS app. If you have a Samsung Galaxy Note series phone or tablet that supports the S Pen stylus, you can use the S Pen to play the game in VMOS. I confirmed this with my Samsung Galaxy Tab S6. Normally, it never works outside of VMOS. If VMOS does not work on your device, you can email: VMOS known problems with spoofing: Bluetooth does not work, so you cannot use a Gotcha. Camera access does not work, so you cannot use AR mode for your buddy. {Part 1} What you need to download onto your Android smartphone/tablet: VMOS (319 MB) version 2019123007514345472 from VMOS website: This is a direct download link. You press on it then a popup appears asking you to save it. Pokemon Go *armeabi-v7a* from and press the "DOWNLOAD APK" red button. Lucky Patcher 8. 6. 3: GPS Joystick: ES File Explorer Pro: You need this file manager to allow GPS Joystick to find the files. You do not need to use this to delete xbin folder. VFIN 1. 2 is already included in VMOS. Optional for IV checkers & Discord (use latest version) Calcy IV: Poke Genie: Discord (for raids, trades, and sniping. Part 2} What you install on your Android smartphone/tablet: Open your file manager, go to internal storage > downloads folder > press on. This is your full VMOS app. Everyone's smartphone or tablet will have a different install screen. You must allow it to install by allowing unknown apps to install or something similar. Once you are done installing it, you open VMOS. {Part 3} Setting up VMOS Open VMOS app Swipe 4 times to the left until you see "Enter VMOS" at the bottom. Press on "Enter VMOS" Press "On" for "use floating window node" Press "Allow permission" to enable it. Press the back button to go back. Press on "To authorize" Press on "Allow" for "Allow VMOS to access this device's location. Press on "Allow" for "Allow VMOS to access photos, media, and files on your device. Press on "Allow" for "Allow VMOS to record audio. Wait for "install rom to access" to complete installing VMOS should be loading now Watch and close the 1st ad that pop up. Watch and close the 2nd ad that pop up. Wait for it to continue loading. Now you are at the home screen. {Part 4} Sign into your Google Account and Disable Play Protect If you do not have a Google email address, you must make one because Facebook and PTC accounts may have problems with logging in with VMOS. Sometimes PTC servers are down or in maintenance, you will not be able to login and play. Press the "White Diamond Grey Circle button" Press on "System Setting" Press on "Accounts" Press "Add account" Press "Google" After checking info screen, you can now type in your Google email address then press "Next" Type in your password then press "Next" Press "I agree" After checking info screen, press "Accept" Now your Google account has been added. Now you are going to Disable Play Protect in the Google Play Store. Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe the settings window to close it. Now you are at the home screen, press on the Google Play Store (blue, green, red, and yellow triangle in white circle) button. Press the "3 black lines" on the left of "Search for apps & games" to open settings. You should see your Google email address there. Press "Play Protect" Press on Gear icon (top right corner) Now you are on the Pay Protect settings screen, you press on "Scan device for security threats" Press "OK" or "TURN OFF" to disable it. Both settings should turn grey to be disabled. Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe the Play Store window to close it. {Part 5} Import the 3 to 5 APK files you need: Pokemon Go = anticlabs. pokemongo_0. 163. 4-2019123100_minAPI21(armeabi-v7a) nodpi) Lucky Patcher = GPS Joystick = Calcy IV or Poke Genie (IV checker. optional Discord = optional You should be at the home screen. Press on "File transportation" yellow button) that is between the "globe" and "settings" circle buttons. Press on "import" Press on "Apk (number) tab Press on all the apps you need: Pokemon Go, GPS Joystick, and Lucky Patcher. These three apps are required. IV checkers and Discord is optional and not required. Press on "Import(number) in blue button. The number is base on how many apps you are going to install. If you get "blocked by Play Protect" for LP Installer, press on "details" then "install anyway (unsafe) then it will install. Once all APKs are installed, it will say "installed" for each of them on the import record screen. If you get not installed or failed to install, it means you probably do not have enough free internal storage space for the VMOS app. You need 4 GB of free space for the VMOS app. Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe the File transportation window to close it. The apps you imported are now on the 2nd page of your home screen. Press and hold down on each app to drag them to the main home screen. Swipe to the left to go back to the 2nd page home screen to repeat until you are done. Your apps should all be on the main home screen now with the Date and clock widget. Sometimes these apps may disappear, but you can swipe up from the bottom of the home screen to see them in the app drawer screen. To install VFIN, you press on it, it will download, and install then you can use it. {Part 6} Turn on root *CANNOT SPOOF WITHOUT DOING THIS PART* If the ad video does not pop up, you need to keep trying and eventually it will appear. You must wait until the "X" to close appears. If you do not wait and skip the ad, you have to do it again. It may take even longer. You can try to close VMOS and open VMOS again to repeat it until you get an ad. If the ad does not show the "X" button, you can press the back button after 30 seconds of waiting to close the ad. You might need to try again later. If you still cannot turn on root, you need to contact VMOS by going to. You must fill out the form to let VMOS developers know about this problem. I cannot help you fix it. The app developers can fix it in the next VMOS app update. It takes time for them to create the next VMOS app update. If you do not want to wait, you should buy a different device to spoof with. This time buy an iPhone SE/6s or an Android device that can be rooted. Turn on root access in Settings by press on "grey circle button with white diamond. Press on "ROOT" Press on "Enable root" Press on "Watch now" for the video ad. If you get a black screen, press the back button to clear the ad. Press on "X" to close the video ad. Press on "RESTART NOW" VMOS will automatically close itself) Now you are back at your smartphone or tablet apps screen {Part 7} Open Lucky Patcher to setup Open VMOS app and wait for it to load. Watch any ads that appear and close them. Open "Lucky+Patcher" Press on "Remember this Choice forever" requesting Superuser access Press on Allow Press "No" on the 2 to 3 pop ups. You do not need to update Lucky Patcher. Now you are in the LP screen where you see all your apps installed. {Part 8} Systemize "GPS Joystick" spoofing app inside Lucky Patcher Continue from Part 7 with Lucky Patcher opened, find "GPS Joystick" inside Lucky Patcher app Press on "GPS Joystick" in the list Press on Tools Press on "Move to /system/app" then "YES" to make this a System App. Press "NO" to Reboot to apply changes. Press Recent Apps (white square) button, left swipe Lucky_Patcher window and other windows to close it. Press on VMOS icon (middle right edge) on the home screen then "OFF. THIS IS HOW YOU RESTART VMOS. If you do not restart VMOS app, you will get a request to turn on Mock Locations. You cannot use Mock Locations with this Systemize method. If you put GPS Joystick or whatever spoofing app into Mock Locations, you will get Red Location Errors. Part 9} Turn off root in VMOS's settings A user pointed out to me y
Imagine being pro forced birth and anti woman rights. Couldn't be me sis. Stop telling a woman what to do with her body. It's her choice. She is the one who has to go through nine months of pregnancy, then has to go through the actual pain of giving birth to it. If a woman wants to have an abortion, then so be it. Stop shoving your ideologies down their throats. Yes, abortion has its downsides, but so does having a child when you are unprepared. The adoption system is absolutely fucked up in many ways, where kids don't even get adopted by 18 and end up being homeless. There are so many problems, too. If you're up for shaming a person for removing a CLUMP OF CELLS, rethink. A baby isn't a fucking person Until it's born, when the cord is cut. The baby isn't an individual, until the cord is fucking cut. If you can't get that through your heads, then that's mental illness for ya. Instead of trying to remove a woman's right, focus on the human trafficking issue, which is at its fucking peak. Because that is way worse right now. Girls are being abducted and raped, held hostage, ect. Focus on that instead. Also, can't wait for the movie to come out.
Tu y alejo son los mejores teachers de youtube felicidades eres maravilloso. Ode To Joy: European Union anthem. Hey @gwilym i just wanna talk about wedding arrangements asap. NOTICE: This post is formatted for PC and mobile browser. This is not formatted for Reddit App. It's preferred Not to view this on Reddit App. It may look incorrect. If using App, hit share button to open in mobile browser or share to messenger and copy/paste link. ? TLDR: Matchmaking Issues for New and Returning players with an absurd amount of example posts showing these issues. This should not be an issue for a AAA game. Ubisoft, please read the whole post. ? Matchmaking Issues for New and Returning Players with a Soft MMR Part 2 Opening Statement: I've held off on this post for two months, hoping changes were coming for matchmaking, in particular for this specific problem. Every Thursday has led to disappointment. This post is to address the Devs specifically and also to the general For Honor Community in order to better understand the problem to better help new and returning players that face this issue. Every day, every hour, there's posts detailing endless queues, endless searching for matches (multiple 15 minute queues with no matches found. The issue is the Starting Base MMR given to new players and returning players that had their MMRs reset (last one was May 2019. From here on out, I will refer to this as a Soft MMR (Starting Base MMR with no actual matches completed. Towards the end of this post, I have a very specific challenge for the For Honor Devs. Three key things I would like to point out first: This isn't regarding long queues for currently active players. That is a separate issue, but still an issue that needs to be addressed as well. Players of High Reps and High MMRs face very long queues, enough so that many are leaving in frustration. I do not want those players neglected either, however, that solution/ cause isn't as easily remedied as the one I will be discussing. I created a MMR Issues Part 1 post back in October (four months ago) detailing this problem and offering proven tips to fix it. I will be referring back to this, a lot. It contains cited information about the MM process. This was the first one, Part 1 (Explaination and Solutions. You're now reading part 2 (Highlighting the Issue and Impact on the Community. Please refer Soft MMR players to this Part 1 link to assist them, it also has some information in the first part that is beneficial to all ( mods, it would be appreciated to sidebar this for future reference. This is in reference to High or Very High Activity Modes only. Low Activity modes is, well, low. Finding matches in those modes will be hard regardless of MMRs and region's populations. Only queuing in High+ Activity modes and not finding any matches is what I am addressing. To the Community: You may have seen my population posts, my FH Newcomers Guide or many of my comments trying to help others with various issues. I normally stay away from more subjective issues and concentrate on objective problems (Loot Fest not happening, Ranked Rewards not working, Connectivity Troubleshooting. Feel free to read through my comment history, it reads like a Ubisoft Support Rep's history (put me on the payroll Ubi. Lately, this issue has taken up almost all of my time here on this site. One thing I've noticed, is many don't really understand the issue. Not really the community's fault, active players won't face this issue nor be inclined to read my MMR Part 1 post about it (there is some useful information in it, for all players though. Not to mention that obstacles preventing players from finding any matches at all due to a MM flaw isn't something someone would think possible for a AAA game. New and returning players (only those that had their MMRs Reset) are both given a Soft MMR. Matchmaking will only matchmake them with others that have a Soft MMR, segmented by Reputations restrictions. What does this mean? Unless it's at the start of a big event, during a free download period, or during big sales then those players will have a very hard time finding other players with a Soft MMR. Some get lucky and don't see this problem, many others unfortunately do. ? Here's the kicker, they just need one match in that mode and then matchmaking will start to work, matches will be found after that. It'll be slow at first, but matches will be found and the process will successively get quicker with each completed match. It will normalize out eventually, to that platform and region's normal average, but endless queues in that mode during High+ Activity times won't happen again. The problem is getting into that very first match of that mode due to that Soft MMR. ? What is a Soft MMR? Matchmaking Rating, AKA Skill Rating, is based solely on Wins and Losses. Those wins and losses are weighted by the quality of opponents. How Ranked Duels works is pretty much what this means, beating higher MMR players means more than similar MMRs (and vice versa for losses. A Soft MMR is a given Starting Base MMR, something like 50% but with no actual matches completed. This causes a contradiction, giving them a Soft MMR based on Wins and Losses, but they have no actual Wins or Losses. They'll only be matched with others that have a Soft MMR. Think of sports league standings, there's a winning percentage along with a Won Loss column. Now imagine that league standing has a winning percentage of 50% but Wins 0 and losses 0. This is what matchmaking sees, hence it's confusion in matching appropriate players. This is further compounded in the MM process with the Reputations criteria (new players, regular players, high rep players) of the MM parameters. Btw, I say 50% because I came across an interesting post that wondered why his brand new teammate had a slightly higher Skill Rating than him in PvAI Brawl. After pulling up his info, his PvP Brawl percentage was 49. It's easy to reason the Soft MMR is 50% with no wins or losses, based from this. ? I'm using an analogy to give a better idea why this issue is, however, I am not privy to exactly how it works technically. The reasoning of the problem though is true, regardless of how the actual MMR algorithm works, the problem is that Soft MMR. A Soft MMR (Starting or Reset) is the cause of players having extreme difficulty in being able to find a match, once one match is finally found (could be hours, could be way more, as in days) then matchmaking starts slowly working properly again. I've tested these Soft MMR issues on seven different accounts and the various modes of each one. I can replicate these issues of endless queuing on PS4, in the NA Region, the most populated platform and region for the game (see post's top linked image. I also know how to consistently fix this issue. Note: Please don't downvote these posts by these type of players, their issue needs awareness. They don't understand the problem they're actually facing in MM when initially queuing. ? Helpful Advice that affects MMRs and Matchmaking (MM) PvP Modes only, PvAI has no bearing. Neither do Testing Grounds Modes. Only search for PvP Modes. Each mode has a separate MMR. Tribute/Dominion are tied together. Deathmatch modes are tied together. All others are separate. Concentrate on one mode at a time during High+ Activity Times. Don't bounce between modes. Wins and losses only. Nothing else matters for affecting MMRs. Also, very important, losing a match joined mid-way WILL NOT count, as mid-match losses do not affect your stats. These players need to find that first initial match of that mode. Once that very first match is found, then MM will start to work normally (breaks the seal, so to speak. Every match afterwards will get quicker in finding. The next one may take 10 min, but the one after may take 6 min or less. It'll get quicker up to that region's normal average for that platform. Maximizing matchmaking opportunities as outlined in my MMR post is key out of this problem. Grouping with another (established MMR) is the most efficient method. Peak Playing Times: Play during 8-11pm and weekends to maximize playerbase potential. Account for populated time zones within your servers' region. Example: Being an East Coast player in the US, I also want to factor in West Coast times (expand my playing time to 8pm-1am. Grouping with someone, that has an established MMR, is the best and quickest method (as stated above. It will combine their MMR in the MM process. Have that Established MMR player be Group Leader. I can't stress this enough, this is the most efficient means in fixing issues with a Soft MMR. Just one match is needed (3-4 if possible. Bad Advice that DOES NOT affect Matchmaking or Soft MMRs: NAT type, this game is on dedicated servers. NAT only affects grouping. Please stop telling people this is the cause. It doesn't matter for matchmaking. However, if they need to group with someone to fix this issue, then NAT becomes important. DLC, MF Expansion: I can't believe people even suggest this. This doesn't affect anything. Playing PvAI modes or Arcade. Does not affect MMR. Platforms and Regions (For this specific issue) If someone is queuing in High+ Activity modes, then the overall population of platforms or regions means nothing in trying to find one match. In High+ Activity modes, that is where the concentrated playerbase is. At some point, a match should be found. Some regions and platforms may take longer than others, but a match SHOULD be found at some point. The problem is these players aren't finding any matches, which indicates a MMR issue. Comparing different platforms' and regions' servers are region locked) MM times isn't helping these players, those two things can't be changed, game-wise. Requeuing for matches: This method only works for players with an established MMR. It won't benefit Soft MMR players. Please quit suggesting this. The matchmaking process puts tickets on players based on time. It pushes peopl









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