Heart of Africa For Free™

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  • Writer=Margaret B. Young
  • 22 Votes
  • Release Year=2020
  • country=Congo
  • 7,7 / 10
  • &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTIxMzM2MWQtMjdkMS00YmMxLTk5OWMtZDlmNTFiY2E2MzZmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI0OTEyNjA@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg)
Heart of africa c64.

Heart of Africa watch blog. Heart of africa columbus zoo. Life rarely gives opportunity to make others happy. she has accepted that with open heart. How to watch heart of africa. Leave us alone! Leave us alone. Heart of Africa watching. Heart of africa watch vs series 3. I have been immersed in Africa for the past 4 years with multiple visits to my native friends there. This film was beautiful and refreshing for me to watch. It is completely from the perspective of a native Congolese man and his friends and family. This is not Hollywood's view/version of the DR-Congo. Also, this film employed the talents of the locals, completely new to the industry. This team did incredibly well for a first time full-length feature film.
Side note: I gave it 9/10 stars because I felt the soundtrack could have used a little more depth. I am a professionally trained musician so I naturally listen for the soundtrack. There were some parts that could have used more musical support. Though if staying true to the story of the DR-Congo, then not having typical western orchestral accompaniment is a no-brainer. However, this also limits the ability to give the usual musical support in certain scenes. Interesting dilemma to navigate. Though as mentioned before, really a monumental first-time film for a DR-Congo team. Beautifully told and depicted. Definitely a must-see independent film.

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For Free™ Heart of Africa Watch
4.6 (98%) 55 votes
For Free™ Heart of Africa Watch









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