Idi i smotri ?release date“


Writer: Chris Owen
Biography: I love: ????, my family, life, films, wildlife. Saying what I see, tweeting unofficially. I/We
  • tomatometers=8,7 of 10 Stars
  • liked it=47572 Vote
  • runtime=2Hour 22 minute
  • Elem Klimov
  • Casts=Olga Mironova
  • &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg)
Idi i smotri watch freeze. Saving Private Ryan is a personal favorite. Many of these films I have never seen however, Das Boot belongs on anyone's top ten list though. A documentary is not a movie, it documents, there is a difference.
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- - . . When you could get it on netflix. No wonder these guys lost lmao. That kid looked so old at the end, like he looked 40 years older. YouTube.

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There exist movies that within few opening scenes make me forget that I am watching a movie, that it is all make-believe, and that those are not real people but simply actors performing their craft. This movie is not one of those ? it is beyond it. There are parts of it during which I caught myself stepping back from the immersion and almost forcefully suspending the suspension of disbelief. Such is the torment in it, but then again, that was the idea behind making this movie ? to capture the horror of WWII and help us understand the scale of human destruction, physical as well as mental. I believe that there is no other movie in existence that does this better. I do not make this statement lightly.
Set in small Byelorussian village in 1943, a minuscule part of Soviet Union, the atrocities committed in it, combined with a statistic shown at the end of the movie will help you understand just how it is possible that tens of millions of people died, in Soviet Union alone. To try and imagine, to picture, one million people in front of you is daunting. Thirty million seems like a distant theoretical concept at best, of which our cognitive grasp is fully incapable. And yet, it happened. Florian, a young boy ? barely a teenager, is recruited by Soviet Partisans. Full of innocence, enthusiasm, and eagerness as only a young man can be, he says goodbye to his family, and walks as if on clouds, to join the rest of his garrison. Through his eyes and the rest of the senses, one by one, those traits will be viciously taken away, until the only thing left is a shell, the boy is long gone, and the person than stands before us is barely recognizable. But this new shell has a will of steel; to defend and fight back ? to survive. The story and the level of acting are not the only impressive components of this 1985 film. The way it is shot and its unique sound complete the elements that are required of every epic. In his introduction of this film to us, my film professor stated that in watching it, you will be able to smell, almost taste, the gore. I, of course, did not say anything, simply thought that perhaps he is slightly exaggerating, trying to get us to pay closer attention to the film. Two things ? I was wrong; if anything he undersold it, and two ? a great deal of concentration, in a way, is not really necessary for this film. Even if you are an average movie-lover, rest assured that this masterpiece will grab a hold of you until it possesses you fully, and then not let go for next two hours. All of you are familiar with "Saving private Ryan." Most of you will remember the great scene where true burden of war presents itself ? Tom Hanks' character loses any remaining sanity, goes deaf, and starts shooting his small Colt handgun at an oncoming German Tiger tank. Guess where Steven Spielberg got the inspiration for that scene? Yep, you guessed right. Now imagine the psychological and emotional level of that twenty-minute scene spread out to two thirds of a movie. Guess in which movie this actually happens? Right again. "Come and See" is easily one of the greatest films ever made. With any great film that scars me, I ponder the meaning of its title. While it contains biblical references, in writing this review, I realized its, oh so simple, meaning. "Come and See" what war is really like. "Come and See" what it really does to men. Finally, this film succinctly illustrates the reason behind my eternal gratefulness that Hollywood is not the only worldly entity making movies. Because, and let's get this clear, this movie could have never ever come from Hollywood, and yes, they really killed a cow.
Aha. irgendwie so wird es wohl gewesen sein... Idi i smotri Watch free web. Idi i smotri watch free video. Idi i smotri watch free t4. Idi i smotri watch free english. Idi i smotri Watch free download. Wow, what a great video - definitely amongst the best videoes of yours yet! I was wondering, since you have such a fine taste in cinema, Tarkovsky, Ozu, Kubrick etc. what are your favorite films? If you do have a top ten of favorite films or something along those lines, I'd be happy to see it, as I imagine many others probably will. I'd be even more thrilled if you have an extended list, perhaps you even know of some masterpieces I have yet to see. My favorites are: Nevertheless, I am very appreciative of your work. In all honesty, you have one of the greatest youtube channels, bar none IMO, which says a lot and I'm happy to see that you are able to produce these videoes so frequently, and I try to support you as much as I can through Patreon, subcribing and liking your videos. Keep up the good work.
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Idi i smotri watch free streaming. Idi i smotri watch free movie. Idi i smotri watch free youtube. 7, ! ! . Idi i smotri Watch free. What? Are you fucking stupid? Part of the reason so many people died is because of starvation and poor conditions, and considering how easy it was for the Nazis to transport millions of Jews over a period of half a decade, it's not that hard to see Stalin doing it either. Also, he didn't literally dump them in the frozen waste in 5 seconds, it took time, years and years to fill up the gulags and work camps, that's why it's terrifying, every day for years on end, more arrived and more died.
Idi i smotri watch free play. Idi i smotri watch free tv. Idi i smotri Watch freedom. Beautiful piece of propaganda. Idi i smotri Watch. This movie is frightening in a way that audiences don't get to see much of anymore. A boy thrust into smaller WWII battles after literally being a child the day before. This movie, as stated in a film class I recently took, should be seen by any and all people considering joining the military. The boy, joins the movement against Hitler and is thrown on a few day journey in which he ages grossly. The scenes are frightening as is the landscape which is at times scarier than the battle scenes which is partly what makes this film so unique. It is the sound effects as well as the locations and the scenery. The movie shows great and brilliant taste at times as well, like at the end where the boy shoots a pictures of Hitler repeatedly instead of partaking fully in killing captured Nazis.

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Clean up your own backyard is your argument. It would be valid if this film was directed by Stalin or some decisive member of the party, in that case yes, it would be hypocrisy, but it's not the case. A dictatorial regime's atrocities are by no means the population's (nor its artists) responsibility to bear, especially when the people were the first to suffer from that regime. So a filmmaker has the right to portray a historical episode, even if his country committed atrocities of its own.









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