¡úSolar Movies¡ú Run This Town Watch Full Length

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Run This Town is a movie starring Ben Platt, Mena Massoud, and Damian Lewis. An emerging political scandal in Toronto in 2013 seen through the eyes of young staffers at city hall and a local newspaper / Drama / audience Score=49 Votes / duration=99 Minute / writed by=Ricky Tollman / release Date=2019. Filipino didnt even back down while there injured. That was badass! i loved it. Im not a basketball fan, but rest in love Kobe. He and his daughter are playing on the silver court in the Silver City.

2020 and I still here. At first I came here for the song but then peeked the video, ended up watching it to the end. Learnt more about Kobe and used to watch the video most the time I came here. Rest in peace Kobe and Gianna you beautiful humans. Thanks man. Whoever disliked is a bum.
Run this town watch full length song. Without kanye west me: couldnt click fast enough. Jay was trying get ye back into it! You can jay asking bout his mom sucked the life outta Kanye. Not if only I am but at first looks like the song of BTS waste of me. Run this town watch full length hair. I¡Çm just reposting this to clean up the subreddit and help brand new players NAVIGATION When you spawn, as a fresh character, you always spawn facing north. Compasses can be found in most hunting areas, if they¡Çre on your hotbar, you can see the compass in real time without having to take it out. On Chernarus, general loot progression is south to north. On Livonia, it is north to south. Paths are marked with color coded rocks and signs around the trail. These paths usually lead to main roads, landmarks, or towns. If you look in the sky and see a crescent moon, connect the tips of the crescent and create a line, follow this line to the horizon to find south. Sunrise/Sunset positions will vary depending on what date that particular server is set to. In broad terms, expect the sun's rise and set position to a bit more to the SE/SW in winter, and in summer it will be closer to (but rarely exactly) due east and due west. You can find north at night by finding the Big Dipper then following it to the bright North Star. IZurvive is a great navigation tool, but if you don¡Çt want to use it, maps can be found on mountain tops and hunting areas (these are pretty useless however) FOOD AND WATER Even in dayz¡Çs accelerated starvation and dehydration, it¡Çs pretty easy to survive one you pass the fresh spawn stage. The food and water icons are not indicators of how full you are. They show how hungry you are. (White being not hungry, yellow being hungry, and red being starving) The indicators account for 200-300 food, but your true max is ~20, 000, this goes for water as well. Most towns have a water pump, you can drink from this until you see a stomach icon with rotating arrows around it. Pause until it goes away then continue drinking. When you are drinking from a water pump, it¡Çs quicker to use a container. Fill your container, drink it, and repeat. Farming is only viable when you mass farm as many plots as you can while near a water source or when you need water but also want a small amount of food. Not all food is equal. Canned foods are overall pretty bad, with canned bacon being okay. Killing animals is the best way to fill yourself quickly, animals larger than a chicken will provide you with at least one fat. Humans also provide fat and meat, as of 1. 06, only human meat will give you kuru, and the fat is safe. In the 1. 07 experimental, both human fat and meat will give you kuru. Speaking of fat, it¡Çs the best food source in the game. It provides ~1600 food. Cooking food makes a big difference, baking food in a pot or cooking it over a fire with a stick increases its nutritional value by 50%, but decreases its water value by 25%. Boiling water increases nutritional value by 25%, but does not decrease its water value. You are truly full when your food or water bars have alternating arrows above and below them. Water can be contained in water bottles, canteens, cooking pots, and jerry cans. SICKNESS Currently there are five sicknesses in the game. Food poisoning, cholera, the cold, the flu and kuru. Food poisoning is caused by burned or uncooked food. This causes puking which leads to starvation and dehydration. You need to cure this with charcoal tablets. Cholera is caused by dirty water or contaminated water containers. All water containers can be spawned with cholera, you can disinfect them by dumping them out. You cure cholera with tetracycline tablets. Kuru is caused by eating human meat, in 1. 07 both human meat and human fat will cause Kuru. Kuru causes muscle spasms and uncontrollable laughing which gives away your position and can make aiming difficult. Kuru is untreatable. The cold and flu are cause by being wet, cold, or a combination of the two. Your immune system can fight off a disease on its own, maintaining high food and water, as well as blood increases your chances. If you are sick and puking, eat and drink two bites/sips at a time. Until you are healthy (if that happens) You can get sick from sharing food and water with a sick player, Kuru isn¡Çt contagious. Vitamins will help boost your resistance to sickness/infection (but not kuru) both before and after becoming sick. Vitamins will help boost your resistance when your body's natural resistance is low. If you are sick already, vitamins can help you fight through it a bit faster, and can augment the effects of other medications. While in the past, the effects of pills would 'stack, ' this is no longer the case. Take one pill type at a time, and repeat when the pill icon disappears. You can take different types of pills at the same time, but only one of each. Once you see the 'sick' icon disappear, you may not be out of the woods yet. Your body may still be in a battle between your resistance and the infection for a while after you see the sick icon disappear, so keep those meds handy in case it comes back. Focus on healing, eating, drinking, and staying warm and dry. There are a very strict set of actions which result in a player getting ¡Èsick¡É in DayZ. Although there are many sicknesses in the game. Cholera (drinking unpurified water) Salmonella (eating uncooked or spoiled food) or eating/ drinking with bloody hands. Infection (bandaging with a dirty rag) Flu (being exposed to cold for too long) Cold (being exposed to cold for too long) Two out of the five are contagious: those being the cold and the flu. Really, there is very little difference between these two besides the ease of curing said diseases. The flu is very difficult to cure, whereas the cold is not so difficult. Cholera and Salmonella are the most probably sources of illness in the current version of DayZ. They are not contagious, so you don¡Çt need to worry about spreading it to other players. They are however extremely potent, if you are not careful these diseases will kill you. So how do you cure yourself once you get sick? Well, just like diseases there is also a rather in depth immune system. To make it simple, you have a base immunity of 100. Once infected with a virus, its virulence (the rate at which you are infected per tick) increases. Once the total amount of infection eclipses that of your immune system you are officially infected. There are three types of medication: charcoal tablets, tetracycline, and vitamins (excluding the buff effects granted by the other medical items in the game). These three items all have effects on your immune system. Vitamins (temporarily raises your immune system base stat) Tetracycline (reduces total infection of all illnesses but salmonella) Charcoal tablets (reduces total infection of salmonella) The best way to cure oneself is to take a few multivitamins and then take the respective medication for each virus. The combined effects almost always work. You will most likely need two however, if the infection is left long enough. Don¡Çt eat raw meat. This will completely eliminate your chances of getting salmonella, the most deadly disease. Wring out your clothing if they are wet. Remove hats when it¡Çs raining, these are some of the main culprits for the flu and the cold. Purify all water you drink, even if you take it from a dead body, as it could still be infected. This completely removes your chances of getting cholera. If you are in a serious bind, drink from a river and only a river. Moving water actually has a lower chance of causing illness, and only take very small sips at a time (think less than one third of the icon). Drinking from stagnant water is a VERY good way to get sick. DAMAGE, HEALTH, AND STATS The bars on your screen don¡Çt show every stat you have. You have a ¡Èshock/concussion damage¡É stat as well. You receive shock damage with every attack you receive. Each melee weapon and ranged weapon deals bleed, health, and shock damage. The shovel and sledgehammer both can KO a player in one shot, this is both good and bad, depending on what end of the shovel you¡Çre on. Bleeding is as deadly as base health damage, it is displayed as a cut with a number next to it, located near your blood bar. Rags can be used to stop bleeding, but take up a lot of space and are slower than bandages, which are quicker, take up less slots, and have 4 uses each. If your blood bar is blinking, you are taking shock damage over time, which will cause you to pass out. Blood can be recovered with blood bags, or saline bags. Saline bags can be used on any blood type, but restore less instant blood and recover blood over time. Blood bags recover more blood, instantly. The blood must be the same type as your own. You can also collect your own blood for later use when it¡Çs safe. LOOT ECONOMY AND WEAPONS Dayz has a very basic loot economy when it¡Çs broken down simply. There is a minimum and maximum amount of weapons on a server. If there are weapons buried underground or stashed somewhere, no weapons will spawn. This is why you may not be finding high tier guns. High tier weapons have lower minimum amounts and lower maximum amounts, so it¡Çs likely none will spawn. While a M4 or full sized AK is great, it¡Çs not necessary to win a PvP fight. I¡Çm not saying to run into a hour long fight with an IJ and a half empty mag, but dayz PvP relies heavily on being seen first. A mosin and the element of surprise will beat a M4 in the hands of a blind man. Certain weapons spawn in certain areas. Some guns only spawn in civilian areas, some spawn in hunting areas, and some spawn in military areas, the most common are civilian and hunting. Due to most military ARs being hoarded, you will find SMGs, lower tier military rifles, and pistols most commonly in military areas. Basic pistols (IJ, MLOCK, KOLT, etc. ) are found in police stations and civilian houses. Pump shotguns are
Loading. Will it come out in theatres or like hulu. Run this town watch full length movies. ¥¸¥§¥Í¤Î¤ªÆóÊý¤Ï¤É¤Á¤é¤â¥Ï¥¤¥È¡¼¥ó¥Ü¥¤¥¹¤À¤«¤é¤¿¤Þ¤Ë¤É¤Ã¤Á¤¬¤É¤Ã¤Á¤ÎÀ¼¤À¤«¤ï¤«¤é¤Ê¤¯¤Ê¤ë. RIP KOBE legend never dies.

Run this town watch full length 2017

This used to be my favorite. This post is about the first three sessions. We¡Çve decided to try something quite different at home. My daughter, 13, who¡Çs only played once or twice, and my girlfriend who has never played both decided they¡Çd like to try a campaign. As we were looking about, talking about options, we had a silly brainstorm one night and decided to run Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition as Disney princesses! My best mate joined in, and I thought I¡Çd record the proceedings here for posterity and chuckles. The goal: choose 4 Disney princesses and convert them to Pathfinder, using their (loose) stories and personalities as guideposts, and run through RotRL AE. The builds are our own interpretations, so YMMV on how ¡Èaccurate¡É you think they are. The goal is NOT automatically to try to tell their ¡Ètraditional¡É stories. For instance, I don¡Çt know if I¡Çll have traditional villains like Mother Gothel, or Jafar or whomever, but if I CAN find fun ways to wink at their traditional stories, or Disney stories, or even OTHER Disney stories, I¡Çd love to. The house rules: Not many, which is highly unusual, as we were wanting to give them RAW for their first run-through. I¡Çve slightly adjusted their hp and how they function (closer to Starfinder), we're using critical hit and fumble decks, hero points (for advantage), Feats, Flaws, Traits and Drawbacks, and some feat to combat options changes (Power attack, Weapon Finesse, etc). Also a rule for wands that expands their potential. The tools: I¡Çve about four grand in minis, so we¡Çll be running it on the table, with fantasy grounds on my computer to access the campaign info super easy, and Herolab to track all combat. Got everyone new dice, and we¡Çve ordered some HeroForge minis where we needed them. The princesses: - We wanted four princesses, so I¡Çll be running a DMPC. I chose a class build I¡Çve always loved that runs with a really high AC, but is not a complex spellcaster, so I went with Mulan, an Unchained Master of many styles & Hungry ghost monk who will multi-class into a Bladebound Magus Kensai. She focuses on Crane style, Panther style, and her family katana that will awaken at some point is called Mushu. She is Tian. - My daughter chose Rapunzel and made her a White-haired Witch with a chameleon familiar, Pascal. She currently is thinking she may have been a slave in Cheliax but hails from the Mwangi her possibly a black Rapunzel. I am fascinated by this, so we¡Çll see if she continues to develop her that way. - My girlfriend chose Jasmine, and we made her a Qadiran royal. She is on a ¡ÈQadiran¡É (Roman) holiday, and is a Slayer Warhound, with a genie-touched (DM fiat) tiger animal companion named Rajah who she¡Çll eventually mount and ride. - My best mate chose Belle (she goes by Beauty), and went with the more historical telling. She is from Galt and her father, an engineer for the Galt military who imported and built foreign weapons from Qadira (and Jasmine's deceased father), fell afoul of a cruel Prince in Varisia. She has come to find this Prince and finalize her fathers¡Ç debt. She is a Gun chemist Alchemist Chirurgeon with VMC in Soul bound Unchained Summoner. Session 0: We sorted out Jasmine, with Rajah as her animal companion. The build looks fantastic. Got minis chosen for everyone, including animal companions. Belle and Mulan are built. My daughter showed up today and said she definitely wants to go Rapunzel from Mwangi, so I'm retooling that build before game time tomorrow, making her a Black-haired witch. And after looking at that archetype, I'm re-writing it to make it less useless, and give her a few hexes. Sorted out my opening scene, and my pre-rolls (I roll Perception checks for spotting, not searching, to not clue them off, and any knowledge checks for when they see something. So when they see Koruvus, I'll have rolled for every character beforehand, and then written up a card that I will simply hand them. "You see a three-armed goblin, and this is what you know. " I also pre-roll enemy initiative, and their Perception to spot the characters, etc. ) Chose the map for the opening scene and pulled out all minis for monsters and NPCs involved. Wrote up my motivation cards for the encounter, and have cards ready for xp, ammo and other "tracking" things, as well as a loot card. I welcome any comments or even ideas. I¡Çll gladly lift something if it is a neat way to adapt the story. Session 1: On the Road Again The Princesses were all travelling north from Magnimar to Sandpoint. We'd met and become friends in Cheliax, along with another woman, Snow White. We decided to come to visit her (she lives in Sandpoint) as well as Mulan's friend Ameiko. We were heading along the Lost Coast Road with a wagon full of supplies, and Vin Vendor driving his two horses when we passed an abandoned shack. When I pulled out the excellent wagon mini, there were gasps of wonder. Allishanda was with us as well, prattling on about Magnimar society folks, when we spotted some movement in the trees. Slowing, we watched as dozens and dozens of goblins along with goblin-dogs emerged through the underbrush, crossing the road all around us, clearly heading in the direction of Sandpoint. The goblins didn't specifically seem to care that the wagon was there, or that we were. They were chanting and singing off-key in a guttural language that only Beauty understood, singing the classic goblin chants. Seeing the look on my players' faces as I placed down close to two dozen goblins was classic. Sort of an "Oh crumb, that's not supposed to be a level one encounter! " Beauty stepped in front of a goblin moving past us, and Intimidated it to stop, causing it to turn around and flee back the way it came. An arrow shot out of the woods behind it, piercing the goblin, and immediately a goblin-dog started to feed on it, goring a bush red that obscured a clear view of the dead goblin. A large bugbear with a bow appeared and sneered at the wagon party. "Stop them! " he yelled in goblin. A slightly more "senior" looking goblin grabbed the two next to him and charged us! Rapunzel (my daughter) stepped out and smacked the first one in the face. She proceeded to try hitting with her hair and her frying pan depending on the Round and who she was attacking and rolled three total natural ones. She was quite frustrated. Mulan moved and engaged another in hand to hand, kneeing and punching her way through several. Beauty pulled out her blunderbuss and used some alchemical nonsense to shoot like five goblins in front of her with a dragons' breath, killing one. She struggled with not threatening a goblin every time they just ran RIGHT past her, ignoring her. Jasmine climbed on top of the wagon, keeping Rajah to the back of it, and fired two arrows off at two goblins who were not attacking, hitting both. I added ANOTHER two dozen goblin miniatures to the map. At this point, there were close to fifty-odd goblins and a bugbear with us. A mutated three-armed goblin clambered over the top of the building, jumping off onto the "senior" looking goblin, killing him, as another goblin skittered under the wagon, and decided to stay there. Beauty shot this new threat, hitting two other goblins at the same time, felling one, as Jasmine continued to fire arrows at the goblins engaged in melee with Mulan and the ones engaged with Rapunzel. The mutated goblin charged Beauty, and failed to Bull Rush, while Allishanda passed out and fell off the cart. Vin was having a hard time controlling the horses by then, and they started to prance and move a little. Beauty backed up and tried to shoot the mutation again, missing, when suddenly the three-armed goblin charged PAST Beauty (third missed potential AoO) at the horses, and they bolted, wagon in tow. Vin toppled from the driver's seat, as the large goblin climbed onto the wagon's front seat. On top of the wagon, Jasmine had a fantastic Reflex save to keep her feet and acrobatic check to backflip off, and landed somewhat less than gracefully, but landed it. She and Rajah then joined Rapunzel where Rajah got his first taste of goblin face. The wagon disappeared down the road as the remainder of the goblins vanished over the hilltop. Three more goblins remained engaged with the party until we killed them. We were left with over a dozen dead goblins on the road, an unconscious actress and a fiery angry Vin Vendor. Beauties alchemy and crafting gear, along with most of Jasmine's gear, including 80 pounds of food for Rajah, was in the back of the wagon and gone. We quickly moved around the bend to see Sandpoint, less than a kilometer rising above the rooftops, and bells pealing the air. I decided to end there. Session 2: Going Commando I handed out more note cards with quick summaries of their homelands of Tian, Mwangi, Qadira and Galt. My copy of the Rusty Dragon Inn flip mat had arrived the day before, and I was ready to go. The princesses crested the hill, seeing Sandpoint in the distance, the small figures of citizens and possibly goblins moving through the streets. Already two or three trails of smoke were rising into the sky, and faint screams could be heard. They hurried to the bridge across the Turandarok to the south of town, where Beauty heard the sounds of crunching and "mloming" from the side of the ering over, she spotter a goblin happily sitting in the sun eating a fish and a rock. She decided he was not threatening anyone and left him there without informing the other princesses, and they continued on into town. Passing the Two knights brewery, they arrived at the intersection of Market Street and River street. Ahead, in front of the Rusty Dragon Inn, Mulan saw her friend Ameiko wielding a lute, trying to fight off a goblin commando wielding a horse-chopper. Several citizens fled into the safety of the Inn, while the commando decimated the lute, smashing it into dozens of pieces in Ameiko's hands. At the same time, Rapunzel spotte
ONE of weezys best verses imo. ¤ª¤¤¤ª¤¤À¼åºÎ魯¤®¤ä¤í? ÁÇÀ²¤é¤·¤¤. It is fire never gets on this moment will last forever shout out to those people who. The bass is good. Other soldier wounded: medicccccc. Morphineeeeee AFP: MALAYO LANG YAN SA BITUKA! TARAAA... RESBAKKK. Run This Town Watch Full length. S Q U A D. Omg when i was younger i watch this movie every day.

Run this town watch full length episode

Run This Town Watch Full lengths. ÆÍÁ³¤ª¤¹¤¹¤á½Ð¤Æ¤­¤¿. Some one should make a pump up to rihanna - nothing is promised. I¡Çll get some of these boring details out of the way first, because they might be relevant. Who knows? I found the thumb drive in a McDonald¡Çs restroom in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, on January 3rd. The service was mediocre but the food was hot and the restrooms were clean. I still felt hungover from New Year¡Çs in Edmonton, and although the roads were alright the other drivers were typical idiots and I needed to stay alert. I was sitting there in that tiny stall, browsing Reddit, not expecting I was about the find the video that would consume my life over the next month. I pulled on the tail of flimsy toilet paper that was dangling from the dispenser, and along with the see-through thin sheet of paper a small object fell out and clattered on the tile floor. I bent over to get a better look; it was a small blue thumb drive. I don¡Çt know why I bothered to pick it up and pocket it. I don¡Çt usually put random small objects in my pockets, especially from bathrooms in roadside burger joints. But I did. I finished my business and got out of there, and almost forgot I had the little drive until I made it home safely that evening in Winnipeg. My roommate was still with his family in Newfoundland, so I had our little apartment to myself. I didn¡Çt start work until the fifth, so I settled in to lounge around and play pointless video games until the early hours. When I took my pants off, the thumb drive fell out. I held it curiously between my thumb and forefinger. There weren¡Çt any markings on it besides the brand. There was something about it that made me uneasy; maybe it just seemed so intentional, the way it must have been tucked into that toilet paper dispenser. Like someone was hoping that it would be found. I mulled it over for a few minutes; could it be dangerous? Did it have a virus or some sort of malware that would infect my computer and send all of my personal info to it¡Çs creator? In the end, curiosity won over prudence. I plugged it into my gaming PC, and had a look. There was only one file on the drive, a large video file just labelled 4. The thumbnail was just a dark blue. So of course, being the naive fool I was, I double-clicked on it. I won¡Çt tell you yet what I saw, but I sat there riveted. At first it seemed like it was just someone¡Çs home movie, but weird things started happening that caught my attention and kept me glued to my seat until the very end. When I got to the end and the file stopped playing, I found myself sitting there in my dark bedroom, in my gross black second-hand office chair, white knuckles gripping the armrests, eyes so wide and unmoving they ached and stung from dryness, mouth gaping like a dead fish. Since then, I¡Çve been desperately trying to piece it all together. First, a few details about the file: it¡Çs about an hour and forty-five minutes long. Strangely, there is no sound. When the file started I fiddled with my volume controls for a bit before realizing that there just wasn¡Çt anything to hear. I right-clicked on the file and opened the properties tab, where I discovered the video properties showed it to be 1280x720, data rate of 6028Kbps, total bitrate of 6161kbps, 29 frames per second. I don¡Çt know much about file formats, maybe that¡Çll be helpful to someone. Anyways, the point is: the audio information just says NONE. Whoever edited it did so haphazardly. Scenes cut with no transitions, so it¡Çs really jarring. Sometimes cuts happen mid-sentence when someone is talking. There a few boring long stretches that really should have been taken out. Maybe it made more sense with audio. I watched the video nearly every day since, pausing frequently to analyze details and piece together what happened. Fortunately, I have an acquaintance who is hard of hearing. He¡Çs Marc, the only other person I¡Çve shown the video too. At first he was pretty wary, thinking I was asking him to use his skill like he was performing a party trick, but once he saw the video he had the same reaction and understood. Unfortunately, he wasn¡Çt exactly able to provide a transcript. Sometimes the people in the video aren¡Çt facing the camera. Marc isn¡Çt entirely deaf either, he usually needs some sound in order to piece together speech. And it¡Çs not easy to figure out what¡Çs going on in the video, so context clues aren¡Çt all there. However, he was able to put together enough to provide some of the dialogue that will be in my description of the video. It helps a bit, but we still don¡Çt entirely understand the content of the video. It was on January 20th that I finally made the big discovery, that made me realize I had somehow fallen off the deep end and had to share this all with somebody and put out my plea for help. Okay, I¡Çve gone on long enough. Time to describe what¡Çs in the video itself. --- The first scene is inside a car. From later exterior shots, we discover that it¡Çs a blue Nissan Altima, probably 2009. The camera is pointed out the window at some rocky hills. There are lots of trees: oak, aspen, maple, and so forth. There are a few leaves just starting to turn orange and red. A sign whizzes past; I later managed to pause and read the text ¡ÈHardwood Road 400m. ¡É This is the first of many clues that helped me figure out their route. They¡Çre in Ontario, heading west. The camera turns to the driver. She¡Çs stunning; not in the sense of a blonde instagram model, but very regal and beautiful. She had dark black hair with a few strands of white. She has a sharp jaw, grey eyes, and a few lines around her eyes. Late thirties, probably. She¡Çs the reason I kept watching the video, the first time. Marc suspects that she¡Çs French Canadian, which is one of the reasons he had difficulty with the transcript. The camera is pointed at her a lot. We¡Çre pretty sure her name is Renée. Renée notices she¡Çs on camera. She smiles at the passenger. ¡ÈThere¡Çs a Tim Horton¡Çs ahead. Want to stop and stretch? ¡É The passenger probably says something like ¡ÈYes, and let¡Çs grab a coffee. ¡É ¡ÈGreat idea, ¡É says Renée. ¡ÈThe road already feels monotonous. ¡É There¡Çs a bit of silence. The passenger aims the camera ahead down the road for a bit, then back at Renée. ¡ÈAre you going to film us the entire trip? ¡É Renée asks with a smile. We don¡Çt hear the response, but Renée laughs, then the scene abruptly cuts. The next scene is on a very long bridge over a mix of wetlands, islands, and river. The camera is mostly pointed at the scenery, but a couple of times it looks over at Renée. At one point, Renée looks thoughtful and says something like ¡ÈYes, of course she will. ¡É We don¡Çt know what the question was. We see two flags pass by: one Canadian, one American. I later discovered that this is the border; they are on the Sault Ste Marie bridge, crossing into the states. I¡Çm still not sure where in the states they stopped next, but it looks like they took advantage of the opportunity for some cross-border crossing. There¡Çs a shot in the parking lot outside a Walmart, where they are loading their bags into the back of the car. We see the passenger¡Çs legs and feet in one shot, our first good glimpse of her. What we can see of her outfit is a little more feminine and fashionable than Renée¡Çs simple, comfortable clothes. She¡Çs wearing white open-toed shoes, and her toenails are painted. She¡Çs wearing a flowing black skirt, and from the glimpse of her left hand holding some shopping bags, it looks like she¡Çs got a white knit sweater. They root through the bags and show some of their items to the camera; presumably the audio had an explanation of what they¡Çve bought and why, but at this point in the video it¡Çs kind of confusing. There¡Çs a waterproof box for the video camera. A bunch of pulleys and ropes. Road snacks and drinks. Nose clips, the kind used for diving. A big pair of bolt cutters. Thigh-length wading boots, like fly-fishers use. It¡Çs obvious now that they¡Çre on some sort of mission, but it¡Çs hard to guess what. It looks like they¡Çre going wading, rock climbing, and diving all at once. When I first saw all of this, I wondered if they were going after hidden treasure or something. The camera pans up to Renée¡Çs face, catching her mid sentence. Just a note- where you see parenthesis, those are off-camera gaps in the dialogue that we¡Çve guessed at. ¡È(That should) be enough. If not, ---- is only an hour¡Çs drive from the site. ¡É We think she said the name of a town there, but Marc just screwed up his face and shrugged. He said she spoke it very quickly, and it¡Çs a complex word. He thinks it has an ¡Ès¡É in the middle and maybe an ¡Èr¡É on the end, and it¡Çs probably three syllables. If we could figure it out, we might understand more about what happened. The next shot is in the car, driving through North Dakota. It¡Çs presumably the next morning. The camera is pointed at Renée, and we only know her side of the conversation, so it¡Çs hard to guess at what¡Çs going on. She sips her coffee and looks thoughtful, like she¡Çs listening. ¡ÈYeah, we¡Çre not far off schedule. We should make it to Moose Jaw tonight. ¡É Between her accent and the strange name of the town, it took us a while to figure out ¡ÈMoose Jaw. ¡É It wasn¡Çt until I plotted out their route on Google Maps that I realized this must be where they stopped. That was an important realization. In a very roundabout way, it led to me figuring out exactly when this trip took place. This conversation in the car took place on August 24th, 2019. The passenger asks something like ¡È(Do you need a break? Want me to drive? )¡É ¡ÈSure, in a while, ¡É Renée replies. ¡ÈWe¡Çll stop and stretch at the border, and we can switch drivers. ¡É There¡Çs a gap where neither of them are talking. The passenger turns the camera to the road to take in some scenery, then pan
Run this town watch full length hd. Her voice is unique Love you Riri! They killed it. Race information What? Snickers Marathon When? March 6, 2020 How far? 26. 2 miles Website? Strava activity: Goals Goal Description Completed? A <2:23 Wait B Top 3 And C PR (<2:24:31) See D 95% effort tempo race (2:25-2:26ish)... Background The Berlin Marathon opened up a new frontier last September that I was eager to explore. Given I struggled to make it to line, I cut back my volume for the next six weeks. I never ran more than 70mi/week. In that time, I still took an ill-fated shot at a sub 70 at the Hartford Half Marathon, ran my first Trail half marathon (and got lost), won a race with my dog Mindy, and placed second in the Conservation Marathon in Springfield, MO. I thought about writing a race report on the marathon, but it was a very meh race. I went in trying to snag a win (I didn¡Çt) and just make progress on my 50 states goal. To briefly summarize, I felt horrible after mile 8 and refused to look at my watch. All alone for 18mi, I still pulled out a surprising 2:28:56 establishing a marathoning floor that just a year prior was my marathoning ceiling. My dad however crushed his PR on the course and will make Boston 2021 after agonizingly missing the cutoff by just over a minute this year. Training (tl;dr: training calendar and Strava training log and Elevate fitness trend) With the marathon behind me, it was time to start my Tokyo (oh god it still hurts.. ) cycle. I settled on following a very similar training plan to Berlin. I figured if I could mirror what worked last cycle and actually have a peak week and proper taper, I would undoubtedly be in PR shape. Early on, I struggled. I was not happy with having to run in the dark every morning or evening and my new job eliminated the possibility of lunch runs. Of my first four workouts, I struggled to maintain the objective in three of them. I was only satisfied with a set of 200s that kicked off the cycle. I met up with /u/forwardbound for a Boston long run and aired my grievances... just two weeks in. I complained that Berlin had started off so much better in comparison, but it was too early to be too worried. I broke through with a solid Manchester Road Race and my fortunes started to change. For the next six weeks, I hit the objective on nine of eleven workouts, notably longer tempo runs at marathon and half marathon paces. I missed only two days of running, both due to air travel, and only had to adapt one workout to the treadmill due to snow (the only one of the cycle, in fact). I did however struggle in my second race of the cycle; a very hilly 10 miler toward the end of December and left a little to be desired in my first 20 miler with marathon tempo work. I could tell fitness was building but to continue, I needed some help. The latter stages of my Berlin plan were tailored to accommodate many late season races. Out of worry of repeating past mistakes and out of lack of New England winter races, I did not plan to race in January or February before Tokyo. I went back to my teammate/architect of my Berlin plan and received an incredibly thought-out and tuned set of workouts for the final seven and a half weeks. Rather than follow formulaic weeks of Tuesday = track work, Friday = tempo work, Sunday = long run, I was given challenging marathon paced tempos, float and push workouts, and track work between various efforts all with adequate recovery. The idea was to have no excuse not to hit every workout as planned. Some weeks would contain just one workout, but they would be the toughest workouts I¡Çd attempt. At this time I began to track my runs on an Excel calendar. Every planned run and workout would occupy the cell of a calendar day and when finished, I would edit it to reflect what I actually did and color code: green would signify the objective was met; yellow would signify off-pace or effort to be desired; orange would signify a bonked workout; and red was reserved for pain, generally above a 3/10. With a much more sophisticated training scheme in place I was ready to build to my peak. The month of January was immediately tested with a work emergency that required travel to California, Texas, and Brazil. I lost two more running days, again due to air travel, and had to dig deep to find motivation to fit workouts into long, stressful work days. Some snow storms also had me desperate to find indoor tracks to get in important track work and stay on schedule. In all, I completed eight workouts, five of which I marked green, two rather harshly marked yellow, and one marked orange -- attributed to icy roads and air travel. While the air travel was becoming a thorn in my side, the long flight to Brazil gave me good preparation for the flight to Japan. I failed to leave my seat or stretch and learned upon arrival, cankles are a real thing. For weekly mileage I was maintaining pace for 90s stretching back eight weeks and even reached 100mi a couple times. It was starting to feel like I was surpassing Berlin¡Çs all time high training efforts. Going into February, I decided to defend my King of Pain title from the previous year. With a very similar elevation profile to my 10 miler in December, I finished this time with a PR despite a slightly (and acknowledged) long course. I was brimming with confidence and ready for my peak week, which concluded with a daunting 20 miler with 14 miles at marathon pace. To prepare, I headed to the local rail trail, wore an older pair of Vaporflys (I¡Çm sorry that¡Çs a thing), had a Maurten gel and put on my best running playlist consisting of EDM / 90¡Çs Hip Hop / and Demi Lovato (.. ). Keeping efforts controlled through the first few miles, I naturally sped up and maintained, then sped up and maintained again. Going in, I wanted to possibly hit a sub 70min half marathon as a reach goal and well, I did!. By now it was almost time to taper. My body was responding really well to the mileage and I wanted just one more hard week. At this point, I was in uncharted territory and knew to be careful. More emphasis was put on stretching, sleep, hydration and nutrition. I wanted to not only reach a peak in fitness but also wellness and everything was going according to plan. I woke up February 17th with notifications on three social media platforms from /u/fusfeld with nothing more than my name. I believe I replied ¡Èlol what¡Çs up? ¡É to which I was greeted with the news that the Tokyo Marathon would be cancelled for non-elite runners. It took a few minutes to set it. I was in denial. I emailed the race wanting confirmation that I, a self proclaimed (when convenient) elite-sub-elite runner would definitely not be allowed in. I thought about the possibility of Covid-19 being cured in the next week and half. But I soon realized it was completely out of my control. I didn't think it would feel right to be in Japan during the race and not run. The same day I pulled the plug on the trip. I went from watching a 3hr documentary on feudal Japan the previous night to feeling utterly deflated the next morning. However, I received an outpour of support from teammates and redditors. It helped me realize I was far from the only one affected and in the scheme of things, there are much worse race related problems I could be dealing with, let alone life events. I scrambled to find a new race. In order to make a new trip worth it, I set criteria. The race had to be in a state I hadn't yet raced and not too expensive. My first choice was Atlanta the day after the Olympic Trials. I knew a number of qualified runners and figured the experience would be incredible. I foolishly slept on the decision and greedily emailed for an elite spot. By the next morning, the race had filled and accommodations for elites were well... for the day before. My next choice was the Marathon of the Treasure Coast in Florida, located in the same town as one of my best friends. Unfortunately he was going skiing in Vermont that weekend. Next was Little Rock. I saw fast times from past years, but nothing notable in recent years. I looked into it more and found out they cut out prize money and had filled up their comped entry allotment. The flight alone would¡Çve eaten most of my flight voucher so I continued looking. Becoming more desperate I started searching all races the following week from the Google sheet that was being passed around. I initially laughed at the Snickers Marathon in Albany Georgia, but saw race results in the low 2:20s and even a recent OTQ from a familiar Connecticut runner. There was also sizable money involved and a cheaper flight directly to Albany. The race was on a Saturday so I would have to burn PTO, but I would be guaranteed either fast competition or the ability to reimburse the trip. So It was settled. Because this race was a week after Tokyo was planned, I felt I had to delay my taper. I attained one more 100mi week, light on quality and went into tapering. Not traveling to Japan the weekend of Tokyo meant I could race my club¡Çs USATF road series 5k championship. It was perhaps a reckless decision, but nevertheless I smashed my PR and got a boost of confidence for the race 6 days later. No matter how rough the early stages of training may go, the important thing is to just keep pushing through with effort. I really tried to become more intimate with the pain of running this cycle. Tempo runs incorporated into my 20 milers sure did that and most of them I executed well. I also needed to work on endurance. I missed a lot of 20 milers in the Berlin cycle, only completing two. This time around I completed eleven and ran twice as many weeks at 100mi (four) in this cycle than I had in my entire running career. I took just four rest days in 17 weeks, all related to air travel. While the work trips were tough, overall external factors such as professional stress and weather were far less of an issue than Berlin. The unplanned 10 mile and 5k races, combine
Run this town watch full length 2. È»¤Î¥Ð¥¯Ã褫¤Ã¤±¡Á. She says I'm gonna run this town,but I hear I'm gonna rock this town. ¤«¤Ã¤³¤¤¤¤¤Î¶Ë¤ß¡Ü²û¤«¤·.









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