The Lodge eng sub



Published by: tess mcgeer
Bio: like if jo march grew up to write lesbian pulp fiction
  1. Abstract - A soon-to-be stepmom is snowed in with her fiancé's two children at a remote holiday village. Just as relations begin to thaw between the trio, some strange and frightening events take place
  2. 1 hour 48Minute
  3. actor - Richard Armitage
  4. 2019
  5. &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg)
  6. tomatometers - 7,4 / 10
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The lodger. This was a film that was on my radar from early in the year. I knew that it was doing well at film festivals so it was one that I was waiting to get released. I lucked out when I saw that at the Nightmares Film Festival it was showing for its regional premiere. It was one that I knew I was going to see for sure. The synopsis is a soon-to-be stepmom is snowed in with her fiancé's two children at a remote holiday cabin. Just as relations begin to thaw between the trio, some strange and frightening events takes place.
We start with a mother, Laura (Alicia Silverstone) at home with her two children. Her older son is Aidan (Jaeden Martell) and daughter Mia (Lia McHugh. She has a dollhouse which we learn is modeled after the cabin that they go during the winter. Laura calls her ex-husband, Richard (Richard Armitage) to bring the children over. She's making sure that his new girlfriend won't be there. She was told that Grace (Riley Keough) wouldn't be, but we see a glimpse of her in a window and then Laura sees her sneaking out the back gate. Through some subtle things, we know that Laura wants to get back together with Richard and is devastated to learn that he plays to ask Grace to marry him. This leads to a traumatic event that rocks this family to the core. Richard tries to get his children to come around to Grace, but they blame her for what happened. Through them snooping, we learn that Grace has a dark past as her father was the head of a cult and she is the only survivor. Richard tries to have her over for Thanksgiving, but the children lose their minds so he rethinks it. This all leads to his plan for them to go up to the cabin for Christmas. He still has to work so his plan is to take them up, get them acclimated and then go back, forcing the three to work it out in isolation. There's definitely some awkwardness as Laura decorated the place and there's still things that belonged to her there. They do seem to be making progress until one morning, they wake up to everything they brought is now missing. Now since this is still a film that hasn't been released just yet and still making the rounds, I wanted to give as much a recap without spoiling anything. I will say that this film definitely lived up to the hype for me. It is such a haunting tale that has a feel of something like Hereditary or Midsommar. There's an interesting family dynamics here. We have children who are living in broken homes after their parents divorced. They want them to get back together, which is exactly what Laura wants as well. Richard has moved on though. Grace is interesting as I feel like she's a little bit awkward due to her past. Being raised in a cult, she has lasting effects from it. That's what I really want to delve into next is the religious aspect here. The cult Grace was in was religious based. They took it to the extreme. When they get to the cabin, there's a creepy picture of a nun that looks stern as well as a giant cross. Grace is now at the least agnostic due to the trauma. As she descends into madness, her religious history flares up, which I find quite intriguing. This film also flirts with is what happening supernatural or is it really happening. I really dug this mystery if I'm going to be perfectly honest. The morning they wake up and everything was before they got there freaked me out. Then every time Grace looks at a certain clock that shows the date, it keeps going back to the same one. This is unnerving and makes her start to think they could have died and are in purgatory. Now this is I guess is a bit of spoiler, but there's a journey to figure out the truth. That takes me to the pacing of this one, which the runtime clocks in at 100 minutes. I heard the saying that 90 minutes and below are free, anything over that you really have to prove to me it needs to be there. I completely think this film needed that extra time. There was a couple times my jaw actually dropped in shock. I was sucked into this film and trying to figure out what happened. There were things I even missed that were shared with me later that made me like this one even more. With that said, I thought it was paced very well and I like how it ended as I'm down for bleak endings. Moving to the acting of the film, it is definitely on point. Keough was great as the lead here. I love how subdued she plays the character, but as things around her start to break down we see her descend into madness. She's mentally disturbed from her past and with the stress, we see her reverting. It had me hooked to see. Martell and McHugh did really well as the children also. Martell was made famous from the two It movies but I have to say I'm quite impressed with him for his age. Silverstone and Armitage are solid in support here as well. As for the effects of the film, we really don't need a lot of them as it isn't that type of film. To be honest though, the realism of them being stranded in this cabin felt real. We do get some practical things later on that looked good. If anything though, this film is shot very well and I was impressed by that for sure. Now with that aside, despite my high expectations, I felt that this one lived up to them. It is such a haunting film of loss and I really like how they incorporate that this could be supernatural or that it could not be. It is done in a way that doesn't feel like a cheat as well, as we see little hints along the way. The pacing works to build tension and I love how everything ended. The acting was great across the board, which can be tough sticking three characters alone for most of the film. There's not a lot in the way of effects, but it doesn't necessarily need them. It is shot well and the soundtrack fit for what was needed as well. Overall I'd say this is a really good movie and it stuck with me after checking out it. I would recommend this to horror and non-horror fans for sure.
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Lets hope its as scary as they make it out to be. SUNDANCE 2019 Midnight par 29/01/2019 - Après s'être propulsés sur le devant de la scène des festivals avec Goodnight Mommy, en 2014, Veronika Franz et Severin Fiala reviennent à Sundance avec leur premier film en anglais Les experts de l'horreur autrichiens Veronika Franz et Severin Fiala, propulsés sur le devant de la scène des festivals avec Goodnight Mommy [ + lire aussi: critique bande-annonce interview: Severin Fiala et Veronika … fiche?film], en 2014, viennent de présenter en avant-première mondiale leur premier film en anglais, The Lodge [ + lire aussi: bande-annonce fiche?film], dans la section Midnight de Sundance. Ce film de terreur psychologique reprend plusieurs des motifs dont le duo a acquis la maîtrise avec son premier film (les relations familiales compliquées, l'utilisation d'un point de vue subjectif auquel on ne peut se fier... ), hélas avec moins de succès. Le film, produit par la société britannique spécialisée dans le cinéma d'horreur Hammer Films, devrait attirer un vaste public grâce à sa troupe exceptionnelle ( Riley Keough et Jaeden Martell excellent dans le genre terrifiant, dernièrement) et au pédigré de ses co-réalisateurs. Cependant, la finesse psychologique et l'intrigue parfaitement nouée de leur premier long-métrage manque cruellement ici. The Lodge, co-scénarisé avec Sergio Casci (un scénariste d'Outre-Manche connu pour son travail à la BBC), ajoute à la méthode de travail austère de Franz et Fiala un intérêt pour les religions occultes et les leaders de sectes. Richard et Laura Marsh ( Richard Armitage et Alicia Silverstone) sont en train de divorcer, au grand désarroi de leurs deux jeunes enfants, Aidan et Mia (interprétés par deux jeunes comédiens, Jaeden Martell et Lia McHugh, qui font l'effet d'être les cousins inconnus des jumelles de Shining). Par une intrigante ironie du scénario, il se trouve que Richard est l'auteur respecté d'essais sur les sectes chrétiennes extrêmes et vient de se marier avec une jeune rescapée d'un de ces groupes, la belle Grace (Keough). Après une mort choquante dans la famille, Richard, les enfants et leur nouvelle belle-mère décampent dans leur résidence secondaire ? le chalet (ou "lodge") du titre, un logis pour le moins inquiétant ? pour leurs vacances de Noël traditionnelles. Comme Richard doit faire un court déplacement, la mystérieuse Grace se retrouve soudain avec toute la responsibilié de ses beaux-enfants. Pour eux, il n'en est pas question. Grace semble avoir été sous l'influence d'une secte apocalyptique de style davidien (des flash backs révèlent qu'elle est la seule survivante d'un suicide de masse encouragé par le leader, interprété, notons-le, par le propre père de l'actrice dans la vie, Daniel Keough). Dans l'atmosphère de paranoïa du chalet isolé, la défiance de ses beaux-enfants aidant, son fanatisme et son instabilité commencent vite à refaire surface. L'horreur de qualité connaît en ce moment une mini-renaissance, dans différentes niches du cinéma mondial et du cinéma d'art. Dans le genre, le potentiel de The Lodge sur le papier est indéniable, d'autant que son directeur de la photographie est le collaborateur régulier de Yorgos Lanthimos, Thimios Bakatakis, qui propose ici des jeux de lumière qui laissent bouche-bée et des perspectives en grand angle assez irréelle. Hélas, l'effet que produit l'ensemble est celui d'une petite production parallèle par A24 (les producteurs américains de titres comme Hérédité et It Comes at Night) regorgeant de poursuites rectilignes de facture impeccable et de coupes ellitiques un peu gratuites. Les brillants Franz et Fiala (n'oublions pas qu'ils se sont développés dans la lignée du style influencé par le documentaire d'Ulrich Seidl) ont peut-être été débordés par ce projet mieux financé. La plongée dans la terreur et la démence que va immanquablement opérer le film est forcée et peu naturelle. On ne retrouve pas dans le film les éclairs de génie qui faisaient de Goodnight Mommy un film dont l'impression restait presque physiquement chevillée à votre corps, et qui faisaient des co-réalisateurs les héritiers tendance cinéma de genre de Haneke et Lanthimos. Les dieux séculiers de l'horreur au cinéma (Carpenter, Cronenberg) sont invoqués ici avec trop de zèle, en particulier dans la scène où littéralement, Aidan, Mia et Grace regardent The Thing (puis le moins terrifiant Jack Frost, avec Michael Keaton) pour une soirée de Noël en famille. Espérons que les sommets de débauche d'horreur atteints dans ces films restent inscrits dans l'avenir du duo autrichien. The Lodge est une coproduction entre le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis qui a réuni les efforts de Simon Oakes et Aliza James pour Hammer Films, ainsi que d' Aaron Ryder pour FilmNation Entertainment. Les ventes internationales du film sont gérées par GEM Entertainment. (Traduit de l'anglais) Vous avez aimé cet article? Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez plus d'articles comme celui-ci, directement dans votre boîte mail.
The lodge maribaya. The lodge at pebble beach. The lodge 2019 online. The lodge guys instagram. The lodge at hidden river. The lodge review. The lodge southbury ct. Movies | ‘The Lodge’ Review: Mommy Not-So-Dearest In a remote vacation home, two traumatized children and their soon-to-be stepmother are trapped in an unnerving meet-and-greet. Credit... Neon Published Feb. 6, 2020 Updated Feb. 7, 2020 The Lodge Directed by Severin Fiala, Veronika Franz Drama, Horror, Thriller R 1h 48m You’ll want nothing so much as a woolly sweater when you see “The Lodge, ” a film so wintry in tone and setting that no movie-theater thermostat will banish its chill. Even so, the directors, Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala ( the Austrian pair who made “Goodnight Mommy” in 2015), have coaxed only a disappointingly timorous horrorscape from that marvelously glacial mood. There’s no denying their competence ? they have style to burn ? and their cinematographer, Thimios Bakatakis, is a wonder at painting dark and dread-filled interiors and ominously snow-blanketed surroundings. Both distinguish the titular remote lodge where Richard (Richard Armitage) has dumped his two children, Aiden (Jaeden Martell) and Mia (Lia McHugh), a few days before Christmas. While Richard, a successful nonfiction author, works in town, his recently traumatized kids must get to know their soon-to-be stepmother, Grace (Riley Keough) ? who just happens to be the sole, pill-popping survivor of a religious cult that committed mass suicide. More unsettling than terrifying, the story (by the directors and Sergio Casci) builds to a leisurely, irresolute and unsatisfying climax. As a snowstorm hems them in, the children watch Grace with unconcealed suspicion. Aiden, the older of the two, knows her history from reading one of his father’s books; but though Grace may be fraying from gruesome flashbacks and hideous dreams, it’s Aiden who’s by far the creepier. Despite its visual flair and unrelentingly taut atmosphere, “The Lodge” is more successful in sustaining unease ? like the eerie, unexplained shots of a spooky dollhouse ? than in building a convincing narrative. Ultimately, its message seems to be: Just because you’re bonkers doesn’t mean the specters of your past aren’t out to get you. The Lodge Rated R for guns, ghosts and a little nudity. Running time: 1 hour 48 minutes.
The lodge thomas doherty.

The Lodge
7.9 stars - bakanoma









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