The %destructor directive

The %destructor directive is used to specify a destructor for a non-terminal symbol. (See also the %token_destructor directive which is used to specify a destructor for terminal symbols.)

A non-terminal's destructor is called to dispose of the non-terminal's value whenever the non-terminal is popped from the stack. This includes all of the following circumstances:

When a rule reduces and the value of a non-terminal on the right-hand side is not linked to C code.
  • 規則が還元され、右辺の非終端の値がCコードに結びつけられていない場合
When the stack is popped during error processing.
  • エラー処理中にスタックがポップされた場合
When the ParseFree() function runs.
  • ParseFree()関数が実行された場合
The destructor can do whatever it wants with the value of the non-terminal, but its design is to deallocate memory or other resources held by that non-terminal.

Consider an example:


%type nt {void*}
%destructor nt { free($$); }
nt(A) ::= ID NUM.   { A = malloc( 100 ); }
This example is a bit contrived but it serves to illustrate how destructors work. The example shows a non-terminal named “nt” that holds values of type “void*”. When the rule for an “nt” reduces, it sets the value of the non-terminal to space obtained from malloc(). Later, when the nt non-terminal is popped from the stack, the destructor will fire and call free() on this malloced space, thus avoiding a memory leak. (Note that the symbol “$$” in the destructor code is replaced by the value of the non-terminal.)

It is important to note that the value of a non-terminal is passed to the destructor whenever the non-terminal is removed from the stack, unless the non-terminal is used in a C-code action. If the non-terminal is used by C-code, then it is assumed that the C-code will take care of destroying it if it should really be destroyed. More commonly, the value is used to build some larger structure and we don't want to destroy it, which is why the destructor is not called in this circumstance.

By appropriate use of destructors, it is possible to build a parser using Lemon that can be used within a long-running program, such as a GUI, that will not leak memory or other resources. To do the same using yacc or bison is much more difficult.

The %token_destructor directive
The %destructor directive assigns a destructor to a non-terminal symbol. (See the description of the %destructor directive above.) This directive does the same thing for all terminal symbols.
Unlike non-terminal symbols which may each have a different data type for their values, terminals all use the same data type (defined by the %token_type directive) and so they use a common destructor. Other than that, the token destructor works just like the non-terminal destructors.


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Posted by stunning seo guys 2014年01月22日(水) 17:10:31 返信

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Posted by otxpkoj 2013年11月14日(木) 16:32:17 返信



