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  1. Published by: Warner Theatre
  2. Info: Historic art deco Warner Theatre is located at the foot of the Berkshires in Litchfield County CT!

Directed by: Faleena Hopkins / Rating: 97 Vote / runtime: 1hours, 40 M / Countries: USA / Creators: Faleena Hopkins / actor: Erik Parillo. 2 wins & 2 nominations. See more awards ? Learn more More Like This Action | Comedy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 / 10 X A reformed young man with a steady job, Benny, returns to the city of his youth to find the girl he's been in love with since childhood and that's home to his four petty criminal friends, Jacko, Zac, Bisto and Flea. Director: Stewart Sugg Stars: Douglas Henshall, Emily Woof, Miles Anderson Thriller 6. 8 / 10 The tragic, unexpected death of David in a car-crash causes the cozy, safe life of gardener Beth to be thrown into complete chaos. In the aftermath, as Beth begins to pick up the pieces,... See full summary ? Philip Saville Tara Fitzgerald, Cherie Lunghi, Peter Bowles Drama Romance 7. 7 / 10 After having responded to her son's numerous letters in the guise of his father, a woman hires a stranger to pose as his dad when meeting him. Shona Auerbach Emily Mortimer, Jack McElhone, Gerard Butler Crime 5. 6 / 10 Gilly, fresh out of prison, and J, a hustler with a major drug problem, just can't shake their criminal ways. Directors: Glenn Durfort, Colin Teague Adrian Dunbar, Andrew Howard, Louis Dempsey Adventure Fantasy Horror 3. 9 / 10 Centuries ago, under the sands of ancient Egypt, a Prince was buried and his tomb eternally cursed so that no man would ever again suffer from his evil ways. But hundreds of years later on... See full summary ? Russell Mulcahy Jason Scott Lee, Louise Lombard, Sean Pertwee 6. 3 / 10 Madame Ranevskaya (Charlotte Rampling) is a spoiled aging aristocratic lady, who returns from a trip to Paris to face the loss of her magnificent Cherry Orchard estate after a default on... See full summary ? Michael Cacoyannis Charlotte Rampling, Alan Bates, Tushka Bergen War 7. 1 / 10 When a Newsweek photojournalist disappears in war-torn Yugoslavia, his wife travels to Europe to find him. Élie Chouraqui Andie MacDowell, Scott Anton, Elias Koteas Sport 5. 7 / 10 A former sports star who's fallen on hard times starts coaching his son's football team as a way to get his life together. His attempts to become an adult are met with challenges from the attractive football moms who pursue him at every turn. Gabriele Muccino Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Dennis Quaid History 6. 1 / 10 Based on a true story, this film tells the tale of the 1950 U. S. soccer team, who, against all odds, beat England 1 - 0 in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Although no U. team has ever won a World Cup title, this story is about the family traditions and passions which shaped the lives of the players who made up this team of underdogs. David Anspaugh Wes Bentley, Gavin Rossdale 4. 8 / 10 A group of thieves breaks into a chamber expecting to find paintings, but instead they release the count himself, who travels to New Orleans to find his nemesis' daughter, Mary Van Helsing. Patrick Lussier Justine Waddell, Jonny Lee Miller Biography 7. 2 / 10 When Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert dies, she finds solace in her trusted servant, Mr. John Brown, but their relationship also brings scandal and turmoil. John Madden Judi Dench, Billy Connolly, Geoffrey Palmer Sci-Fi A group of archaeologists become trapped in the past when they go there to retrieve a friend. The group must survive in fourteenth century France before they can escape back to the twenty-first century. Richard Donner Paul Walker, Billy Connolly Edit Storyline When Sarah Hopson realizes her successful high-rise New York lifestyle is devoid of meaning, she packs her bags and heads for her home town in the Scottish Borders to look for Sam, her childhood sweetheart and the only man she ever loved. Sam Murray runs a restaurant. He and Sarah grew up together and Sam hoped they'd grow old together. His world fell apart the day Sarah left and now she's back, standing on his doorstep and telling his wife she'd like to spend some time with him. Written by NybergerMeister Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: An ambitious, strikingly shot love story. An ode to life. (Variety) See more ? Details Release Date: 18 February 2000 (UK) Also Known As: One More Kiss Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Connections References King Kong (1933) Soundtracks Swimmers Written by Matthew Nelson & Simon Nelson Performed by Milo Courtesy of Pumpkin Music Ltd. See more ?.
Horribly pretentious dialogue that doesn't sound like anything anyone said, ever. Will probably get an Oscar nom for best screenplay. 18歳の時 このMVを観て ボーカリストの美貌に 絶句し固まった記憶は 未だ忘れていない. 敦司魔界の王子のよーだ... w  今井商店サイコー!. 顔の整い方が同じ人間とは思えない. Just one more kiss before i go. Just One More kisses. Just one more kiss. I had to see the original ?. JUST ONE MORE KISS. Just One More kiss my face.
Just think if Baby face are Johnny Gill was to do this now.
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When Juliet kissed Dan and Nate, they didn't recognize that it wasn't Serena's lips. Especially Nate, he should know how Juliet kisses. Girls going and drinking in clubs at the age of like 15. Dan being GG. When Bart faked his death. None of the van der Woodsens notice that Charlie's face completely changed. Serena meeting accidentally Ivy in LA, and then her boyfriend in NY, especially when those cities has a millions of people. by other users (edited): 7. Nate getting into Columbia on his own merits. He was an average student with average extracurriculars. He did well on the SATs but that's about it. 8. Serena thinking that Colin didn't care about her because he wouldn't quit his guest professorship. Not that I think she should've dropped the class, but waiting for each other is a reasonable alternative. 9. Ben interacting with the Van Der Woodsens after he was free. 10. Dan not knowing what Olivia Burke looked like. For example, I don't watch the Marvel movies nor do I know most of their names but I could easily recognize them from seeing their faces all over the internet. Dan could be such a Brooklyn hipster. 11. Not one of the characters graduating college. 12. Nate becoming editor on his own merit. 13. Jenny knowing the identity of GG and managing to keep it a secret for 6 whole seasons. 14. Blair becoming CEO of Waldorf Designs without a degree or any real experience. 15. Waldorf Designs still being in business in the flash-forward with Blairs god-awful designs 16. Ivy and Rufus and Ivy and William. 17. Cece leaving all her money to Ivy. 18. Chuck owning a burlesque club when he was a child 19. Season 6 as a whole. 20. Dan's threesome with Olivia and Vanessa. 21. Chuck sleeping with Jenny. 22. Dan and Blair's sex issues. 23. The prince suddenly becoming a psychopath 24. Everyone loving Serena so much, she was annoying as fuck. 25. Georgina finding Jesus, changing her ways entirely, only to do a full 360 and turn back into her old self after 1 scheme. 26: Chuck's mum being dead. Then alive. Then dead again. And then alive? 27: William giving Lily fake cancer. 28. Nate finding out Sage was 17 and continuing to sleep with her. 29. All of the adults on the show having no problem sleeping with minors. 30. Rufus and Lily not being an endgame couple. 31. Serena bringing Juliet back with her from Connecticut only to tell her she can leave now 32. Blair having a miscarriage the moment she realizes she doesn't love the father anymore. 33. Blair not being with chuck because she made a pact with God. 34. Lily and Rufus's secret son is gone after they found out. 35. Nate’s crooked lip and no one asked what happened. 36. Blair’s quote to Chuck: “And I love you. I always will. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with you. ” 37. Dan and Nate falling in love with Vanessa, especially when they dated Serena before. 38. Dan saying to Serena that she’s always have been “the one” while he loved Blair way more. 39. NYC natives Dan and Blair not having sex because of outside noise. 40. Ben and Serena, period. 41. Ivy’s boyfriend Max jumping straight into blackmailing her. 42. Valley Girls episode: who tf is Keith Van der Woodsen? 43. Lily getting back with Bart. 44. Blair not having a prenup with Louis. 45. When they had that large secret brothel and the “gang” infiltrated it. They saw Chuck there, shut the party down but didn’t bother to relocate or guard Bart so Chuck could just walk back in and find him. 46. When Lilly wasn’t aware a huge wake was going on in her own home. 47. Sage and Steven as characters at all. Like, what did they even add to the show? 48. Diana Payne and her weird, creepy yet constantly smug attitude? 49. Allison Humphrey - saw her for 2, 3 episodes then she completely peaced out of the show. 50. Aaron Rose as the poster child for most obvious hipster ever. 51. Eric not getting the screen time that he truly deserved. 52. Vanessa inconsistently popping in and out of the show from seasons 3-6. 53. The Waldorfs not being able to pay off Blair’s dowry, even though almost everyone is ridiculously rich but suddenly and somehow they’re not? Especially compared to modern monarchies, there are many “commoners” now that have much more wealth than most royalty. 54. When Bree Buckley and Nate Archibald didn’t recognise each other despite knowing each other from childhood and their families being mortal enemies. 55 The fact that Eric and Jonathan dated for like two seasons and never kissed or did anything on this sexual ass show. 56. When Blair and Chuck were secretly hooking up and Serena walks into Blair’s room and completely misses a human shaped lump by Blair’s legs? 57. Serena not really killing Pete Fairman but Georgina making her believe that she did and then blackmailing her for the sextape. 58. Chuck Bass, a young adult with only a high school diploma, and no prior experience running a corporation (not even an internship) being let anywhere near the management of multi billion dollar company like Bass Industries by the Board of Directors. Tbf, they did have Chuck be incompetent seeing as he kept losing his father's company again and again throughout. 59. Serena suddenly being offered a full time job on a hollywood movie set, with no experience, because she'd read the book 60. Jenny Humphrey helping Eleanor to manage an atelier and design an entire legitimate fashion line when she was only 15. 61. That anyone saw Jenny's Hot Topic/Forever 21 dresses and thought she was some haute couture genius who needs their own fashion line. 62. Billionaires like Bart Bass and William Vanderbilt, as well as other professional adults like Deans, Professors, Agents, etc., following Gossip Girl, a stupid website about high schoolers. 63. Dan Humphrey's silly book becoming a Bestseller and critical success; in real life it'd still be in a slush pile, and he'd just do indie publishing on Amazon, where 5 people would buy it at $1. 99. 64. Nate getting into an Ivy League was one of the most believable things this show has ever done. Look at what's happening right now with all the parents under investigation for bribery. Nate's father may have fallen on hard times but his mothers name and the money that comes associated with the Vanderbuilt name was enough to get get a below average student like Nate into an Ivy. That was incredibly realistic to me, as was Serena getting accepted to Columbia for the same reason, the Rhodes name. 65. Dan just completely believing that he was the father of Georgina’s baby after she had been MIA for months and randomly showed up at his house. 66. Rachel Zoe getting an entire chocolate fountain dumped on her head. 67. Serena stealing a horse from the Polo match and riding away. And then Carter Bazen also stealing a horse and riding after her. 68. The entire story line about Chuck getting stabbed in Amsterdam and then changing his identity and moving to to have Blair lock eyes with him while she is in a car at a stoplight and he is limping along the sidewalk. WHAT. 69. Every time Ivanka Trump was mentioned or showed up. 70. Lisa Loeb and Jack Bass in attendance at Dan’s wedding... but not his mother. 71. Blair literally only applying to one college. 72. Chuck saying to Blair “I love you” took entire season. 73. Georgina can be allowed being at Lily’s house, even on funeral. 74. -Dan couldn’t afford to go to Yale even tho he could’ve just taken out student loans. 75. Blair being “stuck” at NYU and not applying to literally any other Ivy League school besides Yale 76. actually, Blair even going to NYU and not taking the year off to intern/travel/whatever and then going to an Ivy of her choice 77. Chuck putting Blair’s application in for Columbia, why didn’t she just do that since she loathed NYU so much? 78. Nate randomly caring about the Spectator (he apparently built it?? ) when showing absolutely zero interest in journalism (or anything, for that matter) 79. That William VDW was even allowed inside their home after the stunt he pulled with Lily and the kids just a year before 80. Jenny running Eleanor’s fashion shows as an intern. This international luxury brand relied on her? 81. Blair not knowing Chuck went home during the polo match because she didn’t check her phone 82. Chucks ring for Blair. He gets mugged, he gives it away to a psychologist, leaves it outside a shop etc but somehow it always reappears?!? 83. If Rufus was so against the elite, why did he send kids to private school on the Upper East Side? 84. How did Nate remain such a central character throughout the entire series? 85. Chuck drinking whiskey like everyday at home, even under 18. 86. The way Serena will drop everything and completely change for a guy at any given second and jump into thinking he’s the one without even knowing him. She falls so quickly for SO many people and doesn’t think twice about it. 87. Damien accidentally kissing Jenny’s nose (their first kiss, I believe). 88. Dorotha’s baby bump are growing so fast twice. 89. Diana admitted to Chuck that it’s his mother. 90. The fact that in season 2 when they see Georgina at the religious camp, she wants to be forgiven by Blair... but she did SERENA dirty, not Blair 91. Serena accepting Dan after his last chapter where he explains everything, the fact that he wanted to be a part of their world doesn’t explain why he created Gossip Girl 92. Saying that Juliet was blond, she was not (in my opinion) 93. Everyone saying that Charlie and Ivy look alike, they really don’t. Let's a play game and drop a comments below. You’re at number 94.
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