Rabid Without Membership

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Author: Hani Tariq
Biography: Medicine //SMC'20; Vice President @phhwelfare; An aspiring surgeon who loves to write & watch @rogerfederer create magic. I endorse the Oxford comma. #MedEd

Duration 1hour 47 Minutes / Genre Sci-Fi / Canada / Info What happens when you realize that to achieve your dreams you have to live a nightmare? Rose is a quiet, demure, unassuming woman in her looks and actions. Her dream is to become a famous designer in the fashion world, but a terrible accident leaves Rose scarred beyond recognition. She seeks out a radical untested stem cell treatment. The treatment is nothing short of a miracle and wallflower Rose turns into the belle of the ball. It all seems to good to be true. She is now everything she wanted to be. But everything in life comes at a price and this new found perfect life is no exception / directed by Jen Soska / liked It 1570 vote.
You're going to make me wear pants from now on, aren't you. IIIIIIIIs BORIS. I hate trailers that show the whole friggin movie... Yeah, what happened to the worked? If treatment starts before it sets in, there is a little hope. If not. they are as good as dead. Horribly so. First let me say I have never seen the original version (but I may try and watch it now) so I have nothing to compare this to. That said, I really liked the first about 70-75 minutes or so and was thinking OK this might end up being an 8. Then suddenly it was like the movie was being directed by a completely different person for the last 30 min or so. There was this whole scene that looked more like it belonged as the intro to a season of AHS than it did a scene in a movie. Twice they used some red filter on short cuts focused on characters played by the Soska sisters themselves but there was no reason for it. Scenes that the red filter might have made sense were shot normally. As far as the "vampires" go they couldn't even decide on which kind to be so do them right? Why not. They had the "classic" neck bitting kind, the Strain (snake appendage) kind, the mutated Resident Evil kind, and maybe something else I am forgetting. The stark contrast between the beginning and end of this movie leads me to believe that one sister directed the first half and the other sister the second half. If that is true only the one that directed the first half should be allowed to direct anymore.
All that said, at least I was entertained for the 100ish minutes of run time and trust me when I say there are many far worse movies you could watch. So watch it if you wish, but don't make it your first pick, and don't feel like you missed out if you don't.
Movie online besnilog. Previously on The Walking Dead. I've had my DVM for 21 years and sititi virus is a growing concern for Midwestern and southern carnivorous pecially animals that scavenge and devour carrion. Within 8-12 hours of ingestion of infected flesh, it's possible to show metastatic symptoms manifested via the central nervous system. Animals suffer a severe cranial you their central nervous system and endodermous glands are ravaged by this deadly disease. I did an interview with Fox5 Atlanta approximately 3 months ago if you're interested in learning more. PLEASE INNOCULATE ALL PETS as this is a growing concern that as of yet our researchers haven't quite corralled. I love romantic music with horror movie trailers.
I would have left him attached as a fashion accessory. ?. I just watched ittt i want a second part ???. I know the comic from this movie :v dead day from webtoon. Title ” A clean girl”. JAHSJQJDJSHD. Part 2 is at. Movie online besniloy. Poor kitty. &ref(https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1484807352052-23338990c6c6?ixlib=rb-1.2.1)
Why does she looks like a trans. @necrofagg0t haha yep man. Good thing it was shot for 2 reasons 1) so it didnt infect other animals 2) end its suffering from a horrible disease.
December 13, 2019 12:36PM PT The Soska Sisters' remake of the 1977 David Cronenberg film is a muddled mix of satire and gore-horror. The most uneven of David Cronenberg ’s early commercial horror features, the 1977 “ Rabid, ” was nonetheless probably the biggest success among them, in large part due to the novelty value of seeing “Behind the Green Door” porn superstar and erstwhile Ivory Snow detergent-box model Marilyn Chambers in a lurid mainstream vehicle. It’s also the one ripest for remake, if only because his just-prior “Shivers” aka “They Came from Within” and ensuing “The Brood” should be left alone ? largely reviled upon release, they’re now rightly considered genre classics. Lacking their outrageous ideas and cumulative narrative momentum despite some striking elements, “ Rabid ” nonetheless has a strong-enough basic concept to warrant revisiting. In theory, “twisted twins” Jen and Sylvia Soska are fair candidates for that job: Like Cronenberg, they’re Canadian, attracted to body-horror, and have cut their own path from micro-budget projects toward the mainstream. They also claim they dislike remakes as a rule, but “couldn’t bear the thought of Cronenberg’s work being re-imagined by someone who doesn’t both love and understand the original material. ” Those sentiments are more than a little belied by their “Rabid, ” however, which not only has little to do with its predecessor, but doesn’t feel satisfying or fully realized on its own terms. It opens Dec. 13 on 10 U. S. screens, simultaneous with on-demand release. The Canadian siblings stirred interest among horror fans with 2012’s “American Mary. ” That surgical-horror tale was a mixed bag, but interesting?certainly more so than their uninspired WWE-produced features since, rote sequel “See No Evil 2” and Dean Cain actioner “Vendetta, ” neither of which they wrote. “Rabid” is a return to more personal terrain, yet often it seems not so much a revamp of the designated title as a rehash of “Mary’s” themes and aesthetic. Paying lip service to the Cronenberg film while mostly going their own way, albeit less successfully than before, this film by the Soska Sisters (as they prefer to be billed) never gels into a cohesive whole. The classic bespectacled screen wallflower bullied by less-pretty mean girls, Rose (Laura Vandervoort from werewolf series “Bitten”) aspires to be a fashion designer. Still, she’s little more than a glorified seamstress at House of Gunter, a backstabbing couturier whose eponymous chief (Mackenzie Gray) is a caricature of Eurotrash bitchy-queendom. When Rose is asked to a party by in-house photographer Brad (Benjamin Hollingsworth), she’s flattered ? then humiliated, upon discovering it was a “charity” date orchestrated by her adoptive sister and only friend, Chelsea (Hanneke Talbot). Our heroine rushes distraught into the street, where she and her scooter are promptly creamed by a passing van. As if her self-esteem weren’t already low enough, Rose is now grotesquely damaged in face and body. Thus she’s willing to offer herself up as a guinea pig for the “experimental research” of the Burroughs Institute, whose presiding scientist (Ted Atherton) promises miraculous results through “stem cell manipulation. ” Indeed, overnight Rose is not just healed, but radiant, with no further need for glasses, and seemingly organic improvements in makeup and hair styling. There are, however, ominous stomach rumblings portending of side-effects Dr. Burroughs very much undersells. They soon drive the now-stunning former vegetarian towards murderous “meat craving” fits he convinces her were just nightmares in the fuzzy morning-after. Some of her hunky victims survive and run carnivorously amok themselves, leading to citywide panic over this mysterious “epidemic. ” The 1977 film gradually drifted away from Chambers’ heroine toward depicting mass hysteria, a narrative shift that wasn’t entirely successful. But it still worked considerably better than the Soskas’ version, which reinforces that they have little feel for building suspense, and none at all for staging action. Starting with Rose’s accident, several key pieces of physical business inexplicably take place offscreen, and the original’s most memorable set piece (an attack on a subway train) is just mentioned as something that happens to Chelsea. Other bits that offer vivid potential, like an afflicted man’s invasion of a busy cafe, or another in a Santa suit raging into a hospital corridor, are thrown away via inert camerawork and editing. What the Soskas do favor is gore, as well as a semi-camp, semi-satirical sensibility that manifests itself primarily in cartoonish subsidiary characters and garishly colorful visual elements. That tenor worked well for the surgical-body-modification theme of “American Mary, ” but it feels trite when aimed at a target as obvious as the fashion world. Written with John Serge, the co-directors’ screenplay is more broad than witty, with Gunter’s new collection called “Schadenfreude” ? as if we didn’t already get that he’s a vindictive creep ? and other half-baked ideas. For a while the movie seems to be turning into “Ms. 45, ” with ravenous Rose targeting sexist louts. Then it strays into zombie territory, before finally turning into a muddled, over-the-top mutant creature feature. Add in a surreal dream sequence that’s like a music video, plus pretentious dialogue with a pro-vegan tilt, and “Rabid” begins to feel like a movie from which no stray concept was discarded, but the connective tissue got left out. The result is superficially slick and diverting, not to mention icky in a way that will appeal to some horror aficionados. Yet the critique of female objectification and conformity the Soskas gesture toward is undermined by their own penchant for vaguely Goth, glam dress-up. The film feels more like a horror costume party than a commentary, while lacking the basic tension, excitement, and narrative drive to function as a thriller. The performers do their best coping with the varying demands for naturalism here. Vandervoort at times comes close to making Rose a three-dimensional person, while at the opposite end of the scale, Phil Brooks aka CM Punk fares best among the more caricatured roles with a funny one-scene turn. But overlong, undercooked “Rabid” can’t settle on a unified tone for its actors, let alone its narrative. Even its misanthropy ultimately feels indecisive and trifling. Humans gone feral should terrify us, but this movie’s snide attitude ultimately places its threats more in the realm of cartoonist Lynda Barry’s famous “Poodle With a Mohawk. ” “No Time to Die, ” Daniel Craig’s final film as James Bond, has been delayed until November due to concerns over COVID-19, but the actor still took the stage at Studio 8H in New York Saturday to host “Saturday Night Live. ” And in doing so, he brought with him one of his favorite scenes from the [... ] After South by Southwest was cancelled on Friday over concerns about the coronavirus, two of its founders told the Austin Chronicle that the film festival doesn’t have insurance to cover the cancellation. Nick Barbaro, a co-founder of SXSW who is also the publisher of the Chronicle, told the paper that the festival does not have [... ] Leaders of the Directors Guild of America have approved a three-year?successor deal to the DGA master contract, triggering a ratification vote by the 18, 000 members. The DGA national board announced Saturday that it had approved the deal unanimously. The guild revealed that the agreement includes a significant increase in residuals for high-budget streaming content, pension, [... ] In “Last and First Men, ” Tilda Swinton is the literal voice of the future: a disembodied narrator from the hyper-evolved “eighteenth species” of humanity, calmly but desolately reaching out to us from a world some way past 2, 000, 000, 000 A. D. Given that we always suspected as much about Tilda Swinton, it’s a comforting choice: the one [... ] The Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival will push back its second week of programming to August due to concerns over the coronavirus. Co-founders Halfdan Hussey and Kathleen J. Powell made the announcement in a statement released on Saturday. “We want to make clear that our very first concern is for the health and well-being of [... ] Disney-Pixar’s fantasy film “Onward” is dominating North American moviegoing this weekend, opening with $40 million at 4, 310 locations, estimates showed on Saturday. The figure is at the low end of pre-release forecasts, which had pegged “Onward” for a launch in the $40-45 million range. The movie centers on a pair of teenage elf brothers ? [... ] The American Film Institute has postponed its Life Achievement Award gala due to concerns over the spread of coronavirus. The annual ceremony, set this year to honor Julie Andrews, was scheduled to take place April 25 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. The event will be rescheduled for a date in early summer. “AFI’s [... ].
Trailer Besetzung & Stab User-Kritiken Pressekritiken FILMSTARTS-Kritik Bilder VoD Blu-ray, DVD Zum Trailer Bewerte: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Möchte ich sehen Kritik schreiben Inhaltsangabe & Details FSK ab 16 freigegeben Das Remake von ?Rabid“ wird sich in Sachen Handlung eng an das Original anlehnen, wenn auch in modernerer Inszenierung und in anderem Setting. Die junge Rose (Laura Vandervoort)?ist eine unscheinbare, zurückhaltende und gemobbte Schneiderin in der Modebranche, die nach einem Unfall entstellt ist und daher einer radikalen, experimentellen Gesichtstransplantation mit unbekannten Nachwirkungen zustimmt.?Nach dem anfänglichen Erfolg entwickelt sie jedoch daraufhin einen unnatürlichen Blutdurst sowie eine verführerische Persönlichkeit und wird so zur vampirähnlichen Verursacherin einer Tollwut-Seuche, die Menschen wie auch Tiere gleichermaßen erfasst. Remake des Films "Rabid" von David Cronenberg. Verleiher Splendid Film GmbH Weitere Details Wo kann man diesen Film schauen? Rabid (DVD) Rabid (Blu-ray) Alle Angebote auf DVD/Blu-ray Kritik der FILMSTARTS-Redaktion Der kanadische Regisseur?David Cronenberg (?Crash“, ?Die Fliege“), der sich in seinen Filmen immer wieder mit obskuren Deformationen und verstörenden Mutationen des menschlichen Körpers beschäftigt, hat gleich mit seinen ersten Filmen von ?Parasiten-Mörder“ über ?Die Brut“ bis hin zu ?Scanners“ und ?Videodrome“ eine neue Stilrichtung des Horrorkinos popularisiert: den sogenannten body horror. ?Rabid“ avancierte 1977 über seine derben Make-Up- und Gore-Effekte hinaus aber gerade auch wegen seiner harschen Kritik am Zeitgeist zum Kultfilm. Der Horror-Thriller über die unerwarteten Folgen einer experimentellen Form der Hauttransplantation in einer Klinik für plastische Chirurgie ist nicht nur eine ätzende Satire auf den durch die Medien weiter befeuerten Schönheitswahn. Zugleich funktioniert er auch als bitterböse Abrechnung mit der sexuellen Revolution, wenn einer blutdürstigen Frau ein ph... Die ganze Kritik lesen 2:31 2:36 Das könnte dich auch interessieren Schauspielerinnen und Schauspieler Komplette Besetzung und vollständiger Stab 12 Bilder Aktuelles Ähnliche Filme Weitere ähnliche Filme Kommentare.
Movie online besnilogia. Torrents Rabid Rabid Read more here Torrent What's. Watch Rabid Online Bravo. Critics Consensus No consensus yet. 52% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 29 33% Audience Score User Ratings: 33 Rabid Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Rabid Videos Movie Info A "Plain-Jane" designer is having difficultly standing out in the world of high fashion among flawlessly beautiful models including her own roommate. Relegated to the role of seamstress for a world-renowned designer, Sarah wants nothing more than to be noticed for her own designs. When she witnesses the closeness of her model roommate with Brad, the photographer she has grown close to, Sarah rushes from a party feeling angry and hurt. A resulting traffic accident leaves her with significant scars on her face and body. Based on the referral from her apologetic roommate, Sarah meets with a renowned plastic surgeon that convinces her to undergo a highly experimental healing procedure that uses stems cells to speed up and improve healing. She recovers to find herself looking as beautiful as the models she works with. Sarah finds her confidence and sexual appetite is also increased leading to several torrid sexual encounters. Unbeknownst to her, Sarah sets off a spiraling contagion, as within 24 hours her lovers become rabid, violent spreaders of death and disease. As the disease mutates, it spreads through society at an accelerated rate causing an ever-increasing number of people to rampage through the streets in a violent and bloody killing spree. The now out of control disease draws the attention of the CDC and the nefarious plastic surgeon out to find the cure. The spreading violence around them impedes them from discovering the truth. Sarah is both the source of the disease and its time is running out. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Dec 13, 2019 limited On Disc/Streaming: Runtime: 108 minutes Studio: SHOUT! STUDIOS Cast News & Interviews for Rabid Critic Reviews for Rabid Audience Reviews for Rabid Rabid Quotes Movie & TV guides.

Guys, understand that the guy with the dog probably didn't comprehend what was actually happening. Movie online besnilord.

So basically, “The girl with all the gifts” meets “The last of us”

That's rabies, man. Scary stuff. Poor bugger- I hope it didn't have to suffer too long. This movie is amazing a zombie comedy nice change of pace. I understand he thought he was being compassionate directing the raccoon out of a busy street, but you're VERY lucky you weren't bitten. Rabid megavideo Solar&Movies&… Free Online Watch" Online"Couchsurfing." Here's a look Rabid. 2018) English Film. 21:43 “Who is this Chris Hemsworth look-a-like?” “LIAM HEMSWORTH” “Well this explains a lot... ”. How to have a great watch experience in three easy steps! Step 1: Watch the original Cronenberg film Step 2: Ignore this remake like the pest. Step 3: Rewatch Cronenberg's film You're welcome.
THANK YOU FOR THIS. For those that want to repeat that Jewels of Thought is a Hobby Channel, please ask yourself how many times you hear her refer to her being a Dr. of Psychology. And did she not just a few videos ago, mention her Academic talk? Jewels says she wants to be seen as just a person & not as her profession, then why doesn't she keep her profession quiet? Instead she continuously reminds her audience that she has a PhD in psychology. So, which is it.
Insert. | Simon Abrams December 13, 2019 “Rabid” definitely feels like a remake of a 1977 horror cheapy directed by a young David Cronenberg. Co-writer/director team Jen and Sylvia Soska, with the help of co-writer John Serge, have only superficially updated Cronenberg’s “Rabid, ” a B-movie about the dehumanizing effects of a vampire-like epidemic. The Soskas’ revamped “Rabid” is still worth seeing because they have a wickedly funny sense of humor, and a few winningly nasty ideas about how their obsessive characters would only grow more selfish during a crisis. But: the best parts of “Rabid” are often overshadowed by tired jokes about the cut-throat fashion industry (the movie’s heroine is a wannabe clothing designer), and the predatory nature of self-styled artists. There are a lot of promising ideas here, but none are developed so much that this remake feels essential. Advertisement “Rabid” begins with the first of a few endearing, but forgettable tributes to Cronenberg’s movies: a motorcycle almost spins out of control, like it does at the beginning of the original 1977 “Rabid. ” The motorcycle is driven by Rose ( Laura Vandervoort), a scarred fashion designer who’s initially defined by how defensive she feels at work (ex: she’s a vegetarian, eek! ). Rose feels singled out by her blowhard boss Gunter ( Mackenzie Gray), a stereotypically oily Euro-trash aesthete who would fit right into “ Zoolander. ” Rose is also mocked by her peers, like Bev and Ellie (the Soskas), who pick on the blemish covering Rose’s forehead (“ Scarface ”) whenever they’re not snorting cocaine or physically bumping Rose out of the way in their haste to enter a popular Canadian night club. “Rabid” isn’t a period piece, though it sometimes feels like one. Soon enough, Rose inadvertently succeeds at getting into a motorcycle accident, leaving her horribly maimed; her jaw is wired shut, and some of her intestines have been ripped out. Rose’s recovery is sped up considerably by aspiring model and BFF Chelsea ( Hanneke Talbot), as well as some radical reconstructive surgery from Dr. William Burroughs ( Ted Atherton). But, while Rose is now turning heads?including Gunter, who gives her a rare opportunity to develop her clothing designs for his “Schadenfreude” collection?she’s also ripping out the jugulars of insecure alpha predators like night-club brute Billy (CM Punk) or narcissist soap opera star Dominic ( Stephen Huszar). Because Rose, like Chambers’s character in the original “Rabid, ” has contracted a weird strain of vampire-like bloodlust, an association that’s spelled out in the scene where Dr. Burroughs listens to the other William Burroughs read a passage about vampires in his spoken-word piece, “Advice for Young People. ” That allusion is a bit too blunt to be clever, but it is kind of charming as a side-long tribute to Cronenberg’s own “ Naked Lunch ” adaptation. Less thrilling: heavy-handed dialogue that’s neither provocative nor cruel enough to be effective as sandwich-board speechifying. Gunter’s dialogue is especially bad, though Gray puts an appropriately loopy, Udo Kier-esque spin on lines like, "I do not mean to die for fashion, but this fashion is to die for, mmm. ” Other declarative statements are not as easily salvaged, like when Rose tells hunky, pure-hearted photographer love interest Brad Hart ( Benjamin Hollingsworth) that “I just love the way that the clothes make me feel. You can literally be anybody, become any thing. It's like armor: when you walk out the door, you're arming yourself. " His response?“For me, true beauty lies in the things we have yet to uncover”?wouldn’t be so unfortunate if the Soskas viciously laid into him more later on (or her, for that matter). There are a number of dark, and grimly funny ideas in the Soskas’ “Rabid, ” but their vision isn’t strong enough to tie them all together. Rose and Beverly’s relationship is especially under-developed, which robs a climactic moment of its slam-the-brakes power. The movie’s irruptive sense of gross-out humor also never really seems fitting given the goofy targets of the Soskas’ derision. One minute the characters are struggling to explain?at length?how they’re feeling, and then the next minute, there’s a monstrous appendage coming out of Rose’s head (weirdly reminiscent of a certain infamous Jamaa Fanaka movie). I wanted more where that came from, or maybe a more thoughtful gutting of the hand-me-down tropes that Cronenberg previously attacked. But the Soskas’ signature fascination with transhumanism and body modification doesn’t travel very far here (then again, it doesn’t go far in Cronenberg’s “Rabid, ” either). The Soskas’ are, however, smart to play up the melodramatic elements of Rose’s story, so that she’s more like Carrie White (Cronenberg originally hoped to cast Sissy Spacek because of her performance in “Carrie”), just as they consummately play up Dr. Burroughs’s Frankensteinian ambition as a riff on the blinding hubris that motivates Oliver Reed ’s Hal Raglan in Cronenberg’s “ The Brood. ” But, while “Rabid” is a faithful homage, it doesn’t hang together the way it should. Reveal Comments comments powered by.
Movie online besnilotto. Ini thilerr udh di cut. Rabid Teaser poster Directed by Jen Soska Sylvia Soska Produced by Michael Walker Paul LaLonde John Vidette Written by Jen Soska Sylvia Soska John Serge Based on Rabid by David Cronenberg Starring Laura Vandervoort Ben Hollingsworth Phil Brooks Music by Claude Foisy Cinematography Kim Derko Edited by Erin Deck Production company Back 40 Pictures Telefilm Canada Ontario Media Development Corporation Distributed by A71 Entertainment Shout! Studios Release date August?26,?2019 ( FrightFest) Running time 110 minutes [1] Country Canada Language English Rabid is a 2019 Canadian horror film directed and co-written by Jen and Sylvia Soska and starring Laura Vandervoort, Ben Hollingsworth, and Phil Brooks. It is a remake of the 1977 film of the same name directed by David Cronenberg. Rabid premiered at the London FrightFest Film Festival on August 26, 2019. Plot [ edit] After a young woman, Rose, suffers a disfiguring accident, she undergoes an experimental stem-cell treatment that leads to unintended consequences. [2] [3] Cast [ edit] Laura Vandervoort as Rose [4] Ben Hollingsworth as Brad, a fashion photographer [5] Ted Atherton as Dr. William Burroughs Stephen Huszar as Dominic [6] Phil Brooks as Billy [5] Greg Bryk [1] Stephen McHattie [1] Hanneke Talbot as Chelsea, Rose's best friend [5] Mackenzie Gray as Gunter, a fashion designer [5] AJ Mendez as Kira [5] Production [ edit] In February 2016, Jen and Sylvia Soska were hired to direct a remake of David Cronenberg 's 1977 horror film Rabid, with producers Michael Walker, Paul LaLonde and John Vidette. [7] The film had entered pre-production by February 2018, during which time the Soskas described the project as a continuation of the "thoughts and conversation" from the original and "modernized through a female perspective". [8] In May 2018, Laura Vandervoort was cast as the film's protagonist, Rose. [4] Principal photography began in July 2018 in Toronto. [3] The film is being produced by Back 40 Pictures in conjunction with Telefilm Canada and Ontario Media Development Corporation, and is financed by Media Finance Capital. [4] Distribution rights were acquired by A71 Entertainment in Canada, [2] Shout! Studios in the United States, [9] and 101 Films in the United Kingdom. [4] Release [ edit] Rabid premiered at the London FrightFest Film Festival on August 26, 2019. [1] [10] "Rabid" held its US premiere on October 15, 2019 at Screamfest Horror Film Festival in Los Angeles. [11] The film will open in select theaters, digitally and On Demand on December 13, 2019 from Shout! Studios. [12] Reception [ edit] On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 59% based on reviews from 22 critics. [13] References [ edit] ^ a b c d "Rabid". London FrightFest Film Festival. Retrieved July 4, 2019. ^ a b Vlessing, Etan (November 5, 2017). "AFM: A71 Takes Soska Sisters' Remake of David Cronenberg's 'Rabid' for Canada". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ a b Vlessing, Etan (July 17, 2018). " ' Code Black' Star Boards Remake of David Cronenberg's 'Rabid ' ". Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ a b c d White, Peter (May 11, 2018). " ' Supergirl' & 'Jigsaw' Star Laura Vandervoort Joins Reboot of David Cronenberg's Horror Classic 'Rabid' ? Cannes". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ a b c d e Pollard, Andrew (July 18, 2018). "Shooting Now Under Way on the Soska Sisters' Rabid Remake". Starburst. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ " ' Rabid' Trailer: The Soska Sisters Unleash Cronenberg Remake". Deadline. October 10, 2019. ^ McNary, Dave (February 25, 2016). "Soska Sisters to Direct Remake of David Cronenberg's 'Rabid' (Exclusive)". Variety. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ Erbland, Kate (February 15, 2018). "David Cronenberg's 'Rabid' Remake: Soska Sisters Ready Their 'Continuation' of Body Horror Classic With 'Female Perspective ' ". IndieWire. Penske Business Media, LLC. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ Vlessing, Etan (February 14, 2018). "Berlin: Shout! Studios Takes Soska Sisters' Remake of David Cronenberg's 'Rabid' for U. S. " The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 18, 2018. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (July 4, 2019). "FrightFest Lineup: Guillermo Del Toro's 'Scary Stories' & Sam Raimi's 'Crawl' Among UK Genre Showcase". Retrieved July 4, 2019. ^ "Ahead of Screamfest, Check Out this Ravenous New Trailer for RABID". Dreadcentral. October 14, 2019. ^ "Rabid Trailer #2: Cronenberg Classic Gets a Gross & Disturbing Remake". MovieWeb. October 17, 2019. ^ "Rabid (2019)". Rotten Tomatoes. External links [ edit] Rabid on IMDb.
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