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Movie info - Apparition is a movie starring Mena Suvari, Kevin Pollak, and Jon Abrahams. A group of young people, guided by an app which connects living with the dead, find themselves at an abandoned castle. A place with a horrific history tied; 1 h 23 Min; director - Waymon Boone; &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg); Horror; 3,6 of 10 Stars. Preston School of Industry Movie online pharmacy. This film took a real event in history and distorted and changed it to fit their own agenda. To claim it was based on true events is grasping at straws. Also, their take on Preston's history is blatantly sensationalized. Anna Corbin was a real person, her murder was brutal and the man who killed her got away with it. The Superintendent or "Warden" did not kill Anna Corbin, it was a ward, Eugene Monroe, from the school who had been suspected of killing another young woman in 1947, then in 1950 Anna was murdered while he was at Preston on cleaning detail just yards away from Anna's office. Although he was acquitted, he went on to murder again, this time in Tulsa, the victim being a pregnant dance instructor. He went to prison for 29 years for that crime. The filmmakers had no right to take Anna's story and change it, or to make her out to be a vindictive ghost when that is not the case. They have dishonored the dead who walked the halls of Preston. Just like in the movie the Conjuring, the name and story of a defenseless woman has been sullied and slandered with no way to speak for herself to tell the world that their telling of her story is false. This is not a true story, this is a work of complete fiction and slander.
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