Cunningham Without Paying

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Rating=162 Votes; 1 hour 33 M; 2019; Countries=Germany; 6,9 of 10.
Play like Markelle Fultz. Marry me. I'll cook.
Toke your vids always cheer me up buddy. Damn i love this song. Increíble, estoy obsesionado con esta canción ! ??. Cunningham home Synopsis Merce Cunningham Gallery Creative team Producing team Press Festivals Subscribe LONDON. Jenna Marbles - I got 3 looks. Try George kittle on end zone fades. Glitch. My favorite football player when I was young. Im from Texas and as a kid I loved the Eagles and Mr. Randell. All the way up until I was about 23 years old still cheering for them when my dad says to me you never have even been to Philadelphia so how could you call yourself a fan? I felt he was right so I became a Texans fan but I was so excited for Philadelphia when they won the super bowl. There will always be a special place in my heart for the Eagles even though Im from Texas and have never been to Philadelphia. Go Eagles.

No one: Jorden “hello?” “Hi” Jorden “is this Alex?” “No” Jorden “are you sure?”

“Its Green day” Plays Green Day Edit: Woah I got one like. Thanks. One wonders, at times, whether Silas Reiner is, in fact, human. Honestly. I saw him dance the most unbelievably difficult solo in Chicago about 4 years ago- got the feeling that he feels most comfortable in the air, rather than on ground. Astonishing. Thanks for sharing this, BAM. More, please. Ok tf Im so early Jordan ily ??. Sorry. im making my own way.

Merce Cunningham was a dancer and choreographer known for his long-time collaboration with avant-garde composer John Cage. Synopsis Merce Cunningham was born on April 16, 1919 in Centralia, Washington. He later joined Martha Graham's dance company and choreographed his own works using music from composer John Cage, who became his partner. In 1953, Cunningham formed his own company and garnered wide acclaim over the decades for his innovations while also collaborating with other artistic visionaries. He died on July 26, 2009. Early Life Born on April 16, 1919, in Centralia, Washington, Mercier Philip Cunningham became one of the most innovative and influential choreographers of the 20th century. He took up dancing at a young age. "I started as a tap dancer, " he told the Los Angeles Times. "It was my first theater experience, and it has stayed with me all my life. " In his teens, Cunningham studied with Maude Barrett, a circus performer and vaudevillian. He briefly attended George Washington University before enrolling at the Cornish School of Fine Arts in Seattle in 1937. There he met composer John Cage, who eventually became his partner in life and work. Cunningham changed majors during his time at Cornish, switching from theater to dance. He choreographed his first dance pieces while at the school. Career Highlights A gifted dancer known for his powerful leaps, Cunningham was invited to join the Martha Graham Dance Company in 1939. He spent several years with the group, performing lead roles in such productions as El Penitente in 1939 and Appalachian Spring in 1944. Also in 1944, Cunningham debuted some of his solo works that he choreographed, including Root of an Unfocus, featuring music by Cage. Over the years, Cunningham developed his own unique choreography process. He created the choreography for his pieces separate from the music. The two elements were only combined during final rehearsals or at the time of the performance. Cunningham also liked to incorporate chance into his choreography, using dice and The I Ching to determine how the dancer should move. The following year, Cunningham left Graham's troupe to branch out on his own. He also continued to develop numerous solo pieces with himself as the dancer. Then in 1953, he established the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Cage composed the music for many of the company's productions. Artist Robert Rauschenberg worked as a designer early on. Later Cunningham collaborated with other artists, including Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Cunningham first found great acclaim for his avant-garde works abroad. His company wowed audiences in London in 1964 during their first international tour. As the years progressed, Cunningham kept looking for new ways to innovative. He started to choreograph using a computer animation program in the 1990s. He told the Los Angeles Times: "The computer allows you to make phrases of movements, and then you can look at them and repeat them, over and over, in a way that you can't ask dancers to do because they get tired. " Death and Legacy Cunningham celebrated his eightieth birthday with a special duet with Mikhail Baryshnikov at New York's Lincoln Center in 1999. By this time, he had become physically fragile but was still as imaginative as ever. Cunningham debuted Biped that same year, which incorporated computer-generated imagery alongside his dancers. Cunningham created several more dance pieces before his death. He passed away of natural causes on July 26, 2009 at his home in New York. His namesake dance company went on a two-year tour after his death as a tribute to the great choreographer. After the tour, the company closed its doors. The Merce Cunningham Trust was established to preserve his works, including more than 150 dances, and his legacy. During his nearly 70-year career, Cunningham received numerous honors. He won two Guggenheim fellowships?in 1954 and in 1959. In 1985, Cunningham received the Kennedy Center Honors and a MacArthur Fellowship. He also was granted several honorary degrees from such schools as Bard College and Wesleyan University.

Cunningham Watch. No one: Vector: Jordine! ?. U have a tunning guide for 420 sail boats. "Hmm, I don't remember that one. It mustn't be that important. " This article is about a subject from outside Hideo Kojima 's core "Metal Gear Saga. " It has some level of canonicity within the continuity, but reader discretion is advised. [? ] Lt. Cunningham (formerly known under the codename of Boa) was a member of FOX during the time of the San Hieronymo Incident in 1970. He had an artificial leg which replaced the one he lost in a mission, and was FOX's interrogation specialist. Biography Early life and career During his career in the CIA, Cunningham suffered a grievous wound to his left leg that required it to be amputated, and fitted with a prosthetic. Afterwards, he was transferred to a desk job at Langley, much to his consternation and anger. At an unspecified time, he learned some of the details regarding the true nature of The Boss 's "defection" in 1964, making him despise the CIA even more, since The Boss had been revered by many as "the Mother of the Special Forces. " Eventually, Cunningham was scouted by the United States Department of Defense to try and smear the CIA's reputation, and he agreed, wanting to pay the CIA back for removing him from active duty. As a member of FOX, Cunningham's unique Sneaking Suit color was yellow. San Hieronymo Incident Main article: San Hieronymo Incident Lt. Cunningham, circa 1970. In 1970, Cunningham, utilizing the " Perfect Soldier " Null, had Naked Snake ( Big Boss) kidnapped and brought to the former Soviet missile base on the San Hieronymo Peninsula, along with drugs to keep him sedated during the trip there. Cunningham's reputation as an expert in interrogation preceded him, as Snake was able to identify him after only hearing his name. He demanded that Snake tell him the location of the missing half of the Philosophers' Legacy. After Snake told Cunningham to ask the CIA as they were the ones who took it from Snake six years prior after Operation Snake Eater, Cunningham struck him with an electrified baton and pressed his artificial leg into Snake's groin, explaining that his methods of persuasion were to "apply the right type of pain, to the right degree, at just the right location. " He then revealed to Snake that the CIA had only received half of the Legacy after 1964, and thus they suspected that he had stolen the other half. When Snake further denied any knowledge of its location, Cunningham struck him again with the baton and then departed (although not before hinting that while his being there was part of an official FOX mission, it soon wouldn't be). Cunningham also mentioned a weapon that was capable of obliterating every major city in the Soviet Union within earshot of a Soviet soldier, causing him to report it to a comrade about what he heard (to which they disparagingly referred to Cunningham as a "tight-assed peg leg") at least one day prior. [1] Sometime after Snake's and Roy Campbell 's escape from imprisonment, Cunningham, along with Ursula and Gene, conducted an aerial search of the area aboard a Hind A gunship. He also radioed forces on the ground, demanding to know why they hadn't caught Snake or Campbell yet, and threatened that he would make them regret it if the prisoners got away. He then ordered them to call Python and have him lead a search unit, as well as to keep the research lab secure. Cunningham, Ursula, and Gene later arrived at the lab, where he asked the research staff about Null's status, adding that had brought along Elisa to help speed up the preparation of his culture tank. However, he was caught unaware by the collapse of some nearby scaffolding, with only Gene's and Ursula's precognition saving him at the last second. Cunningham on his personal flying platform. After Snake attempted to infiltrate the missile silo, Cunningham arrived with a number of FOX soldiers to recapture him, telling him that he had been "quite a handful. " He then knocked Snake unconscious by whipping him with the butt of his rifle, catching him off guard after having just fought with Null. He later used the same rifle to try and get Null to stand down with the stance that his mission was complete. Snake was taken to the guest house, where he was stripped of his clothing, tied to a chair, and tortured further by Cunningham in the presence of Gene. Though Gene felt that information extracted via torture was unreliable, Cunningham reassured him that his treatment of Snake wouldn't even qualify as such, seeing as he was a former FOX member. He then proposed the use of a recently-developed truth serum to force Snake to reveal where the other half of the Legacy was, with the side-effect of acting as an anesthetic. Gene initially opposed the idea, feeling that truth serum was just as unreliable, and asked why Cunningham why he was in such a rush to get the information. Cunningham replied that he felt it was necessary from an efficiency standpoint, with Gene ultimately agreeing to the plan, but only under the condition that he would talk to Snake first. Sometime later, Cunningham was tipped off by Ursula that Snake would escape with the help of his men during a rescue mission. With this knowledge, he ambushed Snake aboard his customized flying platform, and attempted to force some answers from him by using his soldiers as target practice (as well as inadvertently giving a hint at his true loyalties). Elisa, after stealing a transport truck, knocked Cunningham off of his platform, although not before he noticed her. He also ordered for the present FOX soldiers to attempt to stop the truck, although the truck ultimately escaped. Cunningham after being defeated by Naked Snake. After successfully infiltrating the silo complex, and proceeding to the launch control room aboard a cargo elevator, Snake was once again confronted by Cunningham piloting his flying platform. It was then that Cunningham revealed the truth to Snake: while he feigned loyalty to Gene, he was actually working under direct orders from the Pentagon. His objective was to force Gene to deploy the Intercontinental Ballistic Metal Gear and launch a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, and thus, tarnish the CIA's reputation as an efficient organization (or, as Cunningham put it, "The CIA'd lose face and the military's influence will start to soar"), as well as to erase any evidence of what happened by destroying the missile base afterwards. He explained about his loss of faith in the CIA due to his past experience, and attempted to gain Snake's cooperation, but the latter refused to take part in the Pentagon's plot and attacked Cunningham (with Cunningham declaring Snake as "a real traitor"). Cunningham fought Snake using the gatling gun, side-winder missiles and laser of his flying platform. However, Cunningham was defeated, lamenting Snake's decision to disobey his mission, as both he and Snake would have received "the highest honors a soldier could achieve", he then attempted to destroy the base with a Soviet-made Davy Crockett, intending to take Snake down with him, but his platform was badly damaged during the previous battle, causing it to explode, killing Cunningham before he could launch it. Shortly thereafter, Gene expressed pity that Cunningham had died without ever realizing that he had been used. Personality and traits Cunningham, despite his possessing an artificial leg, possessed a tremendous amount of physical strength, as evidenced by his preparing to fire the Davy Crockett by hand, as the Davy Crockett normally requires a tripod to use. During the San Hieronymo Incident, he was shown to be determined regarding finding the Legacy. However, it was implied that this was all an act. He was largely motivated by desires of revenge against the CIA in his actions due to his mistreatment under them. He also held a large degree of respect for The Boss, in large part due to her status as the Mother of Special Forces, which also acted as another factor in his desire for?revenge against the CIA. He was also a decent pilot, as evidenced by his manning a Hind during the search for the then-recently escaped Naked Snake and Roy Campbell. He was also shown to be sarcastic, which was evident by his berating the present FOX soldiers at the Guest House by yelling "Don't just stand there, stop them! " when Snake and his resistance were about to escape due to the timely intervention of Elisa. Despite formally acting as a member of FOX, he did not wear the FOX logo on his uniform, which could have been a hint about his true allegiance for the Pentagon. Behind the scenes Cunningham shares his name and a similar facial appearance with the Benson Cunningham character from Snatcher, although their clothing and roles are drastically different. Also, the North American password to recruit him is a direct reference to Snatcher (JUNKER). Cunningham's accidental divulgence of information to Snake that the latter hadn't known previously resembles Colonel Volgin 's "backward" interrogation of Snake in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Both assumed that Snake knew more than he was willing to let on, with Cunningham letting slip that the Pentagon was somehow involved with the events of the San Hieronymo Incident. When Cunningham encounters Snake at the Silo Complex's freight elevator in Portable Ops, he mentions that Snake had been following a script written by the Pentagon and another individual, whom he does not name. He also mentions that the unnamed individual "was right" about Snake's skills. Ocelot's later reference to Zero's script, in a conversation with the Major after the game's end credits, implies that the latter was the individual in question. The fight with Cunningham was briefly shown in the montage accompanying Liquid Ocelot 's explanation of the war between Outer Heaven and the Patriots in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Portable Ops recruitment To unlock Cunningham outside of a password, the player n
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