Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words 123movies

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runtime - 1 Hours, 56 min
liked It - 34 Votes
genres - Documentary
creator - Michael Pack
Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordsmith. Clarence Thomas is a great American that almost fell Victim to the Democrats. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words youtube. Thank God for this mans rebuke of the racist DNC who havent changed their dishonest ways and are now using the same tactics against a Judge Kavanaugh. Democrats, lead by Demonic Rats.

Teddy Kennedy Kills a Woman & her unborn child/Teddies love child. and he stands there and makes such vile statements against a great man for political Kapickne and baby were also killed for Political MARYJO. It brings tears to my eyes watching Justice Thomas stand up for himself in the face of these wicked demonic lies. How he managed to keep his composure is simply a testament to the great man that he is.
This guy really brings out the democrat voters' inner racists. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of love. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words on the page. Shame Jesus is not a God. Smh ???♂?. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words pictures.
Workers Vanguard No. 854 16 September 2005 The Evolution Wars: Religious Reaction and Racist Oppression Hail Charles Darwin! Correction Appended If ever there were an argument against “intelligent design, ” it is George Bush, an ignorant and dimwitted reactionary with state power. Almost 150 years since the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, this born-again Christian president has thrown the power of his office behind Christian fundamentalism by arguing that religious fables be given equal time with evolution in science classes in America. But the irrational obscurantism of leading circles of the American ruling class should not be mistaken for an absence of purpose. Now, as at other key moments in the history of this nation founded on black chattel slavery, religion is being promoted to inculcate acquiescence to injustice. The brilliant, self-educated former slave Frederick Douglass nailed the intrinsic relationship between the pious religiosity of Southern slaveowners and the hellish reality of those they lorded over: “I assert most unhesitatingly, that the religion of the south is a mere covering for the most horrid crimes, ?a justifier of the most appalling barbarity, ?a sanctifier of the most hateful frauds, ?and a dark shelter under which the darkest, foulest, grossest, and most infernal deeds of slaveholders find the strongest protection. Were I to be again reduced to the chains of slavery, next to that enslavement, I should regard being the slave of a religious master the greatest calamity that could befall me…. I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. ” ?Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) For years, the fundamentalist Christian right has been politically pursuing its reactionary religious agenda. But since the second coming of George W. Bush to the White House, they’re stalking the country. Since 2001 there have been challenges to the teaching of evolution in 43 states! Even more widespread but harder to measure is the informal coercion of science teachers to suppress the “E” word. In March, the National Science Teachers Association reported that 31 percent of teachers surveyed responded that they felt “pressured to include creationism, intelligent design, or other nonscientific alternatives to evolution in their science classroom. ” Some Imax theaters in science museums are refusing to show movies that mention evolution, the Big Bang or the geology of the earth! A tangled web of billionaire Christian ultrarightists, their foundations and misnamed “think tanks” (like the Seattle-based Discovery Institute) provides the money behind this concerted drive to plunge the country deeper into ignorance and backwardness. The “Wedge Document, ” an unusually blunt 1999 Discovery Institute manifesto, proclaimed its goal as “nothing less than the overthrow of materialism and its cultural legacies” (New York Times, 21 August). For all the conservative cant coming out of the Supreme Court about the “original intent” of the slaveowning framers of the Constitution, extreme right-wing religious elements seek to shred provisions of that Enlightenment-influenced document, and particularly the Bill of Rights, in favor of an America ruled as a theocracy under Biblical law. The particular version of Christian fundamentalism now associated with the Bush White House developed over the past four decades as an ideological umbrella enabling white racist bigots to link together their hostility to affirmative action and welfare, “women’s lib” and legalized abortion, and any tolerance of gay rights. They want a society without public schools, without unions, without separation of church and state, with the death penalty for abortionists and many others, with legal repression and extralegal terror for gays, and with black people and immigrants yoked as subhuman objects of exploitation in a nativist white Christian America. Bourgeois liberals push reliance on the Supreme Court as the guarantor of the basic democratic rights that the government has in its cross hairs. That strategy offers no more protection than an umbrella with holes in it. The truth is that every gain and every protection that working people and minorities have won in this country have been wrested through class struggle and political battles and outright civil war. Holding on to past gains and gaining a position from which to fight for new conquests require a crystal-clear understanding that the government rules on behalf of the capitalist exploiters, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Political independence from the Democrats and a class-struggle perspective are key to any successful fight against the current onslaught. A ruling class that sends more black youth to prison than to college in a society that purports to have equal opportunity bolsters its policies by blaming its victims and finding “scientific” justification for segregation and subordination. Thus the ideological servants of American capitalism revive scientifically discredited myths of biological determinism and genetic inferiority of racial and ethnic minorities. In defense of an economic system and social order based on black chattel slavery, Supreme Court Chief Justice Taney deemed black people “far below” whites “in the scale of created beings” and so ruled in his infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision that a black man had no rights that a white man was bound to respect. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection continues to be explosive in America today because it indicates that all modern humans came from a common African ancestor, and hence there is no scientific basis for separate “races. ” The truth?that race is not a biological category, but a social and political construct?has profound political implications in the United States. As stated in the amici curiae brief filed by the Spartacist League and Partisan Defense Committee in the Supreme Court in 1985 against the teaching of Biblical creationism in Louisiana schools: “Evolution, the science of man’s ‘descent with modification’ is the particular object of the fundamentalist religious attack. The reasons for this lie in the fact that evolutionary theory deprives man of a mythical ‘special’ status in nature, and exposes the lack of scientific basis for the various religious and other justifications for belief in racial inferiority. The not so hidden agenda of the proponents of teaching creationism in the schools is to enforce the destructive and dangerous dogma of racial inferiority. “To the organizations here filing as amici curiae, the study of scientific evolution is fundamental to man’s quest for a materialist understanding of our world and human society, not the least because it provides material evidence that we are all part of the same human race, definitively destroying the myths of racial superiority. ” The Materialist View of History Regarding the warfare between science and religion over Darwinian evolution, the eminent British scientist and Marxist J. D. Bernal wrote: “The very persistence of the struggle, despite the successive victories won by materialist science, shows that it is not essentially a philosophic or a scientific one, but a reflection of political struggles in scientific terms. At every stage idealist philosophy has been invoked to pretend that present discontents are illusory and to justify an existing state of affairs. At every stage materialist philosophy has relied on the practical test of reality and on the necessity of change. ” ?Science and History (1954) Charles Darwin unshackled biological science from the chains of religion by providing a materialist explanation for the evolution of life on this planet through his careful, meticulously recorded studies of variation of species. As we wrote in our tribute to the late Stephen Jay Gould, who, despite having pathetically conciliated religion toward the end of his life, was a great Darwinian educator and propagandist: “The revolutionary aspect of Darwin’s idea was that the whole evolution of the natural world could be explained on a purely materialist basis?natural selection?rather than through any supernatural intervention. The motor force was survival of the fittest: all organisms produce more progeny than can possibly survive within their ecological niche?the most intense competition is within a species, whose members all compete for the same lifestyle and food sources. The competition between species is important, but on a slightly lower level. ” ?“Science and the Battle Against Racism and Obscurantism, ” WV No. 797, 14 February 2003 Darwin argued that natural selection, along with other more random processes, drove the evolution of new varieties of life. Darwinian theory is entirely free of moral pronouncements on organisms, whether they diversify and thrive or go extinct. This is contrary to the “social Darwinists” who, unsupported by Darwin himself, exploited the term “survival of the fittest” as “scientific” evidence that the rulers were a higher order of being, in order to justify the status quo of the cruelest exploitation of man by man. Indeed, Darwin was an ardent opponent of slavery, writing in a 5 June 1861 letter to Asa Gray in the very early days of the American Civil War, “Some few, and I am one of them, even wish to God, though at the loss of millions of lives, that the North would proclaim a crusade against slavery. In the long-run, a million horrid deaths would be amply repaid in the cause of humanity…. Great God! How I should like to see the greatest curse on earth?slavery?abolished! ” Evolution is not “progressive, ” nor does it necessarily lead to superior or more intelligent beings, and it is certainly not predetermined. The mechanics of evo
We should ask the woman behind him making all those faces. Whats really going on. Behind those closed doors. Race card always trumps feminist card! In the SJW pecking order, race ranks higher than gender. LOVE THIS MAN! Amen Brother. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words worksheet. The church must find it in ' its heart' to move away from culture and norms which are of no value to the salvation of Man in the light of God will. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words pdf. Ive seen that Cato has a screening in November, and that it will be broadcast on PBS and be available to educators. When can it be expected to air? Very interested to watch it.
Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to eat. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words full.

Clarence Thomas and conservative justices are going to bring back Jim Crow one day

Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words meaning. 10/4/18. Judge Thomas is from my state- GA. Best thing was that he couldn't get a good job offer & was forced to go where somebody wanted to hire him & he became a member of the Supreme Court! God works in mysterious ways. Movie watch created equal clarence thomas in his own words.
I need to be learning. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words book. Sexual harassment or racism charges. Radical Democrats use the same playbook every time. Why? Because it works. Ah! Another movie with an agenda. eek. You are not in go me you judges got to follow the law & after law school. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words movie. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words lyrics.
A GREAT MAN in American History. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words free. Brave Woman at that had Nothing to Gain for Lying. I believe her story.?Some one told me after seeing the Anita Hill Documentary ?they saw how Evil Joe Biden was. I agree 100. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words first.

Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words and pictures

Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words without. &ref(,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg) Religion and relationship with Christ, two different things... Dont you fail to have a relationship with God (through Christ) because of the wrangles within the four walls of the church... You have no excuse. And if that is not your thing, hey, it's still fine. There's something called free will. Just keep on keeping on. No need to bring other people down because you don't agree with their beliefs...
This just proves that the people in charge are demons. Wow, Thomas is a total badass, cool, calm, and collective. Absolutely interesting. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words 2017. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own wordswn words. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to say. I want DVD! Where can I get. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom.

Insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over and expecting different Einstein

Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words video. Last week I won the Hamilton lottery and received two $10 front row tickets to see the hottest show in town. A male friend accompanied me. We are both politics and theater aficionados. We delight in innovative, risk taking art and diverse cultural perspectives. We both have graduate degrees in politics and have traveled extensively throughout the world. For ten years, I was the Artistic Director of an ethnic dance company (we were once invited to perform on Chinese National television at the Beijing International Cultural Festival featuring top dance companies from around the world). So, I've seen a lot of theater. We were thrilled at the chance to see a highly acclaimed production that tells the story of America’s founding through a new lens. We intentionally did not listen to any of the music before seeing the show (we wanted to see the stage production as a whole with a clean slate in our minds), but we knew the music was rooted in hip hop. Once the show started, it quickly went downhill. Checking in with each other at the intermission, we both had the same take on the show, finding it horribly regressive. (Please bear with the length of what follows. There’s a lot to unpack here. Lines from the show are in quotes. ) WHAT’S PROGRESSIVE AND INNOVATIVE ABOUT HAMILTON So, why is this show being lauded as progressive? As far as we could tell, for three reasons: It’s a musical with a rap libretto. That’s new. That’s innovative. And, yes, Lin-Manuel Miranda is a highly talented writer and wordsmith. People are hailing the idea of taking a roots African-American art form (rap) to the Broadway musical stage genre. And I agree. Kudos on that. It race flips historical characters (black actors playing white historical figures). This produces two desirable effects. It creates an ethnically diverse cast (giving an opportunity for people of color to have greater opportunities in theater) and it calls attention to the contradictions and hypocrisies of the historical figures. It puts race on the table, so to speak. Again, agreed. More kudos. And the fact that Hamilton was the “young, scrappy and hungry” “bastard son of a whore” "immigrant" who rises to be a Founder of a new nation by his wits and hard work is emphasized?they keep saying it throughout the musical. But I couldn’t help thinking that if that bastard child of a whore was black, female or Native, their chances of social climbing in America in 1776 would have been nil, no matter how brilliant or hard working they were. In other words, Hamilton owes much of his success to his racial and gender cultural entitlement, a meta analysis that might have been considered important to point out in a musical claiming to be a “revolution. ” WHAT’S REGRESSIVE AND CLICHE ABOUT HAMILTON However, here’s where the progress ends. As my friend said to me after the show, “That was the most gender regressive musical I’ve ever seen. That was one step forward for hypermasculine men of color, and ten steps backwards for normalizing regressive gender and sexuality tropes. ” Much of hip hop culture is steeped in African-American hypermasculine norms. Don’t take my word for it, ask Byron Hurt a black male life long hip hop fan who did an entire documentary on it titled "Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. " Hamilton dresses up hypermasculinity and female enabling under the guise of being racially progressive. Yes, folks, it’s not just white male Americans in 1776 that can be hypermasculine…black men can do it, too?in 2016! THE MEN OF HAMILTON Men are “studs” and "tomcats. " The women who love them want to be part of their “harem, ” just to have a piece of them. Bros fight duels because somebody attacked their honor. Our hero leaves his wife and eight children homeless in debt when he dies (oh, right, they kinda played down that part of Hamilton's bio). Women are interchangeable props. When Burr tells Hamilton if he "could marry a (Schuyler) sister, you're rich son. " Hamilton replies, "is it a question of which one? " Miranda has written that this scene is an example of Hamilton's "peak cockiness. " But he doesn't really make it clear that that's a bad thing. Because, you know, boys will be boys and stuff. And women sure do dig it! That's why this story resonates so well today?men and women are still drinking that hypermasculine koolaid normalized in much of popular hip hop music by male artists. As Miranda himself writes of A. Ham in “Hamilton: The Revolution, ” “friend or foe, they are in awe of him. ” And all this hypermasculine posturing is ok, I guess, because sometimes the men cry or realize they messed up. This is a tired old narrative device. Let's entertain the audience for a couple of hours with bravado and bluster, battles and bad choices and then have the protagonist do a penitent reversal as if to say, "don't try this at home, folks! " And just because a man cries doesn’t mean he isn’t hypermasculine. There are many cultures in which machismo and histrionics go hand in hand. I'm embarrassed that people's bar is so low for what they think makes a male character human. We ask so little of our stories. We should ask for heroes with a true moral compass like Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird (a character written by Harper Lee, a woman), not social climbers like Alexander Hamilton, who traded slaves and left his family destitute because he fought in a duel for repeatedly insulting someone (what really happened) and who actually welcomed the idea of a war because it would give a bastard son of a whore a chance to personally advance himself in society. That doesn't sound to me like either an admirable character or one that ever had a great awakening about his own troubling flaws and contradictions. THE WOMEN OF HAMILTON The all too predictable scenes of the men with their women read like a man’s fantasy idea of what he thinks women think and feel about men, not women’s actual lives written from the perspective of women themselves. The portrayal of women in Hamilton tells us more about how men see women than how women see themselves. Or it tells us how women internalize seeing themselves through the eyes of men. The musical doesn't even clearly pass The Bechdel Test, an extremely low bar for how to present female characters as more that just props for men's stories. Miranda writes in "Hamilton: The Revolution" that one of his goals in writing "The Schuyler Sisters" was to evoke the idea that "sex is in the air. " According to Burr, the sisters rich "Daddy" doesn't even know that the sisters "sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at work. " The song refers to the sisters 1) looking for a man (the men say of Angelica that "she's lookin' for me" as she openly flirts with the men on stage) 2) talking to a man (Thomas Jefferson) about including women in the Constitution and 3) it's really not a back and forth conversation between the women. It's more of a celebration of looking for a man with a great mind in a great city. And in 2 1/2 hours, that's the only time the show even comes close to passing the Bechdel Test. One verse. In one song. That kinda maybe sorta passes the test. That's how much progress women have made since men kept them out of the Constitution in 1776. Now women get one verse that's not them obsessing about the men in their lives. The one token "feminist" line in the whole show about including women "in the sequel" to "all men are created equal" isn't even historically accurate. Progressive women of the time (like Abigail Adams) expressed their dissatisfaction with excluding women's rights in the revolutionary democratic new government before the Constitution was written. They weren't asking for some future favor. And the men flat out refused. So, no, Hamilton is not just portraying women "as they were at that time. " Angelica asking to be included in "the sequel" is Miranda making a female character less progressive than the women of that time who spoke out for citizenship in the new nation. Those revolutionary women were hip to the men's hypocrisy. But that’s ok, because even though for 2 1/2 hours these actual female historical figures of intelligence, courage, fortitude and public service were thrown under the bus of history for the sake of creating tropey narrative obstacles for our male heroes and trite cliche “emotional” scenes, there was a total of one really super duper badass feminist line in the whole show about including women in the Constitution, so that makes it all better. And at the end, Eliza Hamilton gets to cram fifty years of her amazing life into a song lasting a few minutes. And her biggest accomplishment? That she told her husband's story. So, 3 minutes of putting “gender” on the table takes care of “The Ladies” (as they kept referring to them) and forgives the other 2 hours and 27 minutes of women fluffing Alexander’s heroic journey, when they aren’t trying to thwart his destiny. And there is one woman in Hamilton's life that doesn't even get a name. Rachel Faucette Buck, Alexander's mother. Although the musical continually refers to her as a "whore, " I could find no historical evidence that Rachel was a sex worker at any time in her life. She was coerced into marriage at age 16 by her family to a much older abusive man who literally put her in jail when she challenged his authority. Once out of jail, she escaped to another island, where she met A. Ham's father--a man who eventually abandoned Rachel and her sons. Rachel (by all accounts courageous, intelligent, resourceful and beautiful) started her own successful business before prematurely dying, after which her husband made sure she did not inherit the portion of her family's fortune that was given to him when they married. So, Rachel was only a "whore" in the eyes of the people who felt that a woman escaping her own marital abuse and making a life for herself was a fallen w
Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words printable. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words quotes. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words online. Its like deja vu. Movie Watch Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordstream. Joe Biden. What a disgrace. Not to mention hypocrite, and chief groper. I love him and pray for him, a true giant of our time, his impact on the country is hugely positive and will be recognized in due time.
Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words list. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words song. One of the greatest SCOTUS justices of all time. I still can't see how any Judge could sit on any board with RBG Stinking up the place. Movie watch created equal: clarence thomas in his own words images.

Correspondent - Michael Beckman
Resume: Pawpaw to Skye; Jewish; center-right; Loves: wife Sheralyn; daughter Ebony; granddaughter Skye; Astros; Rockets; Texans; UH Cougars; Classical music; & sports.









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