720px The Shining Watch Full Length

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Columnist: Maquina de Equipaje
Info: Not getting enough sleep. Back hurts from carrying the fucking burden that's me.

writer=Stanley Kubrick
Average rating=8,9 / 10
Stanley Kubrick
Signing a contract, Jack Torrance, a normal writer and former teacher agrees to take care of a hotel which has a long, violent past that puts everyone in the hotel in a nervous situation. While Jack slowly gets more violent and angry of his life, his son, Danny, tries to use a special talent, the "Shining", to inform the people outside about whatever that is going on in the hotel
runtime=2 hour 26 Minutes
ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES JACK A DULL BOY. One of the creepiest things to me that is not on the list is Danny's face looking at the camera all shocked :astonished. After you learn of the the Dies Irae, you can honestly never listen to film scores the same way i stg. I laughed a few times watching this when he mocks her as soon as possible, but the more times I watch it, the less funnier it gets and more terrifying it becomes.
I always wondered what happened to people who were at the original 1921 summer party. Did they die in a huge fire or other disaster back then. The shining :thumbsup_tone1. Shelly Duval, one of the most underrated actresses of her generation. The guy in the bear costume always creeped me out and confused me. And the Ren & Stimpy episode Hermit Ren reminded me of Jack's descent into madness.
Number 1: Heres Johnny! smiling_imp. Dr sleep was excellent! Surprised it wasnt more of a hit.
What's scarier than the whole movie is that 3 of them and stuff for a few months could all fit inside a 1971 VW beetle.

3.9/ 5stars









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