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Genre Documentary release Date 2018 95 m &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTE3NzY5MTItNjg2Ni00YTZjLThmZDYtMWQ2ODM1MjM3ODAyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjA4OTgwNzE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Jerusalem-born trauma expert Ofra Bloch forces herself to confront her demons in a journey that takes her to Germany, Israel and Palestine. Set against the current wave of fascism and anti-Semitism sweeping the globe, 'Afterward' delves into the secret wounds carried by victims as well as victimizers, through testimonies ranging from the horrifying to the hopeful. Seen as a victim in Germany and a perpetrator in Palestine, Ofra faces those she was raised to hate and dismiss as she searches to understand the identity-making narratives of the Holocaust and the Nakba, violent and non-violent resistance, and the possibility of forgiveness.
Afterward is a short story by Edith Wharton. It was first published in the 1910 edition of The Century Magazine and in her books, The Collected Short Stories of Edith Wharton and Tales of Men and Ghosts, 1910. It is an ironic ghost story about greed and retribution. The ghost comes for one of the main characters long after a business transgression where the character wronged another. Summary Part I She recalls a conversation that she and her husband, Ned Boyne, had with their cousin Alida Stair six months earlier. The conversation centered on their search for a house in a southern or southwestern county in England. Alida suggested Lyng in Dorsetshire, after they had turned down several more suitable suggestions. Lyng is old, isolated, and in disrepair and they are attracted to it because of the “charm of having been for centuries a deep dim reservoir of life. [1] ” They only wanted the house if it was haunted. Legend has it that the inhabitants of Lyng dont know theyve encountered the ghost until long afterward. Mary reflected on the legend with a new “perception of its significance [2] ” because of her husbands disappearance. The Boynes were nouveau riche because of a business deal made by Ned and were looking for a place to pursue their dream of a life of leisure. They wanted to sit “in the thick December dusk, by just such a wide-hooded fireplace, under just such black oak rafters, with the sense that beyond the mullioned panes the downs were darkened to a deeper solitude. [3] ” Mary recalls that her husband seemed withdrawn and worried earlier in the month but she did not question him about it and he did not reveal why he was upset. As she is reflecting on that day, she recalls an event two months prior, in October, where she had accidentally come across a hidden stairwell that led to a flat ledge on the roof. She remembers that she and Ned climbed the stairs to take in the view and that as they were reveling in the beautiful landscape, a stranger approached. Mary remembers noticing that Ned became perplexed and suddenly fled. At the time of the incident, Mary gave it no more thought because there were various tradesmen coming and going each day working on the house and Ned redirected Marys concern with a trip to Meldon Steep. Now, however, she recalls the anxiety that was evident on Neds face. Part II Mary recalls a day, earlier in December, where she noticed a figure coming up the walk. She thought it was the ghost but it turned out to be her husband (a bit of foreshadowing. She remembers being determined to find out what was bothering Ned and intentionally asking him while they were sitting in the library if he had seen the ghost yet. He replied that he had not. She remembers noticing a change in his demeanor as he opened his mail that evening. He seemed to be relieved of whatever burden he was carrying. She recalls feeling relieved at the change until she opened her mail. Someone sent her a newspaper clipping about the suit that a man named Elwell brought against Ned concerning the Blue Star Mine business deal. When Mary questioned Ned about it, he diffused her queries with “I thought that kind of thing bored you [4] ” and he told her the suit had been withdrawn, but he did not reveal why. Mary remembers feeling a stab of guilt at not taking an interest in her husbands business affairs. Part III She remembers waking up the next day, feeling refreshed at the change in Ned. She reasoned that she did not have to know about his affairs because she trusted him implicitly and decided to work on her garden. She recalls that a stranger approached and inquired about her husband so she directed him to the library to find Ned. She did not give the encounter much thought until later that day after she learns that Ned left with the stranger. She recalls feeling very uneasy with each passing hour because Ned did not return. She remembers going into the library to search for clues to his absence and finding a cryptic note that reads: “My dear Parvis, I have just received your letter announcing Elwells death, and while I suppose there is now no further risk of trouble, it might be safer ?. [5] “ Mary disregarded the note at the time but continued to search for clues. She remembers the dread she felt when she realized that Ned left with the stranger. Part IV Mary recalls the widespread search by the authorities for Ned. She remembers searching finding the note to Parvis again and contacting him. He did not have any information to impart. Mary remembers feeling the gradual acceptance of her situation, she became “domesticated with the Horror, accepting its perpetual presence as one of the fixed conditions of life. [6] ” She remembers reasoning that “no one would ever know [7] ” what happened to Ned but that “the house knew. [8. Mary recalls thinking that the house was “mute accomplice [9] ” in Neds disappearance. Part V Mary recalls Parvis visit and his explanation of the events at the Blue Star Mine. She finally learned about the bad business deal that destroyed Elwells life and puts the events together when she sees a picture of Elwell. The legend had come true and she finally realizes that the ghost of Lyng had appeared and taken Ned away. Analysis The story is divided into five parts and is told as an exploration of the memories of the central character with several instances of foreshadowing. The dynamic plot starts at the end and bounces back and forth throughout time within a six-month period. An unnamed narrator in third person limited omniscience point of view tells the story. There are several conflicts throughout the story, both internal and external, which include: woman against self, woman against another, woman against society, man against self, man against another, man against society. The focus of the narration is on the central character, Mary Boyne. She is happy to know nothing of her husbands business affairs until he goes missing. Her mood transforms from happy to worried and then sad by the end of the story. Mary is the wife of Ned. He is a businessman who strikes it rich in the states and moves his wife to England. He is secretive and his mood transforms from happy to forlorn in a matter of three months. The secrets that he keeps from Mary are his downfall. The setting is on old house name Lyng in Dorsetshire England. The house is in disrepair and the location is remote. The narrator alludes to darkness and history throughout the story, which contributes to the dark and secretive atmosphere. There is irony in the story. The irony is that they brought the ghost with them. The ghost appears to the houses inhabitants but they do not realize it until long after the damage is done. The Boynes bought the house because of the ghost and the ghost took Ned away, in effect wrecking their idyllic life. Gothic Elements The story falls under the American Gothic style because it addresses several Gothic tropes. It addresses a supernatural subject matter, it explores the uncanny and domestic abjection, the setting is in disrepair and there is mention of darkness and shadows throughout, the past rears its ugly head, there are repressed/denied secrets, and the architectural setting deals with hidden passages. The story also deals with the Gothic themes of: punishment/retribution, terror/horror, futility, despair, loss of hope, brutal realities and oppositions within the same character. In Lloyd-Smith's Book, American Gothic Fiction, the uncanny is explained as "a strangeness within the familiar, everything that ought to have remained. secret and hidden but has come to light. (p. 75-76. The uncanny is represented in this story by the past that comes back the haunt the couple, the ghost who comes to take Ned away. Domestic abjection s explained as "that which is opposed to I" on page 97 in Lloyd-Smith's American Gothic Fiction and is represented by Marys feelings of terror when she discovers Ned missing and her feelings of horror when she discovers how he went missing and her realization that the “house knew [10] ” what happened. Adaptations “Afterward” is the fourth episode of the short film DVD series Shades of Darkness ? Six Mysterious Tales of Paranormal. The plot retells the story making Mary and Ned Boyne a young newlywed couple who buy a house is the south of England that is haunted and they regret it. There is an audio book version of “Afterward” available on Librivox. Each chapter is read and recorded by volunteers across America. The story has also been adapted for the radio and broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra. External links A critical review of the story can be found at. and. login required. Complete text can be found at. and ( Notes and references Oates, Joyce Carol, American Gothic Tales, Plume, December 1996) ↑ Oates, p. 131 ↑ Oates, p. 129 ↑ Oates, p. 139 ↑ Oates, p. 146-147 ↑ Oates, p. 150 ↑ Oates, p. 151 Lloyd-Smith, Alan, American Gothic Fiction, Continuum, 2004.
The best film I have seen in many not years. Deserves an Oscar for sure. This movie is gonna flop so hard lol. Afterward free online book. “Ninety-one percent got another prescription for an opioid, ” said Larochelle, an internal medicine physician. “It wasnt because they went down the street and found a new doctor. Seventy percent got it from the doctor who had prescribed before the overdose. ” Larochelle speculated that the doctors writing those prescriptions didnt know about the overdose. The findings suggest major gaps in communication, education, and oversight that persist despite widening concern about the overuse of opioid painkillers, specialists said. “It really sends an important message about the importance of communication around patients treatment needs across different sectors of the medical system, ” said Colleen Barry, professor of health policy and management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Overdoses can be crises that inspire change, Barry said, but “this article suggests that might not be happening. ” Dr. Jessica Gregg, author of an editorial accompanying the study, said her initial reaction was to think the doctors were lazy or incompetent for prescribing opioids to patients who had overdosed. But in fact, the doctors work in a system that virtually guarantees they will make such errors, because there is no comprehensive mechanism to alert doctors when a patient overdoses, said Gregg, who is addictions medical director of a Portland, Ore., clinic. At the same time, Gregg wrote in the editorial, “Most providers receive little training, have few resources, and receive minimal support to address either chronic pain or addiction. ” Robert N. Jamison, chief psychologist at the Brigham and Womens Hospital Pain Management Center, said he wasnt surprised by the studys findings, although he considers them an important “heads-up. ” “These are people who have probably been taking narcotics for five, 10 years. To stop completely would be a challenge, ” he said. “Then, theyre still left with terrible pain. Clinicians are always struggling with how to manage these people who are just really miserable and suffering. ” Last year in Massachusetts, more than 1, 200 people died after overdosing on prescription drugs or on street narcotics such as heroin. The number who die from overdoses is “the tip of the iceberg, Larochelle said, and the number of survivors is many times greater. To learn more about those survivors, Larochelle and his team plunged into a national database of insurance claims for 50 million people filed between 2000 and 2012. They identified 2, 848 patients ages 18 to 64 receiving opioids for pain ? not including cancer pain ? who survived an overdose, and examined the prescriptions they received two months before and up to two years after the overdose. The researchers found that in the week before patients suffered overdoses, painkiller dosages increased sharply, suggesting a worsening of pain or cravings. Just over half were also taking tranquilizers. After the overdose, about 10 to 15 percent discontinued opioids for a time, but even most of those patients ended up with another prescription three months later. One-third of all patients who overdosed continued on very high doses. And 7 percent overdosed again. Because the data were limited to insurance claims, the study had no information on people without insurance or covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or the Veterans Health Administration. The data also dont track medications paid for in cash, including those purchased illegally ? although many addicted to street drugs started out with drugs that were prescribed. The data could not answer why people overdosed and yielded little information about whether patients received treatment for addiction. Physicians may have no way of knowing that their patients overdosed unless the patient volunteered the information, which many would be reluctant to do, Larochelle said. In his own practice, he said, he would find out if his patients overdose was treated at Boston Medical Center, but not if the patient was taken to another hospital. The study suggests several ways to address the problem. The prescription monitoring programs that most states have established to track addictive drugs could be revised to include information on overdoses. Insurance companies could alert physicians when they receive a claim for overdose treatment, or require prior authorization for any opioid prescription written after an overdose. But doctors also need better education and support, Larochelle said. Among those prescribing opioids, “most are doing it in a very good faith effort to reduce pain, relieve suffering, and doing whats right for the patient, ” he said. “We need to help clinicians be able to do their jobs better. ” There is no evidence that opioids are effective in treating chronic pain, yet many patients say they depend on the drugs to function, Larochelle said. “The easiest thing to do is just refill the prescription, ” he said. “The hardest thing to do is sit down and have these long conversations about what to do. ” Gregg, the editorial author, said pain and addiction are time-consuming, chronic diseases that often occur simultaneously. “Theres not a quick fix, ” Gregg said. “But there are slow fixes. Our health systems arent particularly well set up for those slow fixes ? yoga, physical therapy, addressing trauma ? the things that will help, but not quickly. ” Felice J. Freyer can be reached at. Follow her on Twitter @felicejfreyer.
Afterward free online bingo. Afterward free online dating. Afterward free online streaming. Afterward free online gambling. Afterward free online banking. Afterward free online slot. Level 1 Stonehenge was a sex thing. 77 points 5 days ago Thank you so much. It isnt available in my country level 2 Take it sleazy. Original Poster 18 points 4 days ago level 1 D'Arcy put it perfectly about Ted and Kristen. It really felt like a true ensemble rather than being about the two of them and it really showed on screen. level 2 It's amazing to me that until she said that in the interview I hadn't even realized that Ted and Kristen were the only two A-Listers in the cast when the show started. Four seasons of this show and it never once occurred to me that there was any hierarchy of fame in the cast. level 1 Darcy is wearing the J+J necklace that Jason gives Janet at the end of the show around her wrist during this interview! level 1 This actually pissed me off. I was watching the finale not knowing it was there and thinking I had fifteen more minutes to go as Eleanor was walking through the door. I didn't emotionally set myself up for it to actually be over. level 2 The interview itself was great, but yeah I thought there was more show so it was jarring when it just cut over to Seth Meyers. I wasn't able to enjoy the finale as much as I would have otherwise because like you I thought there was going to be another 15 minutes and so I wasn't processing the ending as the ending. level 1 It's so cute how they're all holding hands and that kiss at the end! I'm a bit sad that the toast to Jameela was mostly about her beauty because she dedicates lots of her work to stopping objectification of women and because she's got so many other qualities. She nicely turned it around by saying Ted is hot though. Overall it was a heartwarming interview, I'm going to miss this show and its characters. level 2 that was one joke in character. He made the joke and then went on to how he was in awe of her as an actor. level 1 Darcy ????? level 1 THANK YOU. Somebody give him gold cos I've got none left I've been looking for this everywhere and it makes me happy that I've got it now level 2 Take it sleazy. Original Poster 5 points 4 days ago Ha no problem! Thank you, that's sweet! level 1 Shh! Spencer doesnt like loud voices. 8 points 4 days ago NGL, this wasn't long enough level 2 Take it sleazy. Original Poster 3 points 4 days ago I was expecting it to be like an hour long at least! level 1 Dang, it cut off before they could show Mike Schur. I was sitting right behind him, I could've been on TV! Oh well, it was still great to see that interview live. Thank you so much for posting this! level 2 Take it sleazy. Original Poster 1 point 4 days ago I'm sorry about that! Damn I hope it showed the rest. Hopefully it'll come on YouTube and we can finally see. And no problem.
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Afterward free online episodes. Afterward free online movie. Afterward free online. Afterward free online casino. Lmao I heard the Gwyn, Lord of Cinder music at 2:16 and thought my Spotify somehow went through my YouTube audio. Level 1 that guys always like “I never sleep. i NEVER do. ” then procedes to sleep lmao level 2 Right? After every single encounter lol level 2 He kinda reminds me of a toddler. Refusing to sleep then randomly falling asleep a few moments later in a strange place. level 2 I helped him out with his insomnia if you know what I mean. level 1 Nah, he also gets shot and looted and doesnt have anything interesting on his corpse. level 2 Thats so strange. That also happened in my play through:0 level 2 Shot. No. I tied him up and dropped him back into the river from whence he came. level 2 I shot him too and he came back the next chapter. I can't say the same thing happened to Mickey though. Mickey lost his head level 2 Funny, I thought the story went that he was hogtied and drawn by horse down the creek. level 2 But he does come back to life, or there are many identicle mad men level 2 And then he reappears after you kill him level 1 Maybe this guy could be the princess level 1 Poor guy second time I met him I felt sorry for him then I killed him, wish we could bury him and Hamish. level 2 It felt so weird walking away from Hamish's body, just lying there. level 1 Yeah he doesnt have a backstory but he does have a short story in game which is that he can see devil in you 2nd and 3rd encounter of him. The Fourth the guy below me explains. /r/RedDeadMysteries is dedicated to documenting, explaining and uncovering unusual content found within the Red Dead series. Hidden Easter eggs, cut game-file content and much more! Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
Where would I find all episodes in Eng sub ??. State Department Special Agent Mario Montoya instructs Libyan local guards in marksmanship in Benghazi in 2011 in a photo published in the December 2011 issue of the State Department's State Magazine. (State Dept. photo. The State Department took two dramatically different approaches to dealing with the identities of the Diplomatic Security (DS) agents it sent to Benghazi, Libya, to protect Amb. Chris Stevens and the small number of other temporary U. S. diplomatic personnel the department rotated through what its own review board would later admit was a "lawless town. " Before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the department undertook a calculated effort to publicize the agents names and faces- presenting them in a State Department promotional magazine posted on the Internet. After the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks, the State Department has treated the names and faces of the DS agents who survived those attacks as if they were classified information. This remarkable about-face raises two questions: Why cant the American people know the names- and hear the stories- of the heroic DS agents who fought the terrorists who attacked our mission in Benghazi? Why cant these courageous survivors deliver their eyewitnesses accounts directly to the U. Congress? If the player does not load, please check that you are running the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. So far, the Obama administration has publicly released only the names of the Americans whom the terrorists killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. These were Amb. Chris Stevens and Information Management Officer Sean Smith, who worked for the State Department, and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. The December 2011 issue of the State Department's State Magazine featured a cover story about then-Special Envoy Chris Stevens mission to Benghazi during the 2011 Libyan rebellion. The story, which began as the centerfold of the magazine, was written by DS Special Agent Mario Montoya, named the DS special agents protecting Stevens, and carried photographs of some of them. All U. government personnel who were in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012 and survived remain unnamed. The report that the State Departments Accountability Review Board published on Dec. 19 refers to the five DS agents who survived only by acronyms: “RSO, ” and “ARSO 1, ” “ARSO 2, ” “ARSO 3” and “ARSO 4. ” RSO stands for regional security officer. ARSO stands for assistant regional security officer. Last October, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on the Benghazi attack. The committee took testimony from Charlene Lamb, who ran the departments suburban-Virginia-based Bureau of Diplomatic Security. It also took testimony from Eric Nordstrom, who was the RSO at the U. Embassy in Tripoli until July 26, 2012- and was no longer in Libya at the time of the Benghazi terrorist attack. And it additionally took testimony from Amb. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary of state for management. But the committee did not talk to the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security regional security officer (RSO) and the assistant regional security officers (ARSOs) who actually witnessed and resisted the terrorist attack on the department's Benghazi compound. “State has not given Oversight access to the DS agents, ” a committee spokesperson told this week. This photo published in the December 2011 issue of the State Department's magazine showed then-Special Envoy Chris Stevens touring the ruins of the ancient Byzantine city of Cyrene in Sousa, Libya, in 2011. The caption on this photo in State Magazine identified the man in sunglasses on the right as State Department RSO Mike Ranger. photo) On Monday, House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce, and House Oversight National Security Subcommittee Chairman Jason Chaffetz sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking her to provide them with certain documents and information relating to the Benghazi attack. Among the things the committee asked Clinton to handover was: “A complete list of every individual?including name, title, and agency?interviewed by the ARB for the December 19, 2012, report, and any documents and communications referring or relating to the interviews. ” The committee also asked for: “Video footage of the September 11, 2012, attack on the Benghazi compound. ” If the committee wanted the names of the DS agents who were in Benghazi with Chris Stevens during the 2011 rebellion?as opposed to those who were with Stevens in Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack?all they would need to do is go to the State Department's website and look up the December 2011 issue of State Magazine. The cover story of this official government publication is entitled: “Mission to a Revolution. ” It was written by Mario Montoya, identified in the magazine as one of the DS agents who protected Stevens in Benghazi during the 2011 Libyan rebellion. Early on, the story quotes directly from Stevens, using words that echo what Stevens said at an Aug. 2, 2011 State Department press briefing. This photo, which appeared in the December 2011 issue of the State Department's magazine, identified the man on the right as DS Special Agent Joshua Vincent. The caption said he was testing satellite data and voice communications on a cargo ship enroute from Malta to Benghazi. photo) Says the article: “‘We arrived April 5, recalled the expeditions leader Special Envoy Chris Stevens. ‘It was difficult to get there at the time. There werent any flights. So we came in by a Greek cargo ship and unloaded our gear and our cars and set up our office there. ” After noting that the U. State Department personnel arriving in Benghazi were greeted by Libyans waving American flags in a place called Freedom Square, DS agent Montoya explains how these personnel found a place to live. Then he names eight of his DS- agent colleagues who were with Stevens in Benghazi at that time. “But the groups members needed more than a warm welcome; they needed a place to bed down for the night, ” wrote Montoya. “In expeditionary diplomacy, they [sic] key is to make do with what you have, so the missions first night was spent aboard ship while Diplomatic Security Service agents Brian Haggerty, Kent Anderson, Josh Vincent, Chris Deedy, James McAnelly, Jason Brierly and Ken Davis, Agent in Charge Keith Carter and Political Officer Nathan Tek scoured the city for rooms. “They soon settled into a formerly government owned hotel where other foreign missions and international journalists were lodged, but had to move when a car bomb exploded in the hotel parking lot, ” said the State Magazine article. This photo, which was published in the Bureau of Diplomatic Securities annual report for 2011, shows then-Special Envoy Chris Stevens in Benghazi on April 11, six days after he landed there in a Greek cargo ship. The caption in the annual report says Stevens is speaking "to local media in Benghazi. and identifies the man behind and to his right as a DS officer, although it does not name him. photo) “Despite being in the hands of friendly forces, ” the article said, “Benghazi had tenuous security. ” This State Department magazine went on to explain that the DS agents in Benghazi protected diplomatic personnel as they travelled in Libya during the rebellion, and that they worked to make security enhancements when Stevens diplomatic mission moved to a private compound. Once there, they trained “local guards” in things such as “marksmanship. ” “DS agents Jeremy Clarke, Chris Little and Mario Montoya [the author of the article] medic Jack Van Cleve, Regional Security Officer Mike Ranger and Security Protective Specialists Domingo Ruiz and Ronald Young protected mission staff travelling in Benghazi or in the rebel-controlled towns in eastern Libya, ” said the State Magazine article. “Once the mission moved to a private compound, DS agents and security engineering officers ensured safety with a blend of physical barriers, cameras and other technical means. “A local guard force was also assembled to provide early warning and a first line of defense, ” said the article. “DS agents quickly established a training program that included internal defense planning, weapons safety, basic marksmanship and tactical combat casualty care, while DS medics handled everything from a dog bite to two medical evacuations. ” The State Departments article includes numerous photographs. One shows the author, DS Special Agent Montoya, teaching marksmanship to Libyan local guards. Another shows RSO Mike Ranger protecting then-Special Envoy Stevens as he tours the ruins of an ancient Byzantine city in Libya. Another shows DS Special Agent Joshua Vincent using a laptop and telephone to test satellite data and voice communications onboard a ship steaming from Malta to Benghazi. The Bureau of Diplomatic Securitys annual report for 2011 also features photographs of some of the DS agents in Benghazi with Stevens in 2011. Unlike the December 2011 State Magazine article, however, the annual report does not identify the DS agents by name. In fact, the annual report features the same photo of Mario Montoya teaching Libyans marksmanship that is featured in the State Magazine article. It also features a photo of a DS agent protecting then-Special Envoy Stevens speaking to “local media” in Benghazi on April 11, 2011, six days after he had arrived on the Greek cargo ship. The State Department ARB report- published in December 2012, a year after the State Magazine article?describes Stevens 2011 arrival in Benghazi virtually the same way the State Magazine article did. However, the ARB report does not use the actual names of the DS agents as the State Departments magazine had?but does reveal that there were ten DS agents who went wi
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