Hvítur, hvítur dagur Wĩtђ?ut Sιĝή U?


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Year - 2019 Hlynur Palmason synopsis - Hvítur, hvítur dagur is a movie starring Ingvar Sigurdsson, Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir, and Hilmir Snær Guðnason. In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man for having had an affair with his wife liked it - 887 Votes runtime - 109 minutes

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When the movie starts with good few minutes of a car driving down a misty road you know you are in for a long ride. The harsh landscape of the setting is almost a character in the film. It gives the movie almost a magnetic quality. But there's a sense of imminent tragedy lurking underneath it all. WHITE WHITE DAY tells a seemingly simple story, but is secretive at times, letting the viewers decide for themselves what motivates the characters. And it is often what happens off screen that has the real impact. The cinematography however goes a bit overboard with still static shots of everchanging nature, as beautiful as they are they quickly turn irritating. There are wonderful performances from all involved, specifically a tour de force from the lead Ingvar Siggurdson, as he slowly goes to pieces, his anger, pain and frustration tearing him apart on the inside, as he is just sitting there quietly like a bomb ready to go off. WHITE WHITE DAY has a story to tell and has some interesting characters to match. It is, however first, and foremost an Arthouse film that tries to experiment with cinematography, light and pacing. It also relies on the viewer's attention, but it is a long, slightly depressing movie and not everyone will last the distance. But if you do it is rather rewarding. Some movies hide the fact that they have little to say beyond the artistic impressions. WHITE WHITE DAY is not such a film.
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