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Average Rating 8,2 / 10 Star / score 78789 vote / creator Louisa May Alcott / star Saoirse Ronan / 135 Minutes / Directed by Greta Gerwig.
?Tonight well have an interview with an accomplished female director about her newest film- let‘s ask her about her baby, her husband, why she went somewhere on her own and what kind of soup she had there. If we still have time, let‘s ask her one question about her work.“ I don‘t usually get annoyed by small stuff like that, but this interview was frustrating. She is great and surely would have had more interesting things to say about her movie. Es La Niña de desde mi cielo? Si es ella, se ve igual. ‘Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents, ’ grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. ‘It’s so dreadful to be poor! ’ sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress. ‘I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all, ’ added little Amy, with an injured sniff. ‘We’ve got Father and Mother, and each other, ’ said Beth contentedly from her corner. The four young faces on which the firelight shone brightened at the cheerful words, but darkened again as Jo said sadly, ‘We haven’t got Father, and shall not have him for a long time. ’ She didn’t say ‘perhaps never, ’ but each silently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was. Nobody spoke for a minute; then Meg said in an altered tone, ‘You know the reason Mother proposed not having any presents this Christmas was because it is going to be a hard winter for everyone; and she thinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure, when our men are suffering so in the army. We can’t do much, but we can make our little sacrifices, and ought to do it gladly. But I am afraid I don’t. ’ And Meg shook her head, as she thought regretfully of all the pretty things she wanted.
Like if you know about the modern opera version. Top Authors Search for free books by author name in this elaborate list of authors, poets, playwrights, philosophers and essayists as diverse as Aesop, Shakespeare, Washington Irving, Hans Christian Andersen, Victor Hugo, Tolstoy, Yeats, and Willa Cather. It feels like a very fresh & modern take on a story from the 1860s. Beautiful to look at and wonderfully acted. It is fast-paced for a story of that era but I didn't mind that. There were too many charming characters, beautiful homes, and too much lovely music to let trivialities bother me. GUYS, WE NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE TO SUPPORT THE CREW AND THE DIRECTOR.

Amy is definitely a Libra ?. Frances Ha realized she found her true passion in film-making. Timothee Chalamet, Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan in the same film. Can the world be more kind. Sort of guessed Emma Watson would be cast as Jo. I think it will be interesting to see her interpretation of Meg. Meg is an underrated character in the film versions of this story in the past, and even in the book, Alcott kind of brushes by her. Now that Im writing this, Watson is just the right person to bring Meg to life. This movie was really good. I have a hard time with Amy's character though lol. Loved the movie! Greta's adaptation is so brilliant. Next up for me is Anne with an E on Netflix. New season starts 3rd January, and I can't wait. Jo and Anne are definitely kindred spirits.
LW Power Ranking: Pugh Ronan Fuccboi Chalamet Dern Scanlan streep Watson. Lástima que este solo en cines. Quee buenaaa peliiii. How did she get buttoned when she put on the apron ? ?. Can you upload the scene where laurie saves amy. Saoirse is SOOO beautiful and SOOO talented. Love her work. Yall ever look at a comment and be like I wish I commented that?. Saoirse is a STAR and Goddess, she did such tremendous work. Can you please upload the scene where Laurie proposes to Jo. Why are they uploading episodes out of order.
Love when she says soz meryl. The American audience did not understand that. Miss mother of dragon. I have Jo's anger issues and awkwardness with her femininity, Amy's love of money and comfort, Meg's spinelessness and Beth's extreme introversion. Yay. Jo and Laurie are the CUTEST! <3. Synopsis Following the lives of March sisters ?Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy?, on a journey out of adolescence, Louisa May Alcott's Little Women explores the difficulties associated with gender roles and the achievement of individual identity in a Post-Civil War America. e-Readers Send to your kindle PDF Read Online.
Dont know how she can even talk while timothée is staring at her. I went to this movie expecting something truly exceptional, given the multitude of fawning reviews over it. I was profoundly disappointed. This film is so inferior to the 1994 adaptation of the novel that it would be laughable but for all the fawning reviews that lend to this film a misleading impression of great merit. In her attempt to produce a "hip" retelling of the novel, Gerwig completely trashes it. Her overtly political, in-your-face script loses all the nuance that makes Alcott's novel both powerful and timeless. Gerwigs hits you over the head with a sledgehammer of feminist tropes while eschewing the complexity and richness of treatment that lies at the core of the Alcott novel. It does not help that the script utterly fails to develop any of the romantic relationships. Friedrich (who, inexplicably, has a French accent) pops up at the end for a romantic liason with Jo that comes out of nowhere. Meg's and Amy's relationships are similarly bereft of developed foundation. This may in part be explained by Gerwig's affected contrivance of telling the story through a mishmash of flashbacks that leave one's head spinning as to where in the world we are and what time frame we are in. It is an abject failure as a plot device. On top of all this, the film is poorly cast. The actors who play Meg and Jo regularly break into their native British accents, destroying any illusion of authenticity. The male characters are especially weak. Timothee Chalamet is just not credible as Laurie, while the aforementioned Friedrich would have been a little more believable had he at least been given a German accent. The actor is also far too young to play the middle-aged character of the novel. Laura Dern fails to impress as Marmee, though her performance is also hampered by Gerwig's wince-inducing script. The only actor who comes across well is Saoirse Ronan, but even she is let down by the screenplay. Anyone interested in a proper adaptation of the novel should watch the 1994 version instead. It may not be "hip" but it sure has substance that this film lacks.
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I loved it in every way. If you're a fan of the books you'll enjoy every bit of this movie. It made me cry, laugh and despair in the most fairy-like sense. I found Greta's use of contrasting light to represent the past and the present very useful in keeping track of the story (bright and colourful when reminiscing about the girl's childhood but dim and greyish as they step into adulthood. You can sense Alcott's spirit throughout the film, which does a great job at honouring her life and what she believed in, when possible. I whole-heartedly recommend it. It's a fresh take on a classic.

  • Reporter John Manuel Arias
  • Info: Poet, Fiction writer, Telenovela Supervillain. Rep'd by @ErinHarrisFolio. @CantoMundo Fellow, @Tin_House SWW alumnus. #Latinxistentialism [He/Him] ????









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