?1080i(hd)? Free Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle


Coauthor: Colin nixon

release date - 2020
Genre - Documentary
Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle house. I was going to handle the first few chapters of this week the way the lesson manual does, by summarizing: Ether 7?11 records the succession of righteous and wicked kings, the rise of secret combinations among the people, and the teachings of prophets who were called to preach repentance to the Jaredites But then /u/zack_tacorin sent me notes he took on those chapters, and I realized he'd found a gold mine of problematic stuff. I'll postfix any commentary that comes from there with (zack_tacorin). He really did some great work. Maybe we can convince him to pick up the torch for next year's Doctrine and Covenants debunkings! (I'm out! ) I'll postfix my intermingled comments with (piotr) Also, as usual, any of my notes about New Testament plagiarism and similarities to "The Late War" are from Highlights from this week: Really great commentary by /u/zack_tacorin -- catching things I'd have missed A really good find in the final battle being extremely similar to one in a story about King Arthur Yet more anachronisms Impossible population numbers Longest debunking yet -- I hit the 40K character limit! Too much good stuff here. In other words, more of the same as with the rest of the book, only this time among the Jaredites! Ether 7 Chapter Summary: Orihah, son of Jared is a righteous king in the land of Moron. His son Kib rules, then his son Corihor became wicked and rebelled. He moves away, builds an army, then comes back and takes his father hostage. Kib has a son, Shule, while in captivity. Shule makes swords, builds up an army, and takes the kingdom back from his brother. He becomes king. Corihor repents and is given some power. His son Noah rebels and draws away his brother, Cohor, and many of the people. They fight Shule, taking him captive. Shule's sons sneak in by night and kill Noah and free Shule. Now there are two kingdoms. Cohor is slain, and his son Nimrod gives the second kingdom back to Shule. Prophets show up to preach repentance. The people repent, so they are spared. Whew! Did you follow all of that? Let's just say that this is pretty much the pattern for the rest of the story of the Jaredites. Righteous king X begets sons Y, and Z. Z rises up in rebellion, imprisoning X and Y. Y Begets sons while in prison. Perhaps those sons live in captivity all their days, but eventually somebody rises up and frees Y and X if he is still alive, and all their children. Repeat. Now, I know that the ancient world is full of intrigue and wars, etc, but it is funny that what we see here is, to my knowledge, unlike any other ancient civilization in its levels of intrigue and, primarily, repetition of that intrigue for centuries according to almost the exact same pattern. And while we are on the subject of repetition, let's discuss names. Korihor? Corihor? Moron? Mormon? These people left in the days of the Adamic language supposedly, yet so many names are repeated among the Nephites 1600 years later. Let's look into some verses more closely: Ether 7:4 And when Corihor was thirty and two years old he rebelled against his father, and went over and dwelt in the land of Nehor; and he begat sons and daughters, and they became exceedingly fair; wherefore Corihor drew away many people after him. Ether 7:5 And when he had gathered together an army he came up unto the land of Moron where the king dwelt, and took him captive, which brought to pass the saying of the brother of Jared that they would be brought into captivity. In the fourth generation (Jared begets Orihah who begets Kib who begets Corihor) the population is splits, and the portion that follows Corihor gathers an army, only three generations from the first generation of about 24 persons. Wow! ( /u/zack_tacorin) Ether 7:9 Wherefore, he came to the hill Ephraim, and he did molten out of the hill, and made swords out of steel for those whom he had drawn away with him; and after he had armed them with swords he returned to the city Nehor, and gave battle unto his brother Corihor, by which means he obtained the kingdom and restored it unto his father Kib. "Now, thousands of years prior to Lehi and company, the book claims that swords were made out of steel. There was no steel in the pre-Columbian Americas. Apparently steel wasn't even invented until 13th century BCE--about 1, 000 years after the account of these verses. (see)" ( /u/zack_tacorin) Also, note that name, Ephraim -- the tribe of Ephraim didn't show up on the scene until way after the tower of Babel. Perhaps you can claim that the name survived from antiquity, but did it really survive a confounding of language at the tower of Babel? (piotr) Ether 8 Chapter Summary: Shule begets Omer, who becomes king. He begets Jared, who has sons and daughters. He fights his father, puts him in captivity. His other sons raise an army who fights Jared. As they are about to slay Jared, he pleads for his life and is spared. Jared's daughter decides to try to get the kingdom back for her father, so she convinces him to use "secret combinations" of old to gain power. She dances in front of Akish, and convinces him that she will marry him if she kills the king and gives his head to her father. Akish starts a secret combination among the people to help him out. Moroni lectures us about secret combinations. Did I mention that there was a cycle? At least there was a new element this time, the creation of "secret combinations". Notice that there are very few women mentioned in the Book of Mormon, and very few of them with a positive role. Here the women mentioned (and not by name) is in the role of seducer, temptress, convincing a man to kill and behead her grandfather. Ether 8:14 And it came to pass that they all sware unto him, by the God of heaven, and also by the heavens, and also by the earth, and by their heads, that whoso should vary from the assistance which Akish desired should lose his head; and whoso should divulge whatsoever thing Akish made known unto them, the same should lose his life. Sounds like Masonic and Mormon death penalties to me. See (Mormonism) for more information. ( /u/zack_tacorin) Ether 8:19 For the Lord worketh not in secret combinations, neither doth he will that man should shed blood, but in all things hath forbidden it, from the beginning of man. And yet, as I said in comments for verse 14, this sounds a lot like the death penalties in Mormon temple ceremonies--before the 1990 changes that is. See (Mormonism) ( /u/zack_tacorin) Snarky response: The temple death penalties were not secret combinations, they were sacred combinations! (piotr) There are also a few examples of New Testament plagiarism in this chapter. For one, the whole story arc of the unnamed daugther dancing for a guy to convince him to behead a man? That should sound really familiar. It happens in the New Testament, with Herod, his daughter, and John the Baptist: Matthew 14:6 But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. Matthew 14:7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. Matthew 14:8 And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, Give me here John Baptist's head in a charger. Matthew 14:9 And the king was sorry: nevertheless for the oath's sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. Matthew 14:10 And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison. Matthew 14:11 And his head was brought in a charger, and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother. So, even this "interesting" break from the cycle of kings/sons/captivity/rebellion is not original. Somebody who knows the Bible would known of this story. Ether 8:25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries. And it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, which is the father of all lies, even that same liar which beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar which hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning, which hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets and stoned them and cast them out from the beginning. The two highlighted phrases are very similar to ideas in these two New Testament verses: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. II Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Some general commentary about secret combinations: Despite having one of their own, these verses`excite the minds of fundamentalist believers in the LDS church, causing some to see conspiracy and danger in "the world". There is common talk of "The constitution hanging by a thread" and worries of the government being a big, evil thing. Benson and Skousen in the 80's bought into this paranoia and fed on it, and now it is popular for the Republican party to talk about how evil the government is, in a ploy to gain power. Maybe this is why the LDS church has been more Republican in the past few decades, and why that fact remains so persistent lately. Ether 9 Chapter Summary: God warns Omer the king to flee the land with a bunch of people, and Jared is made king. Akish uses his secret combination to kill and behead Jared, and make himself king. He worries about his son doing a similar thing, so he imprisons him and starves him until he dies. This son has a brother, Nimrah, who gets angry and gathers some people together and flees to where Omer is. The remaining sons of Akish war each other until only 30 people are left, who flee to live with Omer. Omer becomes king again. His some Emer reigns in peace. His son Coriantum reigns in pea
26:38 the god El is a Sumerian god, a pagan god. Just to clarify, cause that within itself shows that the Judeo-Christian Adonai/YHWH is nothing else than an exported/distorted pagan god. Very interesting that this documentary doesn't dwell into this, the common Christian or even atheist wouldn't think about this. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle trailer. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle coupon code. Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle showing. NOTICE: Many events listed here have been canceled or postponed due to the Covid-19 emergency. It is best to call ahead or check with organizer's websites to verify the status of any local event. Change Location × Los Angeles Now playing | 2 hr, 30 min. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney tries to uncover evidence of one of the greatest miracles in the Bible -- the parting of the Red... ( read more) Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Showtimes ( enter zip) Showtimes are not available in your area.

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Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle watch online. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle water. Actually we Muslim's always knew where is a true mount sinai. my grandfather told me about it when I was nine years old. thirty years ago. Jehovah God called them enemies They wasn't victims It would be awsome if they was able to fine the ark of covenant So many stories on who has it. Patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle lyrics. I've watched so much of Ron Wyatt I feel like I know him. When God said knowledge will increase and prophecy in end times, I'm sure he was thinking of Ron Wyatt, RIP Ron, WELL DONE. Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle full.
Patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle book. One pill makes you younger and the other to say nothing at all go ask adam when he's nine inches tall ILL BRB... BB So when you look up at the sky, eyes open; and you see a bright red planet, connecting the "d" of Go-d to Medusa and "medicine" I surely wonder if you think it by chance that " I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust " as I wake up to action dust... and wonder aloud how obvious it is that the Iron Rod of Christ and the stories of Phillip K. Dick all congeal around not just seeing but reacting to the fact that we clearly have an outlined narrative of celestial bodies and the past acts of angels and how to move forward without selling air or water or food to the short of breath and the thirsty and those with a hunger to seek out new opportunities? I wonder if Joseph McCarthy would think it too perfect, the word "red" and it's link to the red man of Genesis and the "re"... the reason of Creation that points out repeatedly that it's the positive energy of cations that surround us--to remind us that when that word too was in formation it told electrical engineers everywhere that this " prescience " thing, there's something to it. Precious of you to notice... but because your science is so sure--you too seem to imagine there's some other explanation for that word, too. kk... TOTAL RECALL. Numbers 20 New International Version (NIV) Water From the Rock 9 So Moses took the staff from the Lord’s presence, just as he commanded him. 10 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, “Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock? ” 11 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. So when I wrote back in 2015 that there were multiple paths forward encoded in Exodus, and that you too might see how "let my people go"... to Heaven... might bring about a later return that might deliver "as above so below" to the world in a sort of revolutionary magic leap forward in the process of civilization. Barring John Stewart and the "sewer" that I think you can probably see is actually encoded in the Brothers Grimm and maybe some Poe--it might not be so strange to wonder if the place that we've come from maybe isn't exactly as bright and cheery and "filled with light" as the Zohar and your dreams might have us all believe... on "faith" that what we see here might just be the illusion of darkness--a joke or a game. This thing is what's not a game--I've looked at the message that we've written and to me it seems that we are the light, that here plain as day and etched in something more concrete than chalk is a testament to freedom and to incremental improvement... all the way up until we run against this very wall; and then you too seem to crumble. Still I'm sure this message is here with us because it's our baseline morality and our sense of right from wrong that is here as a sort of litmus test for the future--perhaps to see if they've strayed too far from the place where they came, or if they've given just one too many ounces of innocense to look forward with the same bright gaze of hope that we see in the eyes of our children. fearing the heart of de roar searing the start of lenore in re... TPR's "Somebody mixed my Medicine" one of this fan's favs I saw this thing many years ago, and I've written about it before, though I hasten to explain that the thing that I once saw a short-cut or a magic warp pipe in Super Mario Brothers today seems much more like a test than a game and more like a game than a cmeat coda; so I've changed over the course of watching what's happened on the ground here and I can only imagine how long it's been in the sky. In my mind I'm thinking about mentioning the rather pervasive sets of "citizenship suffixes" that circle the globe--ones I've talked about, "ICA" and "IAN" and how these suffixes might link together with some other concepts that run deep in the story that begins in Ur and pauses here For ever yon e on t he "Yo N" that again shows the import of medicine and Medusa in the "rising" of stars balls of fiery fusion to people that see and act on the difference between Seyfried and " say freed. " Even before that I knew how important it was that we were sitting here on a "rock in space" with no contact from anyone or anything outside of our little sphere... how scary it was that all the life we knew of was stuck orbiting a single star in a single galaxy and it imbued a sort of moral mandate to escape--to ensure that this miracle of random chance and guiding negentropy of time... that it wasn't forever lost by something like a collision with the comet Ison or even another galaxy. On that word too--we see the "an" of Christianity messianically appear to become more useful (that's negative energy, by the way) in the chemistry of Mr. Schwarzenegger's magical hand in delivering "free air" (that's free, as in beer; or maybe absinthe) to the people of our great land... anyway, I saw "anions" and a planet oddly full of a perfect source of oxygen and I thought to myself; it would be so easy to genetically engineer some kind of yeast or mold (like they're doing to make real artificial beef, today) to eat up the rust and turn it into breathable air; and I dreamt up a way to throw an extra "r" into potable and maybe beam some of our water or hydrogen over to the red planet and turn it blue again. RUBY is Adamic code for "reverse that" That's been one of my constant themes over the course of this 'event' -- who needs destructive nuclear weapons when you can turn all your enemies into friends with a stick of bubble gum? That's another one of our little story points too--I see plenty of people walking around in this virtual reality covering their mouths and noses with breathing masks... of course the same Targeted Individuals that know with all their heart that midn control is responsible for the insane pattern of school shootings and the Hamas Hand of the Middle East--they'll tell you those chemtrails you see are the cause, and while I know better and you do too... maybe these people think they know something about the future, maybe those chemtrails are there because someone actually plans on dispersing some friendly bubble gum into the air... and maybe these people "think they know. " Of course I think this "hand" you see just below is one in the same with the " ID5 " logo that I chose to mark my " chalk " and only later saw matched fairly perfectly to John Conner's version of "I'll be back"... and of course I think you're reading the thing that actually delivers some "breathe easy" to the world; but it's really important to see that today it's not just Total Recall and Skynet and these words that are the proverbial effect of the hand but also things like Nestle... to remind you that we're still gazing at a world that would sell "clean" water to itself; rather than discuss the fact that " bliss on tap " could be just around the corner. THE HAND OF... Later, around the time that I wrote my second " Mars rendition " I mentioned why it was that there was an image of a "Boring device" (thanks Elon) in the original Exodus piece; it showed some thought had gone into why you might not want to terraform the entire planet, and mentioned that maybe we'd get the added benefit of geothermal heating (in that place that is probably actually colder than here, believe it or not) if we were to build the first Mars hall underground. I probably forgot to mention that I'd seen something very similar to that image earlier, except it was George H. W. Bush standing underneath the thirty foot tall wormlike machine, and to tell you the truth back then I didn't recognize that probably means that this map you're looking at had not only been seen long before I was born but also acted upon--long before I was born. I can imagine that the guy that said "don't fuck me twice" in Bowling Green Kentucky probably said something closer to "I wouldn't go that way, you'll be back" before " they lanced his skull " as a band named Live sings to me from... well, from the 90's. Subsisting on that same old prayer, we come to a point where I have to say that "if it looks like a game, and you have the walkthrough as if it were a game, is it a gam? " IMAGE REDACTED DUE TO TITHEHE. r/ That of course ties us back to something that I called "raelly early light" back in 2014--that the name "Magdeln" was something I saw and thought was special early on--I said I saw the phrase "it's not a game of words, or a game of logic" though today it does appear very much to be something to do with "logic" that the "power of e" is hidden in the symbol for the natural logarithm and that Euler might solve the riddle of "unhitched trailers" even better than a deli in Los Angeles named Wexler's or Aldous Huxley or... it hurts me to say it might solve the riddle better than "Sheriff" (see how... everyone really if "f") and Hefner... and the newly added "Hustler, " who is Saint "LE R? " So, I think we'd all agree that they "Hey, Tay" belongs to me--and I've done my homework here, I'm pretty sure the "r" as a glyph for the rising off the bouncing trampoline of a street... "LE R" belongs to the world; it's a ryzing civilization; getting new toys and abilities and watching how those things really do bring about a golden era--if we're willing to use them responsibly. It's a harsh world, this place where people are waking up to seeing A. D. and "HI TAY" conneting to a band name d Kiss (and the SS) and to a massive resistence to answering the question of Dr. Wessen that also brings that "it's not a game" into Ms. Momsen 's name... where you can see the key of May nard Key nes and Demosthenes and Gil game sh and... well, you can see it "turned around and backwards" just like the Holy Sea in the words for Holy Fire (Ha'esh) and Ca'es ar and even in Dave's song... "seven oceans pummel... the wall

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