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writers: Alla Kovgan summary: Cunningham is a movie starring Carolyn Brown, John Cage, and Ashley Chen. The iconic Merce Cunningham and the last generation of his dance company is stunningly profiled in Alla Kovgan's 3D documentary, through recreations of his genre: Documentary runtime: 1 h 33 M Liked It: 157 Vote. His voice reminds me so much of Kurts that I lowkey was waiting for him to slay Defying Gravity one time for the one time??. Cunningham watch online course. Back when Fury fought like an idiot, Cunningham was looking for the overhand right from the first second of round 1. He even says that Cunningham made him change his style and become more of a boxer, this was an important fight for him.
Excellent and insightful film on the creative genius, Merce Cunningham. I will recommend to all my friends. Does anyone know if this piece counts as minimalistic dance. Just NASTY. Can you change your name to Jordan Cuttingham. 2:38 yaaasss queenn listening to billie at 5 in the morning is a routine for me???. Jordan: covers hair to surprise us Also Jordan: posts his hair on tiktok.
Cependant, attention DANGER, avec les à-coups, au niveau neuro-musculaire, les interruptions d'ordre saccadées entrainent des micros-lésion musculaires irréversibles, mais indolores au début, pendant longtemps. Le muscle lésé forme du collagène de réparation et perd ainsi toute son élasticité et souplesse. Il faut exécuter le même mouvement mais EN CONTINUITÉ ! Idem avec la technique Graham. However, be careful DANGER, with jolts, at the neuromuscular level, jerky order interruptions lead to irreversible, but painless muscle microlesions at first, for a long time. The injured muscle forms repair collagen and thus loses all its elasticity and flexibility. The same movement must be performed but IN CONTINUITY! Same with the Graham technique.
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This was a stunt to promote their business. She never shared one tear and was too calm about it. Great plot though ?.
  • Great to see a film about dancing! A relatively unexplored sub-genre of documentary, and Cunningham was welcome for this alone. It adds to a hole that I suppose Wenders' Pina opened.
  • On that note, this film should not have been shot in 3d, which added nothing but nausia. We expect the 3d was entirely for the purpose of (a) copying Pina and, relatedly, b) getting funding. But Cunningham's dances are far less spectacular and their presentation here likewise. The 3d only distracts from the movement in all but one Warhol-involved set, especially when edited with 2d archival.
  • First half entertaining, second boring. The film progresses at a monotonous pace: one thing happens and then another and then another. No real conflict or tension.
Which is a problem. Because there evidently was plenty of this, but only in reality. The movie, on the other hand, brushes past unconvincingly. No one in the film is given space apart from Cunningham - everyone else speaks to convince the audience how great he is. I wanted to hear from one of his female dancers honestly, in long form, of the darkness of Cunningham. This would help to flesh out his character, give us something to chew on, and organise the film into a narrative. As is, we grew progressively distrusting and disengaged with the Greatest Hits/ Victory Lap tone, before the film ends suddenly with the news that all his dancers left.
  • Ultimately we were left unconvinced that Cunningham (the dancer) was all that interesting. Fashionable certainly, he's attached to the right people, and I'm sure it would be great to be dancing as him, but the just-over-half-full prime-time-at-the-festival cinema was an endless circuit of yawns.
  • Nevertheless we feel cultured now.

This is the best song of the decade... Ive never said that until now... I once stayed up till 6am on a school night. Year 4, 2008 2008 starts off hot. I grind a lot of MTTs on FTP this year. It was my biggest year (total cashes) on FTP at 425k. I am still on that life time ban from Poker Stars. I hate UB and AP back then. So Carbon and FTP are the bulk of where I play. Though I am pretty sure I downloaded and played every site ever to exist in those days. I start playing HU nlh cash during this year. 400nl up to 1knl are my comfort zone (my bb100 was always highest at 1knl, I am fairly certain I fuck off money the lower the stakes go, yet go higher and the competition is tougher, 1knl was like a good ceiling for casual fish, it was the stake that seemed to lure some whales in) I stay living at home until May roughly. While living at home I am playing 80+ hours a week. I start dabbling in some bigger live games (just 5-10 but the game would get stupid deep at times, everyone played so bad back in 08, stacks just got in with top pair those days. KQ vs KT on a K high board was just gonna be a big pot every time! ) I will share the most epic hand I ever played live, I am fairly uncertain if this was in 08 or 09 but I have plenty of material for 09. I am far too lazy to go animate this hand for this thread, or any thread. Plus there is some other stuff going on. 5-10 NL 10 handed and I am on the button with 56o Gonna just pretend every player has 2k-3k UTG raises to 30 Only one person folds between him and me so I flat (I did a lot of things live I would never do online. Live poker was a vacation to me. I splashed around and gambled a lot) and one of the blinds calls. 8 ways to flop 240$ pot T74xxc BB checks UTG bets 75 (yes 75$ into 240$ 8 ways) All but one call to me. I flat and the BB flats. Turn 6c pot is 775~ BB checks UTG bets 150$ (yes into 775~ pot) One call One fold Then a 60 year old man raises to 300 (yes he min raises) Asian guy behind him (pretty loose player) flats 300 with 1200~ behind I raise to 1125 BB folds UTG folds Caller folds 60 year old man who has 2k stack roughly starts thinking. Tanks for 30 seconds. My hearts thumping a bit. 60 seconds I am just waiting on him to fold. Then he does something unbelievable, he mutters something about not having a redraw, and shows his hand to the guy to his right. The guy to his right kind wide eyes a bit. He tanks for another 30 seconds, the whole time I am in my head thinking “is this guy holding the nuts but worried about a fucking redraw because theres two clubs now?!!?! Am I about to bluff the nuts off a hand?!?! ” He tanks for another 30 seconds and says something about a redraw again and MUCKS HIS HAND. I am fist pumping in my head. Now its on Asian gambler (probably not a smart guy to try and squeeze out) He basically snap puts his last 1200 in the pot and I sigh call the 400~ after making the nuts fold and Asian guy named Hai tables 3rd nuts 35xx and I cant hit a 3/8 for a chop. Yes it was confirmed that he folded the nuts. He was distraught after seeing our hands knowing he mucked a 5k~ pot even if Hai folded. I have always considered this to be the most epic hand I have ever played probably because of the 60-120 seconds in my head being fully aware that he had the nuts and thinking is he really going to fold 98 to me? When he mucked it was like I had already won the pot. I made the nuts fold in NLH. The guy who folded it is a super nice guy I still run into from time to time. The Asian who called shows up once in a blue moon anymore. Around March/April I pack my bags to go to Vegas with my sister who was going out there for work and wanted me to go with her since I had been there before. She had a conference on two of the 4 days we went and I play poker all 4 days anyways. Im a degenerate, I dont have time to hang out with my sister! So we get on a flight out of Tulsa and go. I think I brought 10k with me. Caesars was having the WSOP circuit championship while I was there so I walk over to Caesars each day to rub elbows with my fellow super pros. I play some 5-10nl and win some money. Games were soft from what I remember. People just took a lot of bad lines. Im foggy on the action of this hand but this was one of the few pots I remember in fair detail from a decade plus ago and I will attempt to reconstruct it as best I can. I am about 4-5k deep in a 5-10 game and in late position with QTcc EP with me covered opens to 40 Mid calls I make it 175ish EP flats Mid folds Q45xxx EP checks I bet 225ish EP raises to 600ish I flat Turn Kx EP bets 1k ish I flat River 9x EP rips which was about 2500-3k effective I tank. I remember he was a guido looking guy. Fairly young. Prob not a poker pro, he looked more like a guy who gets a thrill out of shooting steroids into his friends asses. I remember thinking that his hand is often AQ or pairs here but why on earth would he continue barreling AQ. I am not a guy who picks up physical tells. Im a fucking basement dwelling pale white online player. I read avatars and usernames not faces. I tank for a couple minutes wanting to call but not wanting to fuck up and gift him this river bet. Ultimately I end up calling and he says youre good and tables 66. Ive never been one to celebrate winning a pot but I got up and fist pumped a couple times. This wasnt too uncommon in those days tbh. I definitely would never do that now under any circumstance shy of hitting a very large BBJ and I doubt I would do it then. This was the biggest pot I had ever won live though (over 9k) and I was an excited punk 22 year old kid exerting my white privilege with a fist pump while weighing 140lbs soaking wet. I was up 10~ on the trip in a couple days and Saturday (maybe Friday fuck if I remember) was the next day and that meant the circuit main started. I thinkkkk there was two day 1s and I caught the second one. I had decided if I was up 10k I would play this tourney so thats what I did. So the next day I get out of bed walk over to Caesars casually walk up to the cage and hand over 5000$ for a seat in this tourney. (Mind you I am 22 at the time I look like I am 16) I get a ticket with a seat number and head that way. I pull up my chair and take a look around to see Allen Cunninham and Chris Ferguson at my table along with several online guys who I didnt know exactly who they were but could tell they were online players. I forget start stack but I think it was 10k. 25-25 start level. 25-50 second level. First level I open a pot or two but play nothing of substance. Second level I pick up KK and theres an open to 150 from an online player. I 3b to 475. He eyes me and makes it 1275. I eye him and make it 3200. He eyes me and rips. I wink at him, blow him a kiss and say “read them and weep” as I shovel my stack in and table my 2nd best hand in poker. He then tables AA and we run 5 cards that offer me no King and I go on my way 5000$ poorer after an hour or so. Hindsight, this is obviously terrible. Im still pretty green. Never should be getting 200bb in with KK early in an MTT vs a competent player. Probably flat the 1200 and assess flop as a solid player wont be 4b QQ/JJ/AK in this spot and definitely wont be doing this light OOP. Maybe I end up stacking anyways but what I did was bad. I was probably one of the two or three worst players at my table (given I was way out of my element), it wasnt exactly a soft field. I think Ferguson or Cunningham ended up winning it. Field was around 300 if I remember right. (Just searched it out and Cunningham was the winner for 500k) So I head back home still winner on the trip but dishing off 5k for a tourney hurt a bit. I move to Tulsa with a different couple friends. Eclipse 100k bankroll not long after. Then jeopardize a big chunk of that roll one day. I have approximately a 125k roll. 60-70k of it is on Carbon. I get into an epic session with a guy I and my friends have literally 10s of thousands of hands against but have never talked to. He never said a word in chat. Jerry2000 was his username. (Later he would become Jerry2009 after making new account on different skin) So we set out at 10-20 as he always wanted to play bigger when we played 5-10 and I was up on him lifetime so I oblige. He wasnt a big fish really, he was just aggressive pre and post but pretty snug on turns and rivers from what I remember. Catching his river jams when he had air was a very rare event yet I want to pay every single one because of how aggro he was pre and post. Two tables. I dont remember any of the specific hands. My old pc is fried and I have no access to the HEM on it so I cant go relive it. But long story short I get stuck. Baddddddd. I run putrid and Jerry2000 has 30k at one of the tables and 25k at the other. Im stuck 50k to this guy and have 15-20k left in my account. I type “brb smoke” in chat to step outside and have a cigarette. Typing brb smoke is something I rarely did, you lost your action 95% of the time. You pissed in bottles and held it if you had to shit when you play HU online, but we had been at it for a couple hours already and I hadnt had one and tbh I was willing to let him run to salvage the last of my account and rebuild. I remember that cigarette well. Pacing around the back porch of this house I lived at. Steaming trying to calm down saying its gonna be ok just calm down. I walk back in and much to my surprise ole Jerry still remains. I sit back in and the tables turn. I end up getting even then winning 10k before he quit. I played what were clearly the two biggest pots I had ever played (i mean was clearly a point where we were both 12-15k deep and big pot was gonna happen) but I dont remember them. I remember making a flush one hand vs a smaller flush but I am not sure if that was a 20k pot. He got up on me just stacking me relentlessly for 2k at a time. I was admittedly a bit of a tilt monkey. I gambled too loose a

Primary/Secondary School; that is when we started the European war against America

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No there shouldve been more. Cunningham Watch online. I've been waiting a while for this worth the wait. Nice work. Cunningham watch online gratis. It's never too late to keep discovering new artist like Charlie. One of my new fav songs now. I stopped a Jordan Cunningham video to watch a Jordan Cunningham video. Cunningham watch online tv. 3374 points, 1 submission: /u/anteater-superstar You realize you're the bad guys, right? 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