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Occupation: Full time student, part time office worker Industry: Higher education Age: 22 Location: Upstate New York Paycheck: From my part-time job, approximately $300 pre-tax every two weeks. I obviously don’t make enough to pay any income tax at the end of the year, so I get it all back. *Disclaimer* I wrote this diary last week, it reflects my activity and spending from March 2-8. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, my living, working, and education situations have all drastically changed since then. I may not be able to work as much in the next few months, my university shut down in-person classes and all events, and it’s just been a crazy few days in general. If anyone’s interested in a follow-up diary of life, work, and spending at a university shut down by coronavirus, I’d be happy to write another one. Basic Info I’m a full-time graduate student in my first semester of a two-year master’s program. My undergraduate education was fully funded by my parents and a small merit scholarship. I’m eternally grateful for this. Since I graduated a semester early from undergrad, my parents agreed to cover the first semester of grad school with the last of their savings for my education since it was technically only my 8th semester of school. For the rest of grad school, I’m living almost entirely off of student loans- anticipating about $40k by the end. I was lucky to receive a $16k/year scholarship from my program, which is about half of tuition. I work 15 hours a week at an office job for $12. 60/hour. I am actively seeking a second part-time job but it’s hard to fit in with a full academic schedule. Assets and Debt Basically nothing… yet. I don’t have a retirement account, no 401k, no homeownership, etc. Luckily this also means that I currently have zero debt, since I’ve never had a credit card (I know, this is kind of bad) and I won’t start to pay back grad school loans for about a year and a half. My checking account balance is currently hovering around $7, 000, I'm running down this balance to live out the rest of the semester and the summer until I take out my first loans in the fall. Monthly expenses: Rent: $900 Internet: $25, I share with my roommate Spotify Premium + Hulu: $4. 99 student subscription ESPN+: $4. 99 Health insurance: $0, I’m under 26 so luckily still on my parents insurance! Not looking forward to giving that up! Phone plan: $0, my mom works for a telecom company so the whole family get heavy discounts through her, and she covers the small remaining cost Therapy and medications: approximately $25, I’m lucky to have $10 copays through my campus health center and low cost for meds. Birth control is free through insurance. Yearly expenses: Bus pass: $200 with student discount- my campus is on a big-ass hill and I live at the bottom of said hill, so the bus is the only thing that gets me to class. I would be lost without it Hockey season tickets: $204. I’m a HUGE hockey fan (this is also what the ESPN+ subscription is for), this is for my school’s men’s team. Women’s regular season tickets are free! Yay sexism? Campus gym membership: $159. I’m trying to get better about actually using this but I hate the gym. My behavioral economics professor managed to convince me that if I spent the money on a gym membership I would use it, but apparently I am an economic outlier since I’ve gone once this entire year. Amazon Prime Student: $59. 99 I’m probably gonna cancel this next year. I don’t think I use it enough to justify the cost, and also I feel worse and worse about supporting Amazon as a company Monday 7:30 AM You know those days when your alarm goes off and you just immediately know that it interrupted the deepest portion of your sleep? Yeah that was today. I hit snooze once (very rare for me) and sleep in for another few minutes before getting up, and then I’m quickly dressed and out the door to the bus by 8:05. 8:15 AM Coffee at my favorite coffee shop on campus before class. Buying coffee is probably my worst spending habit, it’s a near-daily occurrence during the semester. $3. 24 10:00 AMMy first class is over, and I’m hungry. I took too long walking to the main dining hall and got caught up in the breakfast rush hour, so I settle for a bagel at another cafe nearby. 82 (tax free on campus card) 12:00 PM Free lunch at at a bi-weekly speaker series I’ve been going to recently! Today’s speaker is incredible and her work aligns closely with my previous internships and the kind of work I want to do after grad school. I consider going up to talk to her afterwards, but get caught up in a conversation with a classmate and before I know it she’s gone. I decide to send her an email later on introducing myself and thanking her for coming to campus. 1:45 PM Stop by the shipping center on campus to send a package to my dad- he got me a really nice Christmas gift but it is unfortunately malfunctioning, and he’s agreed to deal with getting it exchanged. $8. 73 for a padded envelope and shipping costs. 4:10 PM Final class of the day is over and I head home. I know that I have a meeting that I need to go back to campus for later, but I can’t resist changing back into PJs and jumping into my bed. I try to do some work on my laptop for the meeting while eating cereal straight from the box (#health) and listening to a sports podcast. Shockingly, this was not productive. 5:40 PM Realize that the usual 7 PM meeting has been moved to 6. I mildly freak out, change back into normal clothes, and I’m in my car on the way in record time. A bit of a contentious meeting but at least somewhat productive, and there was a random dude giving away leftover pizza in the building lobby! Big shoutout to questionably-sourced free food on campus, don’t know what I’d do without it. 8:00 PM Homework, again in bed in PJs. In between assignments I browse for french presses online, deciding that I really need to do something about my daily coffee purchasing habit. I had another french press but it was a cheap plastic thing that barely worked. Find a really nice, expensive one on 50% off sale with free shipping, decide to buy it. I sign up for text alerts from Williams Sonoma to get an additional 15% off. Immediately unsubscribe the second I place the order. $45. 86 Daily Total: $61. 65 Tuesday 9:00 AM Alarm goes off and I get up after browsing my phone for a few minutes, then make it to the bus by 9:15. In case you couldn’t tell by the times, my morning routine is pretty minimal- I never wear makeup to class and 90% of my outfits consist of leggings and sweaters. Nothing against makeup or looking nice (mad respect to all the girls that show up to class in cute outfits), I’m just extremely lazy and will do anything to maximize time spent in bed. 9:30 AM Coffee again, this time at a different coffee shop on campus. Also splurge on an egg sandwich- my favorite breakfast on earth $7. 00 (tax free on campus card) 9:45 AM The start of my non-stop day of class and work and meetings- I have a morning class, then work for three hours, and then an afternoon class. I try to eat breakfast on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I don’t have time for lunch. 4:45 PM I finish my last class and head to a lecture by the same speaker I saw yesterday. The talk is good but mostly a repeat, and I mistakenly thought that there would be a reception with free food at the end. Head home disappointed and very hungry. 6:45 PM Devour an entire box of Kraft Dinner and am horrified with myself when I realize that it’s 3 servings. Work my way through readings and literature reviews until I get tired around 11:30. Daily Total: $7. 00 Wednesday 6:30 AM Early morning conference call with research collaborators on the other side of the world. Time differences suck. The call lasts 45 minutes and it’s too late to go back to sleep so I get dressed and head to the bus. 8:00 AM I definitely need coffee after my early wake-up, so I head to a campus cafe to fill up my mug before class. $2. 12 (tax free on campus card) 8:40 AM Class. 10:00 AM I have a super long break on Wednesdays between my first and second class so I’m planning on heading downtown to my favorite food truck for lunch, but when I put the key in the ignition may car won’t start. Awesome. I panic-text my dad, which is generally my first response to any car-related problems, but he doesn’t know what’s wrong and tells me to call AAA. I call them and heat up some hash browns since I haven’t eaten anything yet and wait for them to arrive since I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it downtown for my planned lunch. In a surprising turn of events, they come in record time to jump my battery, but tell me that it’s on its last legs and I probably need to get it replaced soon. I make a note to call around for prices and work that into my monthly budget. 12:00 PM After leaving the car running for an hour in the driveway I finally head out to the food truck. They have literally the best pasta I’ve ever tasted, I usually just ask the owner to make me whatever he wants and it’s always delicious. Today is no exception. $12. 00 12:30 PM While I’m eating my pasta I get a notification that my afternoon professor is sick and has canceled class. I choose to view this as the universe’s apology for the car battery, and go home to chill and get some work done. 6:00 PM Wake up completely disoriented to my project group chat blowing up and realize that I fell asleep while doing work and have taken an unexpected four-hour nap. Quickly send a text to my project team letting them know that I’m not actually ignoring them but was just asleep, and that I’ll start working on my part of the paper ASAP. Feel the need to get out of bed so I get dressed and head over to the campus community center close to my apartment. 6:30 PM I settle in to start doing work and grab a quick dinner from the cafe in the community center. I’m not really hungry but all I’ve eaten today is carbs, so I feel kinda gros











About The Author: Peter Bradshaw
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Midnight Family Free Online star Josue Ochoa openload in Hindi Rated 7.2 / 10 based on 791 reviews.









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