The Rhythm Section
7.1 out of 10 stars - 415 votes

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tomatometers=5,5 of 10 Reviews=Blake Lively stars as Stephanie Patrick, an ordinary woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When Stephanie discovers that the crash was not an accident, she enters a dark, complex world to seek revenge on those responsible and find her own redemption. Based on the novel by Mark Burnell, from director Reed Morano ("The Handmaid's Tale") and the producers of the James Bond film series, The Rhythm Section also stars Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown Actor=Richard Brake, David Duggan Genres=Action, Mystery Reed Morano scores=2337 Votes.

Her height makes her look so beautiful

This is so addictive, wanna see more, come on, give this person a blank check allready, dang good. The rhythm section release date. Skincare Routine please. The rhythm section movie release date. Watched this movie and it was so good and interesting??. The rhythm section music. The Rhythm section européenne. The rhythm section (2020) trailer. Netflix quit trying a looong time ago. I remember seeing a paparazzi pic of Blake in one of these outfits and the articles saying wow shes really stopped caring. NOW LOOK AT OUR GIRL. GRACE? Your hair looks extra beautiful today??.

Serena really let herself go ? Iykyk ?

According to google this came out may of 2019... For Hollywood to have never been wealthier, we're really treading through the bottom of the barrel. Saban films is really trying to take over the world with these new films? And it just might. All this star power and thrilling concepts. Did I just watch a trailer that DOESN'T spoil the entire movie? Nice. Take notes Sony.

Can we like crowd fund this? I would totally pitch in

I get mad every time y'all load a trailer for a movie you gotta wait so damn long to see

I can't believe this movie did half a Super Bowl commercial's worth of box office in it's opening weekend. Woah. Thought this was a movie at the start. So glad they're making it a TV show instead. Looking forward to watching it. Now this, folks, is how you make a slow and poorly done trailer. Is this about struggles of marriage and parenthood but metaphorically.

The rhythm section by mark burnell

Is this the wrong trailer ? Cause there's a lot of sound. Trailer morbides Deutsch. Online Free. These movies are always the same, yeah I know John Wick and Rambo movies are too but at least they make it entertaining to watch and don't take it so seriously. This is the hollywood version of In the Fade. And like anything Hollywood, it's a terrible version of the narrative with stylistic choices as hollow as its version of the character. smh. Go watch In the Fade instead lol. Dont get used to Syfy series, they get rid of them as soon as you like the series. Stargirl. more like Manic Pixie Dream Girl: The Movie. The rhythm section trailer.

The rhythm section trailer 2020

I recognized some of the stickers on his locker, one of them actually is for my current command. Everything from my childhood is coming back. It's confirmed, the world runs on nostalgia.
The rhythm section behind the scenes. I made a survey about what people thought about the OST and linked it here. Only had 77 participants in a 190K subreddit, not a big sample size but I tried to do the best I could. Section 1: Reach for my hand, I’ll soar away Paticipants overwhelmingly preferred The Edge of Dawn over Lady of Hresvelg. 70 participants selected EoD, versus 7 participants for LoH. Reception to the song itself was very positive across the board. Adding the votes from options 7, 8, 9, and 10 means that 84. 5% of participants had a very positive view of the song. There were a few middling to negative opinions however. Some of what people said (I made no changes to any responses): “It made me cry when I finished my first playthrough (Blue Lions), the lyrics just really got to me even if Edelgard is nowhere near my favorite character in the game. Also the melody is lovely. ” “Disclaimer: I know nothing about music theory and never went to a music school, so I just base everything on whether I like it or not. No objectivity here. I really like the vocals and the themes of the song, the rythm itself is great for most of the song. Call me a purist, but I just don't like the dubstep notes and the song would be better with normal instruments imo. ” “I have mixed feelings about this song in retrospect, considering El's depiction in the story and the massive marketing push she had pre release, but on its own it's a great song. ” “I find it underwhelming, but I'm generally neutral to slightly negative about award-bait vocal songs (the only FE exception being Heritors of Arcadia). While I do prefer Edge of Dawn to Lost in Thoughts, I also wasn't a fan of the EDM influences at all. The melody was fine--not my favorite but I don't dislike it--and I especially didn't mind it so much when parts of it were used as leitmotifs throughout the soundtrack (though the fact that Apex of the World is based on the same melody did make it my least favorite final map theme in the game). The lyrics were also just okay to me--because they're from the POV of Edelgard, a character I'm not personally too fond of, they don't really do much for me. ” “Even though the song is obviously about Edelgard, I feel its written in such a way that you can apply a lot of the lyrics to Rhea, which I think is a very nice touch (In English anyways, I have no idea if you can do the same with the Japanese version of the song). Its definitely up there for credits songs in Fire Emblem, although I don't know if I can place it above "Life Returns" from Path of Radiance. ” Section 2: Events and Exploration 41 participants preferred Three Crowns over the other two. 23 selected Land Beloved and 13 voted for Still Horizon. Beneath the Banner had a mixed reception. The majority of participants voted 6, with 5 and 7 taking second and third place. This was definitely a place where I regretted not having a question asking why people ranked it the way they did. The reason why I wanted to ask what people thought about the song was when I was browsing Reddit and other places there seems to be a lot of people who wanted the more “hype” recruitment themes (Together We Ride, Comrades, etc) versus Awakening and Fates’ more subdued ones. And since Three Houses doesn’t have “traditional” recruitment maybe that affects things as well. 27 people preferred Life at Garreg Mach Monastery. Second place was Scales of the Goddess with 20, then Broken Routine with 17, and Anxiety with 10. Tactics only received 3 votes. For Song of the Nabateans, English is still preferred, although less so compared to the EoD vs LoH question. 62 participants voted for English. Opinions of the song were more “meh” compared to EoD/LoH, although it does seem to have an overall positive reception. “One of my favorites OST in the game, I would've prefered some variation of it to have been the main theme rather than the actual main theme of the game” “It's a great melody and I like the lyrics. I'm not sure if this was the intention, but it feels like a direct reference to Byleth waking up in a river after the time skip for most routes. ” “It's ok, it does its job but it's not something I would otherwise listen to. ” “I adore this song. The melody is gorgeous and poignant, and I love when it comes up in other tracks as well, especially Guardian of Starlight and A Funeral of Flowers. It does bother me slightly that the vocals are a little off-pitch, but Cherami Leigh's voice is lovely imo. ” “Not a huge fan, though I haven't heard as much of it in terms of potential variants so I dunno if it would grow on me if I heard those to supplement it. ” Regarding post-timeskip lord themes, Golden Deer and Crescent Moon took 41 votes. King of Lions was second with 21 and Leader’s Path was last with 15. Section 3: Maps and Music 53 people preferred As Fierce as Fire over As Swift as Wind. For overall “normal” map music Chasing Daybreak and Between Heaven and Earth were neck to neck, with Between Heaven making it to first place with a 1 vote difference between the two (22 and 21 votes). Votes dropped off massively after those two, from 21 to 7 votes (Roar of Dominion). Shambhala had 6 votes, Tearing Through Heaven and Blue Skies and a Battle were tied for 5 votes, Fodlan Winds and Tempest of Seasons tied for 3, Dwellings of the Ancient Gods and Corridor of the Tempest both had 2 votes, and The Long Road had only 1 vote. For Rain variants, the top three tracks were Chasing Daybreak had 20, BH&E 17, and RoD with 9. BS&B had 6 votes. Long Road and TTH received 5 votes in their favor. Shambhala and CoT had 4, ToS had 3, and tied for last were Fodlan Winds and DoAG with 2 votes. For Thunder variants, Chasing Daybreak had 21 votes, BH&E still had 17 votes. However, Shambhala had 10 votes in its favor, followed by ToS and BS&B with 7 votes. RoD tumbled from third place in the previous questions, only having 6 votes. Fodlan Winds received 4 votes, TTH and CoT 2 votes, and DoAG had only 1 vote. Long Road received no votes at all. Indomitable Will took 39 votes, with Paths that Will Never Cross taking 33. Wrath Strike received 4 votes, and the Verge of Death had 1 vote. Indomitable Will - 40 votes. PtWNC - 32. Wrath Strike 3, VoD 2. Indomitable Will 43, PtWNC 30, Wrath Strike and VoD both had 2. For final map themes overall, God Shattering Star held 38 votes, Apex of the World 28, and a Funeral of Flowers 11. GSS votes increased when ranking the Rain variants, from 38 to 42. AoW had 24 votes, and FoF had 11. However, when ranking Thunder variants the voting spread became more split. This time, AoW led with 28 votes, followed by GSS’s 27 votes and FoF’s 22. The split might be because GSS Thunder lacks vocals and FoF Thunder has a much different style than its Rain counterpart. I forgot to add a “1-10” question for the battle music, but opinions seemed very positive. “I love that I can choose which one plays during auxiliary battles so I never have to worry about hearing one so much I get bored of it. Though the songs are all really great so I... don't wind up changing it very often, haha. ” “It's pretty damn great. Good use of leitmotifs, most are really good at conveying the emotions of a map. The pre-timeskip music, unfortunately got repetitive after 4 playthroughs, but that's the fault of the game, not the music itself. Though I dislike some overuse of dubstep in a few songs (I genuinely dislike Snaky Darkies' map theme)” “I've always preferred the calmer versions of songs from the games with Dynamic Soundtracks, but doubly so here. A lot of the "Thunder" versions hardly feel different, just more intense drums and that's about it. Some of the songs even lose parts of their melody going from "Rain" to "Thunder", which just makes them weaker to me. However, the "Thunder" version of "A Funeral of Flowers" absolutely blew me away when I heard it in-game (maybe playing SS last and getting used to the lackluster "Thunder" songs influenced that but oh well). Also I just adore the mysterious vibe that "Dwelling of the Ancient Gods (Rain)" has. I managed to go to CF on my first run without knowing anything about a route split, so the song playing right after the Edelgard reveal did wonders for my appreciation of the song. ” “The only "thunder" song I actually enjoy listening to outside of the game is for "a funeral of flowers. " That solo piano is incredible ear candy. Most of the rain themes are nice. Chasing daybreak and between heaven and earth are some of my favorite map themes in fire emblem so far. ” “Wish there was a maybe 1 or 2 more songs 1 for pre time skip and another for post time skip. Some Rain ost sounds too similar to their Thunder counterpart” Section 4: Overall Evaluation The participants really liked Three Houses’ soundtrack. Not a vote below 6! “While there are specific songs from previous games I like more (Twilight of the Gods and The Heritors of Arcadia from Echoes in particular), Three Houses' soundtrack as a whole is my favorite of the FE games I've played. It's just consistently solid music and I love it. ” “This soundtrack does "epic" songs extremely well. With a couple exceptions, the more relaxed songs aren't very memorable and catchy. A few of the more emotional songs don't bring the emotion that I feel they should, but they are decent enough. ” “Generally, it's great, has a lot of themes that convey the mood very well, the vocals are well used. There's a good variety of map themes, most of them are great to listen to even outside of the game. However, I dislike the dubstep, maybe because I really don't like the style of music itself or maybe because it makes my head hurt. The monastery themes, unfortunately waaay overstay their welcome, except for The Broken Routine imo. ” “Easily earns the top spot. The Rain themes being the "better" versions of the map themes is a big plus, as they're what you'll hear the most (I felt their
Watch me rippin on the freedom tip. The rhythm section tn. It was a bad war. Ember's great grandfather had died on Atarra Prime. It was some far away world that had the misfortune of being the first planet the Zrobular sat foot on. An intraplanetary conflict might cost hundred of thousands lives or even millions. The Zrobular Incursion period alone had cost several billion. Cy'ar, terralects and even mekkoforms became food for an unfathomable number of insect warriors -and one very voracious queen. It was a very bad war. The Incursion was not the war. In fact there had been decades of peace after the incursion. Everyone had thought the zrobular had been stopped, that the zrobular dare venture no further. The zrobular were no such thing. They had only waited on their newly claimed worlds. They had waited on Atarra Prime. Once joined by their allies, the Veximantis, they took once again to their infernal crawl. Unstoppable advancement; one world after the next. Without the great Sword-Highway carved by the Ren there would today be no republic; there would be nothing left of the Great Cradle. Hundreds of billions of lives later. Entire planets decimated and nearly devoid of intelligent life. A few of them still crawling with queen-less zrobular and still a few with Veximantis. Sleeping and waiting for hapless travelers to become slaves to their strange venom. Ember thumbed through the journal he had recovered. His heart stopped when he saw the drawing of the Veximantis. It was drawn in vivid detail. It's shiny black eyes and over-sized waspy body. Those strange little hands. If the drawing had stopped his heart, then the note below it forced his lungs to also quell. "ximantis herders are only capable of controlling a victim through direct attachment... " He looked over to Yellowtail who was taking pictures of the dead xenobiologist, "I hate to tell you bud, but what we fought back was just a herder. That wasn't a are not safe. " Yellowtail's twin nictating membranes shuttered over his eyes. "So.. leaving? " Ember scoffed, "Hell no were not leaving. There is a crystal still to be found, I'm not throw away those kind funds. " "I've got maybe a few blast left in the 'ol camera but just getting in here. Your always asking for a status report so I'll giver you one-" "That's not necessary Yellow I-" "No no! " Yellowtail hardened his tone but did not raise his voice. "Gabriel is off chasing a Star Dragon, Graddok is lying over there with a really big hole in his leg-" Yellow tail paused and momentarily turned his attention to Graddok, "How is that by the way? " Graddok who was sitting in a pile of his own equipment shrugged, "This is ninth time is six months. It doesn't even hurt any----OWWWW. " The giant suddenly roared out when Rick had injected nanite serum into Graddok's wound. Rick laughed, "What was that you were saying? " Graddok relaxed his grimace, "That was a needle! Of course a needles gonna hurt! " Yellowtail again turned his attention to an amused Ember. "Anyway. Ammo is frightfully low and I don't think we could handle another wave of zrobular let alone a warrior. " "How do you know? You've never even fought one! You've never even seen one! " Ember looked at the journal. "We got this. This dead guy has been studying these things for almost two decades. This has got to be an advantage in here somewhere! " "But he's dead. " Graddok objected. "True. " Yellowtail said in self-satisfactory agreement. Ember sat down and thumbed through the journal, just as he began to become engrossed he heard the moans of Brom Coffin. "Can I come out now? " Brom moaned from behind the containment field. "No! You drowned that whole family! " an incensed Ember shouted without even turning his head. "We had to steal that boat though! " Brom punched the field creating reverberations of thunderous reply throughout the facility. "Hey! Ya wanna knock that off before every effing bug monster on this planet tries to eat us? " Rick pointed a hornet pistol at the cage. "Sorry! Sorry! You gotta let me out, give me my guns I can help! I want to help! " Brom fell to his giant knees and made a pleading gesture. Graddok sighed and shook his head, "Sorry little brother. Not this time. What you did was wrong. " Brom through his head back and let out and let out a sound of exasperated defeat and fell back onto the wall and slowly slid down into a seated position. "You guys didn't even know those people. " Ember returned to his reading; "... Warriors are capable of exercising entolmolpathic control over victim indefinitely after envenomation. After a very short period the warrior is able to sting yet another victim.... " "Don't get stung by this thing you guys. When we see it. Hard and fast, everything you got. Everything you got. " Ember cautioned whilst keeping his eyes on the text. "Ember-" Yellowtail's words seemed to be trapped in his throat. "It's wearing armor. " "What is--" Embers words stopped when his eyes connected with the sleek black figure that had quietly floated into the room. He had never seen them wear armor before. Graddok suddenly felt very naked without his own armor. He slowly reached for his gloves and slipped them on. "Holy shit. " Rick trained his hornet on it immediately. He touched his finger to the hair trigger., his hand reached over to produce yet another hornet which he also trained on the armored veximantis. "It's got three stingers. " Ember said quietly. "It's a warrior. " As if to emphasize Embers point the creature produced to silvery stickers. Metal weapons crafted for killing cradle-kind. It flew so fast it was almost a blur to Ember as it whizzed past him and hit Rick with the full force of a stinger. Rick crashed back against the wall. It was like being hit with a truck. He was dazed but was relieved that he felt no sting. "Sure, hardened armor cost a little more. " he thought to himself, "but its worth it. " He cleared his head and saw the creature making a bee-line toward Graddok. He raised his pistols again and pulled the triggers. Hot molten slugs poured forth creating an illuminated trail of death. The creature was so fast, it veered, flipped and swooped from the path of every single bullet. "Wow! God damn that thing is fast! Holy cheddar-cheese fuck balls! " Rick exclaimed as he dropped both emptied clips. As it neared him, Graddok unleashed his fist which sent the creature reeling back out into the corridor, a loud thud could be heard as it slammed against the wall. Not one to waste and opportunity, Yellowtail vaulted from the floor, his webbed feet made a slapping noise as he landed next to the portcullis. "Say cheese buggo. " Yellowtail grinned and raise the view finder to his eye. A quiet whine could be heard as the micro-capacitors reached full charge. He pressed the button with a rather analogue click. From the lens a scorching hot beam blew off a chunk of the creatures armor. He had little time to enjoy his victory as the waspy warrior suddenly buzzed forth and stabbed him directly in the stomach with a stinger. He wanted to warn the others of the hundreds of zrobular crawling down the corridor but he could not. All he heard was the sound of thousands of voices he could not understand and then one he could. "You will find peace with us. Do not be afraid. " And then suddenly, Yellowtail was not afraid anymore. He had a home to defend, the hive was under attack and he had to stop the invaders; even if it meant giving up his very life. "Nooo! Yellow! Fuck no! " Ember cried out. "Kill that bitch! Kill it now! " Brom coughed. "Gimme my guns. " Ember watched Yellowtail's eyes roll into the back of his head. He pressed the button on his wrist-let and Brom wasted no time in stepping out of the shielded cage and picking up his auto-cannon. Rick ran over and pulled Yellowtail off the creatures stinger. The mekko-form seemed to be paralyzed with a blissful look on his face. A glow covered the hall as Broms infamous thunder-gun belted the warrior with lead and molten fire. In mere seconds the warrior was eliminated to bits and pieces of organic slurry. "Now that's how you make salsa. " Brom laughed. "Can you do anything for him Rick? " Graddok was now standing, limping toward the envenomed Yellowtail. "I'll get some diagnostics nanos running but he needs to be restrained. In med-school they taught us about envenomation. There are two kinds and this is the bad kind. " Rick produced a syringe and began injecting it into Yellowtail. "The bad kind? What do you mean? It just wears off when we kill it right? Like the last one? " "No, not like the last one. This is category II. He might be hive now. I dunno. If he's hive I got to euthanize him, its the law. " "Fuck the law! We don't ice our own people. " Graddok shouted. "Your not hearing me man. He's a god-damn bug brain now. " Rick pressed a few keys on the medical wrist-let to start the scan. "So? We tie him up! " Graddok threw some rope down. Ember shook his head. "He's right Graddok. I'm sorry but he's fucking right. They are in his head, he knows where our ship is. Our fall-backs, exit strategy. Everything. We'd be up fuck creek. " "I can keep him sedated. That might keep them out of his higher functioning brain. " Rick looked to Graddok for approval. Graddok nodded. Brom who had been looking at the threat detector on the IRIS suddenly barked out, "Here they come! " The portcullis was suddenly flooded with workers and soldiers. Ember activated his armor. Glowing plates unfolded from sub-space and fell into place on his body. His plasma sword created an ominous glow on the ground below him and it extended from the emitter. Quietly hissing as he raised it to the ready. "We better be getting a bonus for this. " The portcullis was filling. The bio-field was glowing brighter as it grew hotter mustering up enough power to hold back the growing swarm. It would fantastically fail soon in a shower of highly charged protons. It would take a few hundred with it in its
I got to see Mr Billy Cobham on his QUADRANT FOUR Tour and he was FKN AWESOME THEN and STILL IS. "Download the rhythm HD 1080p" Watch&The&Rhythm&Section&Online&Torrent, The Rhythm khatrimaza {The Rhythm hd download. Ive been reading the series for years. Cant wait for the movie! ?. The rhythm section synopsis. The rhythm section interview. I was expecting this to be about that girl who runs around like a horse. Somehow this seems less crazy. Well, here it finaly is. I've spent way too much time making it, but since there are people waiting for my final thoughts of the poll, I had to go full throttle. Still, I can't help but get excited, because this is probably going to be the longest post you'll see in our community, so hang on tight, since this will be one hell of a ride, and hopefuly, without me being painted as this Ayano-obsessed freak that has nothing better to do than this in his life. So, ready? TABLE OF CONTENTS: 0) Introduction (what you've just read) Ayano Tateyama as a character Why is the song so easily misunderstood My opinion of the song Explaining the MV part 1 Explaining the MV part 2 Explaining the lyrics part 1 The Ambiguous Kanji Explaining the lyrics part 2 Conclusion AYANO TATEYAMA AS A CHARACTER Firstly, I must first give my general opinion of Ayano Tateyama as a character in this multi-media story of Kagerou Project. In most adaptations, whether it be a song, book, manga, anime, or anything else, she is mostly treated as a side character, narrative not focusing on her too much, nor giving us the luxury of 'getting inside her head', or in other words not clearly showing us the depths of her as a person, but rather her appearance only on the outside. (With the release of the recent manga chapters, I shall treat those an exception since I still haven't read them, unfortunately. ) Yet, despite all these facts, she is undeniably one of the, dare I say THE most important character in the series that is the strongest driving force for the plot of the story. How? Well, one of the main reasons is because she is connected to almost every other character, in one way or another, and that is before the main events or routes even happened. Well, truth be told, there are 6 total seperate groups of characters: the Kisaragi family, the orphanage trio, the Tateyama family, the special needs high schoolers duo, Hiyori and Hibiya, and finaly the Medusa family. And by the start of the main events of the story (usually starting with Shintaro 3 years after Ayano commits suicide), she has connections with atleast one character out of all of these groups, and heavily influences almost every party she comes in contact with, whether it's directly or indirectly. Needless to say, she holds a little too much importance than the narrative is showing her the respect for. And thus, when we finaly got a song, of all things, featuring only Ayano herself with her very thoughts for the second time ever, most of the non-japanese community didn't really grasp the true meaning of the song. 2) WHY IS THE SONG SO EASILY MISUNDERSTOOD Now, for a song from a series as deep and rich as the KagePro, it is bound to be easily misunderstood the first time you watch it, not even mentioning some hints that will hold meaning only in the future, but this time around, since we are dealing with such a complex, yet unexplored character, complications happened down the road. And the biggest such blunder is the TRANSLATION of the song. What, you thought I was saying the word non-japanese for no reason? Well, if you did, you are very much mistaken, and here is why: Since the song was released on Youtube, under the new host channel Edword Records, brand new with the japanese title, the translating of the song was mostly left for the fans. So, basically, anyone could volunteer to contribute on widening the spectre of languages without even without being properly checked, and as such, mistakes, although unintentional, were bound to happen. Surely, you too have noticed how the translation of the song has kept changing way too much since its release. At first you might think, 'Why would that even matter that much? Surely, just some translation errors can't change the song so drastically, right? '. Well, unfortunately, that is not the case. Because, you see, the japanese language is very unforgiving as if even the slightest of errors are made in conveying it to another tongue, the whole meaning could make an entire 180 degrees turn. Trust me, as someone who has been studying Japanese for almost 2 years, I can guarantee such a statement, and shall also prove exactly what part of the song got so tricky to translate, and why, all in the section "Ambiguous kanji" of this essay. However, I must first start off with the basics: explaining the MV (animation) of the song, its lyrics, all with my view on them that ultimately led me to my "correct answer". 3) MY OPINION OF THE SONG Let me first start with the question that started it all: What is the song "Additional Memory" talking about? Is it just the thoughts of a depressed, selfish girl who decided to just abandon it all? (1) Is it her reminiscing about her painful past? (2) Or... could it be that in her final moments, the only thing on her mind is still just HIM? (3) A lot of people offered a variety of answers, and most even bothered to explain why. And if you were to ask me whether I could say that any of them were truly wrong, I couldn't. As I said previously, Ayano is a heavily ambiguous character, and it all depends on how you interpret her. However, I strongly believe my interpretation is the one that serves the most justice, and if you disagree with me, that would be fine... as long as you explain them in full detail, that is. And the "correct" answer is... number (3). And ONLY number (3). So congrats to those 2 people that actually got it correct! And yes, I know I explicitly said that you could input more than one answer, but that was all for the sake of testing how ACCURATELY people recieved the song. Yes, it's true, the song looks and feels gloomy and deprived, the face Ayano is making is enough to kill any joy you previously had in you, yet the main thing this song actually talks about is just her one regret - the unconfessed love for Shintaro. So... shall we start? 4) EXPLAINING THE MV PART 1 Before immidiately jumping to the lyrics, we must first identify the time and location the song is taking place. That seems fairly self-explanatory, but you could easily be mislead. After all, the song itself consists of 2 seperate parts, so let's kick it off with the first one: Firstly, we see the recuring "TV screen" with Ayano seemingly standing on a school roof in it, and as we zoom in, Ayano suddenly jumps, all the while the music from her previous song, Ayano's Theory of Happiness is vaguely played. Then, the screen flips (remember that one) and after that we mostly see her standing straightly as her scarf and her hair flutter to some 'wild wind', all the while the background seems oddly white and empty, firstly showing pictures of a classroom for a few seconds, and after it is only filled with black and white flowers on the ground and tables turned upside down this time, as if they are "hanging from the sky". This goes on from 0:00 to 1:40, but during that time, we only see quick cuts such as Ayano making paper cranes, random explosion of red colors and occasional camera adjustments. The exception to this is the infamous scene from the beggining of the "Lost Time Memory" where Ayano tries holding Shintaro's hand only to be ultimately rejected, except this time we hear her side of that event. Here, it is clear that she is only remebering this, since we see that the whole flashback is happening on the same "TV screen" and we explicitly see Ayano looking at it as it zooms out. Still, the background and overall imagery seems very out of place, not to mention the weird physics of her scarf and hair. That is, until we arrive at the 1:40 minute mark, where we see a scene, if viewed correctly, brutally shows what's actually been going on this whole time, and it lasts untill the end of the first part of the song - at exactly half the entire video, 2:00. It blew my mind how a lot of people missed this, but, if you flip the screen from exactly 1:40 to 2:00, you actually see Ayano slowly falling from the sky all the way to the ground. No joke, firstly you see the azure sky as it slowly turns crimson, as if to indicate that we are nearing the place where the ground and sun meet. After that, we progressively see indicators that Ayano is falling to her doom, first seeing the fence that is common on school roofs, then the windows, and finaly, the ground on which the moment Ayano's head collides with, the camera abruptly cuts. This time, it makes perfect sense why her scarf was fluttering like that - it wasn't due to some random wind, rather, it is her litteraly falling from a high place that caused this, which would indicate that the whole time the scarf was moving like that (which was since the start of the video) means she was falling that whole time, and all her thoughts untill her final destination were made during that time. All of this can be also be perfectly interperted symbolically - at first, it looks as Ayano is levitating, or flying up towards the sky, or heavens (somewhere where good people go when they die), but as time passes, we realize it's quite the opposite - she is running towards the ground, as if going straight down to hell instead, where she kind of ends up in. Considering what kind of person she was until then, this is very, very ironic. With all of this, it is safe to assume that the location is her school, while the time is exactly her entire fall - not before, nor after, but AS she is falling. Also, another proof of this is Jin's description of the song: A story that remained at the very end. And he actually meant that quite litteraly - this story takes place right
The rhythm section premiere. The discerning person will note that the casting of Argo star Ben Affleck here, is no coincidence.

Would love to see Mark Guiliana on Drumeo

Jared Dines would call this Setup Franken Drums : D. The rhythm section trailer song.









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