Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao ?HD 720P?


average Ratings - 6,4 / 10 Stars / Caiyu Yang / audience score - 84 Vote / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDAwMzJjNjQtYmU5Zi00NzAzLTg1NDctM2JhYWMwOTZmNmRhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzc5MjQ2MTQ@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) / writed by - Ling Zhang / directed by - Xiaogang Feng.
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Free Movie Only Cloud knowledge

Free movie only cloud knows video. Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao 2h?12min 2019 ? ? Romantic drama ? ? China Original?lang: Mandarin 8. 5 4 reviews After the death of his wife, a man decides to retrace their steps from the past, looking to reconnect with old friends and make right promises he made before her death. ??? Guide for parents: violence, offensive language. G Guide for parents: violence, offensive language. PG Guide for parents: violence, offensive language. ??? Guide for parents: violence, offensive language. PG Guide for parents: violence, offensive language. Directed by Xiaogang Feng Written by Ling Zhang Company China Lion Film Distribution China Lion Film Distribution China Lion Film Distribution © China Lion Film Distribution China Lion Film Distribution China Lion Film Distribution.
????????????????????????????? T H I S C O M M E N T I S C O P I E D A N D P A S T E D ?????????????????????????????. Free movie only cloud knows lyrics. December 21, 2019 8:16PM PT A Chinese émigré travels New Zealand with his wife's ashes, reliving their relationship, in Feng Xiaogang's shamelessly mushy weepie. To international audiences more accustomed to the relative restraint of China’s arthouse exports, “Only Cloud Knows, ” a slab of toothcrackingly sentimental mooncake from regular national box-office conqueror Feng Xiaogang, might come as a bit of a surprise. This episodic, determinedly winsome love story, told in honeyed flashback, follows a grieving husband as he journeys to the places of significance to his beloved, dead wife across their adoptive New Zealand homeland. The locations are stunning, the actors attractive and Feng ? initially a comedy director, though he’s branched out in recent years to historical epics like “Back to 1942” and dramas like 2017’s record-breaking “Youth” ? did not get where he is without learning a thing or two about playing an audience’s responses. So while your rational mind is rebelling against its more shameless manipulations, your hands may well be scrabbling through your bag for tissues, napkins, store receipts, candy wrappers ? anything to mop up a flood of saltwater tears so deep, it’s possible a whole pod of whales (a recurring motif) lives within it. It starts with a shellshocked Sui Dongfeng, aka Simon ( Huang Xuan, from Feng’s “Youth”) moving soundlessly through his Auckland home trying to summon the ghost of his pretty wife, Yun Luo aka Jennifer ( Yang Caiyu, also from “Youth”). She does briefly appear, but after a chaste hug and a bit of tidying (misty though its view of fateful, soulmate-style love is, the film has a fairly retrograde idea of a woman’s role) and slips away again, leaving Simon bereft. And so he embarks on his very, very sentimental journey, though New Zealand’s picturesque North and South Islands, to revisit the places where they made such sweet memories, and to scatter her ashes. Although this modern-day journey is the film’s basic narrative, it is really just a framing device for a movie that, like Simon, lives in the past. And so the real tale is told in two gluttonous series of flashbacks of which, awkwardly, the first is set later in time, detailing the newlyweds moving to a small town called Clyde and opening a Chinese restaurant, while the second covers the couple’s meet-cute as young immigrants to Auckland from Beijing. These reminiscences are suspended in the amber romance of DP Zhao Xiaoding’s outrageously pretty photography, petted ceaselessly by Dong Gang’s omnipresent, emotive score, and usually cued by someone happening into a slant of golden light, assuming a faraway look and saying, “I remember the very first time I met her…” If Dong’s music spares us a harp glissando to transport us into the past, it’s almost the only trick in the old-school melodrama box it does not use. The most curious facet of “Only Cloud Knows” might just be its incuriosity. Despite an evident entrancement with the ribbons of roadways that trail through New Zealand’s rolling hills, and the cattle-dotted fields that surround the couple’s new home, there is very little here that approaches anything like commentary on the struggles or rewards of the Chinese expatriate lifestyle in New Zealand. Though we know they both grew up in Beijing, we never find out exactly why either moved away, much less why specifically to this far-flung land. In Clyde they make exactly one local friend, Melinda (Lydia Peckham), a sparky waitress with an adventurous spirit whose world travels occasionally give Jennifer a little sigh of envy. The rest of their time is spent making the restaurant a success, doing nice little things for each other and playing with their smart, scruffy, rescue dog, Blue. At this point, their oddly self-contained life is one of such picture-perfect tweeness that we’d know tragedy ? human and canine ? awaited even if the lightly portentous minor-key piano accompaniment didn’t basically skywrite that fact across the massive South Island heavens. Across this and the earlier time frame, in which Jennifer and Simon meet while both renting rooms from kindly widow Mrs Lin (Feng regular Fan Xu), the film traces their friction-free relationship with plodding fidelity. But though the story is loosely based on the real-life experience of one of Feng’s close friends and collaborators ? or maybe because of that ? it feels ethereally divorced from reality. Jennifer, despite Yang Caiyu’s best efforts and unerring ability to locate the loveliest light to gaze sadly into, is a sliver of a character, whose air of haunted melancholy, and need for “protection” are frequently mooted, but never really explained, until the film’s unsatisfying coda. That final revelation is, however, delivered by the wonderful Zhao Shuzhen, so beware that just when you might have put away the tissues for good, the grandmother from “The Farewell” is going to show up to wring a few more out of you. Schematic and manipulative as it is, as a kind of team-effort between the New Zealand Tourist Board and whatever the Chinese equivalent of Hallmark is, “Only Cloud Knows” is, in the moment, undeniably effective at jerking tears. If it does anything like the numbers that Feng’s films have done in the past, expect reports of mass dehydration. The Sundance Film Festival is fighting a battle that’s been building for several years, and what it’s fighting for can be summed up in one word: relevance. What makes a Sundance movie relevant? In a sense, the old criteria still hold. It’s some combination of box-office performance, awards cachet, and that buzzy, you-know-it-when-you-see-it thing of [... ] When Tim Bell died in London last summer, the media response was largely, somewhat sheepishly, polite: It was hard not to envision the ruthless political spin doctor still massaging his legacy from from beyond the grave. “Irrepressible” was the first adjective chosen in the New York Times?obituary. “He had far too few scruples about who [... ] After three weeks in theaters, Sony’s “Bad Boys for Life” is officially the highest-grossing installment in the action-comedy series. The Will Smith and Martin Lawrence-led threequel has made $291 million globally to date, pushing it past previous franchise record holder, 2003’s “Bad Boys II” and its $271 million haul. The first entry, 1995’s “Bad Boys, ” [... ] World War I story “1917” dominated the BAFTA film awards, which were awarded Sunday evening at London’s Royal Albert Hall with Graham Norton hosting. The wins for “1917” included best film, best director for Sam Mendes and outstanding British film. The awards are broadcast on the BBC in the United Kingdom and at 5 p. m. [... ] “1917, ” Sam Mendes’ World War I survival thriller, dominated at the 73rd British Academy of Film and Television’s Film Awards with seven wins including best film and best director. “Joker, ” meanwhile, which went into the BAFTAs with the most nominations, 11, won three awards including best actor for Joaquin Phoenix. “Parasite” picked up two awards. ] Every summer, more than 1, 000 teens swarm the Texas capitol building to attend Boys State, the annual American Legion-sponsored leadership conference where these incipient politicians divide into rival parties, the Nationalists and the Federalists, and attempt to build a mock government from the ground up. In 2017, the program attracted attention for all the wrong [... ] Box office newcomers “Rhythm Section” and “Gretel and Hansel” fumbled as “Bad Boys for Life” remained champions during a painfully slow Super Bowl weekend. 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Oh ok thanks. Free Movie Only Cloud know what love. Watch Online Vimeo Watch Zhi You Yun Putlocker Movie Online Zhi You Yun Zhi Download Download&Zhi&You&Yun&Zhi&Dao&instanmovie Watch`ZHI`YOU`YUN`ZHI`DAO`Online`Christiantimes... Only Cloud Knows (2019) Add to FAQ Showing all 0 items Jump to: FAQs (0) Spoilers (0) FAQs Edit Spoilers See also Awards | User Reviews User Ratings External Reviews Metacritic Reviews ad feedback Opinion FAQ Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Company Credits Filming & Production Technical Specs Storyline Taglines Plot Summary Synopsis Plot Keywords Parents Guide Did You Know? Trivia Goofs Crazy Credits Quotes Alternate Versions Connections Soundtracks Photo & Video Photo Gallery Trailers and Videos TV TV Schedule Related Items News Showtimes External Sites Explore More Show Less Create a list ?? User Lists Related lists from IMDb users 2019. a list of 803 titles created 15?Jun?2017 Film a list of 148 titles created 3?months?ago 2019 a list of 12 titles created 1?month?ago 2019 Cinema Release Films In Australia a list of 389 titles created 02?Jan?2019 Korea a list of 59 titles created 30?Mar?2018 See all related lists ??.
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Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao










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