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User Rating: 6 / 10. brief: The quiet Rose works in women's fashion clothing, hoping to be a designer. A traffic accident damages her face. She gets experimental stem cell treatment, leaving her stronger and prettier than ever - but there's a side effect. 2019. directors: Jen Soska. countries: Canada. &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg)
Hehe, I like how they all speak as a unit. Sweet ?.

@MrDataCode Lets see you do better. First Jacobs Ladder and now Rabid? I'm quite surprised to see Hollywood wanting to remake these, not that Rabid is Cronenbergs best movie, but its still good. Good thing that they haven't remade The Brood, yet.

Good remake from the soska sisters, but couldve been better.
It has a solid story, great special effects. But its kinda drawn out and the bloody scenes are too few. Can't knock the isn't bad either. i couldn't make a movie to save my life so, i keep my comments clean. To nie ksiadz mnie przeraza, tylko miejsca gdzie z mloldych ludzi produkuje sie takich psychopatow w imie jakichs abstrakcyjnych idei. Zmarnowano niejednego fajnego chlopaka i swietna dziewczyne. O tym musimy pamietac. The building up of the story is definitely better than in the original (everything there is too quick. The actors are fine. The disappointing bit is the ending, different from the original, and with a very very unbelievable twist. Pity because it spoiled an excellent remake.
I thought it was important to watch the original. I couldn't do that beforehand, but only after I watched the Soska sisters remake. But it is different in many aspects so it wasn't too bad doing it this way (I usually like to watch an original first and then the remake if I can. The effects here obviously up the ante, but the original had some great ones too.
One of the main differences here is that we get to learn our main actress first, before the inciting incident. This may feel like time wasted or as a nice little touch. Let's go for the latter. The Soskas do have an affinity for Cronenberg and you can tell. They also assembled a nice cast overall, even though someone like CM Punk (can't recall his real name) is quite a cardboard cutout and very cliche for example. But you can tell he has fun with his litle role as is anyone else involved. The Soskas did change enough for it to make sense to watch both movies. So if you are into horror movies, and don't mind a bit of social commentary thrown in for good measure, you could do worse.
How's your appetite?????. Don't watch Watership Down this Christmas, WATCH THIS FILM.

Where can i watch the full movie plzzzzz. tell me

Thank you for this movie. Niestety takich nie brakóje po dziś dzięń. Radykalizm jest dobry jako gorliwość miłości do boga ale w sposobie nauczania jak robił to Jezus. Pokornie pozwalał rozumieć ludziom i nawracać się. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. BRILLIANT MOVIE. GREAT STORY. THANKS FOR POSTING. I Like these movies ????.
2:47 ta po prawej to Frannie Goldsmith. A jeśli tak to kto po lewej jest. Książka stephena Kinga najlepsza. właśnie jestem na jakieś 443 stronie xD trochę mi jeszcze zostało no nie. D ???. Never ending horror.

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