8.1/ 10stars

Il traditore Solarmovie Biography 720px in Hindi



Ludovica Rampoldi
Release Year=2019
The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so called "boss of the two worlds", first mafia informant in Sicily 1980's
cast=Luigi Lo Cascio
directed by=Marco Bellocchio
Il vero uomo d'onore sei tu Giovanni falcone il resto è una merdaccia. Mio padre é un uomo D'ONORE! nguinari decidevate la doveva morire la sera. avete chiesto il pizzo a gente onesta vorarava. avete ammazzato gente innocente. avete ammazzato bambini e donne in nome del DIO DENARO ma la cosa che mi fa piu schifo e ribrezzo e che parlate di moralita' o di ONORE! RIPETO: MIO PADRE É UN UOMO D'ONORE. Bona la Bruschetta.
Grande! Domenico Modugno! Bravo, un film alla Carriera artistica Musicale. W Modugno! W la Musica Italiana anni 60. La mia scena preferita. Questo video lo dovrebbero vedere tutti i kompagni che in questi giorni appoggiano questo sindaco che pensa di essere al di sopra della legge. Liberi di farlo, basta solo che per coerenza poi il 23 maggio non mettete foto del tipo io non dimentico con Falcone e borsellino. LUNICI DUE VERI ITALIANI CON UN CORRAGGIO DA LEONE SONO FALCONE E BORSELLINO. Sembra l'attore che interpreto' Luciano liggio nella fiction capo dei capi. Non conosce nessuno Luchino. I liked it. Although certain events of the so-called "Second Mafia war" took place, between the
1981-83, have been changed and rightly accelerated due to the film's rhythms (for istance the death of Salvatore Inzerillo is set in 1982 and not 1981 and is little bit different about how he was killed. Bellocchio has been able to discreetly direct a film that is not at all simple and above all with a character as a protagonist absolutely not easy to manage. Favino is certainly the strong point of the whole film, with a really intense acting from beginning to end. So much has fallen well in the shoes of Buscetta that sometimes seems to see and above all feel the real Don Masino. The Maxi-Trial of 1986, shot among other things in the Palermo's bunker room, the same where the real historical juridical process took place is certainly the point that entertains the viewer the most. The comparison between Calò and Buscetta is truly faithful to what was really there, the same thing the scenes with the other Pentito, Salvatore Contorno, the scenes when he speaks fluent sicilian slang are really similar with the original deposition, but having proposed with other realism also other salient moments with the other defendants was really classy. Perhaps the film falls just in the act after the Maxi-Trial and following the 1992's Massacres (Capaci and Via d'Amelio. when going towards the conclusion by now the same Buscetta becomes precisely more and more "invisible" and without anything more particularly interesting to reveal.
No parla italiano, and that gave me some problems following the narrative, due to a very bad english CC's, that mustve been issued by an overeager middle schooled italian or siscilian. and that is a major drawback for the film. br> which is very good indeed, about the big trials towards the leadership of the cosa nostra divisions of siscily in the late 70's and the 1980's. i do remember some of the names, and especially the bomb attack on giorgio falcone made a deep impression to me when it happened. it also shows the primitive judicial system that were excecuted in italian court rooms, with poor discipline and frightened judges and officials and corrupt police.
the story do spring back and forth very fast and often, but survives by good time and place info on each shift. the pace are slow, but the acting are very well done and the lead male actor gave an excellent performance on many levels. i wish i had those cool demeanors. br> if you want to see a film with some similarities to don corleone, and killing spree of blood feuds alla sciciliano style, then the grumpy old man recommend il traditore. a strong 8.
A movie named after Trump. Riina quando dice sig giudice lei non ha niente da insistete in quel momento pensierava la signora giudice in una bella vasca a lavarsi con l acido lol.

Potrebbe sistemare il prezzo del latte sardo. Bel video >3 >3 >3. 3:39 epico ahahha. A me fanno ancora piu schifo gli applausi del pubblico. I reckon, not sure that this has been televised.
have watched it partly twice cause I fell asleep, seriously. storyline, if any, hard to follow. if you are sufferiing from insomnia I recommend watching it 3 start cause some details were accurate. the end.
Lo vorrei vedere questo film, se è ancora in proiezione, oggi vado, ne ho visti tanti film al cinema e in TV, e comunque ho visto e letto tanti film e libri di mafia. Nella maggior parte dei reperti si nota una cosa. i collaboratori conoscono tutti. gli imputati non conoscono NESSUNO! ?. Appena visto il film. Favino è da premio oscar. Ho visto il confronto Buscetta-Caló, ho faticato a capire che quello del video era il vero Buscetta e non Favino. Censure infami. CARNEVALE detto l'ammazzasentenze, è il nome bippato da mediaset.
1:29:15. Falcone. sulla GLADIO... Magistrale. Il più bel documentario di mafia che abbia mai visto,complimenti per averlo trovato e caricato ??.









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