To phone Goldie

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  • Creator: Back To Nature
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Runtime: 1 hours 28 minutes / Release year: 2019 / Goldie is a movie starring Slick Woods, George Sample III, and Danny Hoch. A teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. A story about / user Rating: 5,3 / 10 / Star: Marsha Stephanie Blake / directors: Sam de Jong.
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Phone golden living kokomo indiana. Freddy: ¡ÄIs there a particular reason that the bathtub is on fire? Bonnie and Foxy, simultaneously and excitedly: SCIENCE!!! Freddy: ¡ÄFair enough. - Chica: Here you go mike, a Nice hot cup of coffee. Michael: It's cold. Chica: a nice cup of coffee. Michael: It's horrible. Chica: a cup of coffee. Michael: I'm not even sure this is coffee. Chica: a cup. - Michael: Teeth are the only bones that are socially acceptable to show people. I smile at you and that¡Çs being polite, but when I unpeel my rib cage it¡Çs ¡Èhorrifying¡É and I ¡Èneed to see a doctor¡É. - William: I¡Çve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but make more money as a leader. Jeremy: What the fuck. - Interviewer: How many children do you have, Mr. Emily? Henry Emily: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there IS a difference - William: what¡Çs up? i¡Çm back Michael: i literally saw you die, you died, you were dead William: death is a social construct - Michael: At my old house, there was only one rule: never touch dad¡Çs fursuit and it was punishable by death. - Michael: H-hewwo daddy~. It'sh me, Michaew. I did it. I found it. It wash wight whewe you said it wouwd be. They wewe aww thewe. They didn't wecognize me at fiwst but then they thought i wash you. And i found hew. I put hew back togethew, just wike you asked me to. She'sh fwee now. But something ish wwong with me. I shouwd be dead. But i'm not. I've been wiving in shadowsh. Thewe ish onwy one thing weft fow me to do now. I'm going to come find you. ÒwÓ Jeremy: hi! I¡Çm now legally obligated to shoot you point-blank - springtrap: you may not recognize me at first, but i assure you, it's still me. Michael: uh yeah dad, i remember your fucking fursona. - phone guy: If you're fortunate enough, your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness. Michael: Not if I swallow this glow stick. :) - everyone, to William: Furry can¡Çt be a normal person, furry needs his fursuit, fucking furry. - William: Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday but god won't let me die so I¡Çm back - Staff: why the fuck are you holding mangle? Golden Freddy, holding mangle in his arms like they are a puppy: Sir, this is my emotional support animatronic Mangle: *probably chewing on golden freddy's arm* - Golden Freddy: I¡Çm not religious, I don¡Çt believe in a higher power than myself - Henry, to William: There are approximately 1, 010, 300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair. - the puppet: i hope you get hit by a car. William: hoping is all well and good, but it gets you nowhere. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Get in your car and run me the fuck over instead of waiting for others to do your work for you, you coward. You lazy fool - Golden Freddy: at least we have memes to dull the pain of existence - Michael: How many flirts until girlfriend? Toy Freddy: If u hold down the flirt key while jumping you can unlock girlfriend in about five seconds Mangle: I???f??? ???y???o???u??? ???c???r???o???u???c???h??? ???j???u???m???p??? ???w???h???i???l???e??? ???f???l???i???r???t???i???n???g??? ???y???o???u??? ???c???a???n??? ???c???l???i???p??? ???t???h???r???o???u???g???h??? ???t???h???e??? ???f???l???o???o???r??? ???d???i???r???e???c???t???l???y??? ???t???o??? ???w???i???f???e??? - Freddy, to William: i've got your DNA results here. You're not actually human. turns out you're a rare breed of fuckin garbage - Mangle: Bite the vampire first to establish dominance - Toy Freddy: Florida is basically just a huge GTA5 server - mikebully believers, to mikevictim believers: Yes, you do have a right to your opinion¡ÄAnd I have a right to mine. And my opinion is that your opinion is fucking stupid - Golden Freddy, to William: Seriously? you were the sperm that won? - everyone, to miketrap believers: splish splash your opinion is trash - Golden Freddy: Showdown: My immense self-hatred VS my delusional god complex - Golden Freddy: Welcome to Mcdawnalds, do you wanna phucking beesechurger phone guy: p-please, i just wanna see my family again Golden Freddy: Chinken nunget - phone guy, to William after he murdered like 5 children: on a list of things that we don't do, that's at the very least a solid 500% shit we don't do - Michael: This world is full of dumbass rules, like "No drugs for breakfast! " or "Put on some clothes! " - Foxy: Contrary to popular belief, I know exactly what I¡Çm doing - *in college* William, to Henry: Did you know that a piranha can devour a child down to the bone in less than 45 seconds? Anyway, I lost my job at the aquarium today - Michael: They say crows are incredibly smart and can remember who wronged them. So. Let¡Çs all put on phone guy masks and piss some crows off! - *Right after the bite of 83* William: Whoops Henry: Whoops? WHOOPS? This is not a ¡Èwhoops¡É situation. We are far past whoops. Whoops is a distant speck in the rearview mirror, We are solidly in ¡Èoh fuck¡É territory, and I expect you to act like it. - Toy Freddy: You talking mad shit for someone in Sharpness V distance - Freddy: anyone under 5'7" can¡Çt be talking about fighting anyone. Like. What are you going to do? Headbutt someone in the nipples? Toy Chica: say goodbye to your kneecaps - The Puppet: if you were offered $50, 000, but the person you hate the most gets $100, 000, would you take it? Michael: of course. why wouldn¡Çt i want $150, 000? The puppet:... are you okay? - Mrs Afton: You¡Çre a lying, cheating piece of shit! YOU¡ÇRE NOT THE MAN I MARRIED! William Afton: Oh yeah?! Then I¡ÇM LEAVING AND I¡ÇM TAKING THIS RING OFF Michael, picking up the monopoly board: ¡ÄI think we should stop playing now.. - Mrs. Afton: I just wish you'd admit when you've done something wrong William Afton, sipping tea like the British bastard he is: I prefer it with salt - Vanny: I got a pet snake. What should I name it? Tape Girl: I¡Çm sorry, you got a wha- Jeremy: name it William Afton Snakespeare - William: Okay google, how do I get revenge on those who have forsaken me Google: The best revenge is letting go and living well William: William: Bing, how do I get- - Michael: *coughs violently Ennard: don¡Çt die Michael: don¡Çt tell me what to do - Freddy: I¡Çm goldie¡Çs emergency contact The technician: Are you here to bring him back? Freddy: I¡Çm here to be removed as his emergency contact - BV: I¡Çm scared William: Why? BV: there¡Çs a monster under my bed and it¡Çs really ugly Michael, on the bottom bunk: honestly, Fuck you - Michael: *High on crack* The moon is really beautiful tonight phone guy: *who is also high* It really is Foxy: Should we tell them that¡Çs just a tortilla you threw at the window? Golden Freddy: No - Golden Freddy: The risk I took was carefully calculated Freddy: WE ALMOST DIED Golden Freddy: I never said I was good at math - Vanny: You didn¡Çt have to kidnap me, dude Glitchtrap: Kidnaping is what you do to children. You¡Çre in your twenties, I abducted you. - Interviewer: what state do you live in? Freddy: a constant state of anxiety Bonnie: denial Foxy: perfection Chica: ¡Ä actually live in America Golden Freddy: chaos - Bonnie: Are you talking to yourself? Freddy: yes Freddy: it¡Çs the only way I can have an intelligent conversation in this place - Freddy: No fears Golden Freddy: I¡Çm cooking tonight Freddy: One fear - Chica: *ordering cake over the phone* Shop Employee: and what would you like your cake to say? Chica, covering the phone to look at the fnaf band: Do we want a talking cake? - Phone guy: *answers phone* William: It¡Çs William phone guy: what did he do this time? William: No, it¡Çs me, William. It¡Çs actually me. phone guy: What did you do this time? - Freddy: you better stop raising your voice at me RIGHT now Michael: or what? Freddy: I¡Çll¡Ä. i¡Çll cry and I really don¡Çt want to be embarrassed right now - Henry: I hope you two have an explanation for this. Michael: Actually, we have three Golden Freddy: Pick your favorite - William: Why are you looking at me through a fork? Michael: I¡Çm pretending you¡Çre in jail. William: Why? Michael: It¡Çs spiritually healing. - Golden Freddy: I¡Çve done a lot of dumb stuff Foxy: I witnessed the dumb stuff Chica: I recorded the dumb stuff Bonnie: I joined you in the dumb stuff Freddy: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF!! - Jeremy: If Foxy said YARR, Chica said LET'S EAT, Golden Freddy said IT'S ME and Bonnie said HI KIDS, what did Fred say Michael: freddy says fuck - Vanny: You need to learn to be nicer to people. *hugs Will* C¡Çmon, let¡Çs hug all the angeries out. William: *squeezes her tightly* Vanny: Wooaahh- *strained voice* That¡Çs a lot of angeries. - Circus Baby/Elizabeth: this is a happy family reunion isn't it? Golden Freddy/BV, Michael, and Ballora/Mrs. Afton, beating up springtrap/William: - William: I don¡Çt understand this fancy new technology. what is a ¡Èmeme¡É Vanny: you are literally a robot - William, in the Malhare suit: hey Dr Phil: hmm. no - Tape Girl, looking at photographs of Ballora: this was for kids? Faz Ent: it was made by a horny and lonely serial killer Tape Girl: I Understand - Michael: He just tripped into Fredbears mouth I swear! - Scott: Finally! My un-yiffable designs are complete! *Nightmare Foxy has long tongue* you fucks: i'm gonna yiff the demon fox ( ?¡ë ?? ?¡ë) - Toy Chica: i love pizza, what's your favorite food? Golden Freddy: *turns are slowly and looks at her with demonic eyes* Gasoline Toy Chica: THAT'S NOT A FOOD AND THERE'S A PROBLEM!! - Springtrap: clean your room son Michael: *high-pitched scream* - phantom puppet: have you considered taking a bath springtrap: a what phantom puppet: jesus fucking christ - ucn fredbear: We have to put nightmare bb in a kennel during the night or else he¡Çll try to eat the minireenas - William, wearing a new shirt: the
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To phone goldberg. Phone holder. Phone holder for running. Alright, so I think you're all familiar with these rare screens from FNaF 1. Let's take a look at the bottom left-one, it specifically says that the 5 bodies were never found. But that conflicts with the top-right one, stating how people noticed blood comig out of the animatronics, and comparing them with corpses. Unless that paper is not only paranormal, but also time-travelling the animatronics in question must be FNaF 2's. Considering what Phone Guy tells us in FNaF 2 Night 2 on how the animatronics used to smell, the top-right paper must be referring to the withered ones, and due to the rest of what he says about said mascots, it is impossible that the bodies inside them were never found like bottom-left paper says. Uh, by now I'm sure you've noticed the older models sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location. We just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology, but they were just so ugly, you know? The, so the company decided to go in a whole new direction and make them super kid-friendly. We do know, however, about another group of bodies that could match the requirement: I will admit that I don't remember S-A-V-E-T-H-E-M by memory, but I do recall there being 5 bodies, which, unlike Give Gifts Give Life, were never actually shown to be insert in the animatronic suits. (Before I go on, I want to address anyone who says that this cannot be because Scott didn't plan 2 while making 1, but by that logic Michael Afton cannot be Mike Schimdt since Scott didn't plan the Afton family either at that time, the argument "No because X wasn't planned at the time of Y" is overall a non-valid argument as it implies that Scott never ever rewrote something, which is not only not true, but also ridiculus. ) What does this mean? It means that while MCI2 is 100% a group of 5, MCI1 may as well not be, we do see Charlie the Marionette stuff only 4 bodies after all. I first thought of this mini-theory while brainstorming a bigger post about why Golden Freddy is barely more important of Freddy Fazbear, but now I may reconsider it: From what I remember, the main argument against GoldenVictim was the 5th MCI1 child, however what I just said does free a spot for him in the quintet. GF being BV could also explain why golden boi is supposed to be important, not to forget, if Mike is really the bully brother and it really is Golden Freddy to be the one comunicating with him in the logbook, it would explain why Goldie gives a fuck about Mike. Now, I do not exactly like the idea of BV being GF, so you're all invited to prove me wrong here.
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To phone Goldie
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To phone Goldie









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