The Assistant ?Dailymotion?

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Liked It: 886 Votes
Cast: Makenzie Leigh, Matthew Macfadyen
Genre: Drama
abstract: A searing look at a day in the life of an assistant to a powerful executive. As Jane follows her daily routine, she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position
Countries: USA
writer: Kitty Green
Personal Assistant apps have been around for a while. However, it wasn’t until Siri that they became a really big deal. We now have tons of options in the space, including offerings from Google, Microsoft, and SoundHound, among others. It’s an interesting space to be in right now. You can take advantage as well with the best personal assistant apps for Android! Let’s get started. Also, if you’re into hardware, check out Google Home and Amazon Alexa as they combine the concept of a personal assistant app with a hardware device to control. We’ll be perfectly honest here. Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Bixby are your best bets right now. Additionally, we said goodbye to Cortana in late 2019 and that app is no longer available on this list. Here are some more lists and articles you might like! 10 best skills and apps for Alexa! Google Assistant vs Siri vs Bixby vs Amazon Alexa vs Cortana ? Best virtual assistant showdown! Amazon Alexa Price: Free Amazon Alexa is actually a great personal assistant. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get a hold of. It requires an Amazon Fire device or an Amazon Echo device. The app on Android is mostly just a controller for the devices. Alexa can do web searches, integrate with smart home stuff, and even order pizza! Its device restrictions are by far the worst part of it. Otherwise, this is right up there with Google Assistant as the best of the best. We recommend it for sure. Bixby Price: Free (Samsung devices only) Bixby is Samsung’s personal assistant app. It’s only available on Samsung devices. Otherwise, it’s surprisingly decent. It does web searches, downloads apps from Google Play, and has direct support for a variety of available apps. It also supports smart home tech as long as you get Samsung’s proprietary hub. Its only about a year old. However, it’s still better than most other options. Those with Samsung device should try this one for sure. We’re not sure if Samsung plans on opening this up to any other devices. It might be nice if they did. DataBot Price: Free / Up to $4. 99 DataBot is a slightly above average personal assistant app. It features cross-platform support. You also get some basic personal assistant stuff, some customization features, and even a chat bot. It doesn’t come close to the functionality of Google Assistant, Siri, or even Cortana or Bixby. However, it’s a simpler, entertaining solution for those who like that. It can even tell jokes, riddles, and other goofy stuff like that. The app isn’t bad, but it’s not mind blowing either. The app is free with some optional in-app purchases. Google Assistant Price: Free Google Assistant is pretty much the undisputed champion of personal assistant apps on Android. It comes with a metric ton of features which includes the basics, more advanced stuff like anticipating your needs, activation from anywhere, Google Now on Tap, and a lot more. It even integrates with some smart home stuff like Philips Hue lights. It’s not enough that this app is solid as a brick wall but it’s also updated on an almost constant basis by Google which seems to only add to its stability and range of features. If your device has Google Play Services, you probably already have this installed which means you just have to turn it on. You can also get Google Now Launcher which puts Google Now at the forefront of your device interactions. Hound Price: Free Hound is another one of the upcoming personal assistant apps alongside Cortana. SoundHound made this one a couple of years ago. It’s coming along okay. The basics are all covered here and includes some advanced stuff like a mortgage calculator, integrated Expedia support for hotel booking, and the SoundHound Now which opens a sing/hum music search. You can even play interactive games like Hangman. It’s only for United States residents right now, but it is out of beta and ready for public consumption. It is still a bit buggy though, so do beware of that. We have some more app list recommendations for you to check out! 10 best Android themes, theming apps, and customizations! 15 best weather apps and weather widgets for Android! Lyra Virtual Assistant Price: Free Lyra Virtual Assistant is one of the simpler personal assistant apps. It can do a lot of basic stuff. Some of the features include searching for YouTube videos, tell jokes, find directions, manage a diary, set alarms, and some other stuff. It uses Material Design. That means it looks pretty good. It obviously can’t compete with the big dogs. However, it’s a good alternative for those who don’t want all those extra features. This one is completely free with no in-app purchases or ads as far as we could find. Robin Price: Free Robin was one of the original “Siri challengers” and, as such, as been around for quite some time. Despite that, the developer still proclaim Robin as a beta application which means they definitely want everything to be just right before release. It supports the basic commands such as calling and sending SMS and it can also respond to gestures, find out about parking and traffic alerts, gas prices, and more. It still needs some work but it’s a pretty decent option and should become a lot better over the long term if the developers keep working on it. To do list apps Price: Free / Varies To do list do many of the same things as personal assistant apps. You can remind yourself to do things, schedule things for a later date, add notes, and even access a calendar. One of these along with a weather app and Google Search and you have the same basic experience. You obviously won’t get smart home integration and some of the more complex tasks. However, those who don’t want those things can replicate most of the rest of the experience with other apps. Todoist, TickTick, and Gtasks are good options. We have our best list linked above if you want to see more! Calendar apps Price: Free / Varies Calendar apps are the original personal assistants on mobile. You know how these works. You open the calendar, add your various events, and check back later to see what’s on the agenda. There are some excellent options here, including aCalendar, Calendar Widget by Home Agenda, Simple Calendar Pro, and, of course, the classic Google Calendar. Most calendar apps work the same way with some extras around the edges. It’s also a good route to go if you just need something simple. We have our list of the best calendar apps linked at the button just below. video Other OEM AI assistant apps Price: Free Other OEMs are considering or actively developing AI assistants for their smartphones. Some examples include LG, Huawei, and Xiaomi. These are more or less like Bixby. They are personal assistant apps that should come baked into the smartphones these manufacturers make. We don’t know a ton about these apps right now other than their development. Some of them come with some unique features. For instance, Xiaomi’s assistant can find photos of you from a certain time in a certain place. You may have to wait a generation or two, but these should be decent options upon their release. Thank you for reading! Here are some more personal assistant apps! 10 best Google Home apps to maximize your experience! 10 best skills and apps for Alexa! If we missed any great?personal assistant apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android app and game lists! Watch movie the assistant salary. Something went wrong, but don’t fret ? let’s give it another shot.
Google Assistant is Google’s voice assistant, which grew out of Google Now, and is available on a range of recent Android devices and now the iPhone. You can use Google Assistant to trigger apps and devices, ask all kinds of questions, make plans, and carry out a variety of useful tasks. If you’re new to the voice assistant, it may be difficult to figure out just how it works. Lucky for you, we can help! If you’re currently wondering, “what is Google Assistant anyway? ” or “how can I use all this stuff with OK Google? ” then read on to get started. How to launch Google Assistant Julian Chokkattu/Digital Trends Begin by activating and setting up your Google Assistant on your Android device. It’s a good idea to do this in a quiet place when you have a few minutes of extra time. Start by unlocking your screen and giving the Home button a lengthy, several-second press (if your device is listening, you can also just say “OK Google”). This should bring up a new window that says, “Meet your personal Google Assistant, ” or something similar. If you’ve already set up your Assistant, the window will take you to the Assistant menu instead. First-time users will need to press Continue and give Google Assistant access to their email and apps. Afterward, you will be taken through a short voice configuration process that has you say, “OK, Google” a few times. Once done, Assistant should be ready to go! Keep in mind that Google Assistant is unique to each Google account. If your phone is shared among more than one Google Account, make sure you’re using your account before continuing. You can change accounts at any time by pressing the Home button until the Assistant menu appears, choosing Settings, and heading to Accounts. Learn how to ask questions With “OK, Google” as your activation phrase ( watch Google’s video for more info), it’s time to try out some basic voice commands. Google Assistant uses a message screen for text answers and links, and voice features for answering questions out loud ? you can type questions too, if you prefer. Google gives you a few ideas about what to try out, and if you have experience with voice assistants, then you know the sort of questions that it can answer. This includes basic questions like: What is the weather like today? How far is it to Seattle? What’s the latest business news? What are the latest sports scores today? How old are you? You get the idea. Google Assistant is particularly good at followup questions and picking up context. You can ask, “Who sang Born in the USA? ” and then follow it up with, “What year did he release it? ” and Google will know you are still talking about Bruce Springsteen. Wording doesn’t usually have to be precise, so don’t worry about talking casually. For more details on what the virtual assistant can do, check out our roundup of some of the best Google Assistant commands. See how Google Assistant connects to your apps Asking general questions is fun, but the Assistant really becomes useful when you explore the ways that it connects to the apps and services on your Android device. Assistant integrates well with a variety of services, allowing you to accomplish many tasks with voice commands, such as: Ask the Assistant to “Set a reminder” for a specific day and time. “Show photos” of specific geo-tagged places or people. “Show emails” about specific topics, trips, meetings, social posts, or anything else that may be stored in your Gmail. Ask “What is planned for tomorrow? ” or “What’s going on today” to bring up your calendar events. Connect a variety of smart home devices. Play music from services or storage. Ask a variety of map/direction-based questions. Open a specific app. Create shortcuts for more complex tasks. Customize briefings and news Google Assistant offers you a “My Day” briefing on demand, which basically amounts to a verbal?news and event report. You can ? and probably should ? customize this briefing. Press the Home button until the Assistant window opens, and select the menu icon in the upper-right corner. From here, go to Settings and select My Day. On the My Day screen, you’ll see a number of options you can check, uncheck, and customize. These include weather reports, commute updates, reminders pertaining to calendar events, and more. Anything that is checked will be included in your report, so only check the things you really want to hear about at the start of the day. Now, just say “Tell me about my day” and your customized briefing will begin. Personalize your Assistant in Settings The Settings menu allows you to personalize a number of other Assistant features. A couple things you can do include: Change how the voice behaves In the Voice menu that you can access from Assistant Settings, you can turn speech off, allow speech to work offline, allow the Assistant to recognize “offensive” words, switch to Bluetooth headset compatibility, and more. Change the news sources Google uses From the Settings menu, choose News and then Customize. This gives you a list of popular news sites that Google will report from when you ask to, “Listen to news. ” Keep in mind that Assistant will provide news from all the sources you select, so you don’t want to choose repeats. Choose your favorite news and sports sources from the list, and add in specialized reports (technology, stocks, etc. ) as needed. Change what Assistant calls you In Settings, go to Personal Info. You can change your Nickname here to whatever you prefer Assistant to call you. You can even customize the pronunciation! Watch for new partners Voice assistant compatibility is a fast-evolving market. Google has recently added compatibility with speakers, appliances, and a variety of smart home devices ? with a lot more partnerships on the way (not to mention the Alexa-like Google Home). It’s worth noting any new partnerships to see if Assistant’s compatibility expands into new areas that interest you. Editors' Recommendations How to make calls on your Google Home Use your smart speaker to make Valentine’s Day a little sweeter The best Google Home games The best Google Home tips, tricks, and Easter eggs for 2020 How to use Amazon’s Alexa app on your smartphone.
Watch Movie The assistant de manager.

Watch the perfect assistant movie free online. Watch movie the assistant school. About “The Assistant”. Watch Movie The assistant de gestion. Watch movie the assistant movie. Watch movie the assistant jobs. Watch Movie The assistant services. As?sis?tant (?-s?s′t?nt) n. One that assists; a helper. adj. 1. Holding an auxiliary position; subordinate. 2. Giving aid; auxiliary. assistant ( ??s?st?nt) n 1. (Professions) a. a person who assists, esp in a subordinate position b. ( as modifier): assistant manager. adj archaic helpful or useful as an aid as?sis?tant (??s?s t?nt) n. a person who gives aid and support; helper. a person who is subordinate to another in rank, function, etc. ; aide; adjutant. 3. something that aids and supplements another. 4. a faculty member in a college or university ranking below an instructor. 5. assisting; helpful. 6. serving in an immediately subordinate position; of secondary rank. [1400?50; < Latin] Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Noun 1. assistant - a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "my invaluable assistant"; "they hired additional help to finish the work" worker - a person who works at a specific occupation; "he is a good worker" accomplice, confederate - a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan (especially an unethical or illegal plan) attendant, attender, tender - someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another bat boy - (baseball) a boy who takes care of bats and other baseball equipment deputy, lieutenant - an assistant with power to act when his superior is absent event planner - someone who plans social events as a profession (usually for government or corporate officials) facilitator - someone who makes progress easier flower girl - a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession girl Friday - a female assistant who has a range of duties enforcer, hatchet man - one whose job it is to execute unpleasant tasks for a superior birthing coach, doula, labor coach, monitrice - an assistant (often the father of the soon-to-be-born child) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes underboss - an assistant or second-in-command to a chief (especially in a crime syndicate) poser, model - a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didn't have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos" paraprofessional - a trained worker who is not a member of a profession but who assists a professional powder monkey - someone who carries explosives (as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship) prompter, theater prompter - someone who assists a performer by providing the next words of a forgotten speech secretarial assistant, secretary - an assistant who handles correspondence and clerical work for a boss or an organization sidesman - (Church of England) an assistant to the churchwarden; collects offerings of money in the church whipper-in - huntsman's assistant in managing the hounds Adj. assistant - of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another assistant noun 1. helper, partner, ally, colleague, associate, supporter, deputy, subsidiary, aide, aider, second, accessory, attendant, backer, protagonist, collaborator, accomplice, confederate, auxiliary, henchman, right-hand man, adjutant, helpmate, coadjutor (rare), abettor, cooperator He had been accompanied to the meeting by an assistant. salesperson, shop assistant, checkout person, retail assistant The assistant checked the price on the back cover of the book. assistant noun A person who holds a position auxiliary to another and assumes some of the superior's responsibilities: adjective Giving or able to give help or support: Translations asistent pomocník prodavač asistentka pomocnice assistent ekspedient hjælpe- medhjælper avustaja pomoćnik asszisztens helyettes segéd afgreiîslumaîur aîstoîarmaîur 助手 ?? asistent asistent pomočnik prodajalec assistent ??????? tr? lý assistant [??s?st ? nt] A. N → ayudante mf; (= language assistant) → lector (a) m/f B. CPD assistant director N ( Theat) → ayudante mf de dirección assistant manager N → subdirector (a) m/f assistant master N ( Brit) ( Scol) ( o. f. ) → profesor m de instituto assistant mistress N ( Brit) ( Scol) ( o. ) → profesora f de instituto assistant principal N ( Scol) → subdirector (a) m/f assistant professor N ( US) → profesor (a) m/f agregado/a assistant secretary N → subsecretario/a m/f assistant [??s?st?nt] n (= aid) → assistant (e) m/f; (in administration) → adjoint (e) m/f (British) ( also shop assistant, sales assistant) → vendeur (e) m/f (SCHOOL) French assistant → assistant (e) m/f de français English assistant → assistant (e) m/f d'anglais modif assistant secretary of defense (US) → secrétaire m/f adjoint (e) de la défense a young assistant professor at Harvard → un jeune maître assistant à Harvard assistant manager, assistant referee assistant manager n → sous-directeur/trice m/f, directeur/trice m/f adjoint (e) assistant referee n (FOOTBALL) → juge m de touche assistant n → Assistent (in) m(f); (= shop assistant) → Verkäufer (in) m(f); are you in charge here? ? no, I am just an assistant → sind Sie hier der Chef? ? nein, ich bin bloß Mitarbeiter assistant: assistant master/mistress n → Lehrer (in) m(f) (ohne besondere zusätzliche Verantwortung) assistant priest n → Hilfspriester m assistant professor n (US) → Assistenz-Professor(in) m(f) assistant referee n (Ftbl) → Schiedsrichterassistent(in) m(f) assistant [??s?st /? nt] 1. n → aiutante m/f, assistente m/f, aiuto ( Brit) ( also shop assistant) → commesso/a assist ( ??sist) verb to help. The junior doctor assisted the surgeon at the operation. as?sistance noun help. Do you need assistance? as?sistant noun 1. a person who assists; a helper. a laboratory assistant; ( also adjective) an assistant headmaster. a person who serves in a shop. assistant → ???????? asistent assistent Assistent βοηθός ayudante avustaja assistant pomoćnik assistente 助手 ?? assistent assistent asystent assistente помощник assistent ??????? yardımcı tr? lý 助手 as?sis?tant n., a. asistente, ayudante. assistant n asistente mf, auxiliar mf, ayudante mf; certified nursing ? auxiliar de enfermería certificado; medical ? asistente médico, persona entrenada para ayudar al médico en el consultorio o en la clínica; nursing ? auxiliar de enfermería; physician’s ? asistente médico, persona entrenada para diagnosticar y tratar enfermedades comunes bajo la supervisión de un médico.
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Coauthor: Coralie Mattys
Biography: Ex-London-based Greek/Italian Australian ex-boat-dweller with NY connections. Wim Wenders' Pina - Philip Glass' everything - Andy Goldsworthy's Storm King wall









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