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I don't remember me this excited to watch a movie. We Indians never thought we could experience an anime in theaters until now, as you heard #indiananimemoment #indiawantsanime etc petitions to release anime in our country all those are paid off, thanks to PVR and Vkaao for releasing this movie in India and thanks to Makoto Shinkai for not disappointing a single bit and making our first anime experience such a blast. Like all films from Makoto Shinkai, the screenplay is not an easy one it has to say something behind it in this case about climate change, and what we are facing with current changing weather and disasters, especially for Japan people, understand more than others, really thought-provoking script in the grounded fantasy with the amazing coming of age elements, innocent romantic story and wonderful comedy. Two hours the movie never felt slowed down or rushed, no pacing issues, but in the third act, I wished just more depth to it. The film is gorgeously animated, the powerful visual is easily highlight of the movie. Every single frame is gorgeous especially sunshine scenes for me, rain scenes and whether manipulating or magic scenes really breathtaking we can see the production and work of all artists not wasted a single bit. Like previous work RADWIMPS for Your name, they did beautiful work in this one also, songs and musical score added weight to scenes emotionally, anticipation, entertainment and so in every way It has really memorable characters both protagonists finding there a place in the world learning to live individual life and falling for each other, other characters like his senpai and other female role have steals funny scenes. And when guest roles appeared in the movie, the whole theater was screaming! Verdict - Take my word and watch it surely you will enjoy and if you are Indian Otaku please support and watch in theatres. (Thanks for tolerating my English.M c4 81ko c5 86u pav c4 93lniece battery.
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