[mkv] Free Stream Ordinary Love

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Duration: 92 M; Drama, Romance; resume: Joan and Tom have been married for many years. There is an ease to their relationship which only comes from spending a life time together and a depth of love which expresses itself through tenderness and humour in equal part. When Joan is unexpectedly diagnosed with breast cancer, the course of her treatment shines a light on their relationship as they are faced with the challenges that lie ahead and the prospect of what might happen if something were to happen to Joan. ORDINARY LOVE is a story about love, survival and the epic questions life throws at each and every one of us; 2019; audience Score: 346 vote; Rating: 7,8 / 10.
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Free stream ordinary love full. Free Stream Ordinary love like. Who still listening in 2k19?. Could her voice be any more heavenly? ?. Sade is my favorite artist in the world hands down! She's truly a blessing!?. Part one My wife’s panicked eyes locked onto mine. She pulled against her chains, causing the red paint caked to her body to drip to the floor and pool on the carpet like congealed blood. The force generated by her thrashing limbs bent the cross forward at an acute angle, and sent dust spiraling into the air. The sound of panting breath filled the room. I wanted desperately to rise to my feet and curse Father Bonnard for subjecting my family to such blasphemy, but shock ensnared my limbs and filled my throat with ice. The sight of my wife and son pinned to those monstrous crosses, arms stretched nearly to the point of breaking, paralyzed me. I could hardly breathe, much less confront Father Bonnard. Hopelessness pervaded my spirit. “Seeing you on your knees pleases me, ” said Father Bonnard. “For that’s where you belong. ” My son screamed. The chain circling his mouth morphed this scream into jumbled syllables. Tears rolled down his cheeks as this chain split his lips open, filling his mouth with blood. “Release them, ” I said, voice hoarse. “They’re innocent. It’s me you have a problem with. ” Father Bonnard glared at me with Hell fire eyes. “You’re right, ” he said. “Your behavior at the Vatican Palace displeased me. Should you have left the laptop in my apartment, your family would be safe in your arms right now rather than chained to these crosses. However, you did choose to steal my laptop, and now have the full resources of the Vatican hunting you down. ” I blinked back tears of rage. Just the sight of Father Bonnard filled me with vitriol. I could hardly stand to look at him?for his introduction into my life marked the point where despair began to mar my every breath. I pulled the laptop from my backpack and rose to my feet. “If it’s the laptop you want, come and take it. I won’t try to stop you. Just let my family go. ” “The time has passed for such deals. Do I look like a fool? I know that you backed up the files before you arrived, probably on multiple hard drives. ” I blushed. He had me dead to rights. Attempting to lie around such an accusation would only make the situation worse. “How shall we proceed then? ” The answer to this question dawned on me the moment my words left my mouth. Father Bonnard had drawn me out of hiding to kill me. Ending my life was the only way the Vatican could be sure that the disclosures stopped. The only way to ensure that his secrets remained hidden. I dashed towards the dining room, but it was too late. Father Bonnard had already crossed the hallway and jammed a syringe into my neck, sending me crashing to the ground. The last thing I heard before falling unconscious was my son’s panicked screams. --- I awoke staring at the living room ceiling. I tired to sit up, but my body was paralyzed. All I could feel was the cool touch of wood against my skin. “It’s about time you woke up, ” said Father Bonnard. Based on the sound of his voice, he was sitting in the recliner to my right. “I was beginning to fear that I had given you too large of a dose. ” The thought of him relaxing in my furniture while my family languished on his vile crosses made me see red. I tried with all of my might to rise to my feet, but I couldn’t even flick my tongue, much less bend my legs. “It’s a shame our relationship had to come to this. ” He rose from the recliner and crouched beside me. “I genuinely enjoyed our conversations. Our mutual hunts for wisdom could’ve benefited us both, but you had to throw it all away. And for what? To become a leaker? Nobody cares about the documents in the Apostolic Archive anymore. All people want are their daily doses of cat videos and pop songs. Your disclosures are falling on deaf ears. ” My lips quivered as I tried to force out words. No matter how hard I tried to produce sounds, the best I could do was blow out a few puffs of air. “Relax before you hurt yourself. Should we ever conduct discourse again, which I doubt, it will not be now. ” He passed from my field of view. When he returned, he was carrying a hammer and nails. My heart-rate doubled. “The tranquilizer I gave you will not last forever. For this reason, I need to make sure you are secure. I can’t have you playing the hero. ” He placed a nail on my right palm. The jagged edge punctured my skin, and sent a warm trickle of blood running down my wrist. I watched in terror as he raised the hammer above his head. “Our Father who art in Heaven. ” Pound. “Hallowed be thy name. “Thy kingdom come. “Thy will be done. “On Earth as it is in Heaven. He switched to my left hand. “Give us this day our daily bread. “And forgive us of our trespasses. “As we forgive those who have trespassed against us. He placed a large spike on the center of my stacked feet. “And lead us not into temptation. “But deliver us from evil. “For thine is the Kingdom. “And the power. “And the glory forever. Amen. ” Pain consumed my being. My vision wavered as a guttural scream formed in my throat, but died before it could reach my lips. Streams of blood poured from my puncture wounds like spilled wine. I could feel my broken bones fracturing around the rusty nails, and closed my eyes as a wave of bile passed into my chest. The panicked whimpers of my wife and son greeted my ears. Father Bonnard dropped his hammer to the ground with a clang. He then crouched by my head, grabbed the arms of the cross with both hands, and hoisted it into the air. Blood shot from my wounds as the cross thudded against the wall. The pain in my hands was so intense my vision darkened. If it wasn’t for the frightened whimpering of my son, I would’ve thought I was dead. “Now you’re a true martyr, ” said Father Bonnard, sardonic grin stretching across his face. “You even look the part. Your hair has grown quite long since last we met. ” He approached my wife. “Doesn’t your husband look magnificent? ” My wife shied away from his touch. Her chains dragged against the wood as she leaned forward, producing a scraping sound so jarring it made me wince. Father Bonnard turned towards me. “Look at your family closely. Remember their faces. For they’re about to undergo transformations so divine they will be hardly recognizable. ” He pulled the Rituale Romanum from his pocket and muttered a series of Latin prayers. His words slithered unnaturally through the air, and made my arms break out in goose flesh. Following these prayers, Father Bonnard thumbed open the ancient book and began to chant a rite so sinister it filled my veins with ice. My wife and son writhed against their crosses as his words crashed into their bodies like a physical force. Their groans of pain vibrated their chains, and would’ve drowned out Father Bonnard’s voice had it not been amplified by sinister forces I shudder to recall. As each second passed their skin grew paler until eventually I could see their veins. Dark blue lines covered their entire bodies, which pulsed wildly with their palpitating hearts. Father Bonnard spread his arms as his voice reached such a crescendo it blew out half the candles in the room. So powerful did his voice become that his throat swelled to twice its normal size, and his back expanded as his lungs sucked in gallons of air. Despair overpowered my pain as I watched my family slump forward in their chains. They were growing too weak to resist. All they could do was whimper as Father Bonnard continued to subject their spirits to unimaginable torture. When Father Bonnard finished performing the rite, he slumped to the ground, as if he had just completed a marathon. “It’s done, ” he said. “It’s finally done. Open your eyes, and gaze upon the world long lost to you. ” My wife and son opened their eyes. When I saw the glowing yellow of their irises, my heart fell. “Tear away the chains that bind you, ” said Father Bonnard, “Your master awaits. ” Now that the serum had partially worn off, I was able to force out a few words. “What did you do? ” I said. “I struck a deal. You don’t think I developed this plan on my own, do you? ” His words were drowned out by the snapping of chains. I watched in horror as my wife and son descended from their crosses and landed on their corpse-like feet. “Claudius thanks you, ” said my wife, voice three tones deeper than the last time I had spoken to her. “Tell Claudius that I expect him to fulfill his side of the bargain by tomorrow, ” said Father Bonnard. “He gave me his word that he would answer my questions. ” “Feel free to tell him yourself. ” The front door swung open, revealing a teenage boy no older than fifteen. His eyes were yellow, and looked ancient with wisdom. “Claudius? ” said Father Bonnard. Claudius strode into the living room and paused in front of the ruined crosses. “This is quite the spectacle, ” he said. “You always have to give things a dramatic flair, don’t you Bonnard? ” Father Bonnard blushed. “How I conduct my business isn’t your concern. Just remember your half of our bargain. Remember what you promised me. ” “What did I promise you, exactly? Visions of Heaven? Direct contact with the Fathers of your Church? Tell me priest, why should I honor such a promise after all of the trouble you’ve caused me? ” Father Bonnard took an aggressive step forward. “Remember who holds the power here, Claudius. I can banish you to Hell the moment I choose. Crossing me would be unwise. ” Claudius smiled. “My powers have grown since last we met, Father. ” Father Bonnard tore his crucifix from his neck and dangled it in front of Claudius’s face. The polished silver shone brightly in the candle light, and cast a phosphorescent glow over the room. “I hold the power of God at my fingertips, ” said Father Bonnard. “Do
Ordinary Love is a really surprising film. It's by no means a perfect film but it is a really enjoyable film with emotion done well without feeling too over the top especially for a cancer film.
Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville are really great here. They really do carry this film. Since it is primarily focused on these two characters and pretty much no one else. Liam Neeson is really great here and it makes me wonder why he hasn't done more action films. Overall it's a very simple told very effectively. It does have a lot emotion and it really does work especially the ending. But it's definitely worth watching. The only thing you are gonna find in Vegas is trouble. I've been here 30 years and I love it.
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Free stream ordinary love album. What a better way to boost your business sales or connect with your audience than with a live broadcast, from your phone from anywhere you want using live streaming apps. Now, we all know that live video streaming doesn’t need no further introduction. It simply can display million of words by the help of instant Internet connectivity. In general, thanks to mobile phones we can now have communication that can easily be broadcasted and enjoyed. All the live streaming apps work just fine with any regular phone camera and microphone, unlike desktop computers and laptops that require a dedicated webcam and external microphone. In this blog post we’ve made a round up of the most used live streaming apps can be thought of more like a mini news station where you can start up whenever you like, and viewers can tune in to listen and watch you. In this blog post we’ve made a round up of the most used mobile live streaming apps with no particular order of preference. Let’s go. 1. Periscope Periscope has super easy and intuitive UX that makes the app really easy to use. The app is available for free for both Android and iOS. It offers options to find other broadcasters or stream your own surroundings. There is a list of trending and featured streamers which is an easy way to find popular streams to follow and watch by their name, place or who are broadcasting using tags for sports, music etc. When you start setting your pre broadcasting video title you can also choose active share options. These means the broadcasting can be shared on Twitter and with the help of some easy settings, you can allow users commenting on your videos and they can also activate the location information. This active location sharing mode allows users to find viewers from nearby locations for even more interaction. An interesting aspect about this app is that you can purchase coins to buy what they call Super Hearts. Once you have purchased super hearts that you can then give to your favorite live streamers. Super Hearts can also be redeemed to apply for Super Broadcaster status. With Periscope live streaming, you can see and follow the people who are watching you, hide the chat, sketch on the stream and or save the broadcast to your phone to go back to later. Also, you get to choose whether to allow public access or just share the broadcast with your friends. 2. Livestream Livestream is probably the market leader in the live video broadcasting sphere. It is available for both Android and iOS operating systems, although most of its users are using it for professional purposes with high-end video cameras and webcams. Livestream helps you get notified when accounts you follow go live or even find your Facebook friends who are also using the platform. There is something called Popular Area where you can find trending live and upcoming broadcasts or might use the categories to search for streams on different topics like music, animals, sports, entertainment etc. During the broadcast you can upload a picture or post text giving information about the event or allow comments on the stream which can be merged with other comments left by viewers. Disabling the microphone means just tapping the microphone button. Also, there is option to change the front and back camera with a swap button. 3. StreamNow Another interesting live streaming app for both iOS and Android operating systems. It allows you to monetize your live broadcasting by using a subscription business model. Users after signing up for the app need to pay a monthly, yearly or per session fee. For instance, if your live streaming session is on hr management, your users can pay per session basis. Similar to Periscope, StreamNow offers commenting system which can boost your social engagement a lot more. This, on the other hand, improves conversion rates as it is important to keep audiences informed about any upcoming live video streaming events. However, there is another monetization feature called pay-per-view by which you can charge live streaming broadcasts every time a user watches your video. And to do away with the hassles of filling long sign-in forms, StreamNow has social login feature. This can be used by users to secure fast login from their social networking accounts such as Facebook or Twitter. Similar, hassles with payment processing can give your users a hard time. To solve this, StreamNow has built a PayPal payment gateway wherein payments are processed globally. 4. Facebook Live As we are all aware of Facebook is more than a social networking platform, so its service is not only limited to social networking. At the initial phase, facebook live streaming services were made available only to popular actors and performers. But that’s not the case anymore as every fb user can use the live streaming services. When you open the screen at the bottom you can see the viewer comments. Live streams on Facebook Live can be watched on the web as well as on the official Facebook app. Sharing live videos with all your friends or specific group is also possible. All you have to do is just tap the Live button under the status update to start the broadcast. After tapping the first thing you’ll see is sharing video with yourself, but you can quickly change it to public or specific group of friends. It’s really easy to add filters and text in the live broadcast feed, as well color on the screen. Options for changing the front and back camera are also possible, donation button and switching to microphone mode only. 5. Instagram Live Stories Instagram launched the Live Stories feature in late 2016, but it was only this year that it saw a global roll-out. The Live Stories feature comes baked into the default Instagram app. To broadcast a live video, just swipe over to the right in Instagram and tap on “Live” option. If you don’t see it, you should update to the latest version. While watching a broadcast, you can like and comment on your friend’s live streams. When you start a live video, Instagram sends a notification to some of your followers. Others can see a “Live” tag on your Instagram story and watch the broadcast. You can share live videos for as long as one hour and they become unavailable as soon as the broadcast ends. 6. Broadcast Me Broadcast Me is a free live streaming app for Android operating system. For iOS enabled platforms it was available as paid app only until recently when it became free too. It uses a multimedia server that supports real time messaging protocol publishing (RTMP) in order to function properly. For stable and professional streams Broadcast Me requires to encode your live video stream with H. 264 video codec and AAC audio codec. Using Broadcast Me means you can broadcast live on almost every social media network like Twitter or YouTube. This is done by integration with these platforms plus other various applications. There are no limits whatsoever. It worth mentioning that with the new Broadcast Me pricing policy and terms, Broadcast Me now offers unlimited streaming but this access entails a one-time upfront payment of $5. 99, which offers a lifetime access. 7. Alively Alively is created by a former manager employed at Facebook Live and it’s relatively new live streaming app on the market. It’s ideal for anyone who doesn’t enjoy the public exposure with posting live broadcasts to massive social media networks. It made for iOS and has the charm of an intimate sharing experience with an an accent on live streams. The moment you download Alively it gets really easy to alert those you want about your real time broadcasts by syncing the app with your existing contacts list. It’s an app that, surprisingly, doesn’t use hearts and likes. (yeah! ). When you add any live footage the app’s servers save it in the cloud saving your precious smartphone storage. Alively claims they offer high-quality streams by delaying broadcast to 30 seconds. This way viewers can receive clearer images. The best thing though? The contacts you select to tune in to your live broadcast don’t need to have the app installed to star watching. They can be sent videos using SMS which automatically plays within their messaging platform with original quality. 8. Hang W/ Hang w/ is one awesome app for exclusive users. With its trendy design is mainly aimed for organizations, celebrities and influencers who already have huge following. It’s free for Android operating system. You can connect your recording devices such as GoPro cameras or one touch YouTube sharing and post your broadcast using connected recording devices. It really is a suitable ap for anyone who is interested in picking up video streaming professionally. Hang W/ is very similar to Twitter because users can share their thoughts and open discussions. Interactions with your users during the live broadcast is allowed and clicking on the chat bubble shows all the live comments. In this way viewers can interact with the broadcaster or with each other. Additionally they can view broadcasts from anyone on the platform, not necessarily following each other. Last but not least, there is account privacy to limit broadcasts to certain followers by setting any channel you create to private. 9. Twitch TV A subsidiary of Amazon, Twitch as most people know is a live streaming platform (desktop and mobile, iOS and Android) processing around 10 million active users on a daily basis. It’s targeting and designed for the gaming community allowing them to broadcast their plays which can be followed and watched by fellow gamers or just people signed on the Platforms interested in watching other people playing video games. The mere fact that it gets more than 2 million streamers monthly means there is huge potential in esports live broadcasting. Right after signing up on Twitch, you can start watching gaming tournaments, editorials and game events by vi
Free Stream Ordinary lovee. Free stream ordinary love live. These guys at their best are incomparable. For years a very intens song. a mirror xx. Free stream ordinary love youtube. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2019 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase After reading the reviews and the high praise about this author, I was excited to get this book. “The next great young writer, ” they said. Waste of time. The characters are flat, the content (there really is no plot) is boring and insipid, and the mechanics of her writing are so rote it becomes more than an annoyance. I absolutely hated this book and hated that it sucked hours of my life reading it. I kept hoping it would get better but it just droned on. If this is what millennial writers have to offer, I will begin re-reading the classics or authors from previous generations who knew how to write. Ugh. Horrible. Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2018 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Do you ever consider the profound impact significant others have on your life? Decades ago, when our son was toddlerish, my husband and I took him into the country for a weekend. We rented a tiny, Eskom-free stone cottage in a dark valley. One night, with the boy asleep, we sat outside, dazzled by the night sky, and drank a bottle of wine. We’d been a couple for more than a decade by then and somehow began talking about how being together had shaped us as individuals and influenced our life decisions. It was a gentle, but remarkably illuminating discussion for both of us and about both of us. It's a conversation I regularly replay to myself to remember how lucky I am. I thought a great deal about that night as I read Sally Rooney’s novel, Normal People last week. Normal People tells the story about Marianne and Connell’s relationship, which begins when they’re at school in a small town in West Ireland and continues ? on and off ? for another four years while they’re at college in Dublin. It’s a tale with so many layers that, while my experience of reading it bordered on compulsive, I find it difficult to analyse ? suffice to say that it’s not about the plot; it’s about the characters and their inner lives, and the writing. Rooney, who is 27-years-old, is widely feted as the next best thing, “one of the most exciting voices to emerge in an already crackerjack new generation of Irish writers”, and a “Salinger for the Snapchat generation”. I don’t dispute the praise. Her writing is extraordinarily elegant. Confident and uncluttered, it conveys an immediacy and ingenuousness that drew me in and held me from beginning to end, which came too soon. The story, I felt ? shocked to discover I'd reached the final full stop ? was unfinished, there were loose ends to tuck away. But, once I recovered, I realised the way it ends is part of its magic. Real relationships are forever evolving, eternally incomplete, and so it figures that a novel about relationships will be too. Normal People is told from both Marianne’s and Connell’s points of view. It reminded me how, no matter how well you think you know a person, your perceptions and understanding of what they say and mean can be skewed. The novel also shows how our identity, self-esteem and who we become as adults are bound to our upbringing ? indefinitely. Marianne is from a wealthy, but unloving and dysfunctional family. Connell is from a poor, but loving family. It largely shapes who they are and how they relate to the world. The novel also examines the impact of bullying ? both on victims and perpetrators. Ironically, I might not find the book easy to analyse, but I could go on forever, waffling about the many layers in Normal People. I daren’t though because then you might not feel compelled to read the book yourself, which would be a pity. A huge pity. Here’s a tiny sample of the writing to demonstrate what a humungous pity it would be: “Helen has given Connell a new way to live. It’s as if an impossibly heavy lid has been lifted off his emotional life and suddenly he can breathe fresh air. It is physically possible to type and send a message reading: I love you! It had never seemed possible before, not remotely, but in fact it’s easy. Of course if someone saw the messages he would be embarrassed, but he knows now that this is a normal kind of embarrassment, an almost protective impulse towards a particularly good part of life. He can sit down to dinner with Helen’s parents, he can accompany her to her friends’ parties, he can tolerate the smiling and the exchange of repetitive conversation. He can squeeze her hand while people ask him questions about his future. When she touches him spontaneously, applying a little pressure to his arm, or even reaching to brush a piece of lint off his collar, he feels a rush of pride, and hopes that people are watching them. To be known as her boyfriend plants him firmly in the social world, establishes him as an acceptable person, someone with a particular status, someone whose conversational silences are thoughtful rather than socially awkward. " I’m not sure I feel changed after reading Normal People, but I do feel upgraded. And reminded about how life is a series of relationships, and how a few of them help shape who we are and how we live our lives. And that thinking about that and acknowledging those who positively influence us is important. And yes, Sally Rooney has a fan in me. My current read is her first novel, Conversations with Friends. Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2018 Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase I can see the talent here, and it is (sort of) raw, as some readers say. But the perpetual circling, round and round in the same dance, of two people who clearly love each other, without clear reason why they don't admit it and become a pair in their mutual suffering, is repetitive and very tiring. It feels like the author keeps it going simply to keep the book going. I can understand that there's a class issue at the heart of their obstacles (I guess -- it's never dealt with head on, only vaguely mentioned in passing), and a depressive self-loathing that they seem to share, but neither seems reason enough, as they grow older and more mature, and as they lose themselves in college and with other people, to keep them apart. This book is maybe better for younger readers. (I would read her next book, though. Curious where she's headed. ) Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2019 Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase What an absolutely gutting (in a good way) book. The impact of ppl on one another, the way we carry our baggage from place to place adding more with every relationship like the worst possible souvenirs, how we fail to communicate who we are and what we want, how we don’t know those things bc we don’t always know ourselves, how we can become redeemed in the love and loving of another person. I’m not sure I’ve felt more seen by a book. It somehow had the emotional resonance of every intimate conversation I’ve ever had and my entire body hummed with the familiarity and anxiety of those moments while reading it. I couldn’t put it down. Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2018 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Dreary, hollow, oppressive. That was my impression of emotional+spiritual life of two highly intelligent protagonists. When I finished the book and shook out of its spell it felt like leaving a dark cold cellar and entering a warmly lit kitchen. Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2019 Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase I read the rave literary reviews so I bought this. This was a very quiet book. The story of Marianne and Connell, who meet as high school classmates in a small County Sligo town. Class differences announce themselves almost from the beginning. Marianne is from a well off family, Connell is not. The book meanders through their burgeoning, yet hidden love affair, and then their lives at Trinity College and beyond. Nothing actually happens. Marianne and Connell aren't particularly endearing or likeable as characters either. I didn't find much to recommend this story. Writing was okay, not the lauded talent as described in many reviews. Top international reviews 1. 0 out of 5 stars The most annoying book I've read this year. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 3, 2018 Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase The Times called it "the best novel published this year". The Guardian praised it as "a future classic". Elif Batuman, author of my favourite "The Idiot" said: "I couldn't put "Normal People" down - I didn't think I could love it as much as "Conversations with Friends", but I did. Sally Rooney is a treasure. I can't wait to see what she does next. " For me it was a no (a NO!!! ). I'm feeling tired just thinking about explaining myself and the annoyance, disappointment and... almost hurt I experienced while reading "Normal People". I want my money back! Throughout the book I kept thinking why, why is this not working for me? Why I'm becoming more and more annoyed? Why don't I care? Why?? Maybe because I am no longer a target audience of the book. Nice enough writing and observations but somewhat dull and infantile. The very notion of the two people, seemingly perfect for each other, ruining each other's lives over and over again drove me mad. It became repetitive, then it became boring. I just could not stand reading about on-off relationship of these young damaged adults while such important matters like domestic abuse, depression and mental health in general were hugely overlooked. I really cannot see why the novel made it to the Man Booker Prize longlist. And yes, perhaps it's not a one star book but at this point, this is what I feel. You know what I reminded me of? Rupi Kaur and her poetry. 560 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed t

Free stream ordinary love video. Free Stream Ordinary love new. Me and hubby relationship is built around his music. What a beautiful thing. Im sitting here thinking about him?. Free stream ordinary love music. Free Stream Ordinary lovely. TW: assault, animal abuse, and attack mentioned. Oh hi gang, it's me again! Haven't shared in a while and I have something to fill you in on over the past few months. But first this ? This happened yesterday and I'm still baffled but mostly pleased with the outcome. Check my post history to fill yourselves in if you want. Also, I don't give anyone permission to use or share this, or any previous post of mine. My life isn't your monetary gain so don't even attempt to message me and ask. Okay, so the headline there basically sums up the best part of my Saturday: JNMIL got arrested! Why, you ask? Well because she decided to take on our front gate and the wave of dogs that met her at it! So yesterday I got home from a morning event job and took all the dogs for a walk. After all the cold snowy weather we had here a 50 degree day felt like summer, so we were gone for almost two hours. When we got back there was a car parked about 200ft down the road which I noticed right away because our closest neighbor is 3 acres away, so their guests would have no reason to be parked so far from their house. So this put me on alert right away. DH got some flowers here before V-day and we had wondered if they were from JNMIL. They hadn't been delivered but rather were tied to our front gate with no card, just his name written on the ribbon used to tie it. Our cameras caught someone on video but it was a woman bigger than JNMIL so we weren't sure at the time who it was or whose bidding it was to do that. So I'm watching the car as I'm walking up the hill toward our front gate and I see it start up and start creeping down toward me and the dogs. We move to the dirt shoulder and pick up the pace and thank fuck we did because we were about 40 feet from the gate when the car sped up, pulled across the road to block us, and I see my JNMIL open the door and step out. This vile shitmonster who I've pleasantly been NC with for 18 months is now only 10ft from me. My brain basically exploded with a million thoughts at once and the only one that I could focus on was just to run. Cause she looked like she was all in a rage. So I tore ass up the rest of the hill to the gate, hopped over it, then turned around to open it to get my dogs in. Thankfully this woman isn't exactly the pinnacle of health so all the boys got in safe before she could reach the gate. But of course as I was closing it I swung it too quick so it missed the latch and bounced back open and she threw herself into it as I was closing it again. The top bar hit me right on the chin and knocked me flat on my ass. I was trying to push it closed with my legs and I looked up and I have never felt fear from this woman before, but I felt it then. She looked like Pazuzu was trying to bust out of her, seriously something straight out of an exorcism movie. She was screaming so loud and shrill I couldn't piece together everything but I definitely heard a stream of words that included "you'll die having this baby! " Oh yeah, surprise peeps, I'm pregnant! So I'm pushing the gate, she's pushing it and finally weasels inside. That's when I noticed the bouquet of flowers in her hands and she hit me, still on my ass, with them in one hand and punched me in the head with the other hand. So I kind of scuttled back a foot, flipped onto my knees to get up and run, and turned my back to her for not even a second. It was terrifying but I'm so glad I did. At this point she is still screaming, hitting me, all the dogs are barking like wild, and I guess turning away for a moment pushed one of my babies to his limit because he attacked her. I hate to promote violence but people, it was completely fucking incredible. At this point, I should probably introduce my boys. DH and I have five dogs total, with one specifically being each of ours. We both had one dog when we met and have gotten the other three together. He has a pit/lab mix who is very much attached to him. We also have a dogo argentino, a doberman, a dachshund (not sure that any of the dogs have realized he isn't a big dog too lol), and my akita inu. Not exactly the group of animals I would choose to fuck with. Y'all, it was my doberman that got her. Right across the forearm. The hospital had to use more than 40 staples to close her wounds. They used staples rather than stitches because 1. her alcoholism has damaged her liver so much that she is a crazy high infection risk and 2. they go in faster so they could get her out of the ER and into a cell quicker. I just about died laughing when I learned that fun fact. So I got up as my dog was attacking her. He had already pulled her to the ground and was shaking his head, pausing to regrip, then shake again. I called him off of her and he got off immediately because all our dogs have gone through extensive training since they can be aggressive breeds. Holy shit was there blood everywhere. Honestly I still feel in shock witnessing that. So I was standing there just absolutely baffled, not able to do much besides yell at my dogs to stay back as she was trying to scramble and get back on her feet. I shouldn't have even waited to see if she was okay but stupidly, I did. I had inched over a bit to see how bad it was and she turned around and kicked. She didn't kick me, but she did kick my akita right under his jaw. My akita inu is my service animal folks. She's lucky he is immaculately trained and would never attack. But I hit my limit and I attacked her, spraying her with the pepper spray I take on hikes. Bitch is lucky I didn't use the bear mace or the knife on my belt. So I doused her in the face and turned and ran up to the house and called the cops once I was locked inside with the dogs. It wasn't even until they got there that it was pointed out to me the gate had sliced open my chin. I looked in the mirror and the cut wasn't too bad, but all the blood had soaked into my jacket and made it look quite dramatic. So I ended up going to the hospital to get stitched up and have them check on my baby. I'm just shy of 5 months along and thankfully I'm not showing much, otherwise the gate would have smashed into my belly rather than my face. Baby is totally fine thankfully! I was always told by my doctor my chances of having a child were slim to none, so it's been my number one priority to keep this pregnancy stress free and healthy. She could have ruined it all. And DH is now a mess. He got to the hospital just in tears. He's basically beating himself up for not being there and letting her into our lives at all. But the thing is he didn't invite her over, she found us after a FM revealed themself. He was at work like every normal Saturday, who could have guessed this would happen yesterday of all days? He also, like all of us and our SO's who reside here, had no control over who birthed him. So in no way could this be his fault. Or mine or the dogs'. He was so upset by all this he couldn't even be the one to bathe our doberman to get JNMIL's blood off him. So I did. I just sat in the tub with him and cried. And I fed him about 1000 treats in the process. I love our animals very deeply and have never been more lucky or proud to have them in our lives. Idk what her full plan was but I absolutely feel like my dog saved me. I feel pretty okay about everything that happened so I'm just trying to comfort DH as much as I can. He watched the security footage of everything and I wish he hadn't because it has really disturbed him seeing me ambushed like that and knowing a family member helped JNMIL find us. I'm so happy we have cameras all over our property though because they caught the entire exchange on camera. I was so scared that our dog would be taken and euthanized but that won't be happening. He, along with all our other dogs, have never attacked anyone or has a history of being aggressive so even though he looks vicious he won't be getting legally labeled as such. She was trespassing and assaulted me, we aren't liable for her injuries like she is mine. And my akita's. JNMIL earned herself an additional felony charge by attacking a service animal though. I took my working boy to the vet today and was pist to find her kick chipped two of his teeth. Not bad, no nerve damage and chewing won't be an issue, but still. That cut me deep and I wonder if that's what she was hoping to do. I wish she had kicked me instead. I mean this dog's entire life is centered around keeping me safe and I can't even protect him in return. It's a really shitty feeling to be stuck with let me tell you. I really don't know what more precautions we can take but I'm putting up every possible one before this baby arrives because I don't even feel like I can keep my family safe anymore. And our property. Our beautiful property that we have put so much into now feels marred by her. Part of her in the form of her blood is still on our property and that makes me sick to my stomach. But I absolutely will not be moving. We love it here, we've earned our life and our peace here and I'm really hoping that we can keep that by her getting locked up. So currently JNMIL is still in jail hasn't been bailed out, I have no clue all the charges and fines she'll get charged with, and we have a temporary protection order. She told police she sent a friend to drop off the previous flowers and brought the ones yesterday "for my sweet son to put on her grave when she dies trying to have this child. She can't even have children. Hiding it from me isn't a very godly thing to do, so it leads me to believe she got pregnant using dark help. Demonic births kill the mother so I came as soon as I heard she was having one. " YEAH. Police found a shit ton of rope in her car too, not sure what her full intentions were but the rope
Free stream ordinary love karaoke. Free stream ordinary love meaning. Sometimes keeping a film simple and not overdoing it with dramatic music or big set plays actually allows a film to resonate to a larger extent and that's certainly the case here. A reminder that Neeson is actually quite the versatile actor with the right material and a powerful lead alongside him. Emotional and a story that will likely effect most of us at sometime an intelligent, respectful yet all the powerful for it film that did not overstate or understate in any department but struck the perfect tone. Not necessarily for everyone but I for one thought it was fantastic. Free Stream Ordinary loves. Free Stream Ordinary love life. Free Stream Ordinary loveur.
Acho que quanto menos reclamarmos da vida é melhor pra valorizar o que temos. Todos nós temos alguns problemas. Meu maior problema é não ter tirado muitas fotografias para valorizar as maravilhosas recordações com a minha querida mamãe. Isso é fácil. Espero que Deus possibilite consertar isso com o tempo! Nada mais a reclamar da vida. Hehehehe.
Beautifully written I think most people can relate to this story performances are fabulous. Definitely 10/10. This is almost a fly-on-the-wall style telling of how an ordinary couple discover and come to terms with one of them having cancer. It is told in an intimate but not sentimental way, and is really quite touching. Owen McCafferty's script uses humour, sex, pathos, occasional anger, and a relationship with another couple in a similar (though more terminal) situation to help convey the deep senses of frustration, helplessness and hope as they go through the testing and treatment procedures. Liam Neeson plays his part well; though the script doesn't give him too much to work with. Lesley Manville is superb, though - really very convincing; she elicits sympathy by the bucketful. It doesn't pull it's punches so be prepared for a tough watch at times.
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