Inside the Rain ぉin Hindiき


Rosie Perez / Genres - Drama / director - Aaron Fisher / Aaron Fisher / duration - 90 minutes. Inside the rain book. Inside the rainbow room. Inside the rain synopsis. Рейтинг ожиданий самые ожидаемые фильмы [рейтинг скоро обновится] ? 2 Да Нет Послать ссылку на email или через персональное сообщение * КиноПоиск не сохраняет в базе данных e-mail адреса, вводимые в этом окне, и не собирается использовать их для каких-либо посторонних целей. Inside the rain rotten tomatoes. Inside the rain cast. Inside the rain forest where no man has been. Inside the rain release date. Singin In The Rain A spoof of the turmoil that afflicted the movie industry in the late 1920s when movies went from silent to sound. People laugh when they hear a silent movie star speak in her shrill voice for the first time... and it's when the studio decides to use another actress to dub her voice. Duration: 103 min Quality: HD Release: 1952 IMDb: 8. 3.
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The breeze was light and smelled of growing green things. The light streaming down was silver, filtered through heavy clouds, and the gentle rain pattered on the leaves of the trees. Dreams sat on the rock and put her right foreleg into the stream, stirring the water. She could see the little fish everywhere, saw them scatter then start slowly scouting her foot out. When a braver one darted forward and nibbled at her armor she gave her species's equivelant of a giggle and pulled her foot free. The fish scattered. The chiming of her visitor alert interrupted her contemplation and she gave a human sigh of frustration. Like most of the Terran's allied species she loved the Terran's in-numerous physical speech mannerisms. There was something just joyful in the way they spoke with their entire beings, not just carefully considered speech filtered through a half dozen thoughts. She closed the 'moss' lid on the tree bole and moved over to sit down as the gentle chime reminded her that someone was waiting to see her. She ordered a tray of snacks, some flavored water, and reached for the control to turn off the enhanced holo-projectors the Terran technicians had installed in her quarters for her. She knew her two guards were still there, hidden by the hard-light holographic images of massive moss covered boulders barely balanced in place, and that everyone in the building was safe from her predatory instincts. She could feel Mr. Rings's nervousness at someone entering the room and reached out with her mind to soothe him. Satisfied that everything was presentable, she triggered the door. The diplomat was nervous as they entered her guest chamber. They took two steps inside and stopped. Dreams had seen the Unified Whatever Thingy's versions of holograms and had not been impressed. The Unified Science Council had apparently decided, thousands of years ago, that realistic holographs, interactive ones made of hard light, and enhanced holographics were dangerous, that a being might not realize the difference between EHreality and reality. Had worried about accidents or malevolence causing injuries or deaths by misapplication of the technology. So they had banned it and left their holographs faintly transparent. The diplomat just stared, shrieking and jumping to the side as a leaf became overloaded with water and tilted, dropping water into the bole of a tree. Mr. Rings squeezed himself tighter into his nest bole and Dreams felt irritation that the guest had frightened the nervous little creature. "Come in. I was relaxing. It's just holograms. Terran tech, " Dreams said as if it explained it all. The saurian Shavashan Councilbeing, one Speaker Hashknesh, nervously entered, carefully picking its way across the 'rocks' until she stood next to a flat rock covered with moss. "It is the same seat you used the last time you were here, " Dreams said, flashing a rune signalling that Hashknesh should be reassured. "It's just hidden under a hologram. " Hashknesh nodded and sat down nervously. "I can feel the moss. " "Terran hard-light interactive hologram, " Dreams said. "This place is relaxing to me. I came here often during my tenure on TerraSol as an assistant to a diplomat. " "Oh, " the Shavashan said. She looked around. "There might be a problem. " "There are always problems, gentlebeing. But, when dealing with Terrans, you get used to it, " Dreams chuckled, flashing a rune of amusement. The Shavashan gave a signal of confusion. "What do you mean? " She couldn't see how one would get used to problems just popping up everywhere at any time, for any reason. "You have not really interacted with humans, " Dreams stated. The Shavashan shook her head and Dreams flashed over a dozen amusement icons. "I spent nearly a decade on TerraSol itself. It is a place of maddening chaos and one disaster piled up on another. It is like watching a being on fire enter your home, leaving flaming footsteps on your prized synthetic floor covering, break your food dispenser, light your nesting bed on fire, accidentally burn down the holosculpture you'd spend months building, only to walk up and say something inane like 'my watch stopped' or 'I accidentally ate your email' and then stare at you as if you can solve the problem it mentioned, completely ignoring that it's immolating. " The Shavashan goggled. "Do humans often spontaneously combust? " Dreams tried not to burst out laughing. "Not on purpose, well, not often. Sometimes they do. It depends on the human, the situation, and a million other variables that often don't even make sense. " Hashknesh frowned. How could she expect to deal with Terrans if they just randomly burst into flame at odd times. "It is a metaphor, honored Hashknesh. Just a metaphor, although, in some ways, to a being like me, humans burn so very bright, " Dreams tried to reassure her guest. "I've only seen, oh, five or six Terrans suddenly burst into flame. Four of them as a joke. " Hashknesh cleared her throat. "As I was saying, there may be a diplomatic problem. " Dreams had the sudden urge to go into Speaks the Words Others Fear 's room and kick the other mantid in the head. He'd comm'd her no less than three hours ago and told her that their hosts were about to perform The Prime Miscalculation. Ha ha, look at that dumb primate sitting in the sand grunting to itself and looking at the handful of dirt sparkle! Ha-ha, it's so dumb looking, look at how happy it is because it's stupid! Let's run over there and kick it! Dreams thought to herself. Why? What IS it with humans? It isn't their psychic impression. It isn't their size or their musculature or their technology. What is it? The sudden image of a young human male, a goofy looking expression of happiness on his face as he chewed on a mouthful of crayons with glue around his lips, his eyes clear, guileless, and completely devoid of any worry or concerns about the universe, appeared in her mind. Oh, yeah, she thought to herself. The mental image zoomed out to show the Terran youth was clad in full Terran Drop Marine Armor and was eating a lunch pack called "Thumbtacks, Crayons & Glue" while holding enough firepower to slag a large building in his lap. That's why, she thought. "Speaker Dreams? " The Hashknesh asked softly. Dreams brought herself back to the subject at hand. "Go on, I was merely questioning one of the more aggravating questions of the universe, " Dreams answered, waving a bladearm. "The Kilnametik Industrial and Manufacturing Concern was made aware that the Terran Confederate Navy was going to stop the Precursor advance in the Kteshaka'an system in the Unified Outer Rim. That system was granted to the KIMC over five thousands years ago for structured resource exploitation, " Hashknesh said. She felt bolder with each words, finally getting used to the slight chill in the air and the face it felt like there was water droplets striking her scales even though she remained dry. "There was a native species there. It had discovered radio array transmission, contacting a nearby star system already under control of the KIMC. " "And of course, the KIMC immediately moved to secure the resources before the native species could exploit them, " Dreams interrupted, feeling a surge of disgust. "Of course, " Hashknesh answered, glad the little mantid understood. "For nearly four thousand years the system has been under the supervision and guardianship of the KIMC, using sustainable resource extraction methods. " "And the native species? " Dreams broke in. "Brought into the fold as an Uncivilized Neosapient Species. They are employees of the KIMC, which acts as their guardians, " Hashknesh said. "Legally, the KIMC is their stewards as well as their representatives to the Unified Civilized Councils. " "Computer, " Dreams snapped, clicking her bladearms together. Rings had heard the clicking and was slowly unwinding, intending on looking out the lid to see if Dreams had a treat for him. "Yes, Speaker? " The rooms VI asked. "Access the databanks on the Kteshaka'an native 'neo-sapient' species, " She said. "Accessed, " The VI said. "Access the medical banks, current and archive, put the original DNA strand on my right, the current DNA on my left, " Dreams said, thinking calming mantras to herself. "Upload the DNA and genome scan template for that species to my implant. " The two DNA strands appeared, slowly turning, colored to show the proteins. "Genetic modification, " Dreams mused. "Lowered aggression by medulla changes, lowered intelligence by reducing folds and ridges, to say the least. " Hashknesh looked startled that the small mantid had absorbed how the genome was put together that fast, even with the implant. Just having the information at hand didn't mean that one could utilize the information in a useful way. She felt both of the warborg's disgust and the simmering rage always beneath the surface get a little hotter. She signaled to them that she was all right, that she had known this would come up, that the little t
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Coauthor: Sunny ArtLife
Resume: Work in an art gallery, have two kids. In love with the paintings of Leonid Afremov.
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